OF THE GUN TESTS. .i.Dertltemenls. /oT-iga B-sone. 0CCESS Cfnroprim «________.____¦ __-.--» avCa__»_" a_a___wa^e_a»»a_a__a_8a-a_>a_-_i fMf-f-AAL MH.ES GREATLT PLEAREP AT thf: results. SAVOY HOTEL London. Hotel Chatham, Hotel a* Lme of tha AVorl*. NEW .WENT1OK-T08T OF THO- ** OAmtMURWt SAVOY KESTAUPUNT. ppCTION T.riCEI.T TO RE REnPCTTi Of Gastronomic Fame. under tba dlrwttoo af A*M~JT OVT.-HAI.F _ae famaoa Maltre d'hatel "Joaeph" of tha The Grand HoteL ,,,' N'e.ti?n A Milrs. who has been ln tht rity Baetanrant Marlrauz, Paris. The Orchaatra .,.- ifter aoma aun teota, waa *fttU at th* *>Vai- plaja during Dlnner and tha Opera Suppar. ar.d Brussels. JSjutorl* yoatorllay. rald that he had no a__adla>a r'Hnfl .or »". fUtam lt was not hls in- !"..lir-. however. to J.dn rhe rrraider.t's party ln 1TALY AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. JTjOuth. Ut sald lhar ho was greatly plenaed London. 5b tha ,V1r.", c:n *''*¦'" ,na,,° nf *h** Government *"° ,n'lfi at ¦¦¦.J HooK ofl Thursday. H or the lovlnr !fMs at ..*. nrw G*'Ilng <"ast ateel MEN®-W OM ILN h O UR. Hotel Victoria. 2a|i_eca*dlng; Cannes. .« rhe Inltlal ones. Northumberland Avenue. iHNisMtlitutsn the eost MOST LO.SU.VitNiL,! AND KAailio.. AF.LT wc ' ',c r*'^uce'* about one-haU. as Po__ 7_a *.'."*- "Our CloJe-T^anoQ Jtudiet aifUATSU, SW.ii l_\Ka_ NU-HiKH u» .-IT- The Hotef trtala." ha addad, "were of the flowtTJ dla- oj People They T1NG ANU L_I>Uu'JM.S EN jTITE. AND Metropole. s'.>ver BINQLJ* AND Mjt:»_H BEDROOMB. THB carriage an>1 of the S!ms-r>udler VICTOHIA OHCHKSTKA. UNDER MRKfTT iN Beautiful due South. "war.r-c-cf.n i \v position. v tl Tho dynamlte ms- Of MH. QEO. COUUK8, LATE PROPS** MD gu« Run dlffers FOR AT THK '-.IILI >HAU_ S'"H'H>T_ Op ?J5, M sp rri *,1«' The Ml'«IC. number double nnd be_U ,".ij v froan Vaaurlaa. chargea A at a of FERFOUMS SELECTIONS OF MUSIC IN I>1N- Large >in$jle *nini nrr flrod hy alr. page that the panorama TN'l HALL. HAII.Y. Dt.'RINO Ll'NCHEON. J"TJ Vm rompressed weekly displays glance riVNKR AND at'PPER. TAR1.B .vimTB rooms at moderate pricss. Lift. Lartfa ."' .r* Sims Pudley gun a chnrj<r made up of nltro- and LUNCHEON, 1 Tu .: I' M. 3« 11. DINN'ER. | un-cotton nnd dynnm'.r* ls used. The people before the para- a TO 8::iD. .'... AND ST'PPER PROM |.. O'Ct-TM K, Hall and Public Electrlc prominently Al_ir>. PFRVtfT LA Rooms. '*,.,,.,. public.portraits «.M; A CARTE. T.VRUES llffht .,--.. .«. raralatkm to us ln th» power Rnd practl- the MAY HE BECURED IN ADVANCE. OPEN IO '¦'. r' that tell the notables. MON-RBBIDIMTfl :' ''. week's Ilabaai "^ne prr>_i«»rtJle8 were thrown graphs history among PRopRTKTOIfa. everywhcre. Perfect sanitation. Hotd J_ r - graal damn»,e at the oMectlve THF. OOROOa HOTEL*. Mmlterl. ,r!ng cartiagea wera also a sue- ln the Current Number of Prlvate Grounds.27 acres. ' _¦***! iWai iali 'b-at he brllr-ved the events of The !" ; *- havo *hown the r.eed .4. 'a?: all ieglslatora WAUKENPHASTSHOES .¦-. and that '.', j j- r.oj?uinr Army, 60 Htymarkct, London, ,p egtalatlon along that Itne. = .. '.es:s at theSan "Kl 8 .y Book provtng Monte Carlo lt lf the __(.. iuli .!>< looka^u* entire sya- THE SATURDAY p. j dara great guns rr.aja he .-hanged. CLARIDGE'S HOTEL, '¦ . rorr..sos to ba worked out the .ie re\< '¦¦¦'. bf GRAND an &-lnch made Brook HOTEL, jmgti '. rtonaaaoa of gun Street, Grosvenor Square. *'' waa at the the of -' -aa- .'...I waajW buiit Otls Patronized by Elits "American- ...:'. r a dealgn by I'r. Gat- TheCerttre of Fashionabla London. Europcan" Society. ing gun. The gun success- The. "Last WorM" of Modern Hotel f, v. reasura to the chamber of POST Luxtiry. Hon. A. Bourke, ) EVENING suits with to CharmlnK hath- ,-j uaand -.ii.ds tha* entrance, C. Ritz, Oirection. ; rtsa-.ire demanded of the room, ot". Ovit .100 rooins. 10O » tons to Naarly L Echenard, ..:¦¦ t-up trun ia i-ixtoer. tha bathrooms. A magnifirfnt Roya'. Suite. '. .-r'a ii b .¦' *..-¦ Navjr guns are suoje-ted to a on H. NOEL & .*.;... na to ihe muare inch. s-.x hhots Now on the news-stands, is a lllustrated article PATTAHD, 53* «?. the gv I: la propoaad to flre, ln full-page Man.giiig Uirecton, '. !*. and the praaaura will The Walsingham House Hotel Jr_,cri a smgis of rhe trlal. Now AND CAVM>. Ht.MU. that'V- v - wlthstood prpsamrc of thlr'y- _~^.':' II wlll bt dfs rabla to know Restaurant, Piccadilly. .' . of *5h |, m factor ear»;y. Tfc'.f Hot.l preuplaa th* rro.t unliju*. pos'.tton tn Laa* Hotel Beau :'. si .« naw :n an gtm Site, aun ordlnary th* fJr**n I'ark. Ea<-h au"* nt riornn . leeo to dnr. nverlflMk'.nf v r r;ng, the ; aubjectM HAROLD FREDERIC provt4ri »t;_ a J'rtvat. _»th P.jom. Talraram. "Solfr..." haat pressura on the extsrlor s-,;rfa«, _Tajjorn¦ baaaaa. Cannes. r,g VKe two thouaanl*e« Fahrt-nhelt. O. QELAF.DI. Mana»*r. "vrlni ,l * «\ ".r-ation of the hent a co'.urnn of c->:d ;:v j f?h the bore ol the gun. The THE AUTHOR OF ..... tlon is lr. connection w:*h du ¦....-.. Hotel rttal THE Pavillon, lHr:tn^'*J e.tlmate. a cast-ateel .' .'% 7'*- e?r.t le?f cost gui 'v'-' . tha '.ar,'" number o' LANGHAM HOTEL, ' " o Cannes._ ftasn* * '¦¦" ,:*-'rr of rh* .-.-,.-\st line are f, ¦. leratlon, th'.^ .atlm&ta ot i N London. crr- n maaiu a gr*it flaaJ MARKET-PLACE raductl THE s,.- OTs_UVA-,T_EX> UTUATTOrr IJf PORTLA**© P_AC_L -? .. - Cosmopolitan," AT TOI" OF REOENT ST. *"*. UR. CROKER AND RAPID TRANBtT. .I.I far »a BE8T SH0P8, TH_AT7*4_a, TH* Nice. Barr ETary Modern Cotnfort and Conva.r.lenea. aJfERM ..\ 1101EI.. tOffZD T*t THE VURDICT* A3 SATIN'O TT!AT By Robert Morterat© Tariff. TH_ CK1 etOHOUJID ROAD tVIM. BE BEOUN .\- im vav wtck*i Ar>MrN:sTR\TioN. HOTEL des ¦IffTorkars wha favor an ur.derground rar'.d- ILES, r-id !n how "The _\Iarket-Place"waswritten, THE HOTEL t-_-t.t encour^g.-:r.e^.t »tat»nier,ta Tdling CECLL, ritannirues y. p .. rvk'^r, raportad ln "The Var. and us see how the author lived in his _B ' ". : w^a *Ve cJltor <** *"e ls an London. A.fTfd . PflP*r, making e,_.,r 0i Mr, Crokar, and quatea nln as ¦aylog _*__ larfvrt and moat magnln^nt ln Europa. Hotel. be he the GENOA. Savoy IWd road wlll put story togethcr. Perftart ln erary detalL Location unrlTallad, Opened October, 1807. Oppoatte Railway rejur. lr M n Wjrck'l adinlnlptratlon, not b- an into the facing and overlooklng the Embankment Statlon. Thc onlv Modern Hotel in G*n_a_ wlth privat* eapltmL Mr. Croker is altogether delightful peep every-day Oartlena and rlrer T_&i_e_. Una_rpaaae_ FRENCH RKSTAl'RANT. : ai-'¦ '. "; !"°' road to cost $.V»,0fi".CO0. The Last PhotoEraph Fver Takea of -uilf ('-.-.ght a man of the world. and the b«*t aelectloa of wlnaa LIPPERT & FIORONI, Propnetora. and :har man . 'h money arlll corr.e fvrward, anl Mr. l-rederic, Hitherio L'npublished. life of busy writer and cujaln* .",. iavi ouragement of the c;ry ofllclala aTer offered. 700 bedrootna aad 300 aaJoaa, gra - ,ry for th" enterprlse. and Ur. Crol prodlctlng that the worlc prlvate dlnlnf* rooraa, pnbllc reoeptiora may b* fc-ra tha end of tha year lHt. roomi. Ar.c::-- Icant arl li ln "The VerdJct" ls a on "FLORENCE a lllustrated article ^v*r<: Jaa - .'. Litnajr, the Corr.m!?- Also double-pagc f;-,nfr t i Ing. It will surprlse many HOTEL LA Krafts' G'd Hotel Italie ha: a paper with a_< h rlose Tamrr.any The CEOL, iffl:iat|p' aeclarai that Mr. McCartney ls a "flna AND .i\ j" reet-claanar, and that he ls "only a ¦akrydrawi r Hotel ?- Grand BVED. Gibraltar, Hotel Cecil. Late Continental dc, R'de la Paltc BOLOSSY KIRALFT WOOLF .Manajrer, 5 IH. Casaglla. Thla txpraaaly construct^d Flrst Claaa Contl- n m Accctru him of ixftd_t.ttt akd nental Establlabment wlll be opened about the Florence,Hotel de la Ville. AfKt roa a nrvoRCE. end of th" yr-ar, when Tourl«ts arid others can rely on flrat-claaa ar-commodatlon, home like Elertriritj. Slmmhaal, Wlnlergai-ta. -- K'ralfy. of the well-kr.own flrm of theat- comfnrts, spai-lous, luxuriously furnished rooma, culslne. .*»j rr. .r.rtjiers. la bfrir.g eued for absolute d!vor--e HIS WAIF.S prrfpr-t r«anltat!r>n, anr*. unjurpassabla ' AND K:sle TeU-grams, "Cccil, Gibraltar." :-? Buprama Oonrt y hl» wife. Mrs. Rome Mrs. Klra'.fy charges her husband wlth italy. .:.:_?>. MMtty, one of tha acts alle°,»d havlng been eom- Hotel. btbi la Berlla, Germany, aeveral years aga GrandIn I8Q4. 1 that Horrex's New Opened .s for Hotel, _*hrr.ann. counsel Klralfy, aaya Payne The most complete of .» bt ht* a r»>J defence, By George Henry LONDON. liotela. Electrlc aaked J_s*!ce flodern A. H. Hurrmel. for Mrs. KIra!fy. Norfolk St and Strand. Hght throughout. American Cnrrer. M iwi rd Ms ellant a large tuai for a'imcr.y Corner elevatora. i the trlal of the sult.

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