Proceeding International Seminar On Islam Culture and Heritage Asian Religion Culture and Heritage Bridge the Gap for Future Prosperity 14 - 15 September 2015 State Islamic University Alauddin Makassar Indonesia Editor in chief: Muhaemin Latif Editors: Andi Ali Amiruddin Muhsin Mahfudz Erwin Hafid Aisyah UIN Alauddin Makassar in Collaboration with Universiti Utara Malaysia ISSN 2461-0917 Editor in chief: Muhaemin Latif Editors: Andi Ali Amiruddin Muhsin Mahfudz Erwin Hafid Aisyah Rahman viii + 278 halaman , 21 x 29,7 cm Cetakan I, Oktober 2015 UIN Alauddin Makassar in Collaboration with Universiti Utara Malaysia PREFACE ll praises to Allah may all of us obtain blessing from Him, Amien. On behalf of the entire academic community UIN Alauddin Makassar and the crew of Journal of Islamic Civilization in ASoutheast Asia (JICS) welcomes and appreciates the activities of the seminar with the Univer- sity Utara Malaysia (UUM). The seminar is strongly significant to strengthening and expanding aca- demic networking across the two countries. This kind of activities must be owned by the college, in- cluding UIN Alauddin Makassar. We need to inform that the UIN Alauddin Makassar where this year entered the golden years (50 years IAIN / UIN). The university has been engaging in collaboration with several universities both domestically and abroad. All this is done in order to strengthen the institution in order to create world-class universities (World Class University). The mission is too high and looks stay in the conceptual, but it does not hurt us dream, as something great usually starts with a dream. A dream not just a dream, but a dream then followed with real work. One of the real work in question is a joint seminar titled Islam, Culture and Heritage abbreviated ISICH. Seminars involving scholars, experts in various fields owned by the university, UIN Alauddin and the University Utara Malaysia (UUM) is a concrete step to develop academic atmosphere of the university as well as the entry point in creating a climate and an increasingly competitive academic atmosphere. Islam, culture and heritage, which is the central theme in this seminar will open up the minds us that there are similarities between the two countries, which is owned by Indonesia and Malay- sia, not to exacerbate the differences that have often dwarfed our scientific attitude. Spirit of together- ness and attitude of objectivity was underlies this seminar. To put simply, this seminar will then to strengthen the solidarity between the two countries, thatoften interrupted with sharp pebbles then often worsen relations between the two countries. Last but not least, the seminar is not only to produce a clear output, but also have an impact on creating the outcome. it is also clear that in turn will together achieve world class university.[*] Preface iii TABLE OF CONTENS Preface ____ iii Table of Contens ____ v 1. CSR PRACTICES IN MALAYSIA : TRENDS AND DEVELOPMENT ____ 1 - 14 Mohamad Hanapi Mohamad 2. TAFSIR YANG MERAKYAT STUDI METODOLOGI TAFSIR AL-QUR’AN BERBAHASA BUGIS KARYA AGH. ABD. MUIN YUSUF ____ 15 - 24 Muhsin Mahfudz 3. PEMIKIRAN POLITIK ISLAM DALAM AMALAN DEMOKRASI MODEN: SATU ANALISIS DI MALAYSIA ____ 25 - 38 Shukri Ahmad Mohd. Hambali bin Rashid 4. MODEL KERUKUNAN ANTAR UMAT BERAGAMA (STUDI KASUS MASYARAKAT DUSUN BORONGBULO, GOWA, SULAWESI SELATAN, INDONESIA) ____ 39 - 56 Muhaemin Latif 5. PENULISAN FATWA: AMALAN DI KEDAH DAN ACHEH ____ 57 - 66 Kamarudin Ahmad Mohd Akram Dato’ Dahaman Dahlan Amiruddin Hamzah 6. MAQAMAT MAKRIFAT HASAN AL BASRI DAN ALGAZALI ____ 67 - 80 Abdullah 7. CONDITIONS AND QUALIFICATIONS OF A MEDIATOR-ARBITRATOR IN THE RESOLUTION OF FAMILY DISPUTES ____ 81 - 90 Rafidah Mohamad Cusairi Mahdi Zahraa 8. DAMPAK PSIKOLOGI KELUARGA TERHADAP PERCERAIAN ____ 91 - 100 Darmawati H 9. ISLAM DALAM KETAMADUNAN MELAYU: PENDEFINISIAN DAN IMPLIKASINYA ____ 101 - 108 Solahuddin Abdul Hamid Kamarudin Ahmad Muhammad Saleh Tajuddin 10. FUNDAMENTALISME DAN BIAS GENDER ____ 109 - 114 Suriyani Table of Contens v 11. AL-HISBAH: ALTERNATIF KAWALAN PENGURUSAN MODEN ___ 115 - 128 Afifah Abu Yazid Ahmad Bashir Aziz 12. KEBIJAKAN PELAYANAN KESEHATAN (“Wajah” Layanan Kesehatan Indonesia) ____ 129 - 136 Anggriani Alamsyah 13. SEJARAH IMIGRAN CINA DI TANAH MELAYU: KESEMENTARAAN KEPADA PENEMPATAN SEBELUM 1945 ____ 137 - 146 Nor Azlah Sham Bt Rambely Zulhilmi bin Paidi Mohamed Ali bin Haniffa 14. KEPERAWATAN LINTAS BUDAYA/TRANSCULTURAL NURSING Risnah, Eni Sutria ____ 147 - 160 15. KOMPROMI POLITIK DATO’ ONN JAAFAR DALAM MENANGANI KONFLIK MELAYU-CINA SELEPAS PENDUDUKAN JEPUN DI TANAH MELAYU ____ 161 - 170 Mohamed Ali bin Haniffa Haslinda binti Hasan 16. THE CUSTOMERS BEHAVIORAL INTENTION TO SELECT ISLAMIC BANKING IN INDONESIA ____ 171 - 180 Andi Reni 17. AKAL BUDI MELAYU DALAM KARYA KREATIF HAMKA “DI BAWAH LINDUNGAN KAABAH” ____ 181 - 188 Azman Md Zain Norzaliza bt Ghazali 18. PROFIL SEORANG PEMIMPIN (Kajian Terhadap Kisah Nabi Yusuf) ____ 189 - 204 Rahmi Damis 19. DARI KOTA INDERA KAYANGAN KE SIMPANG EMPAT: DIASPORA BUGIS DI PERLIS ____ 205 - 220 Hazman Hassan Muhammad Saleh Tajuddin Mohd Kasturi Nor Abdul Aziz Muhammad Safwan Mohd A’seri 20. PROSPEK HUBUNGAN INDONESIA-MALAYSIA (MENGUBAH PERSEPSINEGATIF DENGAN KEKUATAN SERUMPUN) ____ 221 - 230 Ismah Tita Ruslin, S.IP., M.Si 21. ETHNICITY IN DECONSTRUCTION OF NATIONAL IDENTITY IN MALAYSIA ____ 231 - 240 DR. Rashidah Mamat 22. ANALISIS ISI BERITA DEMONSTRASI BERSIH 4.0 OLEH TEMPO DAN GATRA ____ 241 - 250 Ruslan Ramli Chang Peng Kee vi Proceeding International Seminar On Islam, Culture, and Heritage 23. ELEMEN KEPERCAYAAN PEMANGKIN TERHADAP KONSEP AMAL JAMA’I (KERJA BERPASUKAN): KAJIAN TERHADAP USAHAWAN AL-WAHIDA MARKETING SDN BHD ____ 251 - 262 Mohd Nizho Bin Abdul Rahman Muhamad Amar Mahmad Ishak Bin Suliaman 24. MASIH NEGATIF; WAJAH AMERIKA DI MATA PARA AKTIVIS MAHASISWA ISLAM DI MAKASSAR ____ 263- 270 Syamsul Arif Galib, M.A 25. KAJIAN KETOKOHAN: DOL RAMLI DAN HUBUNGAN MALAYSIA - INDONESIA ____ 271 - 278 Che Su Mustafa Rohani Hj. Ab Ghani Table of Contens vii viii Proceedings International Seminar On Islam, Culture, and Heritage Bagian 1 CSR PRACTICES IN MALAYSIA: TRENDS AND DEVELOPMENT Oleh: Mohamad Hanapi Mohamad Professor at School of International Studies College of Law, Government and International Studies Universiti Utara Malaysia 1.0 Introduction part from corporate governance which is of priority among the shareholders and stakeholders, the issue of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been of growing concern to all members Aof society lately. This is because the current global economic and recent US financial crisis had severely impacted the global economy which served a good reminder. The consequences of the crisis not only made many investors around the world lost money but also caused many employees in US, Europe and to some extend in Asia lost their jobs permanently. The repercussions would hinder social progress as people have to live below their means to cope with higher cost of living. Meantime, irre- sponsible corporations that contributed directly or indirectly to global warming continued to threaten people’s living environment amidst of the above two issues. The pressures of achieving sustainable development are coming from all directions within society as well. From shareholders demanding higher returns, employees asking for better welfare, customers looking for better quality products, to public expectation for more community, had indeed forcing busi- nesses to fulfil their responsibility. Hence, immediate remedy actions must be taken by all businesses to ensure the pillars of sustainable development is attained. In fact, CSR is not a new issue. Even prior to the US financial crisis and after the preceding Asian financial crisis 1997 and Enron/Worldcom corpo- rate failures, most countries especially OECD member countries had already started to push for greater attention and commitment. But the question is how enforceable and effective the implementation of the CSR policy among member countries. The importance of CSR had become more eminent in the wake of natural disasters that befall on nations and cities. Earthquakes and floods of extreme scales not only plunged the economy but severed human lives with losses of life, homes and economic activities. Earthquakes severed China, Iran, Indo- nesia and more recently Nepal while Kelantan, a peninsular state of Malaysia witnessed the biggest flood in history on 25 of December 2014. The efforts and recovery programs to bring these cities and nations to their original situations will become unbearable without the support from the corporate com- munity, hence, CSR is seen as the most importance element in recovery missions of natural disaster recoveries. Corporate social responsibility is defined as the assumption of responsibility of companies whether voluntarily or by virtue of statute in discharging socio-economic obligations to society. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices have been recognized as an important requirement for successful organi- zations. According to the traditional theory of the firm, the only responsibility of the firm is to maxi- mize profits. By maximizing profits, companies are serving the interest of shareholders. However, the present entities of the companies go beyond the traditional shareholders, they include the buyers, com- CSR Practices In Malaysia: Trends and Development 1 petitors, suppliers, collaborators and regulators which form the stakeholders of the companies. By maxi- mizing profits, companies are
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