November 21, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1725 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS RECOGNIZING THE CENTENNIAL RECOGNIZING THE ROLLING FAM- SECOND CHANCE ACT CELEBRATION OF SAINT EPHRA- ILY AS THE 2013 HOLMES COUN- IM’S SYRIAC ORTHODOX CHURCH TY, FLORIDA, FARM FAMILY OF HON. BARBARA LEE IN CENTRAL FALLS, RHODE IS- THE YEAR OF CALIFORNIA LAND IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. JEFF MILLER Thursday, November 21, 2013 HON. DAVID N. CICILLINE Ms. LEE of California. Mr. Speaker, I rise OF FLORIDA today in strong support of reauthorizing the OF RHODE ISLAND IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Second Chance Act. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I’d like to thank my dear friend and col- Thursday, November 21, 2013 league Rep. Danny Davis for being such a Thursday, November 21, 2013 vocal and tireless advocate on what is a crit- Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, it is ical issue for communities in my district and Mr. CICILLINE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to with great pleasure that I rise to recognize the throughout the country. recognize the centennial celebration of Saint Rolling family for being selected as the 2013 I’d also like to thank my colleague Jim Sen- Ephraim’s Syriac Orthodox Church in Central Holmes County, Florida, Farm Family of the senbrenner for his work on this issue and for Falls, Rhode Island. Year. introducing, along with Congressman Davis, In the late 19th century, a small, close-knit Jeremy Rolling first discovered his love for H.R. 3465 which would reauthorize this impor- group of Syriac families living in Turkey and farming at the young age of four, while riding tant law. Iraq arrived in America after fleeing the col- in the cab of his grandfather’s tractor in the The Second Chance Act, signed into law in lapse of the Ottoman Empire. Noma community of Holmes County. This 2008, has provided important resources and support to individuals re-entering their commu- After coming to Rhode Island, this small love, coupled with his grandfather’s influence and his grandfather instilling in Jeremy a nities after being incarcerated. faith community chartered Saint Ephraim’s It has support from a broad coalition of or- strong work ethic, factored into Jeremy’s inter- Syriac Orthodox Church—a parish center and ganizations including from the civil rights, law est in the field of Agriculture, his active in- chapel for worship that have remained strong enforcement, and behavioral health commu- volvement in the Future Farmers of America, symbols of the strength of Rhode Island’s Syr- nities, in addition to many others. iac Orthodox residents. and the foundation on which his successful Since becoming law, the Second Chance farming operation is conducted today. The church claims a wealth of theological, li- Act has authorized nearly 600 grants that turgical, and musical traditions. Indeed, to this Following high school, Jeremy met his wife have been award to local governments and day, every Sunday the parishioners in Central Teresa, and together they settled in the Pros- nonprofit organizations in 49 states. Falls, Rhode Island conduct liturgy in the origi- perity community of Holmes County. They These grants have played a critical role in nal Aramaic that was spoken during the time began truck farming and small plot farming, addressing recidivism and increasing public of Jesus Christ. until 2008, when Jeremy turned to row crop safety. farming. Today, they operate a 400-acre farm In my own district in the city of Oakland, a The parish of St. Ephraim’s has contributed that includes peanuts, cotton, oats, water- program known as the Comprehensive Com- mightily to our community in northern Rhode melons, and hay. Teresa and their daughter munity Cross System Reentry Support or Island. Whether newly arrived immigrants flee- Jordan, who is in sixth grade and has em- C3RS, brings together government and non- ing persecution or just yearning to live the braced her green thumb at an early age, both profit partners to re-engage youth in school American dream, or multi-generational and remain actively involved in supporting Jeremy after leaving a juvenile detention center. fully assimilated Americans, parishioners of St. in operating the farm. Teresa assists by pull- This has been a tremendously successful Ephraim’s church are patriotic Americans. ing peanut wagons, as well as operating the program. Of the 592 program participants, 442 Like anyone else, they work hard, value module builder for cotton, and Jordan grew were reenrolled in school and of the 161 who education and appreciate and enjoy the free- and marketed her first crop of watermelons in received job training, 102 were placed in jobs. doms they are offered. 2012. There is no question that the success of This is but one example of the hundreds of the Rolling Family Farm and its expansion successful programs that have helped pre- In return, they have been industrious citi- viously incarcerated individuals get back on zens and have served our country in numer- across county lines in five years is largely at- tributed to the family’s hard work and joint ef- their feet and on the right path. ous positions of distinction, including university That is why it is so important that we move fort. educators, engineers, leaders in law, medi- swiftly to reauthorize the Second Chance Act. cine, and commerce. The Rolling family is also active in the com- I call on House Republican leadership to Many have also served in the Armed munity outside of their farm. They belong to bring this measure to the floor for a vote and Forces, dating back to the early 20th Century, the Ponce de Leon Future Farmers of America give our communities and previously incarcer- and some have made the ultimate sacrifice for Alumni Association, and Jeremy is a member ated individuals the support they need. the defense of our country. of the Florida Peanut Producer’s Association. f Additionally, both Jeremy and Teresa work Today, as we celebrate the centennial anni- full-time jobs. Jeremy is an Investigator for the RELIGIOUS FREEDOM IN THE versary of Saint Ephraim’s, we are also mind- State of Florida, and Teresa transitions from MILITARY ful of the ongoing persecution facing Christian nurturing crops to the bright third-graders of Syriac families in the Middle East and espe- Ponce de Leon Elementary School. HON. J. RANDY FORBES cially in Syria where two Orthodox bishops OF VIRGINIA Mr. Speaker, our great Nation was built by were abducted earlier this year. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the tireless work of farmers and their families. And as we hope for the safe return of these The Holmes County Farm Family of the Year Thursday, November 21, 2013 and other victims of recent violence, all of us Award is a true reflection of the Rolling fam- Mr. FORBES. Mr. Speaker, religious free- stand united in praying for peace in Syria and ily’s dedication to farming and their strong dom is a fundamental human right—a right throughout the Middle East. family values. On behalf of the United States which is guaranteed by the First Amendment. I thank Father Mattias Alan Shaltan for his Congress, I would like to offer my congratula- Many of America’s earliest settlers came to continued leadership of this parish and salute tions to the Rolling family for this great accom- her shores seeking religious freedom. As indi- all the members of Saint Ephraim’s on their plishment. My wife, Vicki, and I wish them the viduals around the world face persecution be- centennial celebration this year. best for continued success. cause of their religious beliefs, America has ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:20 Nov 22, 2013 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K21NO8.001 E21NOPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1726 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 21, 2013 stood as the beacon for the importance of pro- tive who has demonstrated exceptional service I would not be here today. So, if I can see any tecting the ability to freely exercise religious and has contributed to the goals and ideals of further, it is only because I stand on the shoul- beliefs without fear of intimidation, reprisal, or the medical profession. ders of giants like Rev. T.J. Jemison. harm. During the last three decades Mr. Hunt has I want to join his family, congregation, and It is impossible to defend religious freedom helped to grow The Society from 6,000 mem- the state of Louisiana in honoring the life and for the civilian and yet deny it to the soldier. bers to more than 16,500 members. The orga- legacy of a special man. The full expression and practice of faith in the nization represents the majority of f military has strong roots. General Washington endocrinologists, both clinicians and research- oversaw the formation of a military chaplaincy ers, throughout my home State of Texas, and RECOGNIZING DALE O. KNEE FOR in 1775 to support and sustain his men in their in more than 100 countries around the world. DEDICATED SERVICE TO NORTH- religious beliefs. President Franklin D. Roo- As you know, endocrinologists play a very WEST FLORIDA AND THIS GREAT sevelt composed the forward to a military edi- important role in the health of our nation. NATION tion of the New Testament, in which he wrote, Endocrinologists are on the front lines of re- ‘‘Throughout the centuries men of many faiths search, diagnosis, and treatment in areas HON.
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