Governorate boundary Basin Basin Hillshade_Yemen Value 188 0 ACCR14AUG_20AUG_YEM.tif <VALUE> 0 - 10 10.00000001 - 20 YEMEN - Rainy Season Monitoring For Humanitarian Purposes Only 20.00000001 - 50 Production date : 21/08/2017 50.00000001 - 100 Accumulated Rainfall (Week 33: 14 - 20 August 2017) and Forecast Rainfall (Week 34: 20 - 25 August 2017) 100.0000001 - 200 45°0'0" E 50°0'0" E 45°0'0" E 50°0'0" E 200.0000001 - 300 Week 33 : Accumulated (7 Day) Rainfall Week 34 : Forecast (6 Day) Rainfall N N Oman " Oman " 0 0 ' ' 0 0 ° ° 8 Saudi Arabia 8 Saudi Arabia 1 1 Sa'adah Sa'adah Al Ghaydah Al Ghaydah Yemen Al Hazm Yemen Al Hazm RED SEA HajjahAmran RED SEA HajjahAmran Al Mahwait Marib Al Mahwait Marib ¥¦¬Sana'a ¥¦¬Sana'a Al Hudaydah Al Hudaydah Al Jabin Al Jabin Dhamar Ataq Al Mukalla Dhamar Ataq Al Mukalla N N " " 0 0 ' ' 0 0 ° Ibb Al Bayda Ibb Al Bayda ° 4 4 1 Ad Dhale'e Ad Dhale'e 1 Taizz ARABIAN SEA Taizz ARABIAN SEA Al HawtahZingibar Al HawtahZingibar Aden Aden GULF O F ADEN GULF O F ADEN This map shows the total amount of rainfall expected to fall from 20 to 25 August, This map shows the total amount of rainfall accumulated from 14 to 20 August, 2017. Governorate boundary This map shows the total amount of rainfall accumulated from 24 to 30 July, 2017. Legend: ¥¦¬ Capital 2017. Legend: ¥¦¬ Capital Governorate boundary Accumulated (7 Day) Rainfall Governorate capital Basin Forecast (6 Day) Rainfall Governorate capital Basin 0 0 10 20 50 100 20E0sri+, 3D00e mLmorme, GEIBntCerOna, tiNonOalA bAo uNndGaDryC, and other contributors 25 50 75 100 200Es+r i3,0 0D memLorme, GIEntBerCnOati,o NnaOl bAoAu nNdGarDy C, and other contributors 45°0'0" E 50°0'0" E 45°0'0" E 50°0'0" E Week 3238 : Accumulated (7 Day) Rainfall Anomaly Oman Week 34 : Forecast (6 Day) Rainfall Anomaly N N Oman " " 0 0 ' ' 0 0 ° ° Saudi Arabia 8 8 1 Saudi Arabia 1 Sa'adah SSaa''a'addaahh Al Ghaydah AAlll G Ghhaayyddaahh Yemen Al Hazm YYeemmeenn AAlll H Haazzzmm RED SEA HajjahAmran RREEDD SSEEAA HHaajjjjjaahhAAmmrrraann Al Mahwait Marib AAlll M Maahhwwaaiititt MMaarrriiibb ¥¦¬Sana'a ¥¦¬¥¦¬SSaannaa''a'a Al Hudaydah AAlll H Huuddaayyddaahh Al Jabin AAlll J Jaabbiinin Dhamar Ataq Al Mukalla DDhhaammaarrr AAtttaaqq AAlll M Muukkaalllllaa N N " " 0 0 ' ' 0 0 AAlll B Baayyddaa ° Ibb Al Bayda ° IIbIbbb 4 4 1 Ad Dhale'e 1 AAdd DDhhaalllee''e'e Taizz ARABIAN SEA TTaaiiizzzzzz AARRAABBIIIAANN SSEEAA Al HawtahZingibar AAlll HHaawwtttaahhZZiiinnggiiibbaarrr Aden AAddeenn GULF O F ADEN GGUULLFF OOFF AADDEENN TThhisis mmaapp s hsohwosw sp lapclaecse tsh atth atr ea froer efcoarsetceads tteod r etcoe irveec efrivoem f2r0om to 2205 Atou g2u5s tAuLgeusgtend: Legend: ¥¦¬ Capital ¥¦¬ Capital Governorate boundary Governorate boundary TThhisi sm mapap s hsohwows st hteh ea naonmomalaoluosu sa caccucmumulualtaetde dra rianifnaflal lflr ofrmom 1 61 4 t oto 2 20 J uAluyg wuhste nw hceonm pcoamrepda wreitdh wthiteh Legend: ¥¦¬ Capital Governorate boundary ppeerrcceenntataggee oof ft hteh era irnafianlfla tlhl atth naot rnmoarlmlya flalyll sf ainll sA uing uAsut.g Au svta. luAe voaf l1u0e0 o%f w10ou0%ld wouFldorecast (6 Day) Rainfall Anomaly Ltohneg LToenrmg TPerremc ipPirtaetcioipnit adtaiotan (d1a9t6a0 (-11996900-)1 f9o9r 0J)u floy.r TAhueg uasnto. mThaely aisn osmhoawlyn i sin s mhoilwlimn eitne rms ilpliemr edtearys Accumulated (7 Day) Rainfall Anomaly Forecast (6 Day) Rainfall Anomaly Basin ininddicicaattee tthhaatt siixx--ddaay total forecast pprreecciippiittaattiioonn iiss ttoo bbee ssaammee a ass t hthe em meaena nmonthly Governorate capital Governorate capital Basin (mpemr /d)a.y A ( mvamlu/ed )o. fA 1 v0a mlume /odf w1o0u mldm in/d icwaoteul dth iantd aicvaetrea gthea dt aaivlye raignefa dlla inily g riaveinnf awll eine kg hivaesn e wxceeekd heads Governorate capital Basin mtootanlt hnlyo rtmotaall rnaoinrmfaall l rreacinefivaell dr edcueriivnegd t hdeu rsinagm teh ep esraiomde. Ap evraiolude. Ao fv 2a5lu%e wofo 2u5ld% indicate exceeded normal rainfall by 10mm. 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 150% 200% +250% normal rainfall by 10mm. Below wthoautl ds iixn-ddiacay teto thaal tf osriexc-daasyt ptorteacli pfoitraetcioans tw pirlle bciep i1ta/4tio onf wthilel bmee 1a/n4 omf othneth mly etaotnal normal 0 5 10 15 20 + 30 mm/d International boundary Normal Esri, DeLorme, GEInBteCrnOati,o NnaOl bAoAu nNdaGryDC, and other contributors rainfall received during the same period. 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 150% EE2s0s0rrr%ii,i,, D+D2e5e0LL%oorrrmmee,,, GGEEBBInCCteOOrn,,a, NtNioOnOaAAl bAAo u NNnGdGaDrDyCC,,, aanndd oottthheerrr ccoonntttrrriiibbuutttoorrrss Funded by: This weekly map provides an overview of accumulated rainfall Data sources: GPM (IMERG), NOAA, WorldClim, IRI, Columbia University, JRC, HDX- Note: Data, designations and boundaries contained on this map in the previous week and rainfall deviation from normal and JRC, USGS. are not warranted to be error-free and do not imply acceptance by expected rainfall in the next 6 days and how these rainfall the REACH partners, associates, donors mentioned on this map. values compare to normal rainfall for this month. Coordinate System:WGS 1984 UTM Zone 38N File: REACH_YEM_Map_RainySeasonMonitoring_21AUG2017_v1 Map Scale for A3: 1:7,500,000 Contact: [email protected] Km 0 50 100 200 300 400 I!.
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