Edward Hopper A Catalogue Raisonne Volume III Oils Gail Levin Whitney Museum of American Art, New York in associalion wilh W. W. Norton & Company, New York • London American Village, 1912 (0-183) City, The, ig27 (0-252) Index of Titles Apartment Houses, 1923 (0-242) City Hoofs, ig32 (0-288) [Apartment Houses, Harlem River], City Sunlight, 1954 (0-550) Oils c. 1930(0-275) [Clamdigger], 1^55(0-297) Approaching a City, 1946 (0-332) Coast Guard Station, 1929(0-267) Apres midi de Juin or L'apres midi de [Cobb's Barns und Distant Houses], 1930-35 Prinletnps, 1907 (0-143) (0-278) [Artist's Bedroom, NyackJ, c. 1905-06 [Cobb's Barns, South Truro], 1950-55 (0-122) (0-279) [Artist's Bedroom, Nyack, The], c. 1905- Compartment C, Car 293, 1938 (0-506) 06 (0-121) Conference at Night, ig4g (0-338) [Artist Sealed at Easel]', igo3~o6 (0-84) [Copy after Edouard Manet's Woman with August in the City, 1945 (0-329) a Parrot], c. 1902-03 (0-19) Automat, 1927 (0-251) CornBeltCity 1947 (0-554) Corn Hill, Truro, 1930 (0-272) [Back of Seated Male Nude Model], [Cottage and Fence], c. igo4-o6 (0-97) c. 1902-04 (0-28) [Cottage in Foliage], c. 1 go4-o6 (0-98) Barber Shop, 1931 (0-285) /Country Road], c. 1897 (0-4) /Bedroom], c. 1905-06 (0-124) Cove at Ogunquit, 1914 (0-193) Berge, La (0-171) Bistro, Le or The Wine Shop, 1909 (0-174) Dauphinee House, 1952 (0-286) [Blackhead, Monhegan], 1916-19 (0-220) Dawn Before Gettysburg, 1954 (0-295) [Blackhead, Monhegan], 1916-19 (0-221) Dawn in Pennsylvania, ig42 (0-323) [Blackhead, Monhegan], 1916-19 (0-222) [Don Quixote on Horseback], c. 1 go2-O4 Blackhead, Monhegan, igi6-ig (0-223) (0-38) BlackwelTs Island, 1911 (0-176) [Don Quixote with Sword], c. 1902-04 BlackwelTs Island, 1928 (0-263) (o-39) [Blond Woman Before an Easel], 1905-06 /Dories in a Cove], 1914 (o-194) (0-85) Dories, Ogunquit, The, 1914 (0-195) [Bluff], 1916-19(0-212) Drugstore, 1927(0-256) [Bluff], 1916-19(0-250) [Dutch Girl], igoo (0-6) [Bluffs, Monhegan Island/, 1916-19 (0-213) /Early Still Life], igos (0-50) Boat Landing at Gare d'Orleans, 1907 Early Sunday Morning, igso (0-270) (0-149) EastBiver, c. 1920-25 (0-255) Bootleggers, The, 1924 or 1925 (0-244) East Wind Over Weehawken, 1934 (0-294) Briar Neck, Gloucester, 1912 (0-178) Ecluse de la Monnaie, 1909 (0-167) [Bridge and Embankment], 1906 (0-136) Eleven A.M., 1926 (0-248) [Bridge in Paris], 1906 (0-150) /Elizabeth Griffiths Smith Hopper, the Bridge on the Seine, igog (0-164) Artist's Mother], c. 1915-16 (0-199) Bridle Path, 1959 (0-508) El Station, The, 1908 (0-160) [Building and Foliage]', c. 1904-06 (0-96) Excursion into Philosophy, 1959 (0-557) [Burly Cobb's House, South Truro], 1930-53(0-276) [Female Nude, from Rear, Seated on a Stool], c. 1902-04 (0-25) Camel's Hump, The, 1951 (0-281) [Ferry Slip/, c. igo4-o6 (o-g3) Canal at Charenton, 1907 (0-150) [Field and Trees], c. 1904-06 (0-99) Canal Lock at Charenton, 1907 (0-151) First Bow Orchestra, 1951 (0-344) Cape Ann Granite, 1928 (0-260) Five A.M., 1937 (0-305) Cape CodAflernoon, 1956 (0-502) [Flowers], 1900 (0-7) [Cape Cod Barn], (o-A 1) Four Lane Road, 1956 (0-554) Cape Cod Evening, 1939 (0-509) Freight Cars, Gloucester; ig28 (0-261) Cape Cod Morning, 1950 (0-343) [French Landscape], 1907 (0-159) Cape Cod Sunset, 1934 (o-2g 1) French Six-Day Rider, 1957 (0-304) Captain Ed Staples, 1928 (0-257) Captain Upton's House, ig27 (0-255) Gas, 1940(0-315) Chair Car, ^65(0-565) Gateway and Fence, Saint-Cloud, 1907 Chop Suey ig2g (0-265) (0-145) [Church], c. igo4-o6 (o-g2) Girl at Sewing Machine, c. 1921 (0-237) [Church and Landscape], c. i8g7 (0-3) Girlie Show, 1941 (o-3ig) Circle Theatre, The, ig36 (0-301) [Girl in White], 1 go3-o6 (0-62) 383 Gloucester Harbor, igi2 (o-i7g) Martha McKeen ofWelljleel, The, 1944 Pont du Carrousel in the Fog, 1907 Gloucester Street, 1926 (o-24g) (0-327) (0-148) GroundSwell, igsg (0-510) /Model in Towel Silling on Box], c. 1 go2 Pont Royal, Le, 1 gog (0-165) [Group of Musicians in an Orchestra Pit], (0-17) [Porch Steps], c. 1904-06 (0-102) c. igo4-o6 (0-91) [Monhegan Houses, Maine], 1916-19 [Portrait], 1941 (0-316) (0-205) [Portrait of a Girl/, 1903-06 (0-79) [Half-NudeMan], c. igol (0-14) [Monhegan Landscape, Gull Rocks], /Portrait of a Man/, igo3-o6 (0-65) [Head of a Man], ig4i (0-317) 1916-19 (0-206) /Portrait of a Man], 1 go5-o6 (0-67) [Head of a Woman], c. ^03-04 (o-5g) [Monhegan Lighthouse/, 1916-19 (0-204) [Portrait of a Man], 1 go5-o6 (0-68) High Noon, ig4g (0-340) Moonlight Interior, 1921-23 (0-259) [Portrait of a Man], 1905-06 (0-72) Hills, South Truro, 1930 (0-273) Morning in a City; ig44 (0-526) /Portrait of a Man/, 1 go5-o6 (0-76) Hodgkin's House, ig28 (0-262) Morning Sun, ig52 (0-546) /Portrait of a Man], 1903-06 (0-78) Hotel by a Railroad, ig52 (0-547) Mrs. Scott's Mouse, ig52 (0-287) /Portrait of a Man], 1905-06 (0-109) Hotel Lobby, 1943 (0-324) /Portrait of a Man In Profile], 1903-06 Hotel Room, 1931 (0-280) New York Corner or Corner Saloon, 1 g 13 (o-74) Hotel Window, 1955 (0-352) (o-i8g) [Portrait of a Man with Spectacles], [House and Foliage], c. 1904-06 (0-1 00) New York Interior; c. ig2i (0-258) 1905-06 (0-107) [House and Tree on Left/, c. 1904-06 New York Movie, 1959 (0-507) [Portrait of an Old Woman], 1905-06 (o- (0-101) New York, New Haven and Hartford, 108) House at Dusk, 1935 (0-295) 1951 (0-282) /Portrait of a Woman], 1903-06 (0-65) House by an Inlet, 1930 (o-26g) New York Office, ig62 (0-561) /Portrait of a Woman], 1 go3-o6 (0-73) House by a Road, 1 g4O (0-314) New York Pavements, 1924 or 1925 [Portrait of a Woman], 1 go3-o6 (0-77) House by the Railroad, 1 g25 (0-245) (0-245) [Portrait of a Woman], igo5-o6 (0-106) [House on the Cape/, 1940 (0-314;!) New York Restaurant, c. 1922 (0-240) [Portrait of a Woman/, 1 go5-o6 (0-110) /Houses by the Railroad, Cape Cod] Nighthawks, 1942 (0-322) [Portrait of a Young Man/, 1905-06 (o-A 3) Night Windows, 1928 (0-264) (0-66) Notre Dame de Paris, 1907 (0-155) [Portrait of a Young Man], 1905-06 lie Saint-Louis or La Cite, l gog (o-168) Notre Dame, No. 2, 1907 (o-156) (0-105) [Interior Courtyard at 48 /'Me de Lille, November, Washington Square, 1932 and Portrait of Beatrice Cohen, 1912 (0-184) Paris], 1906 (0-132) 1959(0-289) Portrait ofGuyPene du Bois, c. 1904 Intermission, 1 963 (0-565) [Nude Crawling Into Bed/, c. 1903-05 (o-go) Italian Quarter; Gloucester; 1912 (0-181) (0-60) /Portrait ofllettie Duryrea Meade], [Nude from Rear; Seated on Stool], c. igos (0-111) Jo Painting, 1936 (0-500) c. 1902-04(0-34) /Portrait ofllettie Duryea Meade], /Nude Walking through Doorway], c. igo5(o-ii2) [Landscape with Fence and Trees], c. 1902 (0-18) /Portrait of'Hettie Duryea Meade/, 1916-19 (0-203) c. 1905(0-113) Lavoirs a Pont Royal, Les, 1907 (o-152) October on Cape Cod, 1946 (0-333) Portrait of Jean Rowe, Gypsy Girl, Lee Shore, ig4i (0-320) Office at Night, 1940 (0-312) c. 1912 (0-185) Light Battery at Gettysburg, 1940 (0-313) Office in a Small City; 1953 (0-349) [Portrait of Marion Hopper], c. 1905-06 Lighthouse at Two Lights, ig2g (0-266) [Old Ice Pond at Nyack/, c. 1897 (0-2) (0-114) Lighthouse Hill, 1927 (0-254) [Old Lady on a Chair], c. lgoi (0-13) [Portrait of Model, Jimmy Corsi], LtoZe Cove, Monhegan, 1916-1 g (0-214) igo3-o6 (0-75) Long Leg, The, 1935(0-299) [Painter, The], igo5-o6 (0-81) Portrait of Mrs. Pleasanlon, c. 1 gi 2 Louvre and Boat Landing, 1907 (o-153) [Painter and Model], c. igo2-O4 (0-40) (0-187) Louvre et la Seine, La or Le Louvre, 1907 [Painter at Easel], 1 903-06 (0-86) Portrait of Mrs. Sullivan, c. 1912 (0-188) (0-142) [Painting Class], 1903-06 (0-80) Portrait of Orleans, 1950 (0-542) Louvre in a Thunderstorm, The, 1 gog (o- Pare de Saint-Cloud, Le, 1 go7 (0-144) Portrait ofWilli Kerling, c. igi2 (0-186) 169) [Paris Street], igo6 (0-134) [Park Benches and Trees], 1 go7 (o-158) Quai des Grands Auguslins, Le igog MacArthurs'Home "Pretty Penny", The, [Park Scene], 1907 (0-159) (0-170) i939(o-3ii) Pavilion de Flore, Le, 1909 (o-166) Quai des Grands Auguslins with Trees, Macomb's Dam Bridge, 1935 (°~296) Pavilion de Flore in the Spring, 1907 1907(0-141) Maine in Fog, 1926-29 (0-250) (0-158) Queensborough Bridge, 1913 (0-190) [Male Nude, from Rear], 1902-04 (0-45) Pennsylvania Coal Town, ig47 (0-535) [Male Nude with Raised Anns/, 1902-04 People in the Sun, 1 g6o (0-358) Railroad Crossing, 1922-25 (0-241) (o-47) Pont des Arts, Le, igo7 (0-147) Railroad Sunset, 1929(0-268) [Man Drinking], c.
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