Subject Index Abortion. See Health and medical care Albania Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). See Trade with U.S.Ð851 Health and medical care U.S. AmbassadorÐ1013 Adoption. See Children and youth Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, Bureau of. See Treas- Advancement of Colored People, National Association ury, Department of the for theÐ302, 1014 Alfalfa ClubÐ1005 Aeronautics and Space Administration, NationalÐ982 American Indian and Alaska Native Culture and Arts Affirmative action. See Armed Forces, U.S. Development, Institute ofÐ1014 AFL-CIO. See Labor and Congress of Industrial Orga- American Israel Public Affairs CommitteeÐ653 nizations, American Federation of America's Heritage Abroad, Commission for the Pres- Africa ervation ofÐ1016 See also specific country AmeriCorpsÐ67, 82, 254, 276, 637, 855, 891, 940, U.S. trade and investmentÐ166 958 African-Americans See also specific subject; Civil rights AmtrakÐ1006, 1007 Church burningsÐ830, 874, 875, 888, 898, 905, Andorra, Ambassador to U.S.Ð1006 Angola 908, 913, 914, 921, 928, 957, 975, 1017 Economic sanctionsÐ509 African Development FoundationÐ1007 National Union for the Total Independence of An- Aging, White House Conference onÐ379 gola (UNITA)Ð509 Agricultural Mortgage Corporation, FederalÐ1011 Agriculture U.S. national emergencyÐ509 Cattle pricesÐ671 Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of Crop insuranceÐ545 1996Ð628, 630, 641 Environmental impactÐ544 Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance ExportsÐ545 BoardÐ1010 Farm assistanceÐ544 Arctic Research Policy Committee, InteragencyÐ375 Farm credit system reformÐ172, 225 Arkansas GovernorÐ1015 Farming legislationÐ222, 488, 544 Storms and tornadoesÐ1012 Research and developmentÐ544 Armed Forces DayÐ768 Southern Plains States drought reliefÐ834 Armed Forces, U.S. Agriculture, Department of See also specific military department; Defense and BudgetÐ544 national security Commodity Credit CorporationÐ796 Affirmative action programsÐ65 SecretaryÐ10, 169, 310, 671, 888 Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 1996, Armed Forces Service MedalÐ57, 61 FederalÐ544 Base conversionsÐ478 Air Force, Department of the Chief of Naval OperationsÐ754, 763, 785, 792, 793, See also Armed Forces, U.S. 862, 1014 Air Force Academy, U.S.Ð724, 1005 Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)Ð200, 226 Assistant SecretaryÐ1015 Marine helicopter crash near Camp Lejeune, NCÐ Dover Air Force Base, DEÐ554 724, 820 Eglin Air Force Base, FLÐ999 Military housing and support servicesÐ226, 746 Operating location near Groom Lake, NVÐ117 National GuardÐ253 Patrick Air Force Base, FLÐ1001 PayÐ226 SecretaryÐ724, 999, 1001 SecurityÐ984 Under SecretaryÐ321, 999, 1001 Supreme Allied Commander, EuropeÐ60 Alabama, storms, flooding, and tornadoesÐ1008, 1009 Tax provisions while serving under hostile condi- Alaska tionsÐ340, 483 Arctic National Wildlife RefugeÐ581 Terrorist bombing of U.S. military complex in FiresÐ1016 Dhahran, Saudi ArabiaÐ979, 980, 984, 987, 989, GovernorÐ651 991, 993, 997, 999, 1001, 1018 Mineral resources reportÐ594 Veterans. See Veterans Oil exportsÐ651 Armenia, trade with U.S.Ð851 President's visitÐ581 Armenian Apostolic ChurchÐ1004 A±1 VerDate 12-OCT-99 09:26 Oct 21, 1999 Jkt 010199 PO 00001 Frm 00001 Fmt 1237 Sfmt 1237 C:\96PUBP~1\PAP_SUBJ txed01 PsN: txed01 Administration of William J. Clinton, 1996 Arms and munitions Bosnia-HerzegovinaÐContinued See also Defense and national security; Law en- Economic assistanceÐ587 forcement and crime; Nuclear weapons Economic sanctionsÐ818, 836, 963, 992 Arms control negotiations and agreementsÐ85, 489, ElectionsÐ904 604, 614, 849, 989 NATO peacekeeping roleÐ46, 121, 304, 963 Chemical and biological weaponsÐ85, 629, 630, Peace effortsÐ45-47, 127, 304, 528, 560, 611, 717, 790, 954 721, 806, 809, 811, 827, 901, 904, 963, 991, 993, ExplosivesÐ463, 467, 552, 580, 629, 630, 987 1014, 1018 LandminesÐ754, 991, 998 PresidentÐ46, 62, 304 Missile systems and technologyÐ226, 611, 614, 656, President Clinton's visitÐ35, 45, 60, 62, 320 670, 776 RefugeesÐ811 Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, U.S.Ð1004, Tuzla AirfieldÐ60, 62 1011 United Nations High CommissionerÐ992, 993 Armstrong World Industries' Building Products Oper- United Nations Security Council resolutionsÐ836 ationsÐ379 U.S. military roleÐ45, 47, 55, 56, 58-60, 62, 63, Army, Department of the 65, 127, 162, 163, 526, 963 See also Armed Forces, U.S. U.S. Special AdviserÐ304 Corps of EngineersÐ247, 251, 253, 273, 274 U.S. Special Representative for Civilian Implemen- Arts and the Humanities, National Foundation on the tationÐ827 Arts, National Endowment for theÐ906 Botswana Humanities, National Endowment for theÐ593 Ambassador to U.S.Ð1006 Arts, National Council on theÐ1003, 1004, 1006 U.S. AmbassadorÐ1007 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forumÐ775, 1015 Brazil, narcotics productionÐ316 Asia-Pacific region Brunei, U.S. AmbassadorÐ1010 See also specific country Budget, Federal SecurityÐ583, 589, 596, 603, 775, 776, 789 See also specific agency; Economy, national Trade and investmentÐ597, 761, 775 Arts fundingÐ157 U.S. military roleÐ776 Balanced budget proposalsÐ1, 2, 11, 13, 16-18, 24, Asian Pacific American Caucus Institute, Congres- 30, 33, 36, 37, 43, 48, 53, 68, 73, 79, 91, 101, sionalÐ759 116, 140, 150, 164, 175, 220, 370, 407, 435, 479, Atlanta BravesÐ340 525, 532, 619, 624, 632, 643, 649, 680, 683, 705, Atlantic Tunas, International Commission for the Con- 719, 730, 850, 867 servation ofÐ1011 Debt limitÐ40, 42, 76, 86, 101, 104, 111, 116, Attorneys General, National Association ofÐ507 124, 190, 435, 525 Australia DeficitÐ525, 527, 556, 559, 570, 643, 680 Ambassador to U.S.Ð1006 Drug control efforts, fundingÐ638, 659, 1011 U.S. AmbassadorÐ1010 Enrollment requirement waiver legislationÐ562 Austria Fiscal year 1996Ð12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 30, 33, 34, Social Security agreement with U.S.Ð767 36, 37, 43, 48, 68, 101, 103, 105, 124, 140, 370, U.S. AmbassadorÐ992 407, 411, 435, 462, 488, 525, 526, 562, 619, 632, Automobile industryÐ356, 574 633, 636, 641, 642 Aviation Administration, Federal. See Transportation, Fiscal year 1997Ð164, 479 Department of Foreign relations fundingÐ578 Aviation industryÐ318 Intelligence community budget, reportÐ562 Azerbaijan, trade with U.S.Ð851 International population assistance programs, fund- Bahamas, narcotics productionÐ316 ingÐ687 Balkans Line-item vetoÐ85, 148, 522, 556, 559 See also specific country Rescissions and deferralsÐ309, 322, 375, 579, 736, U.S. Special RepresentativeÐ1014 971 BankingÐ100, 157 Bulgaria Bankruptcy Review CommissionÐ1009 Trade with U.S.Ð114 Belarus U.S. AmbassadorÐ1013 Arms control negotiations and agreementsÐ611 Burkina Faso, U.S. AmbassadorÐ1009 Trade with U.S.Ð851 Burma, narcotics productionÐ316 Belize, narcotics productionÐ316 Burundi Bolivia Conflict resolutionÐ923 Ambassador to U.S.Ð1006 U.S. AmbassadorÐ1012 Narcotics productionÐ316 U.S. Special CoordinatorÐ923 Border Environment Cooperation CommissionÐ1008 U.S. Special EnvoyÐ923 Bosnia-Herzegovina Business and industry Bosnian Women's initiativeÐ991, 998 See also specific company or industry; Employment Demining effortsÐ991, 998 and unemployment A±2 VerDate 12-OCT-99 09:26 Oct 21, 1999 Jkt 010199 PO 00001 Frm 00002 Fmt 1237 Sfmt 1237 C:\96PUBP~1\PAP_SUBJ txed01 PsN: txed01 Subject Index Business and industryÐContinued ChinaÐContinued Corporate responsibilityÐ352, 401, 405, 415, 490, Trade with U.S.Ð177, 178, 716, 762, 778, 847, 921, 491, 499, 741, 749, 860, 894 964, 988 Employee-owned businessesÐ749 U.S. policyÐ417, 578, 588, 777 Employee training and educationÐ416, 860 Chinese New YearÐ271 Environmental cleanup incentivesÐ411, 959 Cinco de MayoÐ689 Meeting Federal pollution standards, pilot Cities projectsÐ410 See also State and local governments On-the-job trainingÐ400, 749 Community developmentÐ85, 89, 100, 157, 309, Small and minority businessÐ82, 98, 155, 310, 525, 414, 866, 959 569, 857, 863 Empowerment and enterprise zones. See Empower- Tobacco sale to minors, prevention effortsÐ481, ment zones 699 Citizens Medal, PresidentialÐ337 Business RoundtableÐ1017 Civil justice system Federal habeas corpus reviewÐ631 California Federal judiciaryÐ533 Democratic Party eventsÐ1008, 1016 Product liability legislationÐ464, 486, 677, 681 Glendale Community CollegeÐ891 ReformÐ678, 680, 681 Jackie Robinson Academy in Long BeachÐ325, 327 Civil Liberties Public Education FundÐ1004 Museum of Television and Radio in Los AngelesÐ Civil rights 470 See also specific subject President's visitsÐ318, 322, 325, 327, 396, 403, 884, Affirmative action. See Armed Forces, U.S. 886, 888, 891, 1007, 1008, 1016 DiscriminationÐ247, 809, 873 Ygnacio Valley High School in ConcordÐ403 Coast Guard, U.S. See Transportation, Department of Cambodia, narcotics productionÐ316 Coastal Zone Protection Act of 1996Ð851 Canada Colleges and Universities, National Association of Prime MinisterÐ361 IndependentÐ178 U.S. AmbassadorÐ361 Colombia Cancer Advisory Board, NationalÐ1017 Cocaine smugglingÐ677 Cape Verde, U.S. AmbassadorÐ1005 Narcotics productionÐ316 Central African Republic Civil conflictÐ817 Narcotics trafficking, U.S. national emergencyÐ621 U.S. military roleÐ817 PresidentÐ908 Central Intelligence AgencyÐ445, 694 Colorado, GovernorÐ556, 696 Chad, U.S. AmbassadorÐ1010 Commerce, Department of Acting SecretaryÐ553 Challenger. See Space program, shuttle Children and youth Advanced Technology ProgramÐ637 See also specific subject Deputy SecretaryÐ243 AdoptionÐ693, 731 Export Administration, Bureau ofÐ424 Child supportÐ915, 926-928 General CounselÐ424 Community-based
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