The Ninth AAAI Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence (EAAI-19) Predicting Unsolvable Deals in the Birds of a Feather Solitaire Game Richard Hoshino, Maximilian Kahn Quest University Canada, Squamish, British Columbia, Canada Abstract Rules of the Game In this paper, we analyze Birds of a Feather (BoaF), a solitaire BoaF is played with a standard 52-card deck, with 4 suits game played with 16 cards. While the large majority of deals (C, H, S, D) and 13 ranks of each suit (from A to K). Below are solvable, the set of unsolvable deals share certain charac- is an example of an initial configuration, where 4 rows of 4 teristics that can be determined from the adjacency matrix of cards are dealt face-up, representing 16 one-card “stacks”. the corresponding “compatibility graph”. We create a binary decision tree based on just three variables to predict whether a 8C 8H 8S 7S given deal is solvable. Our predictive model, tested on 30,000 6H JH 5H 9H random deals, correctly classifies over 99.9% of our data. 5C 7C KS 4S 2D TS QS 3D Introduction Any stack of cards can be picked up and placed on top of In the 2019 EAAI Undergraduate Research Challenge, par- another stack in the same row or column, as long as the top ticipants were invited to analyze Birds of a Feather (BoaF), card of each stack is either the same suit or their ranks differ a perfect-information one-player card game (Neller 2016). by at most one. For example, 8C can be placed on top of 7S. Like other open solitaire games, the 16 cards in each BoaF For any deal, a game is solvable if and only if there exists a game are dealt face-up. Thus, each initial configuration can sequence of 15 moves that creates a single stack of 16 cards. be classified as either solvable or unsolvable. Our deal above is solvable, as one possible 15-move solution The 15-puzzle is a famous open solitaire game, consist- is 3D-2D 4S-7S 5C-8C 4S-5C 4S-3D QS-KS 8S-QS 4S-TS ing of fifteen tiles numbered 1 to 15 randomly arranged in a 7C-8H 6H-JH 9H-5H 8S-9H 7C-6H 8S-7C 4S-8S. This re- 4 × 4 frame, with one tile missing. The object of the game is sults in a single stack with 4S as the top card. to use the empty space to slide the tiles, and create a config- Given a deal, define its compatibility graph G as follows: uration where the fifteen tiles are placed in order. A simple each of the 16 cards is a vertex, and two vertices are adjacent parity argument (Johnson and Story 1879) shows that half if and only if their suits match or their ranks differ by at most of the starting positions are unsolvable. Knowing the set of one. By definition, the 15-move solution to any deal must be solvable starting positions allows game designers to avoid a spanning tree of its compatibility graph G, as we see from presenting users with an impossible puzzle. the dark edges of the compatibility graph below. Conversely, FreeCell is an open solitaire card game where 52 cards are dealt randomly, without any consideration of whether a given deal is solvable. Although nearly every FreeCell deal is solvable, one out of every 78,000 deals is not (Keller 2018). Despite much effort, no Microsoft Free- Cell player could solve the complete set of 32,000 deals, and it was only through an extensive crowdsourcing effort that it was shown that one of the deals is indeed unsolvable. In this paper, we analyze the recently invented BoaF game and describe our efforts of creating a model to quickly and accurately predict whether a deal is solvable. After present- ing the rules of the game, we describe our three-variable bi- nary decision tree model, show that our model makes the correct classification in over 99.9% of random deals in our testing set, and conclude with ideas for future research. Copyright c 2019, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (www.aaai.org). All rights reserved. 9748 Predictive Model Conclusion For any BoaF deal, we can create its compatibility graph G. Our predictive model can be viewed as a sieve that quickly We define the following three variables. identifies deals that may be unsolvable, so that a BoaF- playing app only outputs deals that have a solution. High nw (G) (i; j) 1 ≤ i < j ≤ 16 1. 1 , the number of pairs with recall is more important than high precision, since it is bet- 1 i j G for which there is no walk of length from to in . ter to incorrectly classify deals as unsolvable (and miss out 2. nw2(G), the number of pairs (i; j) with 1 ≤ i < j ≤ 16 on a few deals) than incorrectly classify deals as solvable for which there is no walk of length 2 from i to j in G. (and give the player an impossible deal). 3. st(G), the number of spanning trees in G. Unlike the 15-game tiling puzzle, there does not exist a simple test for unsolvability, especially as it is NP-complete Let A be the 16 × 16 adjacency matrix of graph G, where to determine whether an arbitrary N × N BoaF deal is solv- Ai;j = 1 if vertices i and j are adjacent, and Ai;j = 0 oth- able (Hoshino and Notarangelo 2019). erwise. By definition, nw1(G) is the number of zeros above Though our model’s recall rate is excellent, it is not per- the upper diagonal of A and nw2(G) is the number of zeros fect. To illustrate, consider the following deal where the 16 above the upper diagonal of A2. Given the adjacency matrix cards form a mutually orthogonal Latin square of order 4. A, we can apply Kirchhoff’s Matrix-Tree Theorem (Harris, Hirst, and Mossinghoff 2008) to calculate st(G). 2C 4S 6H 8D If nw1(G) and nw2(G) are large, then there are fewer 6D 8H 2S 4C connections between cards, implying fewer possible moves. 8S 6C 4D 2H In this light, we surmise that large values of nw1(G) and 4H 2D 8C 6S nw2(G) are indicators for a deal’s unsolvability. If G is not connected, then a spanning tree cannot exist, Since no pair of cards in the same row or column can thus ensuring that any sequence of moves will result in a be matched, this deal is unsolvable. However, our algorithm minimum of two leftover stacks. Thus, st(G) = 0 is a suffi- makes an incorrect classification as st(G) > 0 (because the cient condition for a deal to be unsolvable. (But as we’ll see, graph is connected) and nw (G) = 0 (because there are two st(G) = 0 is not a necessary condition for unsolvability.) 2 different walks of length 2 between each pair of vertices). We create our predictive model on 100,000 random 4 × 4 There are several directions for future research. First, we deals, representing seeds 1 to 100,000 of the open-source can test our model on more data, especially as the 105 FreeCell shuffler (Mol 2018). The first 70,000 deals repre- compatibility graphs we analyzed are just a fraction of the sent the training set and the final 30,000 deals represent the 52 ∼ 1013 possible combinations. Also, we can analyze testing set. For each of these deals, we apply an independent 16 codebase (Neller 2018) that uses a depth-first search algo- which edges in the compatibility graph also match by posi- rithm to determine whether the deal is unsolvable. tion, i.e., share the same row or column. To do this, we need stackability In the training set, just 143 of the 70,000 deals are unsolv- to consider a graph. Finally, we’d like to add able, with 135 having st(G) = 0 and 8 having st(G) > 0. more variables beyond the three considered in this paper. Of the 8 unsolvable deals with a connected compatibility The student author has created a repository of all the graph G, the values of nw (G) range from 76 to 82 and the Python code used in this paper. The code can be found at 1 https://github.com/Starfunk/birds-of-a-feather. values of nw2(G) range from 37 to 56. These numbers are significantly higher than the averages of these values for our References training set: 71:7 for nw1(G) and 10:7 for nw2(G). Our predictive model is a binary decision tree, where each Harris, J. M.; Hirst, J. L.; and Mossinghoff, M. J. 2008. split maximizes the information gain of the training set. The Combinatorics and Graph Theory. Springer. resulting model can be expressed as a six-line program. Hoshino, R., and Notarangelo, M. 2019. Computational In- if st(G)==0: return "UNSOLVABLE" tractability and Solvability for the Birds of a Feather Game. else: In EAAI-19: Proceedings of the Ninth Symposium on Edu- if nw2(G)<74: return "SOLVABLE" cational Advances in Artificial Intelligence. else: Johnson, W. W., and Story, W. E. 1879. Notes on the 15 if nw1(G)>75: return "UNSOLVABLE" puzzle. Americal Journal of Mathematics 2(4):397–404. else: return "SOLVABLE" Keller, M. 2018. Freecell: Frequently Asked Questions. On the 70,000 deal training set, this model correctly clas- http://www.solitairelaboratory.com. sifies 143 out of the 143 unsolvable deals and 69767 out of Mol, M.
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