AGENDA ITEM NO. DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT PANEL 21 December 2009 APPEAL DECISIONS (Report by Planning Services Manager (Development Management)) HEARING 1. Appellant : Mr and Mrs A I Fraser Dismissed 23.10.09 Unauthorised works to listed building 24 Middle Street Great Gransden WRITTEN REPRESENTATIONS 2. Appellant : Mr P Stubbs Dismissed Agent: Mr J Hartley 23.10.09 Proposed orangery The Old Coach House London Road Wansford 3. Appellant : Mr J Blarwick Dismissed Agent: Toby Pateman Architect Ltd 26.10.09 Caravan storage facility Cherry Hill Farm Keyston Road Covington 4. Ap pellant : Mr A Wolf Dismissed Agent: Bird and Tyler Associates 26.10.09 Erection of two storey extension and replacement of flat roof with pitched roof Weybridge Lodge Woolley Road Alconbury 5. Ap pellant : Vodaphone UK Ltd Allowed Agent: Mono Consultants Ltd 27.10.09 Erection of 12m high antenna column and equipment cabinet Huntingdon Northern Bypass Hartford 6. Appellant: Church Commissioners for England Dismissed Agent Smiths Gore 27.10.09 Erection of dwelling Land at Manor Farm Spaldwick Road Stow Longa 7. Appellant: Heritage Homes Ltd Dismissed Agent Matrix Planning Ltd 27.10.09 Erection of two dwellings 53 High Street Stilton Application for Partial Award of Costs Against Council Granted 09.11.09 8. Appellant: Ely Diocesan Board of Finance Dismissed Agent Alison Harker 02.11.09 Erection of dwelling Land adjacent the Vicarage Church Way Alconbury 9. Appellant: Mr Cronin Allowed Agent None 04.11.09 Two storey extension to dwelling 16 Milton Avenue Eaton Ford 2 HEARING 1. 0700038ENLBCA Unauthorised works to listed building 24 Middle Street, Great Gransden Mr & Mrs A I Fraser A Listed Building Enforcement Notice was issued on 6 April 2009 in respect of the construction of a spiral staircase, the blocking up of an existing staircase and its conversion into a cupboard, and the insertion of a boiler extraction flue. The Notice was issued because the works were contrary to Policies En2 of the Huntingdonshire Local Plan 1995 and B7 of the Huntingdonshire Interim Planning Policy Statement 2007 and the advice contained in PPG 15, and it was considered that listed building consent should not be granted because planning conditions could not overcome these objections. A Hearing was held on 22 September 2009. The Inspector’s Reasons: • The main issue was identified as the effect of the works on the special architectural and historic interest of the Grade 2* listed building • The floor, part of which had been removed to create an opening to accommodate the spiral staircase, probably only dated back to the 1930’s. The balustrades were probably made of plastered breeze block and the newel posts may have come from an ornate bed. The floor and the balustrade were of little historic interest • The blocked up stair case was a piece of poorly constructed builder’s work resulting in an impractical layout and was of little importance to the very considerable architectural and historic interest of the house as a whole • The spiral staircase is unobtrusive and improves the layout of the bedroom. Its form and construction serves to differentiate the later extension from the ancient part of the house • Although now removed, the boiler flue was clearly harmful to the appearance of the listed building and its special architectural and historic interest. • The works did not have any impact on the character or appearance of the Conservation Area The Listed Building Enforcement Notice was upheld but varied to delete reference to removal of the spiral staircase and the reinstatement of the floor, the re-opening the existing staircase, and the reinstatement of newel posts and handrails. Listed building consent was granted for the construction of the spiral staircase and the blocking up of the existing staircase and its conversion into a cupboard. WRITTEN REPRESENTATIONS 2. 0900698FUL Proposed orangery The Old Coach House London Road, Wansford Mr P Stubbs 3 Planning permission was refused under delegation agreement against the recommendation of the Parish Council for the following reason: 1. The proposed form and design detail would conflict with the predominantly simple form and appearance of the existing building and the character and appearance of the Conservation Area. The proposal is therefore contrary to Development Plan Policies, HIPPS 2007 and the SCS Incorporating Proposed Changes 2009 relating to preserving and enhancing the distinctiveness of villages and areas of architectural/historic importance. The Inspector’s Reasons • The Old Coach House lies behind buildings fronting London Road/Elton Road. The Inspector found that the proposed orangery would modify the original form of the building in an unsympathetic manner. In general terms, the design of the extension would harmfully complicate the relatively simple lines and form of the existing dwelling. • Whilst the extension would only be visible from the west bank of the Nene in a limited way due to partial screening, there is no certainty that this screening would remain in the long term. In those circumstances the unsatisfactory relationship between the extension and the existing house would come more distinctly into view. Although the suggested materials would partially mitigate the unsatisfactory relationship, the Inspector concluded that it is insufficient to overcome the material harm done to the character and appearance of the Conservation Area. The appeal was dismissed The link to this planning application in Public Access is: http://planning.huntsdc.gov.uk/publicaccess/tdc/DcApplication/application_det ailview.aspx?caseno=IU9IJ9IKS0000 3. 0803124FUL Caravan Storage facility Cherry Hill Farm Keyston Road Covington Mr Blarwick Planning permission was refused under delegation agreement in accordance with the recommendation of Bythorn and Keyston Parish Council for the following reason, Catworth Parish Council did not comment: 1. The unsustainable rural location of the site would represent an intrusion into the countryside where no justification has been demonstrated. The applicant has failed to justify that the proposal constitutes farm diversification and therefore there is no justification to contravene policy which seeks to protect the countryside for its own sake. The proposal is therefore contrary to PPS1, PPS7, SS1 and ENV7 of the East of England Plan, Development Plan Policy, HIPPS (2007) and SCS (2008). The Inspector’s Reasons 4 • The appeal site is in a remote and secluded part of the District approached via a network of narrow rural lanes. HIPPS Policy E5 seeks to facilitate farm diversification in order to support agricultural businesses but the appellant occupies only 2.4ha of land, the benefits of the proposed use to the rural economy have not been established and the unit does not generate sufficient income to make it a viable farm enterprise. Therefore, the Inspector found that farm diversification cannot carry any weight in offsetting the objections based on clear planning policies. • The site is poorly related to the nearest towns. The use is one which is best located close to towns to minimise the transport of caravans to the site and to be more accessible for their owners. The Inspector accepted that the site is well screened but considered that the caravans would be visible through the eastern hedgerow from the adjacent bridleway, especially in winter months. The appeal was dismissed. The link to this planning application in Public Access is: http://planning.huntsdc.gov.uk/publicaccess/tdc/DcApplication/application_det ailview.aspx?caseno=IU9IJ9IKS0000 4. 0900682FUL Erection of two storey extension and replacement of flat roof to pitched Weybridge Lodge, Woolley Road Alconbury Mr A Wolf Planning permission was refused under delegation agreement contrary to the recommendation of the Parish Council for the following reason: 1. The proposed two storey extension projects beyond the existing side elevation creating an awkward relationship. The proposal does not complement the form or character of the dwelling. The fenestration is considered poor and does not result in a balanced elevation with a simple cohesive arrangement. The proposal is contrary to PPS1, PPS7, Development Plan Policy, Policy CS1 of the SCS, Policy B1 of HIPPS and the Huntingdonshire Design Guide. The Inspector’s Reasons • The Inspector considered that the extensions and alterations proposed would not restore the house to its original or most favourable appearance. He agreed with the Council that the general scale of the proposal is acceptable but considered the fenestration raises an issue for the appearance of the enlarged and altered house. The Inspector considered that in terms of its fenestration the appeal proposal would be materially harmful to the design and appearance of Weybridge Lodge as a whole. The appeal was dismissed. The link to this planning application in Public Access is: http://planning.huntsdc.gov.uk/publicaccess/tdc/DcApplication/application_det ailview.aspx?caseno=IU9IJ9IKS0000 5. 0803088TELDET Erection of 12m high antenna column and 5 equipment cabinet Land north of Huntingdon northern bypass, Hartford Prior Approval was refused under delegation agreement contrary to the recommendation of the Town Council for the following reason:- 1. The road carries high speed traffic and it is considered that, due to the servicing of the equipment and associated turning movements on the highway, the siting in the location proposed would have a significant detrimental impact on highway safety. As such the proposed siting is not considered to be acceptable. The Inspector’s Reasons • The site of the proposed development in on the highway verge on a very straight section of the A141 where high speeds are likely. The Inspector considered road safety as being a very important consideration in this case due to expectation of drivers to adopt high speeds along this stretch of straight road. However, once constructed this installation would only need servicing once or twice a year. He was satisfied that the need for a mast in this location is well founded in view of the unsuccessful exploration of alternative sites that has taken place and the substantial gap in the service that currently exists in the Hartford area.
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