146 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. DECEMBER 14, Asst. Paymaster Philip V. Mohun, to be a passed assistant pay­ assistant engineers in the Navy, from the 1st day of July, 1896, to master in the Navy,from the 14th day of August, 1896, vice P. A. fill vacancies existing in that g1·ade on that date, viz: Paymaster JohnS. Carpenter, promoted. John M. Hudgins, a citizen of Virginia. Paymaster Daniel A. Smith, to be a pay inspector in the Navy, Boling K. McMorris, a citizen of Alabama. from the 10th day of October, 1896, vice Pay Inspector Worthing­ Alfred W. Hinds, a citizen of Alabama. ton Goldsborough, retired. Roscoe C. Moody, a citizen of Maine. P.A.PaymasterLivingstonHunt1to be a paymaster in the Navy, Leland F. James, a citizen of South Carolina. from the 10th day of October, 1896, VlCe Paymaster Daniel A. Smith, Ralph H. Chappell, a citizen of Michigan. promoted. - Joseph M. Reeves, a citizen of illinois. ..A.sst. Paymaster Martin McMahon Ramsay, to be a passed assist­ ·Ignatius T. Cooper, a citizen of Delaware. ant paymaster in the Navy, from the 10th day of October, 1896, Henry T. Baker, a citizen of Ohio. vice P. A. Paymaster Livingston Hunt, promoted. Frank Lyon, a citizen of Kentucky. P. A. Paymaster John A. Mudd, to be a paymaster in the Navy, Hutch I. Cone, a citizen of Florida. from the 1st day of November, 1896, vice Paymaster Henry T. Emory Winship, a citizen of Georgia. ·Skelding, retired. Edwin H. DeLany, a citizen of Tennessee . ..A.sst. Paymaster Guy G. Rodgers, to be a passed assistant pay­ First Lieut. Littleton W. T. Waller, United States Marino master in the Navy, from the 1st day of November, 1896 (subject Corps, to be a captain in said corps, from the 14th day of June, to the examinations required by law), vice P. A. Paymaster John 1896, vice Capt. Stephen W. Quackenbush, deceased. A. Mudd, promoted. Second Lieut. AlbertS. McLemore, United States Marine Corps, George G. Seibels, a citizen of Alabama, to be an assistant pay­ to be a fu·st lieutenant in said corps, from the 14th day of June, master in the Navy, from the 31st day of August, 1896, to fill a 1896, vice First Lieut. Littleton W. T. Waller, promoted. vacancy existing in that grade. Melville J. Shaw, a graduate of the Naval Academy and a Edmund W. Bonna:ffon, a citizen of Pennsylvania, to be an citizen of Minnesota, to be a second lieutenant in the United assistant paymaster in the Navy, from the 7th day of November, States Marine corps, from the 1st day of July, 1896, to fill a vacancy 1896, to fill a vacancy existing in that grade. existing in that grade. Medical Inspector Daniel McMurtrie, to be a medical director in the Navy, from the 3d day of September, 1896, vice Medical Director David Kindleberger, retired. CONFIRMATIONS. Surg. John L. Neilson, to be a medical inspector in the Navy, Executive nominations confit--med by the Senate December 10, 1896. from the 3d day of September, 1896, vice Medical IIJ.spector Daniel McMurtrie, promoted. CONSULS. P. A. Surg. John M. Edgar, to be a surgeon in the Navy, from Frank D. Hill, of Minnesota, formerly consul at La Guayra, to the 3d day of September, 1896, vice Surg. John L. Neilson, pro­ be consul of the United States at Santos, Brazil. moted. Samuel M. Simmons, of Texas, to be consul of the United States P. A. Surg. Thomas C. Craig, to be a surgeon in the Navy, from at Piedl:as Negras, Mexico. the 14th day of October, 1896, vice Surg. Daniel M. Guiteras, George E. Kedzie, of Mexico, to be consul of the United States retired. at Durango, Mexico. P. A. Surg. Philip Leach, to be a surgeon in the Navy, from the Paul Wiesike, of Texas, to be consul of the United States at 15th day of November, 1896, vice Surg. Alexander F. Magruder, Managua, Nicaragua. retired. Horace L. Washington, of Texas, to be consul of the United George D. Costigan, a citizen of California, to be an assistant States at Alexandretta, Syria. surgeon in the Navy, from the 11th day of August, 1896, to fill a Walter B. Barker, of Mississippi, formerly commercial agent at vacancy existing in that grade. Sagua la Grande, Cuba, to be consul of the United States at that Middleton S. Elliott, a citizen of South Carolina, to be an assist­ place. ant surgeon in the Navy, from the 6th day of October, 1896, to fill a vacancy existing in that grade. FrankL. Pleadwell, a citizen of Massachusetts, to be an assist­ ant surgeon in the Navy, from the 24th day of October, 1896, to fill HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. a vacancy existing in that grade. Dudley N. Carpenter, a citizen of New Hampshire, to be an MONDAY, December 14, 1896. assistant surgeon in the Navy, from the 24th day of October, 1896, to fill a vacancy existing in that grade. The House met at 12 o'clock m. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. Daniel H. Morgan, a citizen of West Virginia, to be an assist­ HENRY N. COUDEN. ant surgeon in the Navy, from the 27th day of November, 1896, to The Journal of the proceedings of Friday last was read and ap­ fill a vacancy existing in that grade. proved. The following-named graduates of the Naval Academy, to be ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED. ensigns in the Navy, from the 1st day of July, 1896, to fill vacan­ Mr. HAGER, from the Committee on Enrolled Bills, reported cies existing in that grade on that date, viz: that they had examined and found truly enrolled bills of the fol­ Irvin V. Gillis, a citizen of New York. lowing titles; when the Speaker signed the same: Ridley McLean, a citizen of Tennessee. A bill (H. R. 2604) to increase the pension of Caroline A. Hough, Raymond Stone, a citizen of Alabama. widow of Brig. Gen. John Hough; and David F. Sellers, a citizen of New Mexico. A bill (H. R. 4354) granting a pension to Mrs. Mary Gould Carr, Charles Webster, a citizen of Massachusetts. widow of the late Brig. Gen. and Bvt. Maj. Gen. Joseph B. Carr, John T. Tompkins, a citizen ·of Louisiana. United States Volunteers, deceased. Provoost Babin, a citizen of New York. HOLIDAY RECESS. Simon P. Fullinwider, a citizen of Missouri. Lewis B. .Tones, a citizen of New York. Mr. DINGLEY. Mr. Speaker, I am instructed by the Commit­ Stephen V. Graham, a citizen of Michigan. tee on Ways and Means to present for immediate consideration a Ernest L. Bennett, a citizen of Massachusetts. concurrent resolution relating to the holiday recess. Fritz L. Sandoz, a citizen of Louisiana. The resolution was read, as follows: John McC. Luby, a citizen of Texas. Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That whet; William P. Scott, a citizen of Pennsylvania. the two House:J adjourn on 'ruesda.y, the 22d day of December, they stand Arthur G. Kavanagh, a citizen of Nebraska. a~ourned until12 o'clock meridian on Tuesday, January 5, 1897. Carlton F. Snow, a citizen of Maine. ' The concurrent resolution was adopted. Charles S. Bookwalter, a citizen of illinois. Roscoe C. Bulmer, a citizen of Nevada. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE, GilbertS. Galbraith, a citizen of Pennsylvania. A message from the Senate. by Mr. PLATT, one of its clerks Roscoe Spear, a citizen of Pennsylvania. announced that the Senate had disagreed to the amendments or1 Robert W. McNeely, a citizen of North Carolina. the House of Representatives to the joint resolution (S. R. 162) Walter S. Turpin, a citizen of Maryland. continuing in force section 2 of the act approved June 3, 1896, George L. P. Stone, a citizen of Georgia. entitled "An act to repeal section 61 of an 'Act to reduce taxation, WilliamS. Whitted, a citizen of North Carolina. to provide revenue for the Government, and for other purposes,' Robert H. Osborn, a citizen of New York. which became a law August 28, 1894," and asked a conference with Walter J. Manion, a citizen of Louisiana. the House on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses thereon, George E. Gelm, a citizen of New York. and had appointed Mr. PLATT, Mr. ALDRICH, and Mr. JONES of Clarence England, a citizen of Arkansas. Arkansas as the conferees on the part of the Senate. The following-named graduates of the Naval Academy, to be The message also announced that the Senate had agreed to the 1896. OONGRESSIONAt RECORD-HOUSE. 147 amendment of the House of Representatives to the bill (S. 2306) the mayor and city council of Monroe, La., to construct a traffic to amend Title LX, chapter 3, of the Revised Statutes, relating to bridge across the Ouachita River opposite said city." I think it ,copyrights. will hardly be necessary to read the bill at length. I ask that the SENATE BILL REFERRED. report be read instead. Under clause 2 of Rule XXIV, the following Senate bill was Mr. DINGLEY. Mr. Speaker, I think the bill ought to be read. taken from the Speaker's table and refen·ed as follows: The bill was read at length. A bill (S. 3333) to amend an act entitled "An act making appro­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the present consideration priations for the construction, repair, and preservation of certain of this bill? pul;>lic works on rivers and harbors, and for other pm-poses," passed There was no objection. finally June 3, 1896-to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. An amendment recommended by the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, inserting after the word "Monroe," the EASTERN JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF TEXAS.
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