JOIN SINN FEIN CUMANN. NATIONALITY Vol. 3. No. 5. (New 8eries.) SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 1919. PRICK TWOPENCE. right of Ireland for freedom, inde­ Week by Week, but he also expressed the hope. that J struggle for Irish Freedom Edward LysagKt was a member uf tin pendence, and self-determination. ■ Ireland wovjd achieve her independence our determination to Ufe free is as fresh veiitioi), tud retired beuid the Mr. Morgan T. Donnelly, who pro­ and called upon all lovers of liberty in as ever, and we shall never cease until 1 Report. Our readers will be glad to know posed the resolution, stated that the | France to support Ireland’s claims. Michael F. Cox is medical atieudi °*r country enjoys its rightful libertv.-,j J . Dillon ‘a 1 id Cardinal Logue aud mi that Arthur Griffith is in good health question of Irish Freedom was one in • British propaganda very quickly’flies ■ • • At the present time the Peace Con-' the celebrities, and in a Privy Ceunei and excellent spirits, and that after a which millions of the citizens of Ame­ | when the truth becomes known ! m ference is sitting in Paris. The war J (ietjjrgo C.'rosbie is-proprietor <Atd edi little rest he will resume once more the rica with Irish blood in their veins were was said to be waged to make the world | the 1 ‘Cork Exumiuer,” a Nationalist ' work with which his name will ever interested. “ They believe,” he added, “ Le Populaire ” and “ Lc enjoying a wide circulation in the South Petit safe for democracy and to secure the 1 J■ J. Horgau is a solicitor, and a I remain associated. IJ in the right and justice not only of sei liaise’ ’ have also dealt > ympa’ i- L liberty of nations, sintmall as well as influential sumiorter of the official N) <4> 4> | the war-ridden countries of Europe pro- rally with Ireland's claims. 1 gffcat'. These .fine phrsases arf only a list Party in Cork. | per, but for that division of thfe British Lor«rau Sherlock hi s SeVl W e are sorry that President Wilson ' * - hollow. mockery'of Jrututh*i| freedom in • L Empire constituting Ireland.” Lord May«r of D.ublju, and „ did not think he was called upon to The English mental outlook n§t given to Ireland, which ia'oue o,f Sheriff; is jjecoj|uKed aa a man o ♦ ^ ^ & answer the simple question put to him I liar. England, like the “ hMthen the most ancient and most crrilised palitK-itl ability, and moved by the Irish delegation which waited Ireland is hqjirly becoming more and I Chinee,” is distinguished for jpwuys nations of Europe.” the Duljkn Corpoiatam wl more visible to the world. The dele- , to Hie J iW iiin V k iik ' C'. nfSi’ehc<| •• onr him last Tuesday-evening. Presi­ jitliat are dark and for tricks that are [• So nmcli for M tviil. You can dent Wilson has answered similar ques­ gates who represented Ireland at the vain.” Her ethical views are*tem­ unticipate that sJhwiia*! vdL tions—-when put to him by representa­ Berne Congress have placed Ireland’s pered by geographical limitations. 'Before leading Gloucester Jail we skis country f<i .a. ijvference o| tives of peoples who happened to ,be claims before the peoples of the world. What is tyranny and crime in terim copied the Irish inscriptions which Mi-. 1 preUem, and thfft'-tbei e will bo eu< Sean T. 0 Ceallaigh, as delegate from Pierce McCan-prole on liis cell-wall.. I behind it to (v n p d discussion and v trampled on by Germany, ^.ustria and or Vienna is justice and fair dealing in I in the British Press, and to force Turkey. Does he not like*to oifeild the the Irish Republican Government, is Ireland. Dame Britannia nift.de the The chief of^hem we commend to oppose to advance their wgumeii the Irish jfrople at this juncture British Relegates to the Peace Con- placing Ireland’s claims before some of |world ring with denunciation], of the ■ I. do not see I eyond t|iy jw iH ^ ferenceP. By giving a straight answer' the statesmen of the world, and the sins of the Hun. She was appalled at the 11 1«ac 50 poii l>e<vj5 iynv cipf i.eipe ‘The M a n Charta PJtdosopliy 1 Irish in America are making them­ | j?o me<vp u*ip im noicAin ’—; Patience a • ministered in two dos. s .' H hen hvhim: to the question put by Judge Goff he thought that the gospel-of Might I ready for the second dose Ireland,1 b<], addresi selves heard. The. people in Ireland opposed to Right might possibly rule little while and you will see a swift end would not please the British delegates, of the evil*.’>V. I herself to the British Governmeu’■cut, will 1 but lie wouldjprove, jto a large extent, must maintain their present uncom- the world. Solely in the interests of 1 If you aswnt to the principle ofcf a rtfwt | of the Irish proolem to a noi -British I in the sincerity of his oft-exprecsed desire i promising attitude towards the wiles of j justice and fair dealing she called forth British statesmen. The British Gov­ I tial Tribunal for comprehensive and wise to seei that all nations, great and email all the might of her Empire. .It-was Mr. John Dillon sent a letter to Syd­ solution your acceptance uf the application of -r-even those .that fiappened to be under ernment is trying might and main to not because-she wras greedy Ut more' ney, and Reuter has been kind enough this principle is sufficient. «The Tribunal can keep Ireland out of the Peaee Con­ power or jealous of tiade competition, to send the contents round the world. ! be w ed after the conclusion of hostilities. the rule of the' Allies!— should be \ Your occeptance will have crested a new liberated from oppression. “ W ill you • ference ; and, as the only way it can do or because “ trade follow^ the flag,” It appears that Mr. Dillon is of the that now is by getting the Irish people world sitestion, mid signalised the dawn of . present to the--Peace Conference the that she lavished money Rife water, of opinion that “ a great reaction” will . a new era. We desire that the Imperial .Ger­ to accept a British “ settlement,” it ‘ right of Ireland to determine the form soaked the worljTwith bh6od / Oh, no. set in'in Ireland when, the Irish people man Government be asked to accept the ap­ of government under which it shall will probably offer us, at a not far dis­ It was solely in the interests of realise .that they have been deceived plication of the same principle to Poland, tant date, Home Rule or something else 1 Alasfie-Lorraine. etc. Their refusal so to act live?” . This was the’ question put to Liberty, Justice and Risnt, "and to and misled by the Shin Fein leaders.” within the Empire! The fact that the will be fallowed by Ii'el'and’s volunti.rv par­ President Wilson. He did not .answer make it impossible for iifankind to be W e hope Mr. Dillon sent a, copy of his ticipation in the war on the side, of the' Amew, it. He understood, he said, tliqt he untried and uncharged men and-women governed without the cbnsefit of the ’lettef-to the delegates who arc at pre­ I who, i t ,-is here assumed, will have jointly w;a*,only to be aske.d to hear “ the have been sent home after ten months in governed. Yet, when the Pov^er which sent in Paris trying to establish a »eign and teveTslly proclaimed their adhesion to the British jails may have international . principle of such a reference. views of the delegation, and. not to ox- we are told was the sole nienaceto free­ o f law based on the consent of the significance—more likely it is a sop to governed! X om, j word shoot the bthcr *■ ldr.jf end,” press an-opinion./’ From the pub­ dom the world ovei* is Struck down, 1 J^p^ii* ..J must trouble you to re id : lished report1pi the .proceedings, how- : try to get the Irish speople to swallow she does not appear satisfied... And her I (l).’An Inter national Magna Charta. a “ concession ” injtlie' shape of “ self- hired Press is getting m bft “ ratty,” ' 0 jw International Sacrifice or Cbaos. ever, it appears th a t president Wilson, government.” Daft Eireann, however, In our issjte pf 1st March. we men- j (3)-; *•' Times ” leading article. did express an opinion— “ he added strange to say, when President Wilson on the 21st January, last, told the Bri­ tioned that notice of discontmu'aue<W’n Remember the “ Times ” returned last Octo that he was in Complete accord. wi.th * shows a tendency to take her at her | ^I’ her my-s^ietjue for for.the advertisement tish Government and^the world what the action-for libel instituted some tinie • 'the aspirations vomed ’ ’ (by the dele- word and, with transatlantic blunt-, 1 ago T)y Malcolm Lyon against the j o f , tbe^fiitern,9tional M-ii^nn Chart* articlei ml /jp I ^ .. «>. ■ wants. ness, seems disposed A spade 1 Reinesjilier, that all the leading Jspanen Printer, of ItMs paper luul l>eei> seized ! tgd l«*t ys«M' th^Inteniaj ' : Ifo matteV w hatii re persbndl ✓The French Vress continues to take «t» «t» ♦ publish a letter written o\ * a Irfrnn11- Councillor of ^Wsyoi 1mm , feeliii&s were, lie could not., “ as head an interest in Ireland.
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