BUFFALO RANGE Milligan College Alu1nni Bulletin WINTER, 1948 THE BUFFALO RANGE MI LL IG AN CO LL EG E AL UMNI BUL L ETIN WINTER, 1948 MILLIGAN COLLEGE, TENNESSEE OFFICERS OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Presiden.,___________________ Kegley, J. Henry, Bristol, Virginia Vice-Pres. Bolling, Dr. Harlis 0., Sullivan Gardens, Kingsport, Tenn. Secretary_______ . Lodter, Mrs. E. G., Milligan College, Tennessee BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Adkis1110n, Grady L. Kilday, Glen W. Price, Albert L. University of Tennessee Sullivan Co. Health Dept. Erwin, Tennessee Knoxville, TennessE"E" Blountville, Tennessee Shelburne, C. C. Albright, Arnold D. Knowlton, Miss Ruth Supt. of County Schools Dept. of Education 11 85 So. Lauderdale Christiansburg, Virginia Nashville, Tennessee Memphis, Tennessee Bible, Milbert D. Shepherd, Miss Martha O. Mm1heim, Tennessee Lumsden, Mrs. Leslie L. Mosheim, Tennessee 101 EaHt K St. Carpenter, Dr. Wm. C. }<]lizabethton, Tennessee Stewart, Dr. Marcus .J . 25 Montrm1e Court Campbell Clinic ,Johnson City, TenneKset' Memphis, Tennesi-ee Millsaps , Hobart W. Daisy, Tennessee Gilliam, Verlin L. Stone, Thomas Byron Whie, Virg inia Bluff City, TennesRee MulHns, Earl Graybeal, Byron F. Internal Revenue Offi<'e Honn Mountain, TenneR!'lt'<' Starnes, Charles F. Norton, Virginia Supt, of Scott County School~ Hale, W. Chamberlin Gate City, Virginia · 1401 Oak St. Pardue, Harry R. Kingsport, 'l'ennes,;ee St. Paul, Virginia Taylor, Lewis Elizabethton. Tennt'Ri'IE"e Hilsenbeck, Ur. J. Robert Phillips, The Hon. Da)·ton F:. 1078 N . K 94th St. Holll,1e of Representative:1 Williams, Glen M. Miami :{8, Florida Washington, D. C. ,Jonesville, Virginia Johnson, Emory G. I<~mory's Haby and Junior Shop Poe, Burl F. Wilson, Dr. Shelburne D, 443 South Fourth Ave. Uurroughs Adding Ma<"hine Co. c/ o R. D. Wil,ion Louit1ville 2, Kentucky Knoxville, Tennessee Mountain City, Tennessee Kelly, George W. Pearce, Don C. Woods, Rev. E. Leslie Press-Chronicle Peabody College 1126 Hope St. Johnson City, Tennessee Nashville, Tenne!'lsee S'pringdale, Conn. DEDI CAT I ON IN MEMORI A M To J. Bradley Shepherd, Alumnus and Trustee of Milligan College, inspiring leader in church activities, friend of young people, believer in Christian Education, sportsman and promoter of clean athletics- in holiest remembrance, we dedicate this \Vintcr Issue, 1948, of THE BUli'FALO RANGE. The Buffalo Milligan College Alumni Bulletin Vol. 1 WINTER, 1948 No. 2 1947 HOMECOMING PRONOUNCED ·succESS The 1947 Milligan College Home- coming held on November 8th was MEMORIAL FUNDS ESTABLlSHED the largest and best homecoming Because of the importance of P,lans Made For ever celebrated at the college. insuring the financial future of Alumni started arriving during the Milligan College, and because of Spring Meeting afternoon and enjoyed informal the great emphasis accrediting Plans are being made for the visiting in the parlors of Hardin agencies place upon an endowment, spring meeting of the Alumni As- Hall before the supper at 6 o'clock. Milligan College is making every sociation and for installation of Approximately 160 alumni were effort to raise a $500,000 endow- the 1948 graduating class into the present. Most of these were from ment fund as soon as possible. organization. Tennessee and Southwest Virginia, From 1882 to 1944 a total of Tentative plans call for an however a few had come from $135,000 had been raised for the alumni meeting on baccalaureate great distances. Among these endowment of the college. From Sunday afternoon, May 23, 1948 at were: Roger H. and Sunny Williams 1944 to the present date, nearly 4 o'clock. This will allow all alumni Derthick and their two children, $50,000 has been added to our who want to attend commencement Dianne and Roger, of Atlanta, Ga.; permanent endowment funds. activities to plan for a week-end Mr. and Mrs. Emory Johnson of Prior to 1944 the following per- of festivities. It will also give Louis~ille, Ky.; Dorothy McKenzie manent endowment funds were those who work on week-days an Bondanella and son of Pinehurst, established: opportunity to attend this impor- N. C.; Frank and Pat Lovelace The Hoover-Price Trust Fund tant meeting. So make plans to Brown and daughter of Steele, The McWane Foundation Fund attend the alumni meeting at 4 Missouri; Lowell Cagle of Savan- The Waddy Trust Fund o'clock, May 23 in the college audi- nah, Tennessee. The Johnson City Endowment torium. It was a very congenial group. Fund Following the business meeting Everybody had a good time! There During the past three years ten there is being arranged an installa- were representatives of every age additional endowment funds have tion into the Alumni Association group; some had attended Milligan been started. They are designated of the 1948 graduating class. This about 1900, and some then repre- as follows: service will take the form of a sented every group up until the The Adam B. Crouch ·Memorial vesper service at about 5 or 5:30 1947 graduating class. Everyone Fund o'clock. There are approximately knew several others and it was a The Corinna Smithson Cashman 30 seniors who will graduate in real reunion. Memorial Fund May. Special acknowledgement and The Sarah Elanor LaRue Hop- thanks go to Miss Frances Con- wood Memorial Fund Fund over, dietitian, and the cafeteria The Josephus Hopwood Mem- Contributions to the Milligan staff for the delicious steak din- orial Fund College Endowment Fund may be ner served, and to Mr. Bob Marieei·, The C. W. Matheny Memorial made at any time. Milligan Alumni manager of the College store,· for Fund should be more interested than the Milligan football pins he. pro- The Frank P. Walthour, Sr. anyone else in the future of the vided for favors. · Memorial Fund college, and many of them do give And the Homecoming game :with The Robert A. Balderson Mem- generously. The Milligan College Tennessee Wesleyan, Milligan :won orial Fund Alumni Association will provide by the score of 13 to 6. Thanks, The Thomas Wilkinson Memorial an excellent opportunity for an too, to Coach Yancey and the Fund organized Milligan family to help football team, and to Mr. W. F'. The E. E. Linthicum Memorial the college when the organization Weddle and the Johnson City High Fund ' becomes strong enough. Your help School Band for /the exdellent The Elizabethton Endowment is needed! demon~tration at half-time. Pa,ge 2 THE .BUFFALO RANGE Winter, 1948 MILLIGAN CURRICULUM CHANGES One Degree Only To Be Offered Milligan Choir To Make Tour Registrations for the second The Milligan College Choir will semester made between January Milligan Honored leave on a spring tour April 1st. 19 and January 31, showed a total Tentative plans for this trip in- of 435 students enrolled, 116 of For V-12 Program clude concerts at Grundy, Virginia; which are girls. Fifty-one new A plaque has been presented Central Christian Church, Hunt- students entered during this time, Milligan College in recognition of ington, W. Virginia; First Christ- bringing the year's total to 507, the Navy V-12 unit maintained at ian Church, Canton, Ohio; North seven more than the record 500 the college during World War II. Street Church of Christ, Butler, set last year. Of this total, 229 Lieutenant Commander W. B. Pa.; Central Christian Church, entered Milligan under the G. I. Brown, assistant District Director Pittsburg, Pa.; First Christian Bill. Twenty-two states and Puerto of Naval Reserve, Knoxville made Church, Greensburg, Pa.; First Rico are represented, with the the presentation in behalf of the Church of Christ, Lemoyne, Pa.; majority of students coming from Navy Department. Third Christian Church, Philadel- Tennessee and Virginia. The inscription on the Plaque phia, Pa.; and the National City Catalogues for the coming year reads: This mark of commendation Christian Church in Washington, will show several noteworthy is awarded to Milligan College D. C. Music will be mostly relig- changes, which we trust will help for effective co-operation in train- ious but will include some secular to bring and keep Milligan among ing Navy personnel during World numbers. the stronger small colleges of the War II. Navy V-12 Unit, James The fall tour through Kentucky country. The Home Economics De- Forrestal, Secretary of the Navy. and Ohio was a pronounced suc- partment, of which we were justly During the two years from July cess. The boys and girls were re- proud in the pre-war days, is again 1943 to July 1945, when the Navy ceived well everywhere, and Milli- being strengthened, and beginning unit was on the campus, about gan Alumni in several towns help- with the 1948-49 school year a 1,000 men representing twenty- ed entertain them. Be sure to major in that department will two states received training. In attend the concert of the Milligan once more be offered. The major College Choir if one is given in fields of study will now include accepting the award Dr. Virgil your vicinity. Business Administration, Home Elliott pointed out that many of Economics, Music, Physical Edu- the men who first came to Milligan The choir is directed by Prof. cation, Religion, Science and as V-12 students, have returned to E. Gordon Warner; Mrs. Warner Teaching. the campus to continue their is the Accompanist. After much thought and con- ideration, including interviews studies. with executives of the Southern Children Foundation and doing Association, it has been decided Graduates Become graduate work at the New School henceforth to grant only one de- in that city; James N. Harmon of gree-that of Bachelor of Arts- Alumni; Seniors Listed Blackwood, Va.; Patrick H. Starnes and unify the basic degree require- ments for all students. This does At the end of the winter semes- of Ft.
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