ühe Magazine of Spiritual Education ED1TED BY LLOYD KENYON JONES âC lA 5 7 S $ Ö 7 Features in This Number: The Broken By Ollah Do “Ruling Passions” Survive Death? .................................By Harry E. Tudor The Life of James “Farmer” Riley Wanted: The Spirit of the Law Spiritualismus Seventy-second Birthday Educational Features Press Comments and Criticisms Psychic Experiences “F ronstrom” 25c A COPY $2.00 A YEAR CBF/ ö ö C*T f ? T Let Us Make You a Present fT T Some of Your Friends Will Subscribe for “Communication” if tT You Show Them this Copy and Teil Them that You Will Receive a t Present and They Will Receive a Premium as a Gift to Them! tT T A Copy of “DREAMS” FREE with Each T T SubscripÜon for Om Year tT t EARN ONE OF THESE PRESENTS FOR YOURSELF! tT Remit $4.00 for "Communication” for Two Friends and Receive as a Present, t “Development of Mediumship” or “Healing Forces” or "Memory Keys” or ? T "The Natural Law of Success” for YOURSELF! Any ONE of these Volumes t you wish. f Remit $6.00 for “Communication” for Three Friends and Receive for Yourself t ANY TWO of the Above-named Volumes. ❖t f Remit $8.00 for “Communication” for Four Friends and Receive How I Discov- f ered My Mediumship” or “The World Next-Door.” t Remit $10.00 for “Communication” for Five Friends and Receive BOTH the Vol­ T umes Named in the Above Paragraph OR EITHER ONE PLUS ANY TWO T T of the First Four Volumes Named. T Remit $20.00 for “Communication” for Ten Friends and Receive an AUTO- t MATAGRAPH” Free—or a $5.00 Credit on the “Oriental Lessons.” t tT All Sent Prepaid. tT TO EACH YEARLY SUBSCRIBER FOR THIS f MAGAZINE WE WILL SEND “DREAMS” FREE! T T These Gifts Are Exclusively for Those Who Have Subscribed or Who t T Add Their Own Subscriptions to the Above! t? This offer is NOT for Regular Agents. f t tT 981-992 Rand, McNally Building Chicago, Illinois T t ❖t COMMUNICATION 1 These Special Combinations for Acceptance Only Until the Next Number of “Communication” is Out! p jE R E are some new “ Table-Top” Combinations that w ill be kept open only until the next number of “Communication'’ is out. These Combinations are offered for the purpose of moving some of our stock—to make room for more volumes that the bindery insists upon delivering. 1 he advantage is yours. Fast experience with these Combination offers, proves to us that these Combinations will be populär, and that the introduction of “The World Next-Door” in these Combinations will meet with your approval—and action. C o m b i- Regular Special Send for Friends n a tio n Price Price Buy to Lend Some of your friends A How I Discovered My Mediumship” .$ 1.50 Save How many t i m e s w i s h t o have our "The World Next-Door” ........................... 1.50 50% have you lent your copy “Table-tops.” Show of “God’s World,” and them this announce- $3.00 $1.50 the “Table-tops?” You have been glad to lend ment; get them to send these volumes to their Orders. These B “Development of Mediumship” ................$1.00 Save friends, because in that Combinations g i v e “Healing Forces” .......................................... 1.00 over way you are doing them the opportunity • “Memory Keys” ......................................... 1.00 60% some real missionary of studying the subject work for the Truth. of Spiritualism and be- “Natural Law of Success” .......................... 1.00 Perhaps your own coming b e 11 e r ac- $4.00 $1.50 Q u a i n t e d with its copies have become Teachings, and with worn—and you would the methods employed C Or any THREE Volumes in Combination B for $1.25 like to replace them. in developing Medium­ — Save 58% . Perhaps your friends ship and calling upon are asking freQuently the Healing Forces. for copies—and after D Or the SIX Volumes in Combinations A AND B for they have read these Concise, easily under- $2.75— Save 60%. “Table-tops,” not only stood information, is far will they feel more more valuable than kindly disposed toward voluminous Statements E Or Combination B PLUS EITHER Volume in Com­ Spiritualism, but they that are usually in- bination A for $2.30—Save 58%. will send their Orders, volved. These “Table­ \ and become buyers of tops” are written in an our various works. easy style, and they F Or Combination A PLUS ANY ONE Volume in Com­ drive straight to the bination B for $1.90— Save 52%. Every time you lend point. That is why a copy of a “Table-top” they have proyed to be to a friend, you are so populär. Their pop- All Shipped Prepaid Day Your Order Reaches Us helping the Cause—and these Combination ularity is growing. PLEASE ADD 10c TO PERSONAL CHECKS offers make it an inex- Teil your friends pensive matter to do this part of the Big about these Combina­ Work. You have a tions, and remind them, variety o f selections please, that these offers before you—and which- are for immediate ac­ ever meets with your ceptance—that they do approval, will be the THE STEAD CENTER order to send on the not constitute station- accompanying order ary prices! 533 Grant Place . Chicago, Illinois form. 2 C 0 M MUNICATION Free Message from Mrs. Cook with full Enrollment Fee for 1920 ‘‘ORIENTAL LESSONS” x x ------ -X X CThe March, 1920, number of the “Oriental CEach month, the Teachers dictate a direct Lessons” of The Wm. T. Stead Memorial Lesson on some vital subject—and this Center, terminates the first year of these feature, like the Questions-and-Answers, Lessons—that have brought to nearly twelve based on the teachings and on psychic de­ hundred men and women a new, deeper, velopment, will be continued. You will be broader understandinf of Spiritualism. permitted to ask any such Questions that may concern you—whenever they occur to CApril, 1920, ushers in the second year of you. these Lessons, and they will have some new features—retaining, however, the populär CWe •can not ask Mrs. Cook to send a Ouestions-and-Answers Department, and the message from the seance-room of The Center other features that have proved so populär until the full amount of ten dollars, covering and helpful throughout the first year of this the year’s enrollment for 1920—and ter- study. minating with the March Lesson, 1921—has been received. This we do in' fairness to CAn entirely new feature of this new year’s those who remit promptly. issue of Lessons (coming to you monthly) CThe T eachers feel that these messages will will be a message through the Mediumship bring the Class Members into closer har- of Mrs. Cecil M. Cook, Pastor and Medium mony with their loved ones in spirit, and of The Stead Center. As soon as you have will produce new inspiration in securing paid your new year’s enrollment in full, you from these Monthly Lessons, the greatest will be entitled to this message. value they can impart; a value that your own receptivity must determine. CIn sending your remittance for the 1920 Lessons, ask two or three Questions that CThere is a combination remittance form will form the basis for a message from Loved enclosed with this number of “Communica- Ones Across-the-Way. These Questions are tion,” and you will find spaces for your essential as a basis of attraction, and what- enrollment and remittance. In the March, ever comes through in addition to the an- 1920, Lesson, those who are now Mèmbers swers, you will receive privately; not in the of this Class, also will be informed of these Lessons. facts and these new plans. CMany persons are paying for the first c if you wish us to send copies of the first year’s “Oriental Lessons” in installments, year’s Lessons to you, there is a space pro- and they may so continue to pay—but should vided in the general order-form for that Free indicate to us, by writing a letter, if they Examination. We shall be glad to have any wish to keep on with the new Lessons on of our friends examine these Lessons before the same basis. We must correct our mail- deciding if they wish to subscribe. Such ing list for the new year. examination carries no Obligation. X- ................. ..... " - The William T. Stead Memorial Center 533 Grant Place Chicago, Illinois nro l 0 VO The Magazine of Spiritual Education MARCH, 1920 SSflSSil»a>i<iiv»-');-»;t'».:w]t«tt«ä V o lu m e I Table of Contents No. 1 Page M isunderstanding (A P o e m ) ................................... Olive Sheldon Mantor 3 I ntroducing “Communication” . Lloyd Kenyon Jones 5 Ro s e s ....................................................................................... Snowdrop 6 T h e Broken R eed (Illustrated) . Ollah Toph 7 Do “R uling P assions” Survive D ea th ? (Illustrated) . Harry E. Tndor 13 How I Get M essages for O thers . Mrs. Cecil M. Cook 17 T he L ife of J ames "F armer” R iley (Illustrated) . • 19 W anted: T he Spirit of the L aw . Lloyd Kenyon Jones 21 Spiritualismus Seventy-second Birthday • 23 A n A ppreciation . • 25 E d it o r ia l s ............................................................................. 26 W hy I am a Spiritualist ................................................ C. Wright Davidson 28 A LaymaV s T e s t i m o n y ...............................................
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