| 1913, at 10 o'clock A. M. at U« Notice for Publication. south front door of county court house. In La Junta. Ot«<ro county. Department of the Interior. U. 8. HATS! HATS! HATS! MTS! Colorado. Land Office at Pueblo, Colorado, Dated at lot Junta this 12th day June ia, 1913. £fewßEjr£ctio|t of June, 1913. Noth.' i s hereby given that Chris- ALEX YANT, tian B Detweller. of La Junta. Colo., Cleaned Blocked Retrimmed OUCSoEstovT Sheriff of Otero County. who. on March 25, 1908, made Home- First publication, June 14. 1913. stead Entry No. 18908. serial No. Don’t Break Your Bade Last publication, July 5. 1913. 06487. f>r southeast quarter, section just received our hat blocks and trimmings 11, township 25 south, 56 To Baste Your Bird Notice for Publication. range west. from the east, and can your old Sixth Principal Meridian, has filed fix dis- o( WE carded hat to look like new. We can also notice intention to make five-year oven Department of the Interior. U. 8. TV. N«w Perfection Stove is jutf the convenient to put new if Land Office at Pueblo, Colorado, proof, establish claim to the in stiffening, you wish. height In fact, everything about thii near Move ia land juat right. Jkine 11. 1913. above described, before the Notice Jose clerk of the District Court, at La It bakea, roast*, broil* and toasts to perfection, and it i* hereby given that Junta. <•!'• on the day July, does not heat up the kitchen. Miguel Cards. of La Junta. Colorado, < 24th of 4 who, on June 2, 1908, made Home* 1913. Made with 1,2, 3 and burners. Dealers every* Claln.ii; Entry 19195, • names as witnesses: Remember We Also where, or write for catalogue stead No. serial No. Clean Edward 06950, for southwest quarter south- K Miller. Norman O. Culp' Otu east quarter, section 11. west half William Beal and Elmer J. Her- OIL ¦hey. all of La Junta, CONTINENTAL COMPANY jnortheast quarter, northwest quarter Colorado. Clothes Clean. D— »w, PutUa, Albtaquwqm, southeast quarter, section 14. town- Not coal land. ship 25 south, range 55 west, Sixth J W. HAWLEY, Register. Butte, Salt Luka puhli. Clirina. Beta*. CHf Principal Meridian, has filed notice Flrat atlon. June 21. 1913. Last publication, July of Intention to make five-year proof 19. 1913 The Hunter Cleaning Co. to establish claim to the land above described, before the clerk of the Notice of Publication. Phone, Junta 618 10 West Third Street district court, at l.a Junta. Colo., on the 22d day of July, 1913 I Depart: of the Interior. United Claimant names as witnesses: State Land Office at Pueblo, Francisco Cards, Victor Anaya. En- Colot . l May 29. 1913. gine Archuletta. and Ruperto (Jnrcla, Noth Is hereby given that Julia all of Iji Junta. Colo. J. Ball if Tiuipas. Colo., who, on Not coal land. September 1911, made Homestead * J W. HAWLEY. Register Entry "12692, for south half First publication, June 21, 1913. section .unship 26 south, range Last publication. July 19. 1913 56 wer' xth Principal meridian, i has fl! I it| of Intention to Notice fGre for Publication. j make t \.*.tr proof to establish claim t • land above described, Department of the Interior U. 8. 1 before t .-:k «»f the district court Land Office at Pueblo. Colorado,; at Ia hi • \ Colorado, on the Bth Juno 11. 1913 day of JuU l!• 13. Notice of Final Settlement and Deter- Notice is hereby given that Mi- Bankrupt's Petition for Discharge. Claim tiames as witnesses: mination of Heirship. chael Thlingan. of Rocky Ford. Colo., William Wlbralsky. of Tlmpas. : who. on May 13. 1910, made Home- In the matter of Curt la E Bolton, In tii* Mutter of tin* l>tuti* of John II Colo., L E Wlbralsky. of Tlm- Scarlet. Lhv••»!»•»•! stead Entry No 010055, for lot 1. bankrupt In bankruptcy pas, Co! Frank Day. of La Junta, Notice* of Final Settlement and I>*-t**r- southeast quarter northeast quarter, To the Honorable Robert E Lewi*. mlnetloii of IMr»hi|> jCo|o., Mi i • t McDonald, of Tim- Notice I* h**ieb) given that on Mon- section 5. township 25 south, range day t .*l»t <l.i > of July. A I*l3. pan. Col- Judge of the district court of the U. 56 west. Sixth Principal Meridian, at the l.mn of IH .< to of n.ii.l <l«\ w&rith Not c«> i I GEM OF OTERO regulai FLOUR United State* for the District of the kudi>' to-liiK <in»- of the dav* has filed notice of intention to make •jf tin June t«*iin of th<- count) court J. W II \WLEY, Register »••<! y»r Colorado. ••f Ot< mt In tlo -l.if*- of three proof to establish claim j j First pub mi, Juqo 7. 1913. That's what the children all say when they orailo. I Jn Scarlet, ailinlnlstrator of to the land above described, before Curtis E. Bolton, of Rocky Ford, •Mtata- a|»|M-wi ore tie Last pub v July 5, 1913. ¦«l<! will b*-f the .clerk of the .District Court. nt j : eat nice breud and cakes. They hear their JU<lg>- of »Ut«l ¦•• lilt. |a • Hl' filial f In the county of Otero and state of 1 ¦etti*-in* nt ax 4U''h admlnoUr at*>i pia' La Junta. Colorado, on the 23d day Notice for Publication. mothers tell one another about this splendid Colorado, in said district, respectfully the appiovul of the same. and will of July. 1913. tb«a *al flour—call it the friend of the household be- represent* that on the -6th day of sdnilnlati atoi Al which time and Claimant names ns witnesses; Departm »f the Interior, United p..»»* \ prmoti in lnt*r«-*t max ap- uii William W of Im Junta, cause it makes baking easy and successful—- May last past, h*- was duly ad pear ;»n«J t>r<k< nt obj cttofiK to tin- RDsett. States ’ Office, al Pueblo, Col- ¦am* if anv there In* Murray, Colo Frank of Rene. Colo., orado, .1 iii. )1, 1913 “just Judg* d bankrupt under the act* of An.l furthti noth. o> I hi-I.i kiv*-n and say it is perfect." ta.it at said tune and place the court Max Ri*ls. iier. of Rocky Ford. Colo . • r*»t,y given congress to Notice that Victor relating bankruptcy; that will .iml hear pi<M»fu < <tnr«*ininti ( Lulls Thlmgan. of Ren**. do. \nnya. of 1..» who, on Try a sack today—save money and trouble the heir» of said <l« miMil pursuant to Junta. Colo . j duly prop- ••*«••• he has surrendered all bis t*i* veiif|e*t |M-titloii of J s.-arlet Not coal land. June 12, !'•"'* made Homestead En- heir at l.iw of i«l <l< j erty. rights property, clcdmnnt J. W. Register. try and of and has cease, l heretofore filed herein askinv HAWLEY. No. 1 aerial No 069K8, for .« «!••- First public atlon,* June fully compiled with all the require- I•» Millf<*lal Mscertalnrtient and 21. 1913. southeast j arter southwest quarter, La Junta Mill and Elevator Company termination <»f the helrahlp of mud I*ast publication, tat< It luly 19. I9i:i • quar- ments of said Acts and of the order* und fi orn which appears that section 1 ast half northwest , Hllxabet J Scarlet, wtdow J.-**** S< -u - h ter, north "at t quarter southwest quar- of tile court touching bankruptcy let Kran.es rkailet. Adeline Scar- Notice for Publication. let nnd J-'rte, let. pins, wil l \anc> ter, *e«*tkq, ;14. township 25 south, Wherefore, he prays that he may Kdwar.l* and Kthel Morphv daughters, rang. «ro»t Department tno Sixth Principal Meri- are heirs «*f said deceased , *»f Interior, United be decreed by the court to have a • notice lnt«*ntloti Now therefore, any und .ill persons States Land Office si Pueblo. dian. filed of to full discharge front all debt* provable who who claim to h< hell at fix to are or a Colorado, May 1913. tnak* e-year proof. establish Uw of »uld John II S. at let <l--<-»*« ar-d 29. WONDEUrS against his cutate under said bank claim to . THEATER the land described. Sir hriebv required to l*e and qiprsr Notice Is hereby glvon that Min- above rupt acts, except such deots a* are thereat, or alible the determination of Lockhard, Rocky befor- • m clerk of tin* District Court, the court thereon. nie A. of Ford. Co- excepted by discharge. at 1..i day law from aucb I»ute«| at Iji Junta <*olorado. tills lorado. widow of Joaepu IS. Lockhard, lunta. Colo., ou the 22d i ISt h da v of Jun. A |> I»13 Dated till* 28th day of June. 191A deceased, on of July. 1913. JKHriK sr.\i:i,KT who, January 30, 1908, >nt ns CURTIN E HOLTON. Ndmlnlstmtor of the 1 :«tat•- .f John II mud.* Homestead Entry No. 18603, Cl« names witnesses 4 I Bankrupt S<-url«4V l».Nease<l Fra o (Jarcia, Miguel Can ia. An I •I si A Kilgore. Attorney ¦•-rial No. 064 IN, for south west quar- publi.-atlon Cards, (Jurcls First June ;i. lr»n ter. ¦••ciloit 22. township 2# south, • asta and Alnjandro ORDER OF NOTICE THEREON. l>»st 'nihilatlon Jut\ IS ISIS all Li Junta. rang*- 56 west. Sixth Principal me of Colorado N<> 4 al land Colorado, s* rldluu. has flh-d notice of lnteutlon District of On thi* Notice for Publication.
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