First With The News! For Value - Shop The Ados Keep Astride All The Activities Of The Town With Your The Largest And Bret Shops And Home-Town Paper Services In The Area Are Our Advertisers! Patroniie Them! VOL, XXXIII—NO. 27 dartereCARTERET, N. J., FRIDAY,t OCTOBER 22, 1954 PRICE EIGHT CENTS I )emocrats Junior Achievement Firm Sells Stock GOP Scores Election Campaign Going Vote Delay Hit Mayor Into Accelerated Speed Claims of CARTERET Democratic ing place, usually before elect inn On Cypress and Republlenn cnndiclntes are which candidates, lenders of stumping at top speed through- both parties and their advisors On Jobless out the borough ns they are are making sure to attend. At Democrats 11 nearinR the dual stretch of their have an oportunity to me ; St. Change drive to election day many voters and make i» bid fur I Jim Hurefonl Failed in StaU'inenl Asserts The tempo of the electioneer- I heir votes, ing Is mounting and the rival votes. Ine-way Street Plan lo jo Aid Unemployed 1 l\wt Administration contenders tin r x c li a n«I n g With election only ten days Re (iiven Further I,, Borough chaises and countercharges ns Made Many Blunders well as promises t)f the things away,- there will be tho usual Study l>\ Council UiTKRET — The Democratic they would accomplish if elected., Inst-mlnute printed mutter CARTERET — Republican can- • nizBtlon has Issued the fol- Plans, meanwhile are being making the rounds In an effort CARTKKET Bormmh Cwm- . :!ldnli; for re-election, Mayor ,., statement: perfected for the climatic poli- to sway the borough voters. 1, lit a meet Mle. marked by een- Frank Bareford, and Richard al lnrmony "derided last nmht tical rallies which will be staged Lenders will strive hard to get ;ist night Democratic mayor- Donovan and Edmond Urbanski, ,) [live fnrther study lo the pro- during the last days of the out as many voters as possible, •andidBte Andrew Baumgnrt- Republican candidates for election msnl of nuikini; Cypress Street a campaign. since the control of the borough md councilmanlc candidates. lo the Borough Council, Issued the lie-way stive!. In addition to political mcct- administration is at stake this ,,as Millie and Thomas following statement: iiiRs, there aw many allalvs tak- year. The ordinance fur the change him sharply criticized Mayor "In the interests of the people atlie up for final rending, Bor* ,,i nareford for his apathy of Carteret, we challenge the igh. Clerk Michael Maskaly read ,! nwestlgatin? the mounting Democratic candidate for mayor to petition signed by 568 residents nployment in Carteret. slop bluffing the public with No Basis for Action Now vho expressed the feeling that thB hy like his capable predeces- ridiculous pre-election ballyhoo •hiuiite proved a hardship for itephen Sklba didn't he dl- and let's get down to the real is- hem. They siiKXPsted a trafflo u, tendency for investigations sues at stake, to the Borough, in In Parkview, V.A, Advises iiilit at WashiiiKton-CypresS- this election. jouis Sts. ,d something that will bene- 1 populace of the Borotmh. "The people already know that CARTERET - The Veterans wrote the VA "that we asked feu , Councilman Walter NlemiCC said ir it has been reviewed by us unil td of harping about mythical they have been the victims of one Administration lias advined the hat the county hi«hway«depart- of the worst municipal blunders Borough that It cannot offer any we have determined that no neiit has been making a study of ,.,.,ls on the part "of previous basis for direct action on our ... .Keltic Administrations. that could ever befall Carteret or aid lit this time to the Parkview lie intersection and suggest pos- any other town. home owners complaints. part at this time is indicated. sible remedies to eliminate the las Mnyor Bareford gone "The Democrats know that The Regional Office of the "Please understand, however, lazard at that point. Pending '.',' to U. S. Metals Corp., Poster Mayor Barefojd and the Repub- VA through Chester L. Brown that we remain ready to coop- •ompletlon of the survey, action ,',.lers Corp. and consulted with KNTI'.K niSIM-.SS CAKKCR: Officers of the Wrought Iron Tublrs Company, the Junior Achieve- lican minority have endeavored in wrote that Sommer Bros. Con- prate with respect to the han- nn the ordinance was held up. serial representatives of ment Company sponsored hy tlie I'. S. Metals Kdiiuis Company sell tilt first stock to Mayor Frank every way possible to restore order struction Co. had been asked to dling of nny individual veteran There Is good news for bicycle ,• "concerns, as to«the cause of I. Biir<-f<ir<;. Shown from left to right ire: M.'iyor Bareford. Barbara Anderson, treasurer and Joseph out of the chaos that has been in- furnish the VA with a report home owners written request owners. Borough Council voted f*» erious economic problem: Kopin, presided. I See story on inside page) flic.ted upon this municipality in covering Parkview construction. covering any specific alleged vorablv on Councilman Joseph I lie answer Is no. Mayor Bare- the sewage plant mess. "We received the information" construction deficiencies. Synowleckl's suggestion to elimi- rs favorite expression to vln- "These are times when people nate the 50 cent fee charged fOlf .,. himself Is "Don't Blame want and need stern and intelli- issuing a bike license. The ordi- I Wasn't Here," He made this Adopt Civil Service Referendum Here gent leadership. We are publicly State Authorizes r fledge $15,000 nance covering the licensing of thft -, ment on the day he was sworn challenging the Democrats to ad- George St. Paving bikes was approved. ml when quizzed about cer- (AN EDITORIAL) mit their errors and get down to Council also approved an ordi- i<sues and incidents that have When the Carteret voters go to the polls source of considerable power for the party facts. The tactics, presently being TRENTON — Construction of For New Center nance for the Installation of 4ft ': red since then toe throws up schemed to obstruct the best inter- 2-10 mile of George Street in parkins meters In Upper Roose- nuts and reverta lo his usual November 2 they will find the following n control, and the removal of the basis of ests of the people, aie now a sub- Carteret, Middlesex county, was CARTERET — The fund ral? velt Avenue. Bpenking in beh*tf*r . Hive, shell. ject of sore consideration to the authorized today by the State ig committee of the newly prc of his mother, Theodere Kleban public question: many promises of jobs for the party seek- suggested that parking meters bev n Mayor you occupy the people of Carteret. Highway Department program osed St. Demetrius Cpmmimit. ng power. There seems to be a pretty wide- utilized up to 6 P. M. instead of .•st level of government In "Shall the Borough of Carteret accept "Up to this point, Mayor Bare- for aid to municipalities. enter received their second n spread acceptance of the theory—and un- ford and the two Republican mem- The award for macadam foun- ort since their Inception, at the 9 P. M. Harry Chodosh, favored net The people look to you. the provisions of the Revised Statutes of the latter hour as did most of the bers of the Borough Council have dation and bituminous concrete eekly meeting held last night Ii • i have you done BlUBttfy the the State of New Jersey, Subtitle 3, Title II derstandably so—that if you aren't in a merchants on the Hill. Following u-dship they so hopefully lm- been making every possible at- on modified penetration maca- ie church hall. tempt to have the Borough's af- a brief conference, the Council ', ii upon you, Civil Service, providing Civil Service sta- position to offer somebody's brother, wife, dam was made to the Middlesex The total signed pledges to d» fairs conducted in a dignified and set 8 P. M. ns time limit. nave you surpassed or even tus for the employes ot the Borough of or a cousin once removed, a job, then Concrete Products & Excavating otaled $15,000 dollars, better tha Corp,, of Woudbridge. on the low Permits were granted to conduct , lol the leadership perform- there's not much hope in your candidacy.- me fourth of the $50,000 goal e raffles for the remainder of the | Carteret, New Jersey?" the Democratic majority on the lump sum bid of $9,573. .ibllshed by the committee. o( Stephen Skiba when he We understand this point of view on the Borough Council have used their year to St. Elizabeth P.T.A. and ,d tirelessly to mediate the If the question is adopted, employes of extra votes, in eVery imaginable Joseph Lesky. chairman of the the United Hebrew Sisterhood. M it. strike, the Borough cannot be removed from their part of the politicians, but we still are ideal- way, to block and obstruct the best rive expressed his satisfaction in The clerk was authorised to re- haven't and during ,he net results to date by the cum- i ceive new bids for road materials MI, yoyou jobs without definite cause. It means that istic enough to hold to the opinion that our interests of Carteret, so that Halloween Parade administration we doubt thah t Democratic political ambitions aign committee which Is headed for improving of McKinley, Mat- iy captains Nicholas Kostowiet, will. The "Bird-Dog" phllos- politicians will not be able to shuffle cm- government was not convinced nor is its could be fulfilled, without regard thew and Liberty Sts.
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