ST MARY’S CATHOLIC CHURCH Chapel Lane, Belfast BT1 1JJ Tel: 028 90 32 04 82: www.stmarysbelfast.org E-mail: [email protected] Priests: Fr James Boyle MHM: Fr Jim O’ Donoghue MHM: Fr. John Nevin MHM The Third Sunday of Ordinary Time 2nd February 2014 INVITATION Masses for the Week: THE CREED IS A PROFESSION OF FAITH: 6pm Sat: 1/2: Annie Price (A.Mass) A“creed” is a clear statement of the essential beliefs of a religious group. In the his- 10am Sun: 2/2: Eilish Mc Niece RIP The Priests and Parish Community of St. Mary’s, (Chapel Lane) invite tory of the Roman Catholic Church the most prominent forms of expression of the 9am Mon: 3/2: Holy Souls basic truths of our faith are the Apostles‟ Creed and the Nicene Creed. 1pm Mon: 3/2: Holy Souls 9am Tues: 4/2: Conversion of Sinners --------------- EVERYONE----------------- 1pm Tues: 4/2: Aidan Mc Crossan RIP to THE NICENE CREED: is a later Creed and is the most widely ac- 9am Wed: 5/2: Conversion of Sinners 1pm Wed: 5/2: James Hart RIP cepted and used brief statements of the Christian Faith. Catholics say 9am Thurs: 6/2: Intentions of Mary Donnelly Concelebrated Mass and official opening of the Parish Building Development it every Sunday at mass. Most Christian groups, are committed to the 1pm Thurs: 6/2: Deceased Friends of the Holy Souls 9am: Fri: 7/2: Deceased Friends of the Holy Souls By doctrines it teaches 1pm Fri: 7/2: Holy Souls Bishop Noel Treanor 6pm Fri: 7/2: For Ann‟s Wellbeing 9am Sat: 8/2: Holy Souls At ARTICLES OF THE NICENE CREED EXPLAINED: (New 1pm Sat: 8/2: Belle & Jim Dines 12 noon translation) 6pm Sat: 8/2: Alun Jones RIP Last Sunday’s Offertory Collection: £526 on Friday Building Fund Collection: £337 Sunday 16th February 2014 (3) For us men and for our salvation This Sunday Collection: Priests of St Mary’s he came down from heaven, Next Sunday: Heat & Electricity Silver Circle Winners: Larry Mc Gurk, Philomena Burns. RSVP: to St. Mary's Parish 028 90 320482 by Friday 7th February AND BY the Holy Spirit WAS INCARNATE of the Virgin Mary, Remember the SICK in our Prayers: and became man. Michael Ryan, Anna Mc Givern, Fr Roger Mc Gorty, Tom Murphy, Meta Fitzpatrick, CHANGE TO HOW WE DO EUCHARISTIC ADORATION AT ST Tina O’ Sullivan, Margaret Mc Coy, Jim Matthew, James Cunningham, Peter Mona- ghan, Joe Faszcza & Betty, Jack Burns & Jan & Malachy, Martin Donaghy, Anne MARY’S This article of faith attests that Jesus came from heaven as our Saviour, Rose, James, Wilhelmina Markey, James Pragnell, Clare, Terry Fullerton, Elsie St Mary‟s has had a long and proud tradition of Eucharistic Adoration by hav- as the messiah. The Hebrew word Messiah means anointed. The name Cooney, Eileen Delaney, Mc Kenna Family, Anne Lambe, Donna Carey, Sheila ing the monstrance placed on the altar after morning mass. But now, since the Jesus comes from the Hebrew Jeshua, meaning „God saves.‟ It also Gowdy, John Mc Auley, Danny Mc Kee, Margaret Power, David, Dolores Kelly, Dinny Murphy, Sinead Ward, Colette Kearney, Sarah Keyland, Nicola & baby Corey, old sacristy has become a Blessed Sacrament chapel, we want to move away affirms the human and divine nature of Christ. He had a real human Mary Murray, Cian Travers, P Mc Closkey, Marie Mc Guigan, Annette Dale, Nora from having the Blessed Sacrament exposed on the main altar and use what we mother and he had no human father, but by the power of the Holy Mahon, Mary O’ Neill, Maria Antonia Peres, Patsy Woods, Jackie Mc Aree, Shannah called the Capelinha for daily Eucharistic Adoration. Capelinha is the Portu- Spirit was conceived in the womb of the Virgin Mary. He is therefore Smyth, Pat Carville, Sheila Smith, Barry Mulholland, Paul Connolly, Kathleen Patter- son, Mary Mc Court, Kathleen Roddy, Jackie Dempsey, Annemarie, Maureen. guese for „little chapel‟ and in Fatima it is in the „Capelinha‟ that the Blessed both God and man. – fully divine and fully human. THE SACRED HEART MESSENGER & ST MARTIN MAGAZINE: There is a Sacrament is reserved. This change doesn‟t mean that we are moving Jesus away from St good demand for these in St Mary‟s. Sometimes we have too many and other times Mary‟s. The Tabernacle has not been moved. The familiar red lamps near the tabernacle assure 4. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, not enough. After the distribution of the present supply, these magazines will us that Christ is still present there in the tabernacle, in the consecrated Hosts reserved from only be available for those who have put in an order through St Mary’s Reposi- Mass. HE SUFFERED DEATH, and was buried, tory. Please order if you need these. AND ROSE AGAIN ON THE THIRD DAY TABERNACLE DEVOTION IS DIFFERENT FROM EUCHARIST ADORATION IN ACCORDANCE with the Scriptures. THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD: Many of people who come into St. Mary‟s, in the course of their daily business do so, to say a The Presentation of the Lord, popularly known as “Candlemas”, concludes quick prayer and for what we might call TABERNACLE DEVOTION. The genuflection they the celebration of Christmas. It commemorates the presentation of Jesus in This article of faith attests that the human nature of Christ could feel perform is an acknowledgment of Christ‟s presence in the tabernacle and the sanctity of the the Temple forty days after his birth, an occasion when offerings were made pain and actually die, as we know he did on Good Friday. The mention altar where we celebrate Mass. Those who come in to St. Mary‟s to adore the Eucha- and the mother was ritually purified. Simeon‟s prophesy referred to Jesus „as of Pontius Pilate by name isn‟t meant to vilify him forever, but to ristic presence of Christ reposed in the Tabernacle do so for a short while. a light to enlighten the pagans‟, summing up the Christmas theme of light place the Crucifixion within human history. Reference to the actual coming into darkness, but also points towards the Paschal Mystery, for He Those who come in for EUCHARISTIC ADORATION do so for a more historical person Pontius Pilate puts the life and death of Jesus within a was „destined to be a sign that is rejected‟. pronged period of time. It‟s a special time they set aside, a respite from their rd chronological and historical context. It also reminds us that we can‟t ST BLAISE: 3 February. busy lives, to create a personal space in which to meet their God in a one to one Throats will be blessed after Mass on Monday. blame all Jews for the death of Jesus, as has erroneously been done, by encounter. They need peace and quiet as they prayerfully strive for a greater some over the ages. True, certain Jewish leaders conspired against Je- intimacy with Jesus in mind and heart, while contemplating the Mystery of “THE CAPELINHA” - Chapel of Adoration: sus. But the actual death sentence was given by a Roman and carried On Monday 17th February the day after the official opening and blessing of Christ truly present Body, Soul, and Divinity, exposed in the monstrance. The out by Roman soldiers. So, anti- Semitism based on the crucifixion of our new development at St Mary‟s, our new Chapel of adoration will offi- present coming and going in St Mary‟s for the various worthy reasons men- Jesus is inaccurate, unjust, and erroneous. This article of faith also af- cially open. Rotas for Adoration are required and during the coming week at tioned above doesn‟t lend itself to the peace and quiet people need when spend- homily time at mass a member of the Diocesan Eucharistic Adoration com- firms that on the third day he rose, meaning Jesus came back from the ing time alone with Jesus with all their cares, concerns, prayers, hopes and mittee will speak with a view to setting up the required rotas. dead of his own divine power. He wasn‟t just clinically dead for a few thoughts. Constant movement is a distraction and interrupts the attentiveness minutes, he was dead, dead; and then he rose from the dead. More than that is a must for Eucharistic Adoration. a resuscitated corpse, Jesus possessed a glorified and risen body. .
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