Soviets enjoy Seniors: A chance to speak out Wrestlers at top the U.S. of performance on coeducation See page 4 See page 6 See page 5 • .. tum t WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSIT Y L EXINGTON, VIRGINIA VOLUME 88, NO. J.3 JANUARY 26, 1989 1 By f\.1arle Dunne 'ttudcnt seJtual harcJs\n1Cntf being a cauon of Women at the As.'lOCiation of Starr Reporter problem on th1' campus.·· s:ud Anecc An1encan Colleges as reported tn Mt:C'Iuud, A'o~1ate Dean of Student., "The Clas'iroom Climate for • .. m~tt!(llli' lum dt'HIIfllf('c/ I 11n~ for Minority and lntemauonal Af· Women." by Bernice R. Sandler, Th~ tht• dm ht• /o pmft.'\.\1)/ I cllkt'tl me 1t1 faar.. American Woman 1987-88. • 1lt•tp 11'1111 lum • u IVu\hmgum mul McCloud. the admini\Lrator who " We are on a par with other college u e fm~ttlr \twh m handll~ compl:unt' und conducl't tn· campu.~. especially of the same That remarK 1' un eM:crpt lrom a ve'ttigauons of~ of faculty to ~tu type." !>Did McCloud. who srud she is 1 letter to the edator m tha ~ i''uc of The dent hara.~\rnent , declined to g1ve ranlang W&L according to articles Ring-tum Ph1, and 11 andu.:atc' that SjX.'CJiic mfonnauon on the number or 'lhe hru. read on sexual hara.c;sment. ~x ual haru,!tn>ent ot Mudcrw. hy fa­ nature of any c~e~ of faculty to Mu· However, she pointed out that preva­ ' cult) i' OCI.u rring on the W&l cam­ dent hara.'tsmcnt at W&L. lence of llexunl harassn1em of ~tudents pu'> •·con!!dentiah ty '' the key word in by faculty io; difficult to determine. The Confidential Re' JC\\ Com- aJI of th1~ . We w1ll alway~ take anto " It's a very difficult thing to • nuttee ha' <:reared a JX'IiC) to h.mdle account the fact that thi1> IS a vel) evaluate bccauc;e there have been so w...e!. ol 'ttw.lent' hura\\11111 other 'ti1Jall campu., and af detail'> are given. many vicums- not JUSt women, but ' '>IUdcnt\. even without nan>e'> being included , homosexual men- who have experi· But la c.: uh) to \tudent hura'isrnent pc<>plc might be able to trace who i ~ enced it , and for vari~ ~shave amulvcd ... srud ~k'Cioud not talked to anyone about 11 So we· re fall' under the JUmdkuun ol the "ell ~ \\Omen. 'he~id ham"nlt!nt dad not occur pnm hi the • W&L admiOJ\Imtion. and the ad· Nauonal statiStic' 'how that a.' JUSt sort of gu~sing right now. •· said · 'Tha is not JUSt a female problem Accordmg to McCloud , complamt ., la\1 two )Car,, -.:tad McCinud . hut mma-.tmll<lll J.l..,> ha'> created a poliq much a.'> 20 ro 30 percent of female McCloud It can involve two men, or 11 can in­ of facult) to '>tudem ham"nlCnt ha\c " the female \tudcnt' on c;ampu' to hear complamt't. !.tudent~ w1ll experience sexual While sexual harassment may ap­ volve two women, or a female facuhy been reponed w1thin thl lao;t two 'unlC of them huvc ren:hcd their loUJ " We have received mdaeatinn., that haro,,mcnt fmm faculty . according to pear to be a female phenomena, Me· member and a male !.tudent. We muo;t year\. See _, there 1\ the pcl\'IJbihty of I facult) to the ProJ<X'l on the Statu\ and Edu- Cloud s tres.~ that it affect~ men as not think of it a.'> bemg one- 1dcd." Ho~c"er. these report' dtl not nll.'an Plea.o,e I lara..,.., Page J Adolfo Calero orority, sorority. • • talks on freedom By Christopher GibUn referring to the wd given to his coun­ Staff Reporter try during the past eight years. Calero questioned the productivity Adolfo Calero, a leader in the of the humanitarian aid being g~ven to Nicaraguan resistance against the the Contras saying, " while the San­ Sandimstas, ~>poke last Wednesday dinistas are receiving all out aid from night to about 400 people in Lee Soviet Russia, Cuba and Libya, the Chapel. conlras are not receiving any aid lor Gllero· talk was the fifth in alienes we.tpon~ ... of lectures presented by Contact, a He saJd that when military a1d was student-financed orgaru.zation that br­ g1ven to the contra'>, " The Sandam'>ta.'> mgs pubhc figures to the W&L cam­ wanted to go to the negotiating table." pus. He added that 15,000 contru fighters ··A true fighter for freedom and were holding off more than 100,000 democracy. •' said Contact Co­ Sandinista • " until Feb. 3, 1988, ChaimlM John Roach a he introduc­ when aid ~ cut off again." He said ed the man who was forced out of his Congress approved m April 1988, country in 1982. humanitarian aJd that will last until Calero began his talk by saying that March 31, 1989 since 1978, the year the Sandinistas "That will not hold up to the 30 to began fighting for the communist 40 million doUars in milit.ary aid that cause, over 600,000 Nicaraguans i~> given to the Sa11<hni ta.-•. " he o,aid. have been forced out of Nicaragua. " You are in a world \\here dcn'IOC· "That is 16 to 17 percent of the en­ racy is under attack," said Calero tire population of our country," he warning the audience to "watch out said. for their country. Athens fell to inter­ Praising the con ervative nal truggles, not to Spana," philosophy in the United States, Calero asked for the cooperation of Calero said that in a New York Times Congress saying that although poll, 71 percent of the people polled Nicaragua and the United States were agreed with former President fom1ed from different roots, the two Reagan's foreign policy over the pasl countries are very irnilar now. eight years. "His only failure has " Rehgion, family, freedom. and been Nicaragua," said Calero. private property are our nationaJ " Congress has not allowed for the values," said Calero referring both to Pllolo b1 l'•ulo t.rtJllln llf Rlna·tum 1'111 contras, Nicaragua •s freedom Nicaragua and the United States. fighter!>, to give a full fight "We Nicaraguan are ready to <:on­ tinue the struggle." said Calero. " We ~icaraguan resistance lender Adolfo Calero poke in Lee Chapel on " The Uruted States' foreign policy I are ready to negouate wath the freedom and democrac) . has followed a ug-zag course being sornewhaL inconsistent, •• said Calero ( Plea..e See Adolfo Pa~e 4 Executive Committee ush, rush, rush What's happening on campus? W & L 'tludenl., are .,ccn here ~oing through \urur il ~ ru.,h rmh By Genienne Moogno John last wee!.. about an athletic crcdu Stall' Reporter change He said <;everaJ cred1t alter­ e\Cill't ure llt!ing held throughout I hi' \H'el.. nauves were d1scuS!.Cd. and he would Prof Robert de Mana poke to the meet with Dean of the College John Executive Comminec Monday night Elrod on WedncMlay ttl get the iwac about the feusibility of making an straightened out. honor '>Y'>tem v1deo to be 'thown to Thi!. weekend deMovellan wall ITk!Ct Bowling balls! W&lungton and Lee fre<.hnlM and With the board Of tru\tCC'> 10 nond.t first year law students during orienta­ EC Secretary Eddie Yu made a tu Staunton to him I Rl-duccd ratc' m uon. repon on the gener.JI procedure<> for B) TedFo' the Student Financial Relations Com Staff Reporter thl' af!CnlOilO\ have al-.tl uruwn The video, which would be about \tuucnt' out h> bl,)\\1 m order to U\llld ten manutc~ in length . would be used mince. llle EC made several <,u~cs thl \\CCJ..I) lc;~gue mgh t hl>\\hn~· " I to explam the Honor Sy <;tcm and EC liOn.'> concemmg the procedure'> to the ; prctcr to him I in the ahcrnonn procedure~ to new students. according cha1nnan of the ~.:onunmee. James Lcxmgtun·, nc" "'"' hng aile). Rambeau. The ..,a,t Lmc "'all lx· l':t.p.rndmg l'll!l.'au..c there i' u-.uall) a larw a\,ul . Wilson addresses ODK to EC Pre ident Chn'ttopher ahlc and thc rate' .1re tcducul. " '-'!Ill deMovellan. He said the video would the1r fat·llattc' th" spnng I k ..t\ked th~ audacn~c 111 Lee Rambeau suad he would prcM:nt u W&l JUnanr Ruh Mnuld, a ftl'IJlll'llt • II~ l<.lemwr Nel'tnn make it ea'ier to explain the 'lpccifiC!> Tum StaJ:!IIt.'l. 11\allll!!l'l ol 'I hc F1"1 Chard ''h•n "uulu he '1rik1n!! oa rcw.ed ver-,ion of the Studen t Finan l'lel\1 lcr at lltl I a't Lane .. l'hat \\ ·•> ~tuff Repurh.> r ,u, of on honor trial to fre<,hlnen lane o,;ud l'lllhlniCIIOII ~hould ncgm pt i'ing to the Rill!;! IUIII Phi 10 the ~ ea1 ctal Relauom. Comnunee procec.lurc' )1111 {illl .1\oJJ the ~.:m\\JC\1 lc,t~lll Dunng ht' I CIUJl<l· r ' 1>.1 ~ ollltl Of)K de Man.t 'llld the "1deo \\OUid take m Apnl un at lea~t caght tn 12 nc" 201·~. 'hould 11 luuK b.u:J.. 25 \car .. · to the EC a~ 'oon a' po'>sible. "'"' hng m thl· C\ cmng,, .. he ~on .tddlc" PH''Itkrn \\. tl't'll .tJdrc,\\.'\1 about eaght ,.,eek<, to produce. He lane' at the .tllC). \\ hach as h~C.ttt:d 1111 lll'l a' thc Ruanolo.c lmle' & \\t11ld IIIIUC\1 , the unh l.!r,lt} ' cunt.·rn \H'.tl..n.:,-.c-.
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