July 25, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7163 community and the trust of the people. SERBIA AND AMERICA—100 YEARS Office of Strategic Services, devised a He has developed intimate relation- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The daring operation to evacuate hundreds ships with many of the residents and, Chair recognizes the gentleman from of allied pilots being sheltered by the to many, he is like a member of their Texas (Mr. POE) for 5 minutes. Serbian resistance in Nazi-occupied family. Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, 100 Yugoslavia. American aircraft flew Through Bob’s leadership, SACCC be- years ago, in 1918, President Woodrow into enemy territory and evacuated 500 came known as the top grassroots com- Wilson declared July 28 as a National airmen from the airfield built and pro- munity organization in the Day of Prayer for the Serbian people. tected by local Serbians near the vil- Chicagoland area. Bob was always a This was during World War I, the war lage of Pranjani. great strategist, but the members, like to end all wars. American doughboys For over 60 years, this operation was Mr. Ed Bailey, Mrs. Irene Norwood, and leathernecks had arrived on the kept secret from the American people. Mrs. Lillian Drummond, and Mr. western front, holding the line against But now we can remember the courage George Lawson, were the voices. Germany’s last offensive before it col- of our Serbian friends and their stand Many people don’t know it, but it lapsed. against the Nazis. was SACCC who led community rein- Meanwhile, the Serbian people were Here, Mr. Speaker, is a photograph vestment. It was SACCC who organized suffering under occupation by the cen- taken by the Serbian resistance, tak- senior citizens. It was SACCC who led tral powers, who had launched a brutal ing Americans who had been shot down the fight for LIHEAP. It was SACCC invasion of Serbia. in Serbia and taking them to the air- Mr. Speaker, during World War I, one who kept the Austin Bank on its toes. field, where they would be returned in four Serbian people were killed dur- It was SACCC who united block clubs. back to the American lines. ing that war. But the Serbian army had It was SACCC who got people to join George Dudich, the father of my chief survived the invasion and was fighting local school councils. And it was of staff, Elaine Dudich Stolze, when I alongside our allies to liberate their SACCC who got churches to open their was a judge in Texas, rescued many home. They were reinforced by many doors for community meetings. Americans who had been shot down in Serbian-Americans, who had returned occupied Yugoslavia. I have been in buildings with Bob to Europe to help their brothers. where there was no heat. I have been in All these years later, we remain com- President Wilson wanted America to mitted to the cause of freedom for both homes where there was no food. I have honor the sacrifices of the Serbian peo- been on streets where there were no nations. We should work together to ple. In a speech marking the invasion preserve each other’s security. lights. I have been with Bob in allies of Serbia by the central powers, he said where there was no hope. I have been The United States is now working of the Serbians: with Serbia to improve its democracy, with Bob and families after their rel- Nobly did they respond. So valiantly and atives were shot. an independent judiciary, and fight courageous did they oppose the forces of a corruption. A democratic Serbia with a Bob has worked to bring help to the country ten times greater in population and strong rule of law is in America’s inter- helpless and hope to the hopeless. Bob resources. While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the ests and Serbia’s. VonDrasek, you are a good man, and I We are united in keeping the hungry thank you and your family, your wife spirit of the Serbian people has not been bro- ken. Russian bear from interfering in do- and children, for what you have meant mestic affairs in Serbia. Russian to our community and to our world. As a Texan, I admire such defiance against overwhelming odds. disinformation efforts are designed to True soldiers are always reluctant to On that special day, President Wilson keep Serbia in its sphere of influence come off the battlefield, but there ordered a rare recognition to a foreign and poison our relationship. Neverthe- comes a time when we must put away ally, by having the Serbian flag raised less, Serbia’s integration to the west our swords and shields to practice war over the White House. That recognition has continued to move forward. no more. When that time comes, Bob, had only occurred one other time in In 2006, Serbia joined NATO’s Part- just know that you have made a dif- American history. nership for Peace program and, in 2015, ference. When you came to south Aus- The spirit of brotherhood between signed an Individual Partnership Ac- tin, newspapers were writing that it the Americans and the Serbians, fight- tion Plan with the alliance to strength- would be the next big slum. They did ing shoulder to shoulder against tyr- en cooperation. And recently, the Eu- not know you and they did not know anny, did not end there. ropean Union has announced that Ser- the people of south Austin. South Aus- One of the most meaningful stories bia would join the EU as early as 2025. tin is not a slum. It is a vibrant, for- for Americans is the Halyard Mission The prime minister and foreign min- ward-thinking, and forward-moving during the dark days of the Second ister of Serbia and numerous Serbs are community. World War. Despite being under Nazi in the Capitol today to promote U.S. Bob, you have done the Master’s occupation, the Serbian people dem- Serbian relations. work. You have fed the hungry, clothed onstrated their remarkable bravery So on this 100th anniversary of Presi- the naked, brought hope to the hope- once again, saving the lives of hun- dent Wilson’s speech about the coura- less, and help to the helpless. You have dreds of Americans in the largest res- geous Serbs of World War I, we reaffirm lifted spirits and you have taught peo- cue operation of American airmen in our joint partnership and friendship ple how to love, how to live, and how to history. and a quest for liberty. work together. In 1944, American bombers were fly- And that is just the way it is. I close, Bob, by leaving these words ing frequent missions to strike Ger- f with, and for, you. many’s vital oil supplies in Romania as HONORING THE VICTIMS OF THE If when you give the best of your service, a part of the allied advance into Eu- rope. The 15th Air Force led this effort OCTOBER 1 SHOOTING IN LAS telling the world that the Savior is come, be VEGAS not dismayed when men don’t believe you, by launching 20,000 sorties into Eastern He understands, and will say, ‘‘Well done.’’ Europe, with many of the missions fly- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Oh, when I come to the end of my journey, ing over Nazi-occupied Yugoslavia. As Chair recognizes the gentleman from weary of life and the battle is won, carrying many as 1,500 pilots and airmen were Nevada (Mr. KIHUEN) for 5 minutes. the staff and the cross of redemption, He’ll shot down during these air raids. Mr. KIHUEN. Mr. Speaker, it has understand, and say, ‘‘Well done.’’ Serbians, who had been resisting Nazi been 297 days since the worst mass If when this life of labor is ended, and the forces since 1941, risked their own lives shooting in U.S. history. reward of the race you have run, oh, the to rescue American aircrews in Yugo- On October 1, 2017, 58 people were sweet rest prepared for faithful, will be His senselessly murdered at the Harvest blest and final, ‘‘Well done.’’ slavia and hide them from patrolling Music Festival in Las Vegas, in my But if you try and fail in your trying, Nazis. These brave and noble Serbians hands sore and scarred from the work you’ve cared for and protected Americans and hometown, and more than 500 people begun, take up your cross, run quickly to allied pilots. were injured. meet Him, He’ll understand, He’ll say, ‘‘Well In August of 1944, the allied forces, I still remember that day like it was done.’’ including the 15th Air Force and the yesterday. 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