Incorporating the VOL. XXXII NO. 1 Hampton Hvac.i Advocate WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 1959 P Vjtli't• itV4 Aim *H{ K ijH**vfc*^H3Wl^?8i'19t)ltf 'l *• iMrUwl' PAGE 2 THE BEACHCOMBER On July 4th, th$ HAMPTON Christie’s tH E MOUSETRAP PLAYHOUSE will open its Because of the large scale barn doors to begin its 11th productions and variety of gala season of theatrical stage shows scheduled* the theatre productions and will celebrate will boast its largest company the event with their annual of actors ever gathered for S opening night champagne party single season. on the lawn tfor the cast and An added feature this year m msL * ** a * • • • .X j* • SJB audience immediately following will be a special children's j 1 1 the show. show, on Saturday afternoon, 1 1 Despite little or no advance Aug. 1st, (V the world - famous j publicity, reservations • for the SUZARI MARIONETTES and opening play have been pouring their production of THE RED in and the Playhouse antici­ pates its biggest season to SHOES. date. The opening bill, “a modern sox comedy”, “TUN' NEL OF LOVE” will introduce several new faces to Playhouse audiences, including Nancy Watts, Harry Millard, Pat Sloan, .and Elizabeth Hubbard, ACROSS FROM THE STATE PARK The Most Popular FINALISTS IN MISS NORTHEAST CONTEST posed with the winner of .the title following the selection last Saturday during “Old timers” Maggie Owens the Boat Safety Days program. Left to right are Anne Ballnardo of Leominster, Mass., Sandra Sterling of Hampton, Judy Ber­ and John Van will complete; ' Meeting Place ON STATE PIER the cast. nier of Kensington, Ellen Murphy of Salem, Mass., second place winner, Joni Chesleigh of Hampstead, winner* J. Harry Aspey The schedule of plays this of Brentwood, program chairman* Gail Leith of Exeter, third place winner, Diane Filley of Hampton, Shirley Jane Donovan of LINES AND BAIT FURNISHED season following TUNNEL OF Lynn, Mass., and Annette Reid of Taunton, Mass. Two finalists not pictured were Patricia Gilbreath of Watertown, Mass, arid ' TOitET FACILITIES •LOVE, include THE RELUC­ • FOUR MASTER BARBERS Constance Gamlin of Exeter.1 -> ;« \ . —Staff Photo FREE PARKING TANT DEBUTANTE* HOLI­ • REASONABLY LOW PRICES DAY FOR LOVERS,1 SEPAR­ • EXPERT SERVICE SHIP TO SHORE RADIO ATE TABLES* LADIES’ • AIR CONDITIONED Morning Trip Phone Afternoon Trip NIGHT IN A TURKISH Joseph Pelleg N. H. Girl Wins First Beauty Contest Of Season no, Proprietor 8:00 A M. WA 6-2469 1:30 P.M. BATH, Tennessee Williams’ Lafoyeflc Road Hampton Center TWO BOATS: "ALICE G" & "RIC ROC" ORPHEUS DESCENDING. An 18-year-old New Hamp­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Ches­ Academy of Derry, this month, sional photographers associa­ AUNTIE MAME, and Agatha shire brunette won the title of leigh of Kent Farm road, Miss Chesleigh was Tunner-up tion. She plans to enter John Miss North East last Saturday Hampstead, was selected by in the Miss New Hampshire Robert Powers modeling school during the second annual Boat five judges from a bill of 16 beauty contest in Manchester in Boston later this summer. THE HUB OF Safety Days program held at contestants for the Miss North in March. She was also select­ Second place was won by the beach. East crown. ed Miss New Hampshire Photo­ HAPPY HAMPTON BEACH CONTEST EVERYTHING UNDER Miss Joni Chesleigh, daugh­ A graduate of Pinkerton grapher by the state profes­ (Continued on Page Severi) ONE ROOF NATIONALLY WELCOME ASHWORTH HOTEL FAMOUS - DINING ROOM - BALLROOM BACK Seafoods At Their Best To “That Fascinating Store” STEAKS - ROASTS - CHOPS The Band Box A Hampton Beach Dining Tradition Gift Shop - Dining Room Bakery and Delicatessen Specials ir- - AT THE BALLROOM - - ... of Newburyport Bowling Alleys WHOLE ROAST- - CHICKENSt 1.49 2.1 V4 11 li H0L' i\ i L: ^ V ila Nite Before The 4th ROAST TURKEYS 3.95 Where Every Item of Feminine Apparel Is Bath Houses - Parking Area l TO ORDER — STUFFED WITH GRAVY V • ^ » ■ - 1 ■ %, ’» Featuring JERRY VALE *.» Personally Selected With You . Our Customer Soda Fountain S ‘ml DANCE 7 HOURS . • In Mind! We’re Different — And You’ll Like Itl A Complete Line Of Bakery Fried Clam Stand r.|*. * 1 . /V- - SEE YOU SOON? Products In The Delicatessen Snack Bar WEDNESDAY NITE STAN KENTON Dancing Nightly with TED HERBERT / LOOKING THE BEACHCOMBER Area churches are now on Rev. Matthew Casey, pastor prayer meeting; Rev. Everett their summer schedule of serv­ NORTH HAMPTON R. Scruton, pastor. FOR A f t Operation Seaweed was com­ m* ■ ices and have extended a wel­ LITTLE RIVER CHAPEL SEABROOK BEACH pleted this week at North come to visitors in Hampton on >) (Congregational Christian) ROMAN CATHOLIC, Route I V GIFT? Shore when public works crews Hampton Beach. There are a Atlantic avemn a .m ff CJiindou tti'H'ooh Vir\n»>ltT am of the town of Hampton finish­ dozen churches in the Hampton service; Rev. Frederic E. ed the task of removing tons area which hold regular wor­ Charrier, pastor. TAKING of seaweed from the bathing ship services throughout the UNION CHAPEL (non-sectar­ beach just south of the Coast summer. The following hours ian), Little Boar’s Head; SOMETHING £ Guard station. have been listed by th e 11 a.m. service; guest minis­ ¥ 1 ^ %• &&? A*' jts$* Mr. Roy Parsons, 19th street churches: ters each week. Open Evo. Only 7:30-10:30 p.m. and Ocean boulevard, reported HAMPTON FALLS WAY ’ B ’ Cottage Nudd Terrace '*• .* •* ' V" :< . ixi* J, . that literally tons of seaweed HAMPTON BEACH BAPTIST, on the green; Sun­ HOME? i 1 washed ashore by recent storms COMMUNITY CHURCH (non­ days: 9:30 a.m. church school WA 6-3491 had made bathing almost im­ sectarian), corner of Ash­ 10:30 a.m. worship, 7 p.m possible at this popular section worth avenue and D street; song service; Wednesday Mae Malone YOUR VACATION till is of the beach. 10:30 a.m. service Sundays, 7:30 p.m. Bible study ant i r f r i Mr. Parsons told the ’Beach­ gudst ministers each week. SHOPPING TOUR comber; “The summer residents ST. PATRICK’S (Roman Catho­ and property owners at North lic), Church street; masses WON’T BE COMPLETE Shore are grateful to_the town Sundays at 6, 7, 7:45, 8:30 for the excellent job of re­ 9:15, 10, 10:45, 11:30 a.Tn:» Margaret M. Junkins UNTIL YOU HAVE moving the seaweed. / x daily mass 7:30 a.m., night VISITED NEW LADDER TRUCK purchased by the Hampton Beach precinct was tried out by Fire Chief prayers daily 7:30 p.m.; Rt. Perley R George for the commissioners. The 65 -foot Seagrave ladder outfit is mounded on a Ford Rev. Edward A. Clark, rector. Home Made Candies chassis. .The cost of the complete unit was $24, 000. Left to right are John J. Foley, Chief George, HAMPTON 1 • PRAY’S Ralph T. Harris, and Fred Gagne. 1 ; ! f * CONGREGATIONAL, Winna- Remember the folks back home with a ■pi. _ ^ # ^ a _ m Friday night square dances cunnet road; 9:30 a.m. service IN NEWBURYPORT at the Hampton Beach state nursery for small children; box of famous Jupkins Candies Rev. William G. Mclnnes, New Aerial Fire Truck Arrives park have been eliminated this pastor. summer $y the state Recreation SEE IT division. BAPTIST, Winnacunnet road; You'll Love Our Drills are being conducted though the chassis itself was FIRE TRUCK MADE I OCEAN BOULEVARD Official communications from 11 a.m. -service; Rev. J. Hol­ this week by Hampton Beach only 18 years old. He said six' (Continued on Page Nine) land Maughari, pastor. firemen to familiarize them Concord said the open - air Wide Variety Of square dances on the “old barn METHODIST, Lafayette road; selves with the operation of a 9:30 a.m. service, nursery for new aerial ladder truck deliv­ floor” at the state bath house were called off this summer due small children; Rev. Norman ered to the department last T. Allers, pastor. COTTON I week. If You Like Hampton Beach to a “lack of funds/' The state park has reportedly been op­ The new $24,000 truck was EPISCOPAL, 200 High street; erating at increasing losses 9:30 a.m. service every Sun­ purchased by the Hampton each year, and recreation offi­ GOODS [Beach village precinct by a vote In The Summer day, 8 a.m. Communion first >f 30 to 7 at its annual meet­ cials expressed hesitancy this Sunday of each month; Rev. CLOTHING year to continue the full pro­ H. Dwight Blakeslee, vicar. ing, March 26, after a lengthy You’ll Like Hampton All Year Round! gram at Hampton Beach with ■w* * f W : ACCESSORIES [debate on the need for .such a ADVENT1 CHRISTIAN, High purchase. The cost of the the budget still not passed as the x\q\v fiscal year begins street; Sundays: 9:45 a.m. HOUSEHOLD [vehicle is equivalent to 33 church school, 11 a.m. wor­ cents on the precinct tax rate A Friendly Town today. x r \'i i The Chamber of Commerce ship, 7:30 p.m. evening in­ NECESSITIES for the next 12 years. spiration; Thursdays: 7:30 TTT 1 Easy Commuting has, had many visitors ask ____ d Fire Chief .Perley R. George p. m. prayer meeting; Rev. to Large Cities where they can .swing their AND YOU'LL | said the hydraulically operated partners, the office staff .re­ David Johnson, pastor. ladder on the new truck can be No State Income ports. But ks yet the Chamber ROMAN CATHOLIC, Lafayette extended 65 feet in any direc­ * * BE AMAZED AT tion.
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