The Technician North Carolina State College’s Student Newspaper el. XLV, Ne. 52 Complete (UPI) Wire Service State College Statics» Raleigh, N. C., Monday, Feb. 27, 1961 Ollie” in 19" Building Four Pages This lane Model Assemb'v 5999396 Boland Notes Power Shift At Duke Model Assembly Over two hundred students The highlight of the event was ers to withdraw from the inter- Larson, the former director of from 40 colleges gathered at an address by Frederick H. Bo- national organization, thereby the United States Information Duke University last week to land, president of the United seriously weakening the Agency, classified world peace participate in the United Na- Nations General Assembly, from strength of the UN. as a fixed structure, the main tions Model General Assembly. Ireland. The UN President cited as an part being a framework of law. .. State College student body example the ever-growing num- Since legal disputes are at the president Bob Cooke was the ber of African and Asian na- core of most international issues, State Professor president of the Model General tions, which has shifted the vot- they could best be handled in Assembly. Other Students from ing strength from the Western the UN International Court of Wins Top Award State represented the countries powers. This trend places more Justice, Larson commented. of India, Poland, and Sweden. significance on the wishes of Dr. Larson, a world renown The conference opened on these countries. figure, stated that the UN Char- In Teaching Field Wednesday evening, February Many crucial issues, such as ter plainly defines the jurisdic- 22, and was adjourned on Satur- the standing of UN- Secretary- tion of each of the international A North Carolina State Col- day afternoon. The schedule in- General Dag Hammarskjold, agencies; legal disputes, there- lege professor has won the cluded general assembly meet- may be decided by these smaller fore, belong in the courts. South’s top annual teaching ings and small committee ses- nations, Boland said. “It’s up to award in the field of horticulture. Dr. Larson was of the lee- sions. the smaller countries to stand turers featured in the. fall 1960 Frederick H. Boland (center) and Arthur Larson. (right) were He is Prof. M. E. Gardner, a Boland spoke to the convention firm in defense of the independ- principal guest speakers for the student United Nations Model of the college faculty series of the State College Apol- member after the Thursday evening ban- ence of the position of the sec- lo Club, sponsored by the YMCA. General Assembly at Duke University. Larson, director of the for 34 years. ’ retary-general," he stated. World Rule of Law Center in the Duke Law School, spoke the quet at the Duke Union Ball- The countries represented at the United Nations General Prof. Gardner was selected for room. The President of the UN The foremost problem facing morning and Boland, president of Distinguished the conference and their spon- Assembly, addressed the student meetin Thursday night. They the “L. M. Ware spoke on “The Change in the the UN today was, in Boland's soring schools are as follows: are pictured with Bob Cooke of N. C. tate College, president Teaching Award” over teachers New World.” opinion, the current chaos in the I | of the Model General Assembly. from 13 Southern states. The In the rapidly shifting politi- Congo. Whether the UN can re- Argentine, Montreat - Ander- honor carries with it a plaque cal tide of the modern world, the store order in the strife-torn son College; Belgium, Duke Uni- and cash award. smaller countries of the world African sector could well deter- versity; Brazil, University of , could have an increasing effect mine the eifect the UN will have West Virginia; Canada, Catawba .. Young Republicans The award is presented an-, nually by the Southern section on the success or failure of the in future international crises, College; Chile, Duke; China, of the American Society of Hor- United 'Nations, Boland said. By Boland predicted. Duke, Congo, Sacred Heart ticultural Science in honor of banding together, the smaller The Wednesday session fea- Junior College; Cuba, Guilford ‘ Hold Co nvention Dr. L. M. Ware of Auburn Uni- nations could easily join to- tured an address by Dr. Arthur College; Dominican Republic, versity. gether, to outvote the majority Larson, Director of the Duke University of South Carolina; .. The 1961 State Convention of Colleges present in cl u d e d of the more powerful countries. World Rule of Law Center. His Ethiopia, Charlotte College; the North Carolina Federation Duke, Western Carolina, Louis- A native of Virginia, Prof. France, United States Military Gardner was in charge of the Such moves would probably lecture was “Towards A Struc- of young Republicans was held burg, UNC, Atlantic Christian, cause several of the world pow- tured Peace." Academy; at the Jack Tar Durham Hotel Pfeifl’er, and N. C. State. Horticulture Department at State College for 25 years. .e Ghana, Warren Wilson Col- in Durham, N. C. Three hundred Officers elected to serve on the lege; Guinea, Duke; Hungary, and fifty people, representing College Council were: President, In 1956, he stepped down, Appalachian State Teachers the different county and college Bill Patterson, UNC; Vice Presi- however, to return to his first YMCA Plans‘Retreat College; India, North Carolina clubs, were present for Friday dent, Bob Johnson, Western love—students and teaching. State College; Indonesia, Hollins and Saturday sessions. Carolina; Recording Secretary, Prof. Gardner is known to College; Ireland, University of N. C. State; Cor- thousands of North Carolinians OJohnny Moore, For Engaged Students Virginia; Israel, Asheville-Bilt- responding Secretary, Buddy through his column “Garden more College; Japan, Hampton AUSA Announces Broom, UNC; Treasurer, Tom- Time,” which appears in the The North Carolina State Col- which will include three meals, Institute; Jordan, St. Mary’s? my Hayes, N. C. State. weekly press. lege YMCA is undertaking a lodging for the night, and ap- Junior College; Laos, Madison The keynbte address at the He also has served as N. C. Monthly Meeling unique project for the spring of propriate preparation material, College; Liberia, North Carolina convention was given by Dr. Dan State Fair judge for 32 years, a 1961; during the week-end of including a rather informative College; Mexico, Sweet Briar ’McFarland, Professor of Politi- record not equalled by any other April 8-9, 1961, it will hold a b00k. Primary qualifications are College; Morocco, Tennessee A And Discussion cal Science, Atlantic Christian person. ' retreat for a select group of that the couple definitely be en- & I State University; College. Guest speaker for the Prof. Gardner makes his home N. C. State College Company, North Carolina State College gaged, preferably with the date Nigeria, Boston University; banquet was Congressman Wil- at 2708 Bedford Avenue, Ra- students engaged to be married set, and that they be interested Association of the U. S. Army liam O. Kramer, of Florida. leigh. Pakistan, St. Augustine’s Col- held its monthly meeting in sometime in the near future. enough in participating to read lege; Panama, University of Reynolds Coliseum at 7:00 PM. The retreat is to be held at the preparation material. North Carolina; Philippines, on 22 February 1961. At' the Camp New Hope, near Chapel. Meredith College; Poland, N. C. conclusion of the business ses- — Campus Crier — Hill, N. C., and is designed to State; Sweden, N. C. State; Tu- sion conducted by Cadet Captain Tuesday, February 28 Violets.” All EE student and help each couple involved achieve Theta Chi Crowns nisia, A & T College; Turkey, Harry Mullis a very interesting All EE Students are invited faculty wives are invited to at- a deeper insight into certain as- United States Naval Academy; pects of and informative program on the to attend the AIEE-IRE Joint tend. marriage, and to help Miss Cox Oueen United Arab Republic, Wake situation in the Laos and Viet Student Branch meeting at 7:00 t t l C the boy and girl attain a fuller Forest College; Union of South Nam area was presented by Lt. p.m. in Riddick 242., understanding of the other’s Africa, UNC; United Kingdom. Col. Willey and Major Smith, The annual student’s papers The Photo Committee of the personality. Duke; United States, United who have recently returned af- contest will be held and refresh- College Union is presenting a Much work has gone into the States Air Force Academy; ter serving tours of duty with ments will be served. Please be' program on Still-life Photog- planning of the retreat, and it USSR, UNC, and Venezuela, the Military Advisory Group to on time so that all may leave raphy at Photocope on Wednes- is hoped that it will be a mean- Hollins College. Viet Nam. The geography, re- early. day night at 7 :30. ingful experience for all attend- sources, political situation, and * i t Such still-life technique in- ing. The theme is intended to Thieves Strike military situation were discussed The American Society of Civil cludes most scientific and techni- cover topics which would prob- and several reels of movie film Engineers will meet at 7:30 p.m. cal photography as well as the ably be overlooked by the in- which were taken by Col. Willey in 436 Mann Hall. New officers more familiar pictorial studies dividual couples. Adequate adult At Fraternity -uring his duty and travel mis- for the coming year will be in- printed in photography annuals. leadership has been obtained, ions through these countries. Technical photography is a val- stalled. and certain preparation is re- Over Weekend ‘ hailand and Hong Kong were Guest speaker for this meet- uable tool in industrial and gov- quired of all attending.
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