• All The News Of All ro.sse ews The Pointes Every Thursday Morning Complete New~ Coverage of Alt. the, pointes VOLUME IS-NO. 32 GROS~E .POI!'lTE, ~MICHIGAN. AUGUST 1954' • fuRy Paid Circulation DEADLINES 'Queen and Cou'rt: Picked. for Farms ~. Regatta-Review "park to' Proceed At Least 120 01 I,". I' ! 'd A.'. Trees Killed WEEK i . IfJ Campi1,d 6y tb. • " ." T In 5 ....:. owar s 'cq~lrlng Pointes G'OJJ' Point. News ':'" '" ': Reports From Lansing May' . " ,> Thursday, Au,. 5 . <:':" Show Many Others To Be' ..' <. Big' Parking Space THE SECOND UNITED Infected; Sprays Being Used STATES PROTEST note to Red China for the death ot three .,.~ >.: . Starts Negotiating For Lots Opposite L~k~front Recreation The bat tIe against the American citizens shot down a month ago aboard a British air- f ~',: . Area, Contingent Or. Detroit Plan :lreaded Dutch Elm disease ~" liner was rejected, according to ", :, Commission' Decision \vhich threatens to destroy -----. - ,many of the beautiful shade" reports from the British embassy : f, ).. received by the State Depart- r:~,\t' The tentative parking area devel<?pment for the Park trees is being waged again' ment. The note which the Chi. ......... :< ',' pier was given the go.ahead Monday.: August 9, when the this year through many see- nese rejected demanded compen. Park council voted unanimously to start negotiations for the lions of the country. The: sation and assurance against fur- four lots at the corner of Windmill Pointe drive and Alter Pointe' area reports results. ther attacks on commercial trans- ~oad, . that are probably more 53t- ports. It was delivered to the Red The lots, estimated to sell as a IF- R . Isfactory than those coming regime in Peiping by a British bundle for around $20,000,will zre avages in from many other places, courier, be negotiated for immediately' _ ~ut vigilance against any The airliner for which the U,S, l _ with contingencies part, o~ the spreading of the killer is not is demanding compensation was contract pending a decIsion ot. Specza tzes b shot down off Halnan Island in the Detroit Planning Commission Sh - k eing relaxed. the South China Sea by Red d " t th . hb In Par ' The state conducted a survey China fighters. A few days later, ~n pe~lSslon 0 e nelg or. Op ot all elms in the Pointe last U,S. "mercy mission" planes mg residents., . month with the cooperation ot searching for survivors were at. Take Attorney's Advice . • C • A 'd the various municipalities. Allot tacked and' two of the attackers The council, which first thought Four o.etrol~ ompanles n the reports have not yet come a short term option on the prop- E S I b k fr Lib t th were shot down by the American erty would suffice until the final mergency qua ds He p . ac om ans ng,. u e num- pilots. B ttl Blaze be.' ot suspected s(lmples taken • • • decision of the Detro,it Planning a e, $18 000 give a fairly accurate indication - Commission on 'zoning changes of the extent of the disease here. Friday, Aug. G was rendered, heeded the advice A two-alarm fire ravaged Increase In Woods ANOTHER CASE of border- , of City Attorney Pierre Heftler the' Purna Party Time food Grosse Pornte Woods, which hopping was reported when a ~~.. : that a full contract for the land specialties shop at 15000 Mack I t h d th Russian soldier loaded down with could 'be consummated pending as year a e greatest num- guns and maps fled Into Iran. It contingencies set by the council. avenue, the corner of Way- ber of cases, 39, has received Its was also revealed that Russia of. i~ Th 'I h It t t bta' burn, last T'lesday, August 3, official report from the state. To '! e councl,' es an 0 0 In causing damage estimat~d by date 40 positive cases have been fered 50 Iranian prisoners for the , . '. the land until sure that the nec- 1 f d i t rt d return ot the soldier. Foreign , essary rezoning ot the lots that reliable sources at c ose to oun on pr va e prope y an ministry sources declined to name lie part in the Park and part in $18,000. 13 on city.owned -property.. All of the diseased trees have been the escapee. Detroit is O,K'd was, on the ,The fire, dcscri!:~d by.iPark removed. Last year there were 1l One ministry source did say other hand, also an'Ci:lusto allev- FIre Chief George deCauslin as cases discovered' on city-owned that the soldier was considered f.~ iate the congested parking can. the "Worst since th;, Al Green property. a political refugee and probably ; . ditions now present due to the blaze five yelirs ago, broke out Albert Hershberger assistant would not be .returned to Russia, lack of necessary parking faciU- in the shop's basement storeroom superintendent ot highways for The source added that he would < . ties in the Park proper. sometime around 8 p,m. and was the Woods, reports that the sec- ~i~n~~~u~~~~~i~:hrf: i~~~::;' £~".:~.,,~0>";.,, , 0>.~ •. ~ " ,: ~.~;":~ •• :,~::."~ •.;:.~.,, ..;.;.>,,.__ ~_.,:~:r~~~.:~~:~~':,:.~:v,;'",..~~:~:;~;::;,.~::i::~~~,f.\.;>:~;;\,",. co~::~:: ~~~cirr~~~~~;~ncl~r ~~ rh: :t~~~~~~h~~/~~~~~nu~ .~~. i:~:~n:~~t a~~r::~~~~~~: future aired, they openly, expressed a 9:05 p,m., when the lights in the first complete spraying was done Th'Ie raman. mC1"d ent CAmeon Grosse F om• te F arms w~,'llh .0 ld'ts.1. a.nnua 1,ee.Fl t R'eVlew,.~ dR' e~atta;.a~'thei municipal' 'pier. t!lis-PictureSu~day.,a!ternoon,by Freel Runnells strong, desire t 0 remedyes'th it- store ..:~e nt~.out. '.The blaze.' was. in April. _the heels of a sin,tUat:,~ccurence August 1~. CLAIRE ~~Z! ..standing, h~s been chos~ Qu.een' of tlie 'Fle~t, and:will'_present::the::trophtes. -Members 'of ,pation' as quickly as. possible~ believed to~be caused by faulty.. .25 FoundlA Farms ..... "!n, Wesr-Be~lJn~~ ~erman }fer court.f~clude . left r9r'r1g~t; .NANCY, MASON;'MARY ANN::r. YNGH '._oWDy:i:'MOXL Y:::- -JOYCE'., BARTON: .SUSIE.. 'Tfi,:!y. dc;»not. expe~t an:unfavor- wiring In the f~e box~' "', ...Tlie,.E'ilrms.'hu not ,yd<receiv4 ~~~ :-lJh!elltgenc:er~~t: l~~e.~~c:loselY.. 'SI:.1MOmai1d.:'tJOA:l~"ORTWEINf';":,,~:~"': "( .< .' .,.,." ,: ~,'/''"' ,.::,,:,,~,"":".""/,:....,..'~'.'. r: .. '.' ~;-:'.Il .h.,. ,'. ~.' .,. able ,decision. .fro~, Detrolt. ..; '.;"', ~",~.;'::':Detrolt Sends Help .. ed itsoUicial report .from Lan. '\ With .Dr•. Ot~o John. high West '. ., . • , " .. N~ed Resldents'Approval ... : The fIre was battled by the sing, but City Engineer Murray -.. Germatt ofliciafwllo recently fled The other contingency cori. i'ark fire department, Detroit M. Smith and Clerk Harry Fur- to Red East Berlin. was reported cerns the existing ordinance and Engine Companies 38, ~5 and 52, ton state they are aure that all ;t missing, presumably having dls. Cz-ty'Repor'ts G'oo'd Ca'tch.e'd 0 EJ1.co'u'.ra'.'g'l-n"g 2'~9f.J, Perm,z-t's approval of the surrounding resi. Ladder"Company 31, and, Emer- the samples taken from the 25 .• appeared Into the R~ssian zone. Ad . dents. The orcUnance stipulates gency Squad 6. After the fire was suspected tree" will prove to 1?e :1 One West Berlin paper reported . the neighborhood' is 'residential. under control, Squad 6 was re- positive, There we.re 21 cases 1J1 that ..he fied 'with,impart:mt' in. dz-tz.o'nsto Many You'.n'gsters 'to Enter'" Issued for A,waiver of the ordinance by the Ueved .by Squad 3. the Farms last year. :. formation. '... " .: Parkz-n' g Area Fi' . 's'h' Rode' 0 PrelIm-' lena.flees' New' H''omes bordering residents would b~ In Shortly after the first truck Last y~ar the, Farms sprayed . .J • • • order, and the' council expects arrived, the store's floor cayed all tre~s 10 the cIty in April ~nd . Saturday. August '1 that this could be obtabled on in and the firemen had to wage admln~stered, a second sp~ymg' 1~ A SINGLE SPORTING EVENT F I ------- the strength of existing senti- a two hour battle to contine the later In ~he sU!Dmer wlthm a "J::.' took over the front pages of the More' Space Being Provided ina Event B~ing Partciipated In Simultaneously By 814 Pointe' Area Enjoying Build- ment against the present parking flames to the basement and first quarter mde radIUSot every tree dailies throughout .the country as In Number of Congested. Municipalities On Saturday, ing Boom That Is Prevalent conditions and the proposed .ter- ;floor areas. 'The fire ~as pro. found intect~. This ye~r all the two'me"r Dr..Roger.•Bannisier ot A t 28 race on the lots. nounced under' control at 11 elms In the CIty are bemg given ~. England and JohnI.iinc1y'.of 'Aus. Areas I... Business Section , ugus • In Metropolitan District The council also voted to allot o'clock, . ,'.. a .seco~d spraying as an extra: tralia met in the British Empire - . Grosse. Pointe's young.fishermen are exhibiting keen in- ,,----:- . an additional $9,000 to the pier A!I of :t:'urna's,tirst floot .pr~autlon, All dise~ed trees are Games in Vancouver. Heralded as Further prbgress in the big terest in the Pre-Rodeo Fishing Contest which is now in 'full. ,ReSIdential ~uI~dmg,.as l.n- construction due to unforseeable equIpment, Just recently refur- bemgcffm~ed. E d ._~'" the "mile of the .century". both :>ff-street parking pro g ram swing and. the competition 'is sharp.
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