Annex Participants Dr. Nadia Arbatova Dr. Laurens Jan Brinkhorst Born 1950 Born 1937 Head, Department on European Po- Former positions: Minister of Eco- litical Studies, Institute for World nomic Affairs, The Hague; Chair, Economy and International Rela- Transnational and European Gover- tions (IMEMO), Russian Academy nance, University of Tilburg; Euro- of Sciences, Moscow; Director of pean Affairs Advisor, NautaDutilh Policy Studies and Editor, Committee “Russia in a (law firm), Brussels; Minister of Agriculture, Nature United Europe”, Moscow. Management and Fisheries, Den Hague; Member, Selected writings: Russia’s National Interests and European Parliament, Brussels; Director General of Foreign Policy: European Direction (2005); Iraq as a Environment, Nuclear Safety and Civil Protection Turning Point in the Postbipolar International Re- and Director General of Environment, Consumer lations (2004); European Security and International Protection and Nuclear Safety, European Commis- Terrorism (2004). sion, Brussels; Head of Delegation, European Com- Pages: 56, 80, 84, 92, 94 mission, Tokyo; Leader, Democrats 66; State Secre- tary for Foreign Affairs, den Uyl Government, The Dr. Christoph Bertram Hague; Chair, European Law, Groningen University; Born 1937 Director, Europe Institute, Leiden University. Former positions: Professor, Bologna Pages: 59, 75, 77, 99, 106 Center, Paul Nitze School for Ad- vanced International Studies, Johns Dr. Marek A. Cichocki Hopkins University, Bologna; Direc- Born 1966 tor, German Institute for Interna- Programme Director, The Natolin tional and Security Affairs (SWP), Berlin; Diplomatic European Centre, Warsaw; Editor, Correspondent, Die ZEIT, Hamburg; Director, Inter- “Nowa Europa“, Warsaw; Lecturer, national Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), London; Institute for Applied Social Sci- Member, Policy Planning Staff, Federal Ministry of ences, Warsaw University. Defense, Bonn. Former positions: Policy Director, Europe, Center for Pages: 27, 30, 32, 33, 35, 38, 39, 42, 49, 62, 69, 72 International Relations, Warsaw. Selected writings: Die politische Romantik in Polen und in Deutschland, in: Deutsche Polenpolitik auf neuen Wegen (2006); Does the European Union need a Constitution? (2002); Zwischen dem Schweigen der Symbole und der Leere politischer Konzepte. Die deutsch-polnischen Beziehungen in den neunziger Jahren (2001). Pages: 29, 31, 84, 85, 91 111 H. E. Vladimir Chizhov Mehmet Dülger Born 1953 Born 1940 Permanent Representative of the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Russian Federation to the European Committee and Deputy of Antalya, Communities, Brussels. Grand National Assembly, Ankara. Former positions: Deputy Minister of Former positions: Vice Chairman and Foreign Affairs of the Russian Fed- Architect, Construction Comapany eration, Moscow; Director, European Multilateral Co- SUMMA A. Ş., Ankara; Founder and Deputy Leader, operation Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, True Path Party (DYP), Press and Public Relations; Moscow; Director, European Department, Ministry General Director, Tercüman (daily newspaper), An- of Foreign Affairs, Moscow; diplomatic posts in Mos- kara; Chief Advisor to the Prime Minister Süleyman cow, Athens, Nicosia, Vienna, and Sarajevo (in the Demirel. latter case as Deputy High Representative for Peace Pages: 100, 102 Implementation in Bosnia and Herzegovina). Pages: 28, 33, 74, 79, 82, 84, 88, 90, 91, 92, 94, 96, MDg Dr. Markus Ederer, 97 Born 1957 Head of Policy Planning, Federal Foreign Office, Berlin Sir Brian Crowe Former positions: Director, Political� Born 1938 Economic Assessment, Federal In- Deputy Chairman, Royal Institute telligence Service, Munich and Ber- for International Affairs, Chatham lin; Head of Cabinet of the Special Coordinator of House, London; European Director, the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe, Brussels; Centre for Political and Diplomatic Deputy Head, South Eastern Europe Desk, Federal Studies, Oxford; Director of ITT De- Foreign Office, Berlin; Deputy Spokesman, Federal fence, UK. Foreign Office, Berlin; Press Department with em- Former positions: Director General for External and phasis on Central and Eastern Europe, Federal For- Politico-Military Affairs, EU Council of Ministers, eign Office, Berlin; Attaché, Economic Department, Brussels; Deputy Under Secretary of State (Director German Embassy Moscow; Personal Secretary to General) for Economic Affairs, Foreign and Com- Minister of State Helmut Schäfer, Federal Foreign monwealth Office, London; C.; British Ambassador Office, Berlin. to Austria, Vienna; Economic Minister, British Em- Pages: 50, 77, 78, 83, 84, 88, 91, 96, 97, 101 bassy, Washington D. C.; other diplomatic posts in- cluding Brussels, Bonn and Moscow. Pages: 28, 29, 34, 58, 67, 68, 70, 71, 83, 99, 106 112 Sylvie Goulard Dr. Klaus Hänsch, MEP Born 1964 Born 1938 Lecturer, Institut d’Etudes Politi- Member, Committee on Foreign ques de Paris (Sciences Po), Paris Affairs, Human Rights, Common and College of Europe, Bruges; as- Security and Defence Policy, Euro- sociated Senior Research Fellow, pean Parliament, Brussels. Centre d’études et de recherches Former positions: President, Euro- internationales (CERI), Paris. pean Parliament, Brussels; Member of the Presid- Former positions: Member, Task Force Convention, ium, “Convention on the future of Europe”; Repre- European Commission, Brussels; Foreign Policy Ad- sentative, European Parliament, Intergovernmental visor, Policy Planning Staff, Ministry of Foreign Af- Conference on the European Constitution, Brussels; fairs, Paris. Officer, Ministry for Science and Research, North- Selected writings: EU-Türkei. Eine Zwangsheirat Rhine-Westphalia, Dusseldorf; Honorary Professor, (2005); Allemagne: «Un siège à l’ONU, le paradoxe Duisburg University. (2004); L’Allemagne, in: Les pays d’Europe occi- Pages: 28, 30, 58, 65, 78, 86, 91, 104 dentale (ed. A. Grosser 2000); Die Quadratur des Dreiecks. Deutschland, Frankreich und Großbritan- State Secretary Dr. Gert Haller nien in einer engeren Union? (2000). Born 1944 Pages: 32, 36, 51, 52, 59, 67, 68 Head of the Office of the President of the Federal Republic of Ger- Eric Gujer many, Berlin; Chairman, Board of Born 1962 Wüstenrot & Württembergische Correspondent, Neue Zürcher Zei- AG, Stuttgart. tung (NZZ), Berlin. Former positions: Spokesman of the Board of Wüsten- Former positions: Correspondent, rot Holding AG, Ludwigsburg; State Secretary, Min- Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Berlin (1989– istry of Finance and Personal Representative of the 1992), Jerusalem and Moscow, Federal Chancellor for the Preparation of the World Selected writings: Kampf an neuen Fronten. Wie sich Economic Summit, Berlin; Associate Chair for Eco- der BND dem Terrorismus stellt (2006); Die neue nomic Policy, University of Heidelberg. Rolle Deutschlands (2002). Pages: 28, 45, 58, 65, 98 Pages: 48, 62, 73, 82, 87 113 MD Dr. Christoph Heusgen Dr. Werner Hoyer, MdB Born 1955 Born 1951 Foreign Policy and Security Advi- Deputy Chairman and Spokesman sor to the Federal Chancellor and for Foreign Affairs, Free Democratic Director General, Federal Chancel- Party (FDP) Parliamentary Group, lery, Berlin. German Bundestag, Berlin; Deputy Former positions: Deputy Director- Chairman of the German-Ameri- General, Head of the Policy Unit of the High Rep- can Parliamentary Group; Member of the Board, resentative Javier Solana, General Secretariat of the German Council on Foreign Relations, Berlin. Council of the European Union, Brussels; Deputy Former positions: Minister of State, Federal Foreign Of- Director-General for European Affairs, Federal For- fice, Berlin; General Secretary, FDP, Berlin; President eign Office, Berlin; Deputy Head, Private Office of European Democrat and Reform Party, Brussels. Foreign Minister Klaus Kinkel in charge of Euro- Pages: 29, 33, 42, 45, 52, 56, 70, 71, 75 pean Affairs, Federal Foreign Office, Berlin; Deputy Head, special section in charge of negotiations of the Ambassador Wolfgang Ischinger Treaty of Maastricht, Federal Foreign Office, Berlin; Born 1946 Private Secretary, Coordinator for German-French Ambassador of the Federal Repub- Relations, Federal Foreign Office, Berlin; diplomatic lic of Germany to the Court of St. posts in Paris and Chicago. James, German Embassy, London. Pages: 37, 41, 53, 66, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76 Former positions: Ambassador, Ger- man Embassy, Washington D. C.; Jim Hoagland Deputy Foreign Minister (State Secretary), Director Born 1944 General for Political Affairs and Head of Planning Associate Editor and Chief Foreign Staff, Federal Foreign Office, Berlin; Head, Political Correspondent, The Washington Department, German Embassy, Paris, and Director Post, Washington D. C. of Cabinet and Parliamentary Affairs, Federal For- Former positions: Assistant Manag- eign Office, Berlin; Chairman, Ambassadors Advi- ing Director for Foreign News, The sory Board of the Executive Council on Diplomacy, Washington Post, Washington D. C.; Paris, Middle Washington D. C.; Member, Board of Overseers of the East, and Africa Correspondent, The Washington Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, the East-West Post; Copy Editor, New York Times International Institute, the American Field Service (AFS) Germany, Edition, Paris; Ford Foundation Fellow, Columbia and the Alfred-Herrhausen-Foundation, Frankfurt. University, New York. Pages: 30, 39, 42, 49, 50, 61, 87, 89 Pages: 32, 34, 44, 49, 52, 53, 54, 57, 64, 74, 85, 91 114 MD Dr. Wolf Kischlat Philipp Mißfelder, MdB Born 1944 Born 1979 Director-General for Foreign Affairs, Member,
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