SPECIAL ABRAHAM EDITIon! Al-Fajr Nr. 6 — January-February-March 2002 ISLAM IS: INTERNATIONAL IN THIS EDITION: · It recognizes prophets being raised among all nations and requires Muslims to believe in them all. · THE HAJJ · Truth and goodness can be found in all religions. God treats all human beings equally justly, regardless of race, · ABRAHAM: PATRIARCH nationality or religion. PEACEFUL OF MANKIND? · Allows use of force only in unavoidable self-defence. · Teaches Muslims to live peacefully un- · ECESSITY OF der any rule which accords them free- N dom of religion. INTERPRETING DREAMS TOLERANT · Gives full freedom to everyone to hold and practise any creed or religion. · Requires us to tolerate differences of · ISAAC ... OR ISHMAEL? belief and opinion. RATIONAL · In all matters, it urges use of human rea- · FAREWELL ADDRESS son and knowledge. · Blind following is condemned and inde- OF THE OLY ROPHET H P pendence of thought is granted. INSPIRING MUHAMMAD · Worship is not a ritual, but provides living contact with a Living God, Who answers prayers and speaks to His righteous ser- vants even today as in the past. NON-SECTARIAN · Every person professing Islam by the words La ilaha ill-Allah Muhammad-ur Rasul- ullah (There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah) is a Muslim and can- not be expelled from Islam by anyone. Photo: Ignaz P. Ahmadali Institute for Islamic Studies and Publications The Dawn, page 1 PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOUSE OF ALLAH The annual pilgrimage to Makkah, the Hajj, is an obligation only for those Kabah complete one tawaf. who are physically and financially able to perform it. Nevertheless, about two million people go to Makkah each year from every corner of the globe Types of tawaf providing a unique opportunity for those of different nations to meet one another. Although Makkah is always filled with visitors, the annual Hajj be- There are five types of tawaf the gins in the twelfth month of the Islamic year, named Zul Hijjah (which is lu- pilgrim may perform: nar, not solar, so that Hajj and Ramadan fall sometimes in summer, some- (1) Tawaf-ul-Qudoom is the initial times in winter). Pilgrims wear special clothes (ihram), simple garments tawaf which will be performed which strip away distinctions of class and culture, so that all stand equal upon arrival at the Masjid-ul- before God. Haram in Makkah for the first The close of the Hajj is marked by a festival, Eid al-Adha, which is cele- time pursuant upon niyyah of brated with prayers and the sacrifice of an animal. This, and the Eid al-Fitr, a Umra or Hajj. feast-day commemorating the end of Ramadan, are the main festivals of the Muslim calendar. (2) Tawaf-ul-Ifadah is the tawaf Below, the rites of Umra and Hajj will be described in brief. the pilgrim will perform on the 10th of Zul Hijjah after taking pronouncement of the intention off the ihram and changing UMRA (niyyah) to perform Umra and into street clothes and before frequent recital of the Talbiyah returning to Mina for stoning. General thereafter. (3) Tawaf-ul-Wida (The Farewell tawaf) is the tawaf the pilgrim Umra (sometimes referred to as (2) Tawaf-ul-Umra of the Kabah fol- will perform immediately be- The Lesser Pilgrimage) consists of lowed by two rakahs salat-us- fore leaving Makkah for the the performance of a set of sunnah and partaking of the waters next destination following the devotional rites in the Masjid ul of Zam-Zam. completion of Hajj. This is the Haram in Makkah. These rites also (3) Performance of sai. last act to be performed in form an integral part of Hajj. Umra (4) Halq or taqseer, followed by Makkah. may be performed at any time of the changing into street clothes. (4) Tawaf-ul-Umra is the tawaf year and as many times as one may This will complete the Umra. which is performed as a part wish. of the rites of Umra. It is iden- tical to Tawaf-ul-Qudoom in HAJJ The following are the essential its essentials except for the elements of Umra: General niyyah. (5) Tawaf-un-Nafl is a devotional (1) Changing into ihram at Meeqat tawaf which can be per- (border), followed by the Hajj consists of the performance of a set of devotional rites in and around formed at any time. Editors: Makkah (i.e., in Mina, Arafat, and Riaz Ahmadali, Reza Ghafoerkhan Muzdalifah) in a prescribed order. The SAI rites of Umra, as described above, form Contributors: an integral part of Hajj. General Irshaad Djoemai, drs. Sharda Ahmadali- Doekhie Types of Hajj The devotional act of walking Subscriptions / reactions: seven times between the knolls of Phone: (597)422876 / 0881-1010 There are three different types of Hajj a Safa and Marwah, which are Fax: (597)550244 pilgrim may perform: Hajj-ul-Ifrad, Hajj- located some distance from the E-mail: [email protected] ul-Qiran and Hajj-ut-Tamattu. All of Kabah inside Masjid-ul-Haram, is these involve the performance of es- Internet: called sai. http://moeslim.8m.net sentially the same rites and acts of wor- ___________________________________________________ ship. The difference consists basically According to tradition, Prophet ‘The Dawn’ is a publication of the Institute in the niyyah pronounced by the pilgrim Ibrahim left his wife, Hajar, and for Islamic Studies and Publications, at Meeqat. infant son, Ishmael, in the desert O’ Ferralstraat 9, Paramaribo, Suriname close to where the Kabah is ___________________________________________________ TAWAF located today in response to a ‘The Dawn’ is a continuation of: divine revelation. Unfortunately, · Hakikatoel Islam (1934-1960, Urdu) The devotional act of circumambulating his wife and son were with few Editor: moulvi Shekh Ahmadali; (i.e. walking around) the Kabah while provisions. After her meagre · Al Haq (1971-1980) reciting prayers and supplications is supply of water was exhausted Editor: Mr. Basharat Ahmadali called tawaf. Seven circuits around the and her son started crying with The Dawn, page 2 thirst, Hajar began looking for Muzdalifah and offer fajr there. Marwah is a tribute to the patience and water in the desert. In her Afterwards, the pilgrim will leave for fortitude shown by Lady Hagar, the desperation, she repeatedly ran Mina before sunrise on the morning mother of Ishmael. The throwing of between the hillocks of Safa and of the 10th of Zul Hijjah. pebbles at Satan is a tribute to the re- Marwah, climbing them to get a sistance offered by Prophet Abraham better view of the landscape and, Mina (10th of Zul Hijjah) to the attempts of Satan to dissuade perhaps, also to see if there was a him from sacrificing his son, while he desert traveller in sight. Upon her The rites to be performed on this day was taking him to the place of sacrifice. return to her son after one of her are as follows: preferably before Again, while we recite the darud runs, she discovered that a spring midday, the biggest of three pillars, (invoking Allah’s benedictions) in fa- had miraculously sprouted near symbolising the devil, will be stoned vour of the Founder of Islam, the Holy the infant. This spring, called Zam- seven times. A sacrifice is now Prophet (peace be upon him), at the Zam, is located to the east of the required for Hajj-ul-Qiran and Hajj-ut- end of each prayer yet we also recite Kabah (and is now inside Masjid- Tamattu, and is recommended for the darud for Prophet Abraham (peace ul-Haram). The pilgrim will retrace the steps of Labbaika, Allahumma labbaika. Labbaika la shareeka laka. Hajar in sai, in commemoration of Labbaika innal hamda wan-ni’mata laka. Wal mulka laka. her search for water and Allah's mercy in answering her prayers Laa shareeka laka. with the miracle of Zam-Zam. Here I am in Thy presence, O my Lord, here I am in Thy presence! There is no associate with Thee. Here I am. Verily all praise and MINA, ARAFAT, AND MUZDALIFAH (8TH - 13TH OF bounties and the Kingdom belong to Thee. There is no associate with ZUL HIJJAH) Thee. Here I am in Thy august Presence. The rites to be performed at Mina, be upon him) with the same zest and Arafat, and Muzdalifah are an inte- Hajj-ul-Ifrad. fervour. gral part of Hajj. The pilgrim will now proceed to UNITY AMONG MUSLIMS The pilgrim will stay at Mina, Masjid-ul-Haram in Makkah for Tawaf-ul-Ifadah and will return By restricting the Hajj to a certain pe- Arafat, and Muzdalifah in the riod, Allah undoubtedly has the aim to following sequence: afterwards and stay there until the 12th or the 13th of Zul Hijjah for the strengthen the unity among the Mus- stoning. lims. Allah indeed commands the Mus- (1) Mina: From after fajr (morning lims to form a unity (Qur’an 6:160, prayer) on the 8th of Zul Hijjah th Mina (11th - 13th of Zul Hijjah) 61:4, 3:102 and more). Therefore, it is to after fajr on the 9 of Zul a pity that some Muslim groups label Hijjah. All three pillars will be stoned after some of their Muslim brothers as kafirs (2) Arafat: From after fajr on the midday on all three days. Stoning on (unbelievers) and restrain them for per- th 9th of Zul Hijjah to slightly after the 13 of Zul Hijjah is optional. The forming the Hajj, despite the fact that sunset on the same day. pilgrim may return to Makkah after Allah mentions in Qur’an 4:94: th (3) Muzdalifah: From after sun- this ceremony on the 12 of Zul “Say not to any one who offers set on the 9th of Zul Hijjah to Hijjah to perform the Farewell Tawaf you salutation: Thou are not a after fajr on the 10th of Zul (Tawaf-ul-Wida), which will be per- believer.” Hijjah.
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