Edward VIII King RENT YOUR SPARE ROOM THROUGH A DEMOCRAT WANT May Leave Throne ADj DISTRICT OF WATERBURY, ss. (OontmtMd tram Page 1) Probst* Court, October lfth A. D. Notices less. Legal RDout uie country m an ever weoen- roaa irom Ipswich and wie assize ESTATE OP Domcnlc Bartollnl, JOSEPH DI LEONE, of Waterbury, circle, the followed. court where the divorce of Blbery, Penn., having estate in Ing speculation Simpson the District of Waterbury. Britain has beheaded kings and will be heard. two weeks MATILDA RICCI*’ DI LEONE, for- Though Upon the application of Augusta merly of aald Waterbury, but now who Bartollnl that some suit* thrown out kings overstepped ago it was understood that Mrs. praying of parts unknown. LOST—Black Great Dane. IN able person be appointed Conserva- White the elastic but limited bounds of Simpson would be among the few ORDER OR NOTICE BEST BUYS I* WE tor of his estate, as per application spot on chest. Reward. Call 3-2804 TOWN OFFER YOU But never be- their prerogatives. guests, all Intimate friends, the talk on file more fully appears. It Is STATE of CONNECTICUT^ NEW 1036 Dodge WATER- Coupe USED CARS WITH fore this reign has the possibility was now a stag party. ORDERED, That said application HAVEN COUNTY, M. LOST—Bowknot pin of brilliants, 1M4 Sedan heard and BURY, October 13, A. D. 1>3«. Terraplane ON COOKE been discussed that one be determined at the between Henri’s might quit Probate Office In In said UPON THE COMPLAINT of the Beauty Shop and 1033 Studebaker Sedan A GUARANTEED ‘O.K.’ the favor of lead- Waterbury, job voluntarily in Determined to Wed District, on the 28th day of October aald JOSEPH DI LEONE, praying Colonial Trust. Reward. Dial 4-6366. 1032 Rockne Sport Coupe ing his own life. The conclusion A. D. 1828 at 10 o'clock in the fore- for reaaona therein Ht forth for a 1031 Buick Phaeton 1036 CHEVROLET MASTER DIE Five room rent with all Oct. 17—(UP)—The noon returnable before the world of Washington, (Standard Time), and that no- divorce, made LUXE SPORT SEDAN— Built-in ern Is unescapable in this/old Court In and for New 1032 Chevrolet Coupe Improvements and Washington Post said today that tice be given of the pendency of Superior low kings that though a crown might said and the time and Haven County at Waterbury, to be 1032 Oraham Sedan trunk, mileage, fully equipped In 3 house, King Edward VIII to marry application, family make the head lie uneasy, it makes plans of hearing thereon, by pub- held on the flrat Tueaday of Novem- 1031 Auburn Sedan with electric panel dock. This Is Mrs. Ernest one In some ber, A. D. 1336, It appearing to and reasonable to right party. a fine hat Simpson. Rlaceshing this order time RHEUMATIC PAINS—Neuritis, Sia- 1031 Ford an exceptionally clean car and will The a circulation in being found by the subscribing au- Sport Roadster.$135 Post said it had learned the newspaper having deliver new car Pric- Speculation Beliefs said by in thority that the aald defendant has tlca, Arthritis. Why suffer any Many Other Trade-Ins performance. 42 year old monarch is determined District, mailing regis- ed on the’ possibility that tered letters, poatgae prepaid from pone to parta unknown; therefore, longer. Use Beirs Therapy. Now special for quick sale and of Speculation to 40 That notice of the GEORGE A. BARO marry Mrs. Simpson, year did Waterbury, an attested of said ORDERED, on sale at GLEN’S USED CAR LOT course backed by our King Edward might retire is based copy of Mid be riv- your neighborhood drug guaranteed vivacious brunette, regardless of the application, order and citation to pendency complaint 16 Cole St. Dial 4-3608 “o. k.” on the beliefs (X) that he does not en by publishing this order In The store. tag. .'JAL ESTATE and INSURANCE consequences. Domenic Bartollnl, Blbery, Penn., like the Job; (2) that he resents nnd by leaving a like copy with the Evening Democrat, a newspaper Mrs. suit for divorce In Waterbury, three days Loehmann Chevrolet 36 North the of church Simpson’s Board of Public Welfare of the City printed plain opposition against her husband is of Waterbury all at least twelve successively, commencing on or be- Special Notlece CADILLAC CHEVROLET SALE8 * SERVICE leaders and more conservative shipbroker fore the 13th day of October A. D. expected to be 'heard late this days before said day of hearing. statesmen of his close friendship DENNIS J. SLAVIN, 1336 by some proper officer who, USED CAES OF MERIT 379 West Main St. month. thereon — He is her second husband, Judge. with his doings Indorsed, BICYCLE REPAIRING All 1033 DeSoto 4 Door Deluxe Sedan- DIAL 3-5139 OPEN EVES. with Mrs. Simpson, wife of a former shall make due return. parts she having previously divorced an and tires In at Pine WILLOW 8T. 315—6 room officer of the king’s own crack GEORGE H. FREEMAN. stock. New bikes appearance, excellent mechan- apt American naval officer. ment. 2nd flloor. on household regiments; (3) that he is Clerk of the Superior Court for bargain prices. Cycle Shop, 408 So. ical condition. Priced very reason- Inquire pi The king, according to the New Haven County at Waterbury of headstrong nature and inclined Poet, Main. 8-1233. able. gave his of Mrs. to a course with even approval Simpson’s of COUN- Cadillac LaSalle Oldsmobile pursue great- POLICE ON STATE CONNECTICUT, NORTH ST„ 491— Five “may, indeed, have suggested It." ss. WATER- 504 Watertown er determination if it is opposed. SQUAD TY of NEW HAVEN, DENTISTRY Ave. Dial 6-1140 divorce before the suit was filed— BURY, October 14, 1936. POR QUICK ROAD SERVICE on Apt. hot water, While the gossip went on, and is a AT THE LOWEST PRICES Simpson does not plan to contest the The within and foregoing Tires, Batteries and ignition & NUHN the newspapers maintained a silence true and attested copy of the Orig- PACKARD suit, which charges adultry. TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS of In hands Dr. S. L. Trouble. Call 3-6906. Battenaa 141 Bank thick as a London fog inal Order Notice, my Whitright concerning the Post for publication. 158 East Main 8t Dial 3-8888 recharged, 60c without service. the divorce suit Edward “King Edward," said, King went to Attest; RECENT TRADE-INS SOMMA AUTO SUPPLY. 334-338 “expects marry Mrs. Simpson ALBERT to his country home, Port Belvedere, (Continued from Page 1) PELOSI, APEX TEXTILE RE-WEAVING CO. St. as soon as it is permissible after 10-16-3t Constable. East tCaln near Windsor in the beautiful coun- —Damage rewoven Invisibly on 1035 Pontiac “8” 4 Dr. Sed. DeLuxe her divorce. In some cases, a six try outside London for the week- Several Connecticut cities already silks, woolens, linens. Guaranteed. 1934 Lafayette 2 Dr. Sedan COLUMBIA BOULEVARD month interval must elapse. have traffic accident In DIS- end. There his privacy was well squads op- STATE OF COONBCTICUT, Local cencem. 66 Grand St. 4-1821. 1934 Studebaker 4 Dr. Sedan HON—7 rooms In “This would the date of TRICT OF WATERBURY, ss. U Automobiles Wanted guarded and it was not place eration, said 8upt. Roach, and the 1934 known the PROBATE COURT, October 18th, Pontiac Conv. Coupe—Deluxe Rent $35 per month. wedding of Edward and Mrs. has successful. — whether Mrs. was plan proved highly WASHING MACHINE Service. 1933 Nash "8" 4 Dr. Sedan Simpson among no earlier than late in 1336. Simpson April In Cincinnati, Ohio, he said, the NELLIE REILLY or rolls and lor all — his guests, as she has been before. ESTATE OF Wringer parts 1932 Buick Convertible Coupe CARS WANTED Highest cash not long before his coronation.” traffic accident after a brief late of the town of D. T. Inc. He expects to leave Monday about squad, REILLEY, makes of washers. Domestic Ap- 1931 Buick 4 Door Sedan prices. See Bill Pltzpatrick. Cor- FARRINGTON, course of In Waterbury, In Mid district, de- Real tea time—in the later instruction, succeeding pliance. Dial 3-8848. 1931 Franklin Sedan ner Judd and Freight Sts. Dial Estate—Insurance—Steamship afternoon—by convictions in 86 of the Tickets railroad for Sandringham, the Relatives Know Nothing gaining The Court of Probate for the Dis- 1931 Willys 4 Door Sedan 4-4159. first 71 cases in which arrests were trict of Waterbury, hath limited and RADIO SERVICE 141 West Mali. St. Dial 3-311J rambling country estate 60 miles Washington, Oct. 17—(UP)—Rela- 1930 Packard Sedan—Model 726 by made as the result of accidents. allowed six months from the date All Makes — A. White tives of Mrs George 1931 Hudson 4 Door .Ernest Simpson said hereof for the creditors of said es- Baldwin Sedan HOUSE—<One family exceptionally claims for set- 1487 81 4-8054 today they knew nothing of pub- tate to exhibit their 1928 Hupmobile “6” Sedan DeLuxe Others to tlement. Those who negledt to pre- pleasant. $40. up $75. lished reports that she to 1930 Graham 4 Door Sedan Employment ABSENTEE plans sent their accounts, properly attest- Dr. Dentist Leo J. Curley. 51W. Main St. 3-9031 VOTE marry King Edward. ed, within said time, will be de- August Reed, Mrs. D. Buchanan Merryman, FIVE SUPERIOR barred a recovery. All persons in- Moderate Pees. 30 Yrs. Experience. 17 Men Wanted debted to said estate are requested Inc. aunt who chaperoned Mrs. Hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Packard-Waterbury, 74 IS Simpson to make immediate payment to 482 Watertown Ave.
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