U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Bald Knob National Wildlife Refuge Bird List Bald Knob National Wildlife Refuge The refuge operates a large Cooperative each year for shorebirds. The least tern, was established on September 22, 1993 Farming Program consisting of over 4,500 peregrine falcon, piping plover and other and is one of over 560 National Wildlife acres of rice, soybeans, corn and millet. threatened or endangered species are Refuges. The refuge is located one-half Moist-soil production and shorebird often seen on the refuge during late July mile southwest of Bald Knob and is management are also covered under this – September. bordered to the west and south by the farming agreement. Methods utilized in Little Red River and contains 15,020 growing rice and other crops also create W - (December-February) acres. It was identified by the Lower favorable habitat for waterfowl, wading Sp - (March-May) Mississippi Valley Joint Venture as a birds, shorebirds and other migratory high priority acquisition to meet the species. S - (June-August) habitat conservation goals of the North F - (September-November) American Waterfowl Management Bald Knob Refuge is noted for extremely Frequencies of Occurance per Season Plan. Management goals of the refuge high numbers of wintering waterfowl. within Dates Specified: are: (1) protect and enhance/restore In fact, the refuge is the largest staging approximately 14,000 acres of agriculture area in Arkansas for northern pintails C = Common to Abundant (found wetlands and bottomland hardwood (over 200,000 recorded in a single day) as regularly and in good numbers) forests, (2) provide wintering habitat for they migrate to the wetlands and coastal migrating waterfowl, (3) provide breeding marshes of Louisiana. Bald eagles also FC = Fairly Common (numbers fluctuate and non-breeding habitat for wood ducks follow the annual waterfowl migration between common and uncommon) and songbirds, and (4) to provide the and heavily utilize this refuge with 78 U = Uncommon (usually found; occurs public with recreational opportunities being the record for one day. in low numbers) (hunting, fishing, wildlife observation, nature photography, environmental Various species of marsh and wading O = Occasional (usually found a few education, and interpretation). birds frequent the area as do numerous times during the season) species of raptors. Refuge personnel Bald Knob provide approximately 150 acres of R = Rare (seldom found during the National Wildlife Refuge mudflats in the late summer/ early fall season; includes species that areoutside 1439 Coal Chute Road Bald Knob, AR 72010 their normal range that occur every 2-3 http://southeast.fws.gov years) U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service V =Vagrant (outside normal range; not 1 800/344 WILD expected) May 2014 * = Confirmed or probably breeder U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service SP S F W SP S F W Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans and Ducks ___Black-crowned Night-Heron * U U ___Black-bellied Whistling-Duck V V ___Yellow-crowned Night-Heron * U U ___Fulvous Whistling-Duck V V ___White Ibis * R R R ___Greater White-fronted Goose C FC C ___Glossy Ibis V V ___Snow Goose C C C ___White-faced Ibis R R R ___Ross’s Goose U U U ___Roseate Spoonbill R ___Cackling Goose R R R Vultures, Kites, Eagles and Hawks ___Canada Goose * C C C C ___Black Vulture R O O O ___Trumpeter Swan V ___Turkey Vulture O U U U ___Wood Duck * U FC FC FC ___Osprey R ___Gadwall C C R C ___Mississippi Kite * U U U ___American Wigeon FC FC R FC ___Bald Eagle * C FC U FC ___American Black Duck R R R ___Northern Harrier C FC V C ___Mallard C C U C ___Sharp-shinned Hawk O O U ___Mottled Duck R R ___Cooper’s Hawk * O O R U ___Blue-winged Teal C O C ___Red-shouldered Hawk * U U U U ___Cinnamon Teal V ___Broad-winged Hawk O O ___Swainson’s Hawk V ___Northern Shoveler C C R C ___Red-tailed Hawk * FC U U FC ___Northern Pintail C C R C ___Golden Eagle V ___Green-winged Teal C C R C ___Canvasback U U R U Falcons ___Redhead O O R O ___American Kestrel U U R U ___Ring-necked Duck U U R O ___Merlin O R O ___Greater Scaup V V ___Peregrine Falcon O O O ___Lesser Scaup R R ___Bufflehead R Rails, Gallinules, and Cranes ___Common Goldeneye V ___Yellow Rail R ___Hooded Merganser O O O O ___King Rail * R R ___Virginia Rail O ___Red-breasted Merganser V ___Sora FC ___Ruddy Duck FC R ___Common Gallinule V ___American Coot C C U FC Turkey and Quail ___Sandhill Crane V V V ___Northern Bobwhite * FC FC FC FC ___Wild Turkey * U U U U Plovers, Sandpipers, Gulls and Terns Loons ___Black-bellied Plover O U U ___Common Loon V V ___American Golden-Plover FC U U ___Semipalmated Plover O FC U Grebes ___Piping Plover R R R Pied-billed Grebe * FC U U ___Killdeer * U C C C Eared Grebe V ___Black-necked Stilt * FC FC FC ___American Avocet O O O Storks ___Spotted Sandpiper U U U Wood Stork R V ___Solitary Sandpiper O U U ___Greater Yellowlegs C C C Cormorants and Anhinga ___Willet R R R ___Neotropic Cormorant V V ___Lesser Yellowlegs C C C ___Double-crested Cormorant O C O O ___Upland Sandpiper R O O ___Anhinga * R R ___Whimbrel V ___Hudsonian Godwit R Pelicans, Herons, Ibis and Spoonbills ___Marbled Godwit R R R ___American White Pelican U U U ___Ruddy Turnstone R R ___Brown Pelican V ___Red Knot V ___American Bittern V R V ___Sanderling R O O ___Least Bittern R ___Semipalmated Sandpiper FC FC FC ___Great Blue Heron * C C C C ___Western Sandpiper O U U ___Great Egret * FC FC U ___Least Sandpiper C C C ___Snowy Egret * U FC U ___White-rumped Sandpiper FC V V ___Little Blue Heron * U U ___Baird’s Sandpiper O O O ___Tricolored Heron V V ___Dunlin U U U ___Cattle Egret * V FC FC FC ___Stilt Sandpiper U FC FC ___Green Heron * U U U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service SP S F W SP S F W ___Buff-breasted Sandpiper O R ___Great Crested Flycatcher * C C ___Ruff V ___Western Kingbird V ___Short-billed Dowitcher O U U ___Eastern Kingbird * FC FC U ___Long-billed Dowitcher C C C ___Scissor-tailed Flycatcher * C C U ___Wilson’s Snipe FC FC R FC ___American Woodcock R Shrikes ___Wilson’s Phalarope O O O ___Loggerhead Shrike O R R R ___Red-necked Phalarope V R R ___Bonaparte’s Gull R ___Laughing Gull V V Vireos ___Franklin’s Gull R ___White-eyed Vireo * C C U ___Ring-billed Gull R R ___Bell’s Vireo * U U ___Least Tern O O R ___Yellow-throated Vireo R ___Caspian Tern R R ___Blue-headed Vireo O ___Black Tern FC U ___Warbling Vireo U ___Common Tern R ___Philadelphia Vireo U ___Forster’s Tern O O O ___Red-eyed Vireo * U U Pigeons and Doves Jays and Crows ___Rock Pigeon * O O O O ___Blue Jay * C C C C ___Eurasian Collared-Dove R R R R ___Mourning Dove * C C C C ___American Crow * C C C C ___Fish Crow * FC U FC Cuckoos and Roadrunners ___Yellow-billed Cuckoo * C C O Larks ___Greater Roadrunner R R ___Horned Lark O R O Owls Swallows ___Barn Owl * O O O O ___Purple Martin U U ___Eastern Screech-Owl * R R R R ___Tree Swallow FC U FC ___Great Horned Owl * U U U U ___Northern Rough-winged Swallow * FC U FC ___Barred Owl * FC FC FC FC ___Bank Swallow U U ___Short-eared Owl U U ___Cliff Swallow FC U FC Nighthawks and Nightjars ___Barn Swallow * C C C ___Common Nighthawk O O O ___Chuck-will’s-widow R Chickadees and Titmice ___Carolina Chickadee * FC FC FC FC Swifts and Hummingbirds ___Tufted Titmouse * C C C C ___Chimney Swift * U U U ___Ruby-throated Hummingbird * U U U Nuthatches ___Red-breasted Nuthatch R R Kingfishers ___White-breasted Nuthatch * U U U U ___Belted Kingfisher * U U U U Woodpeckers Creepers ___Red-headed Woodpecker * O O O O ___Brown Creeper O O ___Red-bellied Woodpecker * C C C C ___Yellow-bellied Sapsucker U U Wrens ___Downy Woodpecker * FC FC FC FC ___Carolina Wren * C C C C ___Hairy Woodpecker * R ___House Wren U U U ___Northern Flicker * U U U ___Winter Wren U U ___Pileated Woodpecker * U U U U ___Sedge Wren U U ___Marsh Wren U U Flycatchers ___Olive-sided Flycatcher O Kinglets ___Eastern Wood-Pewee * C C U ___Golden-crowned Kinglet O O ___Acadian Flycatcher C C ___Ruby-crowned Kinglet U U U ___Alder Flycatcher R ___Willow Flycatcher R Gnatcatchers ___Least Flycatcher U ___Blue-gray Gnatcatcher * C C O ___Eastern Phoebe * O U U U U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service SP S F W SP S F W Bluebirds and Thrushes ___Clay-colored Sparrow R ___Eastern Bluebird * U U U ___Field Sparrow * U U U U ___Veery R ___Vesper Sparrow O O ___Gray-cheeked Thrush U ___Lark Sparrow * O R ___Swainson’s Thrush U ___Savannah Sparrow C C C ___Hermit Thrush U U ___Grasshopper Sparrow * R R ___Wood Thrush * U U ___Henslow’s Sparrow V ___American Robin U U U U ___LeConte’s Sparrow R R ___Nelson’s Sparrow R Mockingbirds and Thrashers ___Fox Sparrow U U ___Gray Catbird O R ___Song Sparrow FC FC FC ___Northern Mockingbird * FC FC FC FC ___Lincoln’s Sparrow U U ___Brown Thrasher * U U U U ___Swamp Sparrow FC FC FC ___White-throated Sparrow C C C Starlings ___Harris’s Sparrow R R ___European Starling * FC FC U FC ___White-crowned Sparrow U U V U Pipits ___Dark-eyed Junco U U U ___American Pipit U U U Tanagers, Cardinals and Grosbeaks Waxwings ___Summer Tanager * FC FC ___Cedar Waxwing O O O ___Northern Cardinal * C C C C ___Rose-breasted Grosbeak U Longspurs ___Blue Grosbeak * FC FC O ___Lapland Longspur R R ___Indigo Bunting * C C FC ___Painted Bunting * O O Wood Warblers ___Dickcissel * C C U ___Louisiana Waterthrush * O O ___Northern Waterthrush U Blackbirds and Orioles ___Golden-winged Warbler R ___Bobolink FC O ___Blue-winged Warbler R ___Red-winged Blackbird * C C C C ___Black-and-white Warbler * U U ___Eastern Meadowlark * U U U U ___Prothonotary Warbler * C C ___Western Meadowlark R ___Swainson’s Warbler *
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