Clinical commentary with video sequences Epileptic Disord 2012; 14 (4): 418-21 Epileptic diaphragm myoclonus Andreas Hahn, Bernd A Neubauer Department of Neuropediatrics, University of Giessen, Giessen, Germany Received August 6, 2012; Accepted October 22, 2012 ABSTRACT – Persistent singultus is a rare condition, occasionally caused by central nervous system abnormalities. We report a six-year-old girl with daily hiccup events. A polygraphic recording capturing nine singultus epi- sodes showed myoclonia of the diaphragm lasting 104-131 milliseconds, time-locked to bilateral, synchronous, double-spike-and-wave discharges, maximum at frontal contacts. The initial EEG spikes preceded the onset of EMG discharges by 56-64 (median: 59) milliseconds. This is the first description of an epileptic patient with hiccups as the main seizure manifes- tation. The electrophysiological findings suggest a primary generalised form of epilepsy and polysynaptic impulse transmission. [Published with video sequences] Key words: myoclonus, epilepsy, childhood, diaphragm, hiccup, singultus, polygraphy Singultus is caused by a myoclonic gest that the diaphragm myoclonus contraction of the diaphragm and was caused by central activation other inspiratory muscles which is of the polysynaptic hiccup reflex followed by glottal closure about arc. 35 milliseconds later, thereby pro- ducing the characteristic “hiccup” sound. While acute singultus is a Case Report frequent, self-limiting, and benign phenomenon, chronic hiccupping A 6-year-old girl was referred to our represents a rare and potentially department due to a first photic- debilitating condition occasionally induced generalised seizure. She caused by central nervous system had been walking with her mother abnormalities (Loft and Ward, 1992). along an alley while the sun was Epilepsy has only rarely been sus- shining through the trees. Both were pected or described to be related to watching the clouds, when the girl hiccupping (Lin et al., 1998, Fogarasi suddenly stopped and starred with fluttering of her eye lids. She then et al., 2006; Ponnusamy et al., 2008). doi:10.1684/epd.2012.0540 Correspondence: We report, for the first time, a child sat down on the ground and began Andreas Hahn with epilepsy and singultus as the to jerk rhythmically for two minutes Department of Neuropediatrics, main seizure manifestation. Poly- while falling onto her left side. On Feulgenstr 10-12, graphic ictal recordings, performed admission, her neurological status 35392 Giessen, Germany <[email protected] to elucidate the underlying elec- was normal. The family and the girl’s giessen.de> trophysiological mechanisms, sug- history were uneventful, but the 418 Epileptic Disord, Vol. 14, No. 4, December 2012 Epileptic diaphragm myoclonus mother mentioned the occurrence of brief vocalisa- from the right and left deltoids and wrist extensors, tions of the girl several times per day that started and from the right and left diaphragm (Demoule et about three months ago. These episodes were par- al., 2003). The EEG signals were acquired by means of ticularly frequent when watching television and had a referential montage and EEG and EMG signals were been interpreted by the parents as an expression of digitised using a sampling frequency of 512 Hz. All ictal excitement. recordings were visually evaluated using an expanded A routine video-EEG showed normal background acti- time scale and an appropriate amplitude display. vity, bilateral, synchronous generalised spike-waves Nine ictal epochs, seven occurring during hyperven- at rest, and marked photosensitivity. During hyper- tilation, were registered and used for analysis. Slow ventilation and drowsiness, several brief generalised motion video analysis suggested that the sobbing spike-wave discharges of 2.5-3/second, associated with sound was produced at the end of the inspiratory a prominent sobbing sound during inspiration and a phase of the respiratory cycle. During seizures, EMG visible contraction of the diaphragm, were registered discharges from the right and left diaphragm lasting (video sequences 1 and 2). These episodes were assu- 104-131 milliseconds, but not from the deltoid and med to be hiccup seizures. wrist extensor muscles, were consistently recorded Because of the exceptional seizure symptomatology, (video sequence 3). Each EMG burst was tempo- a video-polygraphic recording, including a total of 15 rally related to a double-spike-and-slow-wave complex minutes of hyperventilation and a period of sleep, was and maximum at frontal contacts on EEG. The initial performed on the following day. The EEG signal (band- EEG spike preceded the onset of the EMG discharge pass: 0.5-120 Hz) was registered by surface electrodes by 56-64 milliseconds (median: 59 milliseconds), the placed on the scalp, according to the international first positive wave by 27-39 milliseconds (median: 31 10-20 system. Surface EMG signals were recorded milliseconds), and the second spike by 9-14 millise- simultaneously using the belly-tendon technique; conds (median: 10.5 milliseconds) (figures 1 and 2). FP1 - A1 F3 - A1 C3 - A1 P3 - A1 O3 - A1 FP2 - A2 F4 - A2 C4 - A2 P4 - A2 O2 - A2 Cz - A1 Cz - A2 100 µV L deltoid R deltoid L wrist extensors R wrist extensors L diaphragm R diaphragm ECG 500 µV 1 s Figure 1. Polygraphic recording showing three hiccup seizures. Double-spike-and-slow-wave complexes are associated with myoclonic jerks of the right and left diaphragm, while no simultaneous EMG discharges are registered from the deltoid and wrist extensor muscles. Epileptic Disord, Vol. 14, No. 4, December 2012 419 A. Hahn, B.A. Neubauer FP1 - A1 100 µV FP2 - A2 L diaphragm R diaphragm 300 µV 57 61 200 ms Figure 2. EEG-EMG recording of two hiccup seizures using an expanded time scale. The initial spikes at the left fronto-polar contact precede the onset of the right diaphragm myoclonia by 57 and 61 milliseconds, respectively. No hiccup seizures were recorded during photic Ponnusamy et al., 2008). Lin et al. (1998) noticed brief stimulation. expiratory vocalisations during seizures in six children Additional examinations including high-resolution with benign myoclonic epilepsy of infancy and specu- brain MRI, visually and somato-sensory evoked poten- lated that contractions of the diaphragm contributed tials, and transcranial magnetic stimulation gave to these noises, however, since the diaphragm func- normal results. The girl became seizure-free by taking tions purely during inspiration (Demoule et al., 2003), 500 mg valproate per day. this seems implausible. Fogarasi and co-workers (2006) briefly mentioned hiccupping as an autonomic symp- tom in a child with temporal lobe epilepsy, yet the patient’s complete seizure symptomatology was not Discussion given. Recently, Ponnusamy et al. (2008) reported on a girl with absence epilepsy who had hiccups during Myoclonus is characterised by brief, shock-like jerks one of her absences. that may be generalised and confined to large or small Our case differs from those reported by Fogarasi et groups of muscle, or even restricted to a single muscle. al. (2006) and Ponnusamy et al. (2008), since hiccup- Myoclonus is termed “epileptic” when occurring in ping constituted the major seizure symptom and could combination with cortical epileptiform discharges be provoked repeatedly by hyperventilation. Abnor- (Commission, 1997). In our patient, a classification of mal EEG findings together with normal development epileptic myoclonus was based on the consistent tem- prior to epilepsy, normal neurological status, and poral relationship between the spike-wave discharges absence of structural brain pathology are features and the diaphragmatic EMG bursts. of a primary generalised form of idiopathic epilepsy. Singultus has only rarely been reported as a sei- However, in contrast to ictal polygraphic recordings zure symptom (Lin et al., 1998; Fogarasi et al., 2006; of other forms of idiopathic myoclonic epilepsies, 420 Epileptic Disord, Vol. 14, No. 4, December 2012 Epileptic diaphragm myoclonus which have been reported to demonstrate bilateral Legends for video sequences synchronous jerks of the upper limbs or generalised myoclonia (Panzica et al., 2001; Guerrini et al., 2005), EMG discharges in our case remained limited to the Video sequence 1 diaphragm. Recording of three hiccup seizures during hyper- In juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, jerk-locked back- ventilation. averaging revealed positive-negative EEG transients preceding EMG bursts of the deltoid muscles by Video sequence 2 about 10.5 milliseconds (Panzica et al., 2001), which is consistent with myoclonic activity descending from Recording of two hiccup seizures during drowsi- the sensorimotor cortex through the rapid conduc- ness. tion pyramidal pathways (Panzica et al., 2001; Guerrini et al., 2005). In contrast, latencies between spike-wave Video sequence 3 complexes and deltoid EMG potentials were found to range from 21 to 80 milliseconds in 9 children with Polygraphic recording of three hiccup seizures. various types of myoclonic epilepsy, suggesting poly- Lanes 5 and 6 are recordings from the left and right synaptic impulse transmission (Oguni et al., 1997). In deltoid muscles, and lanes 7 and 8 are recordings young healthy adults, the latencies of motor evoked from the left and right diaphragm, respectively. potentials elicited by transcranial magnetic stimulation and recorded by abdominal surface electrodes from Key words for video research on the diaphragm were found to range from 15.6 to 20.4 www.epilepticdisorders.com
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