Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1949-1950 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1950 Eastern Progress - 10 Mar 1950 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1949-50/9 EASTERN PROGRESS Student Publication of Eastern Kentucky State College Volume 28 Richmond, Kentucky, Friday, March 10, 1950 ' - Numbers' Students Select "Big Three^For 1949-50 Name Choices 125 Earn 40 Points Results of the election held on For First Semester the campus Tuesday, Februapy 21, show that Eastern's favorites One hundred twenty-five stu- arc Jenny Lou Eaves, Doris Cro- dents earned forty or more qual- ley, and Paul Hicks. " ity grade points for the first se- Jenny Lou Eaves, voted Miss mester, 1949-60. They are: Eastern, is an Ashland junior, Donald Meredith Akin, Danville; A Anita Claire Allen, Bardstown; majoring in English and history. Corazon S. Baldos, Manila, Philip- She is a member of the Canter- pines; Nancy Carroll Baldwin, Hop- cury Club, secretary of the House kinsville; William Samuel Bald- Council of Burnam Hall, and was win. Hopkinsville; Dana Lee Ball, k Harlan; John William Ballard, elected this year's ROTC battal- Richmond; Luther Willis Baxter, J ion sponsor. In 1948 Jenny Jr, Lawrenceburg; James Curtis reigned as Snow Queen of the Bevins, Pikevllle; Jack Daris Bil- Christmas formal. As Miss East- lingsley, Middlesboro; Eula Lee Bingham, Burlington; Jack Ken- i ern she will represent the college neth Bradley, McRoberts; Ray at the Mountain Laurel Festival Thomas Brown, Cynthiana; Grigs- to be held at Pineville in May. by Gordon Browning. Dry Ridge, Doris Croley, a senior from In- Richard Lee Browning Cawood; sull, was elected Miss Popularity. Kenneth Eugene Bush, Irvine; John PAl'I. HICkS Warren Bussey, Covington; Betty DORIS CROLEY An English arid history major, Jean Calico, Paint Lick; Hubert - , she is also a member of the Can- n terbury Club, World Affairs Club, Hampton Caudill, RMIM; Robert |_J( 5cn00| Debate Science Professor Frank Cayton, Covington; Bar- ■ ■■ House Council of Burnam Hall, ▼ Leads Symposium and is secretary and treasurer of ffip'rafSSffiJffli To Be At Eastern the Harlan County Club. Last De- ServiAg as moderator of a sym- cember she won the State Inter- KSoSiSS "That the President of the posium on education in different collegiate Speech Contest. Jean DeJamette Richmond; Shirt- United States should be elected r& parts of the world was Lawrence Besides oeing "Mayor of Cyn- £ Frances DeS mone, Richmond; by the direct vote of the people H. Nath, science professor. The thiana," Paul Hicks, student ti»iiv Dob^on Greensburg; Mildred is the subject for debate in the discussion was part of a program choice for Mr. Popularity, is pres- i »n«r»Douelas Hazard; Thomas 1949-50 Regional High SchoolI De- sponsored by the University of ident of the senior class, a mem- PSES, T Richmond; bate Tournament to be held, on Kentucky Chapter of Kappa Delta ber of the "E" Club, and has Fred Allen Engle, Richmond; the campus on Tuesday and Wed Pi on Thursday, February 16. played varsity basketball all of his Martha Garrett Eversole, Rich- nesday, March 21 and 22. Repre- Before coming to Eastern, Mr. four years at Eastern. He is a sentatives from the various high Nath traveled quite extensively in history and physical education mond. schools in central Kentucky will major. Ramona Ann Fletcher, Ashland; several foreign countries. For a compose the participating teams, JENNIE LOU EAVES year he was an instructor at Rob- Candidates for Miss Eastern Laurene Louise Fowler, Oberlin, and the winning team will take were Jenny Eaves and Jane Gar- Ohio; Remedios Marcial Francisco, erts College in Constantinople, part in the state finals at the Turkey. He taught, also, in the riott; for Miss Popularity, Doris Manila, Philippines, Morris Dewey University of Kentucky in April. Croley, Dodo Walker, Norma Freeman, Louisville; Raymond Ellis Philippines prior to serving in the On Friday and Saturday, March Community Concert Group Army. Keesey and Doris Smith- for Mr. Giltner, Covington; Lyda Bell 24 and 25, the Regional High Students on the program were: Popularity, Paul Hicks, Paul Dun- Goodpaster, Owingsville: Ann Gil- School Speech Festival will be Blanche Wu, China; Madsu Sud- can. Bud Bennett, Louis Manning more Gover, Somerset; Harry conducted at Eastern. Represent- Plans "Biggest Year Yet" ham Ruparel. India; Marius Lub- and Dave Rush. Bernard Grimme, Ft. Thomas; atives from approximately thirty bers, the Netherlands; Christine James Ernest Gumm, Vada; Rob- high schools will participate in Plans for the fair community Bergenstiule, Sweden, and Mari- ert Allen Hastings, Winchester; the various speech events consist- concerts have been announced by third number, the world-famous etta Georgiadou, Greece. Leadership Betty Jane Hawkins, Canton, N. C., ing of Senior High Division: Ora- duo pianists, Bartlett and Robert- Jacqueline Anne Haynie, Rich- torical Declamation, Interpreta- the local association. The board of son. Both were originally solo mond; Alice Lorene Heiss, Burton- tive Reading, Poetry Reading, directors states that the associa- artists, but after their marriage, Conference ville; Helen Hedger Hendricks, Extemporaneous Speaking. Radio tion is secure enough to make de- their careers were merged to Music Notes make the most famous man and "How may techniques of group Richmond. Speaking, Public Speaking. Dis- sirable a new poUcv which will Youth Symphony Heard Here discussion be improved?" was the Stephen Edward Hlebec, Mc- cussion and Posters; and Junior woman team in concert annals, High Division: Interpretative place the membership campaign and perhaps the top two-piano On Sunday. March 5, the Youth topic of the discussion which Kees Rocks, Pa.; Gordon Fox Symphony Orchestra of Lexington opened the Leadership Training Homes, Prestonsburg; Elizabeth Reading. Poetry and Posters. in the spring instead of the fall, ensembles of our generation. "The and one which will include an- perfection of their playing and conducted by Howard M. Pence, Program on Monday,Mondav. MarchMarrh 6.A Fay Hopper Stephens, Louisville; nouncement of artists before the presenieupresented ua conceitconcert 111in MMthe «»Hiram■»«•■■ i^vauuigLeading the panel was Doris William Benjamin Huber, New- the unity of their spirit is due at membership campaign. least in part to the fact that they Brock uditorium, under the spon-1 Croley, Insull senior, and on it port; Catherine Vorles Hume, Tay- The new season will offer a soi ship of the Eastern Music Club, were Henry Blndel, Covington lorsville; Karl Wolfe Jones, Rich- Club News never practice or play except to- minimum of three numbers. First gether, making every concert a The orchestra is a part of the graduate..,..-.....,. student,oiuirtlli, Jenny..CliilV Lou1,1m mond; Marjorie Ann Jordan, Kr- Agriculture Club will be the Cincinnati Symphony brilliant and convincing interpre- Youth Music oSciety of Central Eaves.' Ashland junior, and Roman langer; Glenn Marvin Judy, Cam- P. E. Karraker, professor of under the direction of Thor John- tation*. The pianos which they use Kentucky, an organization found- Fletcher. Ashland freshman. bridge City, Ind.; Orloff Lee Knarr, agronomy and chairman of the son, which "will appeal to many are their own Steinways, which ed in J947, of which Dr. Thornton Discussion was defined as an Covington; Leslie H. Leach, Jr. soils section in the agronomy de- as the outstanding number on the are taken on their tours." Scott is chairman, and which now argument for the sake of clarify- Fonthill; James Ledford, Jr., Crab partment at the University of schedule and is almost worth the also includes a chorus group. The ing and an interchange of ideas Orchard; Joy Lucille Lee. Rich- If the membership campaign orchestra is organized on a per- Kentucky, spoke at the Wednes- cost of the season's membership." continues throughout the week for reaching a conclusion. Modern mond; Rose Charmaine Lee, Eu- day, March 8, meeting of the For a second number the com- manent basis with regular re- discussion was said to be the tak- bank; Marjorie Fay Lyons, Louis- with as much momentum as it has "Plowboys." Mr. Karraker has mittee has engaged Mr. George so far, the course can include a hearsals throughout the year and j im? apart'of "i subject and looUttC ville; Charles Bruce McCollum, done a good deal of work in soils London, leading male voice from a regular concert schedule. About I carefully at all the details. Richmond; Eleanor Burton Mc- fourth number, Rose Bainpton, ten "different senior and junior survey and soil laboratory testing the Vienna Opera, currently a soprano from the Metropolitan Discussion was divided into three Connell, Richmond; Norma Jean with the use of fertilizers. He al- sensation in Europe at the Vienna high schools are represented in types: general or group discussion, Opera Company, who has tenta- the personnel of the orchestra. It Mason, Booneville. so specializes in working with the Opera. He has achieved an im- tively been engaged. panel discussion, and the sym- Crystal Masters, Buechel, fertilization, yield, and quality of pressive international reputation is of truly symphonic size, num- posium. Group discussion involves James P. Melton, Jr., Cumberland; in many roles. In addition, he has Directors of the association urge bering about seventy boys and burley tobacco. the fact that there will be no all people present and is informal, Douglas F. Miller, West Irvine; •The Agriculture Club is still already been engaged for early girls. being carried on in a conversational Sara Kathryn Miller, Carrollton; 1950 appearances with both the membership campaign in the fall The program was as followsfollows: , manner Th(1 audience choo8^°th^ growing by leaps and bounds this and that the present campaign will Maude E. Bell Moore, Falmouth; semester. This must be due to the New York Philharmonic and the Symphony No. 104 Haydn An- I leader and ft members of , Sue Mary Moorhead, Brooksville, Philadelphia Orchestras.
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