April 20, 2017 Volume 96 Number 29 THE DUQUESNE DUKE www.duqsm.com PROUDLY SERVING OUR CAMPUS SINCE 1925 DU alum Dan Rooney remembered Bartic Raymond Arke asst. news editor wins SGA Former President Obama, sev- eral NFL owners and Steelers past special and present attended the funeral for Duquesne alumni and former Pitts- burgh Steelers owner Dan Rooney, election April 18 at Saint Paul’s Cathedral in Brandon Addeo Oakland. news editor Rooney, who was also a former Unofficial results show sopho- U.S. Ambassador to Ireland and more economics major Ciara Bartic Duquesne graduate of 1955, died won the April 18 Student Govern- April 13 at 84 years old. ment Association special election for Alongside the former President, the open Executive Vice President other attendees included former Vice of Student Life position, defeating President Joe Biden, former Secre- fellow candidates Niko Martini and tary of State John Kerry, former At- Leah Pier, according to the SGA torney General Eric Holder, National Board of Elections. Football League Commissioner Rog- A referendum also passed that er Goodell and a variety of NFL own- amended the SGA Constitution to ers such as Cincinnati Bengals’ owner make disciplinary probation by the Mike Brown and Cowboys owner Jer- university cause for “immediately” ry Jones, according to the Pittsburgh firing any SGA member. This comes Post-Gazette. after the previously-elected Vice Pres- A number of Steelers were also in ident for Student Life, Kevin Stalker, attendance, such as Antonio Brown stepped down before taking office and David DeCastro. Ike Taylor after he was arrested on counts of as- served as one of the pallbearers, re- sault, theft and evading arrest. ported CBS Pittsburgh. The official results, including turn- President Ken Gormley also at- out figures and the breakdown of the tended the funeral, calling it a “mov- number of votes each candidate re- ing service and a beautiful tribute,” in ceived, will not be available until the a statement to The Duke. next meeting of the Board of Elec- “It was a sad day for us, in losing tions on April 23, according to board Kaye Burnet/Editor-in-Chief see ROONEY — page 2 Onlookers wait outside St. Paul’s Catherdral, where the April 18 funeral for the DU alum and former Steelers owner was held. see ELECTION — page 12 Ongoing DU Chick-fil-A debate gets national attention “Fox & Friends” report anyone I know … from making any as traditional marriage and sanctity charitable donations to [Duquesne] of life,” commented Brian Dunn of appears to plagiarize in the future.” Barto, Pennsylvania. “Students who March 30 Duke story “For those of you who think this don’t share those same core beliefs is about entitled students needing are free to attend school at DU but Brandon Addeo safe spaces or about the restaurant’s need not shove their lifestyle down news editor politics, you’re wrong,” commented the throats of the 99 percent of those Duquesne students’ concerns Duquesne alum Brenden O’Donnell students who have differing values … about a new Chick-fil-A Express on of Cambridge, Massachusetts. “It’s typical intolerance from those who campus have garnered national at- about the way that Duquesne has demand tolerance.” tention, including coverage by Fox consistently turned a blind eye to Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy has the needs of its LGBT students, and publicly alluded to anti-gay marriage News and The Washington Times, Courtesy of Mike Mozart/Flickr and were also referenced by Presi- how this decision shows that the ad- comments. In 2012, when asked if he A story in The Duke’s March 30 issue on some students’ opposition to Chick-fil-A ministration is getting no better. I’m supported the “traditional family,” dent Donald Trump’s oldest son on on campus has been covered by national media such as Fox News and The Blaze. social media. ashamed of my alma mater.” he responded that he was “guilty as Duquesne University responded to Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr., ref- bate the issue — Duquesne’s April Other commenters mocked the charged,” according to the Huffington the news coverage in an April 13 Face- erenced the concerns of members of 13 post has been commented on Duquesne students. Post. The company said in an April book post, saying the university will Duquesne’s Lambda Gay-Straight over 500 times. Some commenters “Having a Chick-fil-A [at 13 statement to the Associated Press be “moving forward” with construc- Alliance in an April 13 tweet that in- spoke out in support of Lambda. Duquesne] might upset the stu- that “everyone is welcome in [their] tion of the restaurant in the Options cluded a link to an article in The Daily “[Students] were justly alarmed dents and disrupt their safe place? restaurants.” Food Court, set to begin this spring Caller, a conservative news site. that Duquesne willfully shook hands Give me a break,” commented Amy Regardless, many people still for its opening in the fall semester. “Luckily these students wont [sic] with a company that is not merely Louise of Triple Lakes, Maryland, support the restaurant chain. The story, originally reported by likely have to tackle issues more famous but infamous for their con- on Duquesne’s post. “What are In an interview on Fox’s week- The Duke on March 30, gained atten- stressful than a yummy chicken tributions towards fostering an en- these students going to do when day morning show “Fox & Friends,” tion from right-leaning news organi- sandwich in their lives … Oh Wait vironment of division and intoler- they get out in the real world?” Duquesne alumnus and retired U.S. zations the week of April 9. President #triggered,” the tweet read. ance,” commented David M. Katzin “DU and Chick Filet [sic] share Many took to social media to de- of Pittsburgh. “I shall be discouraging some similar basic core beliefs such see CHICKEN— page 3 opinions features sports a & e Follow us on... Coachella Man’s Hauser ‘MST3K’ Controversy Best Friend Hired revived What you How a service dog Exclusive interview ‘Mystery Science’ shouldn’t be changed a DU with DU’s new reboot retains quality wearing ... veteran’s life ... diving coach ... of original ... @theduquesneduke PAGE 5 PAGE 6 PAGE 7 PAGE 10 2 THEDUQUESNEDUKE bluff briefs NLRB rules against DU, adjunct unions allowed Zachary Landau decision. Gormley cited a simi- Documentary on race asst. a&e editor lar NLRB case, NLRB v. Catholic screened at Duquesne Bishop of Chicago, to support the The Washington D.C. bureau university’s claim against NLRB’s Rachel Williams, a junior at of the National Labor Relations ability to exert jurisdiction over Duquesne and an intern for Board (NLRB), a federal agency religion-based schools. Laura Orrico Public Relations in that adjudicates cases involving “The NLRB once again has Chicago, recently screened a doc- labor disputes, voted 2-1 against chosen to ignore those legal stan- umentary from one of the firm’s Duquesne University on April 10 dards established by the Courts,” clients, filmmaker Eli Steele. over an appeal from Duquesne in Gormley wrote. The documentary, “I Am or How which the school claimed it is not Gormley added the NLRB’s de- Jack Became Black,” looks into race under NLRB jurisdiction because cision is a result of the board not and identity in modern America. it is a religious institution. seeing Duquesne University as Drawing from personal experience The appeal stems from the uni- “sufficiently religious” to be ex- as a son of a black father and Jewish versity’s decision not to recognize empted from its “control.” mother, the movie examines iden- a group of unionized adjunct pro- The NLRB cites in its decision tity politics. It features interviews fessors in the liberal arts school, earlier cases involving Seattle with numerous people who are two which was brought before the Re- University and St. Xavier Uni- or more races and address the sta- gion 6 NLRB office in 2012. The -Re versity, specifying which depart- tistic that by 2050, more than 20 gion 6 office rejected Duquesne’s ments the NLRB can have juris- percent of Americans will identify religious exemption claim. The diction over. as two races or more. university then appealed the deci- “Applying the Board’s recent The movie was screened on sion to the NLRB’s national office decisions in [the Seattle Univer- April 19 at 7 p.m. in the second in Washington, D.C. sity and St. Xavier University floor lounge of Assumption Hall. Leah Devorak/Photo Editor The importance of unionization A photo of College Hall, home of the McAnulty School of Liberal Arts. The NLRB case],” the decision said, “We find for adjuncts comes down to prop- ruled that adjuncts at DU are allowed to unionize, with the exception of theology. that [Duquesne] University holds er pay and job security according out the part-time adjunct faculty POLICE briefs to United Steelworkers Organizer $16,000 a year. cation environment.” The D.C. in the Department of Theology Robin Sowards. “The only demonstrated mech- bureau sent the case back to the as performing a specific role in Welcome back partners, hope “Adjunct faculty at Duquesne anism for remedying these prob- regional office for “further ap- maintaining the University’s reli- ya’ll had a hip-hopitty Easter are paid poverty-level wages lems is unionization.” propriate action,” according to gious educational environment.” Break. Cousin PB was happy to … and have zero job security NLRB board members Mark the decision. However, the NLRB disagreed head back down South to his from one semester to the next, Pearce and Lauren McFer- Duquesne President Ken Gorm- with Duquesne’s assessment of ranch.
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