eration for Therapeutic and Counselling Choice (IFTCC), incorrectly accusing both groups of promoting “conversion therapy.” Italy—Italian women will now be able to use the RU-486 abortion pill at home without medical supervision of any kind Lifespan throughout the first nine weeks of pregnancy, thanks to new guidelines issued by the nation’s health minister. The two-part “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, abortion pill regimen has been available in Italy since 2009, and before you were born, I consecrated you.” Jeremiah 1:5 but required that the first pill, mifepristone, be taken in a hos- 2020 Fourth Quarter pital. Now, however, women will be able to use both mifepris- tone and misoprostol within their own homes. The use of RU- Worldwide News… 486 has proven dangerous with complications ranging from Belgium—A woman who aborted her third child after a heaving bleeding to severe pain (over 96%), incomplete abor- Down’s Syndrome diagnosis subsequently killed her three liv- tion leading to infection, sepsis and potential death, and long- ing children, ages 22-months, seven and nine, allegedly from term damage to the uterus. post-abortion trauma. Julie Lambotte began her killing spree Mexico—The nation’s Supreme Court struck down a lower by allegedly drowning her 22-month-old daughter, Orphee, in court ruling that had ordered the state of Veracruz to legalize the bathtub and then proceeded to stab her other two chil- abortion in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. The 4-1 ruling dren—seven-year-old Ceres and nine-year-old Thibald— prevented the legalization of abortion throughout the country. killing Ceres and leaving Thibald in serious but stable condi- Currently, only Mexico City and Oaxaca state have legalized tion in the hospital. Lambotte told authorities she committed abortion on demand up to 12 weeks’ gestation. When the cul- the crimes because she “missed her little girl,” with her violent ture of death is embraced, all other ills quickly follow suit as spree taking place shortly after the three-year anniversary of well, as evidenced in Mexico City. Treatment to help over- her abortion. come unwanted homosexual tendencies will soon be illegal in Britain—Trials for one of the leading potential coronavirus Mexico City under a new law by the city’s Legislative Assem- vaccines were halted after a trial participant became seriously bly. Under the legislation, which was first introduced two ill. Astrazeneca, a British pharmaceutical company that has years ago, healthcare practitioners could spend up to five years been developing a coronavirus vaccine in collaboration with in prison for conducting “practices consisting of psychological, the University of Oxford, has used cell lines from an aborted psychiatric sessions, methods or treatments that are intended to baby in the development of the vaccine. Past experience with nullify, hinder, modify or impair the expression of gender the drugs used to treat Parkinson’s Disease has shown that identity, as well as the sexual orientation of people. aborted fetal tissue is unstable and leads to serious complica- Netherlands—A draft law proposing the legalization of assist- tions, including cancer and neurological problems. ed suicide for people over 75 who are “tired of living” has Canada—The Novia Scotia high court ruled against the peti- been presented in the Second Chamber of the Dutch parliament tion of an 82-year-old woman to save the life of her husband, by Pia Dijkstra, of the D66 progressive “social-liberal” party. 82, who suffers from non-fatal chronic obstructive pulmonary This push reveals the truth behind the compassion in dying disease (COPD) but is otherwise healthy. According to the af- movement—it is ultimately about death on demand. fidavit of a doctor filed in court on behalf of the wife, the hus- Russia—A new constitution based on the results of recent ref- band has suffered from hypochondria for years and has “delu- erendums proclaims the obligation of the state not only to pro- sional” beliefs that he has medical conditions and health issues tect the family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood (that he does not have. In spite of the documented mental issues, her already was part of the Constitution before), but also to protect husband was approved for euthanasia on first assessment, re- the “institution of marriage as a union of a man and a woman” jected on a second, and then approved on a third assessment. (Article 72). In addition, one of the new norms obliges the The high court has now dispensed with the pretense of “com- Government of the Russian Federation to pursue a unified pol- passion in dying” and allowed for death on demand, regardless icy in the country in the field of “supporting, strengthening and of the reason. protecting the family, preserving traditional family values” France—The French National Assembly approved guidelines (Article 114). Poland, Estonia and Hungary are looking to that allow for genetically modified embryos, chimeras, and make similar changes as well. state-funded artificial procreation for lesbian couples and sin- Scotland—The nation has lurched left again becoming the gle women. In addition, French underage girls 14 or younger first nation in the world to include LGBTQ courses in the have totally free access to contraceptives and all medical con- school curricula. In November 2018 Scottish ministers adopted sultations and testing necessary to the prescription process. a proposal to adopt “LGBTQ inclusion” into school curricula Ireland—Two Christian organizations that help people deal to ideologically indoctrinate young children and teens. All pu- with unwanted same-sex attraction and gender identity issues pils in public schools will receive equality and identity educa- have been notified by their bank that their accounts will be tion that includes LGBTQ content such as “homophobia,” “bi- closed. The move by Barclays Bank follows a social media phobia” and “trans-phobia,” as well as promoting “awareness” attack demanding that the bank end its professional relation- towards members of LGBTQ groups. The signs of religious ship with Core Issues Trust (CIT) and The International Fed- persecution loom large, particularly in light of the new hate crime legislation passed this year that could result in the crimi- dollars in campaign donations from Planned Parenthood, pros- nalization of having possession of a Bible or the Catholic cate- ecuted Daleiden for exposing Planned Parenthood’s crimes, chism. Sadly, this is not an exaggeration. crimes they themselves admit to on video! Watch for yourself, United Kingdom—Premature twins born five days apart have but be forewarned: beaten the odds to become among the youngest to survive https://thefederalist.com/2020/08/24/planned-parenthood-staff- premature birth in Britain. Dolly was born at just 23 weeks and admit-to-performing-illegal-partial-birth-abortions-for-better- one day weighing just 1lb and 1oz (482g). Five days later Al- tissue-harvesting/ bert was born weighing 1lb 6oz (624g). The twins are now District of Columbia—Judicial Watch announced that it re- flourishing at home with their parents. This medical miracle ceived 165 pages of records from the Food and Drug Admin- should be a wake-up call to all governments who insist on the istration (FDA) showing that the FDA between 2012 and 2018 right to kill preborn children at any stage of development. If entered into 8 contracts worth $96,370 with Advanced Biosci- we can save children this young today, what will tomorrow’s ence Resources (ABR) to acquire “fresh and never frozen” medical advances bring? Maybe it is time to rethink the viabil- tissue from 1st and 2nd trimester aborted fetuses for use in cre- ity issue altogether. ating “humanized mice” for ongoing research. Federal law regulates the purchase and acceptance of human fetal tissue for research purposes. It is unlawful to knowingly transfer fetal tissue for profit. Consequently, Judicial Watch filed the law- National News… suit in the United States District Court for the District of Co- California—A Catholic charity has won a hard-fought battle lumbia (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department Health and Human with state authorities over the right of the charity to exercise its Services [No. 1:19-cv-00876]) after HHS failed to respond religious principles. The San Diego-based Children of the Im- adequately to a September 28, 2018, FOIA. maculate Heart, which has served adult victims of human traf- Georgia—A federal judge has blocked Georgia’s 2019 law ficking since 2013, had aimed to open a house for girls age 12- banning most abortions on babies with detectable heartbeats, 17 who had been victims of human trafficking. The charity has ruling that it violates the U.S. Constitution. Signed into law in sought a license for the project for three years. The state de- May 2019, the Living Infants Fairness and Equality (LIFE) layed the application insisting that the organization needed to Act (HB 481) would forbid abortions once a fetal heartbeat can pledge to affirm LGBT sexuality, to inject sex hormones into be detected, except in cases of rape, incest, physical medical any beneficiaries who identify as transgender, and to agree to emergencies, and pregnancies deemed “medically futile.” Last drive minors to abortion clinics. In November 2019, the charity year abortion advocates with the American Civil Liberties Un- filed a lawsuit accusing California officials of delaying the ion (ACLU), Center for Reproductive Rights (CRR), and license for the project and violating its constitutional rights. Planned Parenthood challenged the law’s constitutionality and The charity had invested $600,000 in the project and was pay- U.S. District Judge Steve Jones placed an injunction on the law ing rent and maintenance costs of $15,000 a month.
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