Syrian Arab Republic: O ve rvie w of hard -to-re ac h and be sie ge d loc ations (as of 30 June 2017) Çavuşkӧy- Ain Diwa pe ople in ne e d 4.54 m illion ] Al-Malike yye h Şe nyurt- Nusaybin - in hard -to-re ac h are as, inc lud ing De rbassiye h Quam ishli Turkey Am ud a ]Darbasiyah ] Qahtaniyye h 540,000 in be sie ge d loc ations Musitpinar- ] Ain Al Arab Quam ishli Jawad iyah Islahiye - Ce ylanpinar- Fishkhabour- Karkam is- Me yd ian-I-Ekbis ] Ras Al Ayn Sim alka Jarablus Ain Al ] Y a'robiyah ] Bulbul Önc upinar- ] Arab Akçakale - Ras Al Tal Hm is ] Lowe r Ain Bir Bab Al Salam Cobanbey- Te ll Abyad Tal Raju Ghand orah Shyookh Elhilu Al-Ra'e ] Tam e r Al Y a'rubiyah- Sharan Maarin Ar-Ra'e e Te ll Rabiaa' ] Suran ] Sarin Abiad She ikh Ma'btali Suluk ´ Me nbij El-Had id Afrin Tall Akhtre in Al-Hasake h Re faat A'rim a Legend Burj Abu Bükülm e z- Jand airis Mare ' Hole Elqas Al Bab Ein Issa Be sie ge d loc ations Atm e h Qalqal Tad af Cilve gözü Al-Hasakeh Hard -to-re ac h m ain loc ations ] Ale ppo c ity Rasm Haram (She ikh Are e she h Bab El Hawa Tal El-Im am Al-Khafsa Hard -to-re ac h are as Maqsoud ) Iraq ] Ahm ar Jurne yye h ] Aleppo Elbab ] Bord e r c rossing ope n Dayr Shad d ad ah Dostluk Korprsu Ar-Raqqa Hafir Maskana Bord e r c rossing sporad ic ally ope n (Frie nd ship B Foah ] Y aylad ağ ı- rid ge )- - O naiza Allain Ar-Raqqa Kasab ] Kafraya ] Bord e r c rossing c lose d ] Karam a ] Aşağ ipulluyazi- Al-Thawrah Kizi ]] c at- Ein e l-Bayd a Bord e r c rossing authorise d Sam ira ] Mansura Maad an Markad a Sabka by UNSCR 2165, 2191, 2258 and 2336 Topraktutan- Y une siya Idleb UNDO F ad m iniste re d are a Tabni Inte rnational Bound ary Kasra Sur Gove rnorate Bound ary Lattakia Mad iq Kafr Sub-Distric t Bound ary Castle Karnaz Ed wan Z e ita Bound ary of form e r Mand ate Pale stine De ir-e z-Z or Easte rn Z or Elhe isa Khasham Muhasan Muhrad ah Hama Basira Khe rbe t Eljam e Salba Deir-ez-Zor Marj Tartous Thiban Eld ur O qe irbat Al Mayad in Aqrab Harbanifse Akash Ashara Ar-Rastan Sokhne h Tal Az-Z ara Ballan Dahab Hashe m iye h Talaf Shiha Z m e im e r Shabaaniye h Kafr Burj Z afaraniya Tall Kalakh- W e ste rn Laha Grand ad She ikh Jabe r- Hajin Qae i Manara 'Arid a Tiba Farhaniye h Arid a Tald u ' Jalaa Um Sharshouh W e ste rn ] Farhaniye h ] ] Jbab Tad m or Makrum iye h Ham ad Sosa Jusiyah- Homs Abu Talbise h Kam al Daffa - Al Qaa Halm uz ] ] Ghanto Jawale k Tir Abu Kam al Hobub Elrih Maallah Al Qae 'm - Se nsil Dar Lebanon Kabira Jarajir Al-Mhassa Hom s Mashrafe t Homs (W a'e r) Esal Falita El-W ard Nasriye h Sarghaya Jirud Rahe iba Talfita Sabe Byar Ein ]Blud an Bqine Dham e e r Elfije h Damascus Bse im e h At Tall Al Masnaa- Kafr Afra Rural Damascus Jdayadet Elawam id Rural Damascus Khe rbe t Darwashe h Yabous Elsawd a Ein Khan Elshaara Elshih ] Kafr De ir Dum a Be tim a Manshiye t Khabiye h Hoor Khan Elshih Al-Ham a Harasta Rukban At Tanf- Darbal Hina Barza Al Balad Shafuniye h Al W ale e d Qud siya Misraba Be it Z akye h Qaboun Mod ira Be it Sabe r Arbin Sawa Kafr Mazrae t Maghar Abu Hosh Hosh Qune itra Kafr Z am alka Ham m ura Nassij Be it Jin Elm ir Qawooq Elnofur Al-Ashary Sham s Joubar He zze h Hosh Saqba Eftre is Al-Ashary Mahje h Dar'a Nofur Maqrusa Jisre in Quneitra Qirata Sa'sa' Ein Kafr Be it Had alat Qle iah Mahm ad iye h He rfa Damascus Te rm a Batna Naye m Ash-Shajara Durin Al Assali, Kanake r Qad am Sharqi, Tad am on As-Sweida Babe lla Joure t Shre ibati Y arm uk Aqraba ] Mad am iye t Y ald a Tal Shihab Definitions: Elsham Be it Dara-] Hard-to-reach area Sahm An are a that is not re gularly ac c e ssible to hum anitarian ac tors for the purpose s of sustaine d hum anitarian program m ing as a re sult of d e nial of ac c e ss, inc lud ing the ne e d to ne gotiate Hajar Ar Ram tha ]] Hje ire h AlNasib ac c e ss on an ad hoc basis, or d ue to re stric tions suc h as ac tive c onflic t, m ultiple se c urity c he c kpoints, or failure of the authoritie s to provid e tim e ly approval. Aswad AlNasib- Besieged area Rural Damascus Jordan Jabe r An are a surround e d by arm e d ac tors with the sustaine d e ffe c t that hum anitarian assistanc e c annot re gularly e nte r, and c ivilians, the sic k and wound e d c annot re gularly e xit the are a..
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