October 16, 2007 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 153, Pt. 19 27359 Mr. Manning is noted for his fervid defense later he returned to opposition after a loss in rape victims to return to their villages before of democracy in the region and as a generous the general election of 1995. In 2001, after a they have fully recovered. supporter of his struggling neighbors. A liberal deadlock in the House of Representatives, Rape victims are often left with colostomy democracy known as a leader among its Mr. Manning was appointed Prime Minister bags, damaged internal organs, pregnant or by President Arthur N.R. Robinson. A gen- peers, Trinidad and Tobago is a steadfast eral election was then held on October 7, 2002 unable to bear children, and afraid of being at- member of CARICOM—the regional pact in- and Mr. Manning again emerged victorious. tacked again. tent on economic integration—and it sits on He is currently the Prime Minister and the I founded the Congressional Victim’s Rights the recently created Caribbean Court of Jus- Minister of Finance. Caucus to provide a voice for victims and to tice. But Mr. Manning is well-reputed for striv- Prime Minister Manning is well-respected advocate on their behalf. As the co-chair of ing to bolster his nation’s political and eco- in the international community for his vi- the caucus, I hope we continue to raise nomic prowess even further, vowing to surge sion as a new-style Caribbean leader dedi- awareness of the devastating effects of do- it to developed-country status by the year cated to propelling his nation to developed country status by 2020, while simultaneously mestic violence and other crimes on victims 2020. contributing to the development of fellow re- across the world. The Prime Minister has kept a keen and gional states. Congolese women are victims of sadistic perceptive eye on the future, all the while re- His accolades include the Guyana Institute sexual assaults, irreversible internal damage, fusing to forsake those peers embattled with a for Democracy ‘‘Democracy Prize’’ for his and a government that has failed to protect harrowing present. He is to be lauded for pos- outstanding work in upholding the principles them. And that’s just the way it is. of democracy in the Caribbean region (De- sessing the foresight and wherewithal to f dream an ambitious destiny for the Caribbean cember 2003) and the Caribbean—Central and set it on the path towards getting there. American Action’s ‘‘Star of the Caribbean TRIBUTE TO ALYSSA RANDALL [From The New York CARIB, September 25, Award,’’ for his unwavering support of Carib- 2007] bean neighbors in their time of distress (De- cember 2004). HON. TOM LATHAM MEDGAR EVERS COLLEGE HONORS PRIME Mr. Manning attained his primary and sec- OF IOWA MINISTER MANNING OF T&T ondary education in South Trinidad followed IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The Hon. Patrick M. Manning, Prime Min- by his B.Sc. Degree (Special Honors) in Geol- ister of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, ogy at the University of the West Indies, Tuesday, October 16, 2007 will be honored by Medgar Evers College on Mona, Jamaica. Wednesday, September 26, 2007 with the con- Mr. LATHAM. Madam Speaker, I rise today He is married to the Honorable Senator to recognize Alyssa Randall of State Center, ference of a Doctor of Laws degree—Honoris Hazel Manning, current Minister of Edu- Causa. The ceremony will take place at 10.00 cation, and they have two sons—Brian and Iowa, as the recipient of the Golden Apple a.m. in the Founders Auditorium. Prime David. Award for her commitment and enthusiasm as Minister Manning is expected to deliver a an educator. f major address on the occasion. Alyssa teaches the Trojan Tots program at Prime Minister Manning’s statement will RAPE OF A NATION West Marshall Elementary School, which in- address ‘‘The Role of Trinidad and Tobago in Shaping Regional and Global Affairs.’’ cludes 2 separate programs for 3 and 4-year- Trinidad and Tobago, a liberal democracy HON. TED POE olds. At an early age, Alyssa acquired a located in the southern Caribbean, is a polit- OF TEXAS strong interest in utilizing her talent for working ical leader in the region. The country is a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES with young children. As she was growing up member of the Caribbean Community and Alyssa’s own teachers played a crucial role in Common Market (CARICOM)—a regional or- Tuesday, October 16, 2007 this interest. I am certain that Alyssa’s passion ganization aimed at the ultimate integration of its member economies—and also the Seat Mr. POE. Madam Speaker, Congo is facing for the teaching profession is, and will con- of the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ)—the a rape epidemic. The sexual violence in tinue to be, a significant influence on a num- recently established regional judicial tri- Congo is the worst in the world. Congolese ber of her own students as well. bunal. women are raped, butchered by bayonets, and The Golden Apple Award is a special rec- ‘‘Medgar Evers College welcomes Prime assaulted with chunks of wood. These brutal ognition given to one exceptional teacher each Minister Manning in the spirit of ongoing attacks leave their reproductive and digestive month during the school year by WHO-TV 13 international exchange. His visit is yet an- systems beyond repair. in Des Moines, Iowa and by Allied Insurance. other indication that our work here at Medgar is receiving worldwide recognition,’’ The election last year has not ended the vi- Alyssa’s own students, Ryan and Kody says Dr. Edison O. Jackson, President of olence and instability in Congo. The govern- Carver, nominated her for this recognition by Medgar Evers College. ment is inept. The justice system and military writing letters describing why she is their fa- The College has been a venue of choice for barely function. Large parts of Congo remain vorite teacher. several government dignitaries speaking on authority-free, leaving civilians at the mercy of I consider it a great honor to represent this issues of global import such as Director Gen- armed militiamen, the Rastas. The Rastas are dedicated teacher Alyssa Randall in the eral of US Commercial Services Israel Her- known for burning babies, kidnapping and rap- nandez, who spoke on the Bush Administra- United States Congress. And, I also know that tion’s Economic and Trade Initiatives. ing women, and butchering anyone along their my colleagues in Congress will join me in ex- path. Rastas are former Hutus, who escaped ABOUT PRIME MINISTER MANNING pressing my gratitude to Alyssa and to all of The Honorable Patrick Manning was elect- into Congo after exterminating 800,000 Tutsis our Nation’s educators for their hard work and ed to his third term of office as the Prime and moderate Hutus during Rwanda’s geno- dedication to our children and grandchildren. Minister of Trinidad and Tobago on October cide. Rastas seek to destroy the Congolese f 7, 2002. Born in San Fernando in 1946, Mr. women. Manning entered politics in 1971, at the ten- According to the U.N., 27,000 women in the PERSONAL EXPLANATION der age of 24, emerging victorious in the gen- South Kivu Province alone reported sexual as- eral elections as the People’s National Move- saults in 2006. That’s only a fraction of the HON. SAM GRAVES ment candidate for the Constituency of San number of raped women across Congo. This OF MISSOURI Fernando East. Under two Prime Ministers, young Rep- is especially disturbing because the largest IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES U.N. peacekeeping force in the world, over resentative Manning served as Parliamen- Tuesday, October 16, 2007 tary Secretary in Ministries ranging from 17,000 troops, is in Congo. Works and Transport, Industry and Com- Rape is a common weapon of war, but the Mr. GRAVES. Madam Speaker, I would like merce, to Petroleum and Mines. He became a sexual assaults in Congo are now a social to state for the record my position on the fol- full-fledged Minister in 1981 holding the In- phenomenon. Abuse of women, even by their lowing votes I missed due to flooding in my dustry and Commerce, and Information port- husbands, is now considered ‘‘normal.’’ county. folios, then Energy and National Resources. Congolese women face an extraordinary On Monday, October 15, 2007, I was tend- In 1986, he became the Leader of the Opposi- tion and within two months was elected to struggle. Their husbands leave them after they ing to personal matters and thus missed roll- the post of Political Leader of the PNM. are raped for fear of ‘‘disease.’’ Congo does call votes Nos. 961, 962, and 963. Had I been In 1991 Mr. Manning was elected Prime not have enough resources to treat sexual as- present, I would have voted ‘‘aye’’ on all Minister of Trinidad and Tobago. Four years sault victims. The lack of hospital beds forces votes. VerDate Mar 15 2010 11:35 Aug 24, 2010 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR07\E16OC7.000 E16OC7 cprice-sewell on DSK89S0YB1PROD with BOUND RECORD 27360 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 153, Pt. 19 October 16, 2007 A PROCLAMATION HONORING THE rationale for continuing. Day in and day out Again, I would like to recognize and con- 32ND ANNUAL NATIONAL CON- Americans hear rhetoric versus solid withdraw gratulate Univision on the launch of ‘‘Al Punto’’ VENTION OF THE PAN- plans and solutions. Americans are outraged and for its contributions in educating the MESSINIAN FEDERATION OF USA and tired of the loss of life and other human Latino community on political issues.
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