
Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg 53 (2003): 113-122 Deacidification of wine using wine yeast and bacteria starter cultures SUSANNE BERGER, KAROLINE PISCHINGER und SILVIA WENDELIN HoÈ here Bundeslehranstalt und Bundesamt fuÈ r Wein- und Obstbau A-3400 Klosterneuburg, Wienerstraûe 74 e-mail: [email protected] Present investigations deal with the malic acid reducing capacity of selected wine yeast strains of the species Saccha- romyces cerevisiae and bacteria starter cultures of the species Oenococcus oeni. Deacidification capacity and in- fluence of bacteria present in seven of ten commercial dry yeast strains compared to pure culture of yeast strains were evaluated on the basis of 'Rheinriesling' must fermentations. Analysis of malic acid reduction in must and wine showed basically yeast borne activity which was shown to be amplified in musts with pH-value 3.1 and 3.4 re- spectively. Some of the investigated dry yeast preparations were found to contain low amounts of bacteria cultivable on appropriate media. Results concerning the malic acid degradation velocity in red wines did not correlate with the amount of bacteria cell number in dry yeast preparations. Mash from grapes of the 'Blauer Portugieser' cultivar was fermented with two commercial dry yeast preparations. Malolactic fermentation variants were induced using three different bacteria starter cultures, simultaneously to a spontaneous fermentation variant. At 16 8C malolactic fer- mentation finished successfully several days later compared to variants at 21 8C. Both yeast and bacteria reduced monomeric anthocyanins in red wines. After four months of storage on fine lees, the influence of microorganisms on phenols and biological stability was evaluated. Bacteria developed during spontaneous malolactic fermentation showed highest viability using temperatures of 21 8C and 16 8C compared to Oenococcus oeni starter culture. Du- ring wine storage on fine lees, the amino acid tyrosine increased to the highest amount compared to arginine and ly- sine. Amounts of caffeic acid, a precursor for volatile phenols, cannot be related to yeast or bacteria strain influence. Keywords: Wine, deacidification, yeasts, malolactic fermentation, starter cultures, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Oeno- coccus oeni Abbau der AÈ pfelsaÈure mit Weinhefen und Bakterien-Starterkulturen. Die aÈpfelsaÈureabbauende KapazitaÈt von se- lektionierten StaÈmmen der Art Saccharomyces cerevisiae und von Bakterien der Art Oenococcus oeni sind Gegen- stand vorliegender Untersuchungen in Weinen der Sorte 'Rheinriesling' und 'Blauer Portugieser'. Die Analysen be- staÈtigten, dass der AÈ pfelsaÈureabbau teilweise auf die metabolische AktivitaÈt der untersuchten Hefen zuruÈ ckzufuÈh- ren ist. Diese AktivitaÈt trat in Mosten mit einem pH-Wert von 3.4 im Vergleich zu Mosten mit einem pH-Wert von 3.1 verstaÈrkt auf. In sieben von zehn TrockenhefepraÈparaten wurden Bakterien nachgewiesen. Die Kinetik des biologischen SaÈureabbaus im Rotwein der Sorte 'Blauer Portugieser' korrelierte nicht mit der HoÈhe der nachge- wiesenen Bakterienzellzahlen. Trauben der Sorte 'Blauer Portugieser' wurden mit zwei kommerziellen HefestaÈm- men vergoren. Der anschlieûend durchgefuÈ hrte biologische SaÈureabbau mit drei Bakterien-Starterkulturen im Ver- gleich zu spontanem biologischen SaÈureabbau verlief in allen Varianten erfolgreich, war jedoch bei 16 8C um einige Tage verzoÈgert im Vergleich zu 21 8C. Hefen und Bakterien reduzierten die monomeren Anthocyane in den Rot- weinen in unterschiedlichem Ausmaû. Nach einer Lagerung von vier Monaten auf der Feinhefe wurde der Einfluss der Mikroflora auf die biologische StabilitaÈt und auf die Phenole evaluiert. Die Bakterien-Spontanflora wies im Vergleich zu Oenococcus oeni Starterkulturen die hoÈchste Lebendzellzahl auf. Der Gehalt der AminosaÈure Tyrosin stieg am staÈrksten an. Auch die Konzentration an Arginin und Lysin nahm zu. KaffeesaÈure kann auf Grund mikro- biologischen Einflusses in fluÈ chtige Phenole umgewandelt werden. Saccharomyces cerevisiae oder Oenococcus oeni hatten keinen Einfluss auf Zu- oder Abnahme des KaffeesaÈuregehaltes in den Weinen. SchlagwoÈ rter: Wein, EntsaÈuerung, Hefen, biologischer SaÈureabbau, Starterkulturen, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Oe- nococcus oeni 113 Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg 53 (2003): 113-122 Berger et al. DeÂgradation de l'acide malique par des levures de vin et des cultures starter de bacteÂries. La capacite des souches seÂlectionneÂes du genre Saccharomyces cerevisiae et des bacteÂries du genre Oenococcus oeni de deÂgrader l'acide ma- lique fait l'objet des preÂsents examens des vins des ceÂpages 'Rheinriesling' et 'Blauer Portugieser'. Les analyses con- firment que la deÂgradation de l'acide malique est partiellement due aÁ l'activiteÂmeÂtabolique des levures examineÂes. Cette activite s'est manifesteÂe plus intenseÂment dans des mouÃts d'un pH de 3,4 que dans les mo«ts d'un pH de 3,1. Dans quelques preÂparations de levure seÁche, on a deÂtecte des bacteÂries qui ne jouent treÁs vraisemblablement aucun rzÂle aÁ la fermentation. La cineÂtique de la deÂgradation biologique de l'acide dans le vin rouge du ceÂpage 'Blauer Por- tugieser' ne preÂsente aucune correÂlation avec le nombre des bactereis deÂtecteÂs dans les souches commerciales. Les ma- ceÂrations avec les raisins du ceÂpage 'Blauer Portugieser' ont eÂte effectueÂes avec deux souches de levure commerciale. LadeÂgradation biologique de l'acide aÁ l'aide de trois cultures starter de bacteÂries s'est deÂrouleÂe de manieÁre efficace par comparaison aÁladeÂgradation biologique spontaneÂe de l'acide, mais a eÂte retardeÂe de quelques jours aÁ une tem- peÂrature de 16 8C par rapport aÁ une tempeÂrature de 21 8C. Les levures et les bacteÂries reÂduisaient d'une manieÁre dif- feÂrente les anthocyanes monomeÁres dans les vins rouges. L'influence de la microflore sur la stabilite biologique et sur les pheÂnols a eÂteÂeÂvalueÂe apreÁs un stockage de quatre mois sur lies fines. CompareÂe aÁ Oenococcus oeni des cultures commerciales, la flore spontaneÂe preÂsentait l'indice de germination le plus eÂleveÂ. La teneur en acide amine tyrosine preÂsentait la plus forte augmentation. La concentration d'arginine et de lysine a eÂgalement augmenteÂ. GracËe aÁ l' in- fluence microbiologique, l'acide cafeÂique peut nÂtre transforme en pheÂnols volatils. Saccharomyces cerevisiae ou Oe- nococcus oeni n'ont eu aucune influence sur l'augmentation ou la baisse de la teneur des vins en acide cafeÂique. Mots cleÂs: vin, deÂsacidification, levures, fermentation malolactique, cultures starter, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Oe- nococcus oeni New enological procedures contribute to accurate wine capacity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to degrade malic making and a higher quality on the wine market. Pro- acid amounts during alcoholic fermentation. Dry yeast cessing standards are getting higher, demanding precise preparations contain bacteria contaminants at amounts 2 5 winemakers' skills and process monitoring from vi- of10 cfu/g to 10 cfu/g of dry yeast (RADLER et al., neyard to filled bottles. 1985). Bacterial contaminants in dry yeast preparations Balance oftartaric acid and malic acid is important for could contribute to malic acid reduction. further product stability. High numbers ofviable bacteria cells in wine might Acidification and deacidification of must or wine repre- cause off-flavours like bitterness and buttery taste or sent useful tools to adjust the quality. Malic acid will be deteriorate red colour. Analysis ofbacteria viability du- degraded by chemical or microbiological procedures in ring storage is necessary because viable starter cultures case ofhigh vintage acidity or forbiological stabiliza- are a potential risk for wine stability. tion ofred wines. Certain substances can cause wine aging damages and Microbiological tools such as dry yeasts ofthe species therefore it is of interest to analyse their concentrations Saccharomyces cerevisiae used for alcoholic fermenta- with respect to dry yeast and bacteria starter culture va- tion and bacteria starter cultures ofthe species Oeno- riants. The influence of the fine lees microflora on wine coccus oeni both degrade malic acid. Metabolism ofma- quality can be evaluated on the basis ofamino acids, lic acid by yeast leads to the formation of carbonic phenols and anthocyanins. acids like pyruvate, L-lactic acid and relatively high Some amino acids are released to wines during lees con- amounts ofD-lactic acid, succinic acid and acetic acid. tact. On one hand, amino acids could be used by bacte- Homofermentative and heterofermentative lactic acid ria for their nutrition. On the other hand, sulphuric bacteria metabolize malic acid (RIBE REAU-GAYON et al., molecules like cysteine could damage wine flavour. 1998). Malic acid degradation can be generated sponta- The uncoloured ethylcaffeic acid is a cinnamic acid. neously in case ofnative bacterial floradevelopment, Cinnamic acid alterates the colour ofwine towards yel- but accurately selected bacteria starter cultures do em- low or brown. Saccharomyces cerevisiae, lactic acid bac- phasize dominance of Oenococcus oeni species. Product teria and Dekkera bruxellensis produce cinnamate de- diversity ofsupplied bacterial cultures increases process carboxylase and are able to transform caffeic acid to un- reliability. Addition ofhigh cell numbers of10 6 cfu (co- desired volatile phenols. lony forming units)/ml are recommended. Present ex- Monomeric anthocyanin concentrations indicate colour periments with
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