Bates College SCARAB The aB tes Student Archives and Special Collections 2-1906 The aB tes Student - volume 34 number 02 - February 1906 Bates College Follow this and additional works at: http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student Recommended Citation Bates College, "The aB tes Student - volume 34 number 02 - February 1906" (1906). The Bates Student. 1873. http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student/1873 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at SCARAB. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aB tes Student by an authorized administrator of SCARAB. For more information, please contact [email protected]. vm i puii^Hii fty * "W«I«W'J ■ 1907 ; » ..-" ife^ BUSINESS BIRECT0E1 THE GLOBE STEAM LAUNDRY, 26 to 36 Temple Street, PORTLAND D. P. MOULTON, , The Prescription Pharmacy, Harry L Plummer 213 Lisbon Street, Corner Pine, LEWISTON, ME. PHOTO AND ART STUDIO Come here for all Drug Store Supplies Journal you need. Building LEWISTON, MAINE. G. JU. ADAMS, ELEVATOR SERVICI Confectionery and Ice Cream FRUIT AND SODA, 223 Main Street, LEWISTON, ME. ^E HRE SPECIALISTS I IN COLLEGE CLOTHES THE "SQUARE DEAL" IS WHAT WE STAND FOR CRONIN 5t ROOT Outfitters to Men and Boys IIP LISBON STREET UNION HAND LAUNDRY, 106 Middle St., Lewiston. L N. Rich, Agt. Union Hand Laundry, 32 Parker Hall :>& BUSINESS DIRECTORY EDW. K. BOAK. Agent for the GLOBE STEAM LAUNDRY. ARMSTRONG'S B05T0N STORE WE CARRY the largest and most complete line of LADIES' KID and FABRIC OLOVBS to be found In the city. A most complete line of DRBSS SILKS and WOOL FABRICS and a choice line of DRBSS FABRICS FOR GRADUATION. :: Armstrong's Boston Store BOSTON UNIVERSITY FIRST-CLASS WORK Offers Metropolitan Advantages of Every Kind. COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS Opens Sept. 21 Address Dean W.M. Warren, 12 Somerset Street. 8CHOOL OF THEOLOGY Opens Sept. 20 Address Assistant Dean C. W. Rlshell, 72 Mt. Vernon Street. 8CHOOL OF LAW Opens Sept. 25 Address Dean Melville M. Blgelow, Isaac Rich Hall, Ashburton Place. SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Opens Oct. 5 Address Dean J. P. Sutherland, 295 Com- monwealth Avenue. GRADUATE DEPARTMENT Opens Sept. 21 Philosophical and Literary Courses. For Graduates only. Address DEAN B. P. BOWNE, 12 Somerset St. W. E. HUNTINGTON, President. FREDERICK G. PAYNE, College and Society Printing and Copper = Plate Engraving 29-31 Ash Street, LEWISTON, MAINE 8 AtMERRILL&BUBIER'SLCor.^"?- Park. K. N. SMALL, BOSTON UNIVERSITY Successor to HOLDER & FKOST, LAW SCHOOL flDercbant bailor Three years' course leading to the de- Fine Work, Low Prices. grees— Bachelor of Law, Bachelor of Juris- 165 Lisbon St., LEWISTON. prudence, and Master of Jurisprudence. College graduates of high standing, suffi- cient maturity and earnestness of purpose, flew Hampton Literary Institute, may com,''ie the course in two years, provided tn.-y attain the honor rank. NEW HAMPTON, N. H. For further particulars, add re s Dean MELVILLE M. BIGELOW, REV. F. W. PRESTON, A.M., Ashburton Place, Boston, Mass. PRINCIPAL. caii upo„ u { BERMAN MAINE CENTRAL INSTITUTE, for your PITTSFIELD, MB. Fruit and Confectionery, 197 MAIN, and at F. U. LANDMAN, A.B., 83 Main Street for a GOOD LUNCH, Lewiston. PRINCIPAL. N. E. 'IV-li-phone 424-W, 574-53. UNION HAND LAUNDRY, 106 Middle St., Lewiston. L. N. Rich, Agt. Union Hand Laundry, 32 Parker Hall ■"""■^"■"■"^■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■iBBii^HBHHHIiHHHiHHBIHI BUSINESS DIRECTORY Work for GLOBE LAUNDRY Collected Monday, Delivered Thursday. Odd nn an </ €€/ team (^yai/oM The Place to bring your relatives and friends for a rare treat of something good to eat. The best place for hot lunches in cold weather, and not the worst for cold lunches in hot weather. Oyster Stew, Chocolate, Coffee, Sandwiches, etc., etc. A choice line of Fruits, Nuts, Candies, and "Celebrated" Creams and Ices. •CATERING A SPECIALTY. GEORGE A. ROSS Tel.—N. E. 149-57 66 ELM STREET, LEWISTON, ME. Auto. 1S29 The F Tttrs' EVERETT 0. FISK &/ CO., CO. PROPRIETORS. Send to any of the following addreaaea for Agency Manual Free. COMPLETE 4 Ashburton Place, BOSTON, MASS. HOME FURNISHERS. 156 Fifth Avenue, NEW YOUK, N. Y. 1505 Pennsylvania Ave., WASHINGTON, D. C. Discount to Students on all Purchases. 203 Michigan Boulevard, CHICAGO, III. 414 Century Building, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. 313 Rookerv Block, SPOKANE, WASH. 1200 Williams Ave., PORTLAND, ORB. 401 Cooper Building, DENVER, COL. 717 Market street, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 220 Lisbon St., LEWISTON, ME. 625 Stlmson Block, Los ANGELES, CAL. Gifford's Orchestra EMPIRE THEATRE VZVJ^. The Theatre Orchestra of Lewiston COMING, FEBRUARY 27 for six seasons. R O B E R T Let us furnish music for your Commencement. E D E S O N In the great College Play H. M. GIFFORD, MANAGER, 87 Sabattus St., LEWISTON. "5TR0NQHEART" UNION HAND LAUNDRY, 109 Middle St., Lewiston. L. N. Rich, Agt. Union HandLaundry. 32 Parker Hall BUSINESS DIRECTORY EDW. K. BOAK, Agent for the GLOBE STEAM LAUNDRY. OTOGO <WS3W> rae BLARNEY Best 5c. Cigar in America 10c. Cigar Look for the Union Label on every box. Speaks for itself in Havana language If you want the best, call for these brands. Manufactured by E. A. McILHERON, 132 Lisbon Street, Lewiston, Maine The Medico-Chirurgical College of Philadelphia—DEPARTMENT OF DENTISTRY The Fees for this Department Have Not Been Raised for the Session of 1905-06 As a distinct part of the Medico-Chirurgical College, the Department of Dentistry offers superior advantages to lt« students. The clinics of the college present wide opportunities for the practical study of general and oral surgery, as well as supplying abundance of material for practical work in the Dental Infirmary. All of the privileges of the students of the Medical Department of the College are accorded to the Dental students. A complete system of quizzing conducted by the professors free of charge, obviating the expense of private quizzing and preparing the students for examination. Illustrated catalogue describing courses in full, and coutaining all information as to fees, etc., sent on request to ROBERT H. NONES, D.D.S., Dean, 17th and Cherry Sts., Phlla., Pa. M. A. KEN NED Y Electric Massage Tbair Dressing 1Room For MEAO and RACE 1SB LISBON STREET, I* E W I S T O N , MH1NE POCKET KNIVES, RAZORS, SCISSORS, and SHEARS, Paints and Oils, and all articles usually kept in a HARDWARE STORE. GEORGE A. WHITNEY & CO., 235 Main Street, LEWISTON, ME. COLLARS have a story you ought to know WAKEFIELD BROTHERS, printed on the inside. The Arrow mark means largest assortment of styles—best wear- Apothecaries, ing fabrics and most careful workmanship. II4 Lisbon Street LEWISTON. Clupeco means that the fabrics have been fully shrunk and can shrink no more. The % or % shows you that The fatter. there are four sizes to the inch Murphy instead of two. Sign, Gold Hat. 15c each; 2 for 25c COLLEGE and SCHOOL CAPS Cluett.Peabody &. Co., Makers MADE TO ORDER. 143 M ai s t wI8T01f MILEAGE BOOKS TO LET B7 E. P. Davis, N ° P H^3 3 UNION HAND LAUNDRY, 106 Middle St., Lewiston. L N. Rich, Agt. Union Hand Laundry, 32 Parker Hall wmmmmnmtmmmmmmmmm^mammmmmmmammBmamammmmBmammmamKmmmmmtatam^mammmK BUSINESS DIRECTORY THE GLOBE STEAM LAUNDRY, 32 to 36 Temple Street, PORTLAND THE BRIDGE TEACHERS' AGENCY, C. A. SCOTT & CO., Proprietors, Ih Beacon Street, Boston. We nave secured 251 positions for grad- uates of Bates, 98 of which have paid salaries from $1000 to $2200. SEND FOR AGENCY MANUAL. S. P. R0BIE WHEN IN NEED OF (_ Masonic Building SO^LEWISTON, ME. Baseball Golf Respectfully solicits your patronage. OR . MEN'S FURNISHINGS Tennis Goods HATS, C A PS, VISIT ATHLETIC OUTFITS V. S. DARLING CO. SPECIAL VALUES ON HOUSE ROBES 52 Court Street, AUBURN, ME. AND SWEATERS. SUCCESSOR TO DOUGLASS & PEIRCE. »I'»M»W Music and ULRIC DIONNE, Full Line of Musical Dealer in Books. Stationery, Wall Paper, Boom Mouldings, Window Catholic Merchandise Shades, Fishing Tackle, Cutlery, Pictures and Frames. Goods. FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. »MiM'M' ODD FELLOWS BLOCK, 188 Lisbon Street, LEWISTON, MAINE. NOTHING LIKE THEM. CIWITU'Q IUFR PI 1 | q Soldat SMITH'S DRUG STORE Olll • I M W LlVCn r I LL d Cor. Main and Bates Sts., LEWISTON Price 10c. and 25c. Cor. Turner and Summer Sts., AUBURN THE B, B. GLOVE STORE J> jt Gloves, Hosiery, Infants' Wear UNION HAND LAUNDRY, 106 Middle St., Lewiston. L. N. Rich, Agt. Union Hand Laundry, 32 Parker Hall BATES STUDENT Vol. XXXIV. LEWISTON, ME., FEBRUARY, 1906 No. 2 Published by the Class of Nineteen Hundred and Seven, Bates Collegt SUBSCRIPTION, ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR; SINGLE NUMBERS, FIFTEEN CENTS Entered at the Post- Office at Lewislon, Me., as Second- Class Matter VOICES OF THE NIGHT Voices, speaking through the darkness, Whisper wondrous things to me; Bid me look with Youth's bright vision Out o'er life's wide, untried sea. Bid me see the ports of promise Where are stored life's treasures fair; Point out rocks and dangerous shallows, Warning me of them beware. Tell me of the shores of beauty That will lie along my way; Call my soul to taste this sickness As it meets it, day by day. Bid me, through the storms of sorrow, Rudely toss my ship about, Look up, waiting for the sunlight That dispels all gloom and doubt. O, ye voices, whispering softly In the still and quiet night, Grant that listening to thy message I may guide my bark aright. G. E. H., '09. DANTE DANTE, the spokesman of the Middle Ages, the saint of poetry, the beatified. As this mystic, sorrowful figure looms up before us in imagination, we bow our heads in reverential pity and we are silent with religious awe.
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