-DOCEMENT BEST) S ED 124 961. CS 202 791 ____ __ _-- . fir ILA English 291,-2927-and 293--Advance Pogram: Mant.s . Power with .words. INSTITUTION Jefferson County Board of Education, Iouisvillei.. Ky. UB, 72 : NOTE 105p. ' . i ..,F.DRS ppixE MF-$0.83 HC-$6.31 Plus Postage. -DESCRIPTORS Composition Skills (Literary); *English Instruction; *Gifted;. Grade- 9;' (Grammar; *Language-Arts; 1 *LjAerature Appreciation; Secondary Education; VoCabulary Development ABSTR1dT For those students who qualify, the Advance Program offers an opportunity to follow a stimulating ourriculua designed for the academically talented. This guide for-ninthgiade English was developed to broaden the studentlsskill and understanding of the history of the. Englishlanguage, composition, grammaszjocabulary development, and 1irter4ture. Specific aims are identified at the a beginning of each ccurie and units of study contain lists ofworA w for vocabulary development. In literature study, students explore ,and discuss the works of notable writers. who have usedlanguage in a masterful and highly disciplined manner:' Plato, Homer, Swift, Shakespeare; Shaw, Orwell, and others. (JN) NI ******************4**********************************t*************t** DocuientAracqiiiied by 2RIC include may informal unpublished *materials not available, from other sources. ERIC: sakes every effbrt * * to.obtain the best copy availlible. ,.Nevertheless,'items of marginal ,* * reproducibility are often encountered and this affectsthe quality * * of the microfiche and haracopy reproductions. ERIC" makesavailable- ?- * ,-the ERIC Document Reproduction Seriide"AEDES): ERRS is not * -* r.sponsible for the quality ql-the original document.Retroductions * *tupplied by EDPare the best :that cambe_maLefrom.tbeoziginalA -**, *******************4******************i**************.**************** , t r r 'i S .. , fa 7,' .0 0 tl S DE paitTmEkTbF HEALTH, EDUCATION I WELFARE RATHMAI. INSTITUTE OF Et:It/CATION THIS DOCL;MgHt HAS BEENREPRO. DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIA0FROM THE-pERSON OR ORGANiZATIONORIGIN- An/46 IT POINTS OFVIEW OR ORINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILYREPRE: SEHI OF ATIONAL INSTITUTE of EDUCATION POSITION ORPOLICY ADVANCE PROGRAMENGLISH 291, 292, 293 MAN'S POWER WiTI-1 WORDS 1972 JEFFERSON COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Department of Curriculum Development and . Supervision Administrative Staff ?Z. Richard VanHoose Superiniteiident. James E.Farmer Farmer, Associate SUperintendent , . for Curriculum and Supervision 0. M: Lassiter Assistant Superintendent for CUrriculum and Supervision . , 'Mildred Cobb pireetor of Curriculum . Jefferson County Board of Edue..ation* Curriculum Office, Melbourne .Heights 3023 Melbourne Avenue Louisville, Kentuckyt 40220 I . 4 FOREWORD The*.opportunity. to restudy thecurriculum and to assessit in terms of relevance:,, 'tor the students of today is the most significant aspect of any year-round i plan of school reorganization. During the summer of 1971, ,teachers and supervisors have been meeting to restudy, to evaluate, anfinally, to rewrite courses into sixty-day units of work. In alt rewriting, emphasis has -been placed on relevanee4o the needs and interests of the students. These units of work are Jegarde:d as tentative. Through testing and evaluatidn in the classroom during the coming year, decisions will be made' regarding their effedtiveness, This evaluation will provide guidelines for future re 'lion of all courses .. to be used in the implementation of the Elective Quarter Plan. hard VanH ose Supeiintendent Jefferson County Public Schools TABLE OF CONTENTS -, .-J -English 291, 292, and 293-Advance Program: Mari's Po'wer With Words 1 1 Introduction I Cdurse Topics and Materials , 2 English 291-Advance Program: Man's Power With WA& 3 ., Grammar r 6 Composition 7 A History of Opr Language-The 4firacle of Language 11 A History of Our Language-The Miracle Worker . 27, A History of Our Language-Pygmalipn 30 Literature-Animal Farm 32 Literature-Short Stories I i .35 Nonprint Media - 38 \ 'Appendix A-A List of Common Correction Marks 39 Appendix B-Aids for Teaching Animal Farm and Propaganda 41 1, Bibliography , 44---",1..- 46 English 292-Advance Program: .Man's Power With.Words,. ..,,, Vocabulary.Study 48 Literature-Short Stories II . 49 Literature- Dialogues of Plato :. 52 Literature-Gulliver's Travels 55 Literature-Poems and Poets 160 J 1'78 Appendix-Aids for Teaching Satire in Gulliver's Travels I. Bibliography i. 't30 tt English 293-Advance Program: ower With Words 82. Analogies 84 Literature' 85 Nonprint Media 96 Bibliography 97 Book election and Reevaluation Policy Book selection and Material Reevaluation Procedures .Book Selection and Materials Reevaluation Policy Citizen's Request for Reevaluation of Material 41 . ENGLISH 291. 292, ant. 293ADVANCE PROGRAM: MAN'S POWER WITH WORDS ,..1 \'?,, INTRODUCTION . , , , a, . Man's Povier,ith Won enables the student to brooaden his concepts of the discipline, force, and beauty of lang !age. TLiarkultim, designed to further the student's skill and Understanding, treats pfrnarily with a' his ry of the English# languge, compOsition.1, grammar, vocabulary development, and literature. $ fic alTrIS are identified at the'beginning of each course. A knowleef the English language.as an effective medium of communication should comprise a' 4") viral pOon oil a well-rounded education, therefore, the purposes- of,this curriculum are to create an , awaress oflanguageas _a great civilizing force, to develop an appreciation 'for the increasing inortance of language as a 'tool for cultutal as well as social and political adv4ncement, and to ontemplate dynamic role of language on the frontiers of tomorrow, As the student broadens his experiences and ideas, he realizes a greater need for facility and effectiveness in wnting. The w nting units place emphasis on sentences, Then paragraphs, and then themes. Opportunities for acquiring skill in logical organization of ideas, for creathre writing, and fo'r rhetorical analysis and practice are interwoven into each course. - . The study of grammar is planned to maintain previously mastered skills andfordevelop`those new skills which seem desirable for the .student in the Advance Program at this grade level. In addition, each unit of studysenerally contains an applicable list of words for vocabulary'd,evelopment. ' In the literature study, the student explores and discussed works of notable writers who have used their language in a masterful and highly disciplined manner: Plato, Homer, Swift, Shakespeare. --, __Orwelland_others,_The_classics, are emphasized in_otder f o x_t h e. st u d e n t, see _th e, _e n d_uri ay., al u e of great thoughts communicated with artistry. Thus,, the basic objective. underlying" the entire study in ninth grade English'is to increase the student's power in the exchange of- ideas through exposure to and instruction in effective and ,appropriate lses of man's words. I S , Advance ProgramEnglish 291, 292, and 293 , COURSE TOPICS AND MATERIALS English 291 Grammar and Composition: Senior English Review Exercises (pagei 1-30) A Composition Practice Book'(pages 1 -35') A History of Our Language: The Miracle of Language The Miracle Worker Pygmalion s Literature: The Animal Arm Short Stories I English 292 Vocabulary Study: Senior English Review Exercises (pages 23 an Literature: . -Short Stories IF The Dialogues`of Moto Gulliver's ThaVelsH Poems and poets correlated with Senior English Review Exercises Se 'English 293 Analogies: Senior English Review Exercises (pages 15-22) Literature: The Death of I Ilych Julius Caestir, Romeo and Juliet and West Side ...Story The Odyssey' ENGLISH. 291ADVANCE PROGRAW MAN'S POWER WITH WORDS Course ,Description English 291 serves as an introduction to the theme, Man's Power with Words. Exploration includes a study of the.English language, of synonyms and antonyms, of the devices and uses of propaganda, and of the literary form of the short story. Two specific views of language, the teaching of communication, and the language of class Status are also explored. Prerequisite - Eligibility for Advance Program and/or teacher ruommeridation Suggested Time Schedule Grammar and Ckmf5osition: 2 weeks Senior English Review Exercises (pages 1-30) A Composition Practice Book (12tges 1-35) History of Our Language: 6 weeks The Mirdcle of_Langua.ge The Miracle Worker_ ,Pygmglion Literature: - Antmal Farm 2 weeks S'tort Stories I 2 weeks ; 3: Advance PrOgramEngla 291 General Objectives Develops concepts of the discipline, force, and beauty of langu ge, S Demonstrates skill in the oral and written use of language. Understands the history of the English language. Develops effective ways of communicating ideas and' attitudes through acceptable practice of - composition, grammar, vocabulary, and literature exploration. Behavioral Objectives Given selected exercises on synonyms and antonyms from Senior English Review Exercises, the student will exhibit vocabulary power by accurately completing the exercises. Given topics for paragraph development from the curriculum, the student will write paragraphs of description, exposition, accurate paraphrasing, narration,,and argumentation which apply the criteria in A Composition Piactice Handbook for each of these types,of paragraphs. Having studied The Miracle of Language, the student will define three theories concerning the origin of language.as-presented in this book. Using Laird's interpretation of language as a tool for man's accomplishments, thestutlenewill choose a specific accomplishment of man (e.g.,
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