E.C. No. {S7 ESTIMATES COMMITTEE 1956-57 SKTY-FIRST REPORT MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT INLAND WATER TRANSPORT LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT D EU fl March, 19S7 CL_0__R_R__ I_.G ._E_N _D _A Sixty-first Report of the Estimates Committee on the Ministry of Transport. Contents Page ( 11) IV - RceJ ‘ 29-31' for ' 29-32* (11) IV A - Re?.d_' 29' fo F ^ 29-30’ (11) IV B - Re“ d ' 29-3!I7Tor‘^ mtmm 30-32' ( 11) V Re-d 32-38’ for '33-39' ( 11) V A -'Read ' 32-53~^or ' 33-34» ( 11) V B - Read '33-36' for *34-37' (11) V B (ir^Read »3 3 - '^ for '34-35' ( 11) V B (11 & lilT Read 34'T~Tor' *35* ( 11) V B (iv) Read '35* for *3?^ ( 11) V B (v) Read ' 35-36'*~for *36-37* ( 11) V B (vl) ^ad '36' foF^37' ( 11) V C-Read' 36“ 37 = f or” *^7-38' ( 11) V D-Read~'’37‘ for '38' (11) V B-iRead* 37-38' for '38-39' ( 11) VI - Read '39-42' for '40-43* ( 11) VI A - Read *39' for '40' ( 11) VI B & C- Read *40' fo r '41' ( 11) VI D - ReaJ^O-42' for '41-43' (____11) App»I-Read '43-45' for '44-45' Page 7 ,Fora 24,Heading C- Read 'Plans' f^^'Plan*. Page 16, Para-61,Line 6, Add ' ) ' after 'State* Page 39,Chap.VI, Heading A - Read 'Development* for ‘ Development* Page 57,App.VjLlnel, Read 'water' for* we------ ter'* Page 57,App» V,Llnel6 , Read - csat-gry' for' country' Page 72,App.XI,So No:3,Lln£ 2 ,Add 'after* Inadeinadequate * Page 74,App,XI,Sc No s8,Llnel4;Read * report* for *re* Page 74,App.XI,Sc-No!l2,Llne3jReaii'Indian*__ for * India* Page 7B.App.XI,SrNo:28,Lincij ? 5& ”7, ^Delete *.* after * potentialities'and Read 'nuvi,; :a 11 on* fo r‘navi gut on* CONTENTS Pag k C omposition of the Co m m ittee.................................................................(iii) INTRODUGTION .............................................................................................(]▼) I. Introductory ................................................................................... x—5 A. Introduction . ........................................................ t B. Early H is to ry ...................................................................................i—3 C. Existing conditions.............................................. 3—5 II. Development of Inland Water Transport . —206 A. Introduction.................................................................................. 6 B. Role of the Ministry of Transport....................................................... 6-7 C. Inland Water Transport in the First and Second Plans • « 7—10 (fl) First Five Year P l a n .................................................................7-8 (6) Second Five Year P l a n ........................................................ 8-9 (c) Budget estimates for 1956-57 ...... 9-10 D. Declaration of Waterways as National Waterways . 10 E. Survey of Inland Water Transport ...... lO-ii F. Conferences of representatives of the Centre and States . 11-12 G. The Ganga-Brahamputra Water Transport Board 12— 15 (a) Constitution ....................................................... 12-13 (b) Provision of funds and expenditure 13-14 (c) Functions of the Board and results achieved .... 14 (d) Rates of contribution by the Central and State Governments . 14-15 (c) Annual Reports of the Board ...... 15 H. Buckingham C a n a l ..........................................................................15—17 I. River Valley and other multi-purpose projects .... 17—20 (a) Hirakud Dam Project ........ 17—19 (b) Tungabhadra Project . »...................................... 19 (c) Damodar Valley Corporation P r o j e c t .....................................19-20 III. Investigation b y Experts & C o m m i t t e e s ....................................21--28 A. Introduction .......... 21 B. VisitofMr. Otto Popper ........ 21-22 C. Study Tour of E x p e r ts................................................................ 22-23 D. Third Session of the Inland Waterways Sub-Committee . 23 E. Visit of Mr. J. J. S u r i e ................................................................24-25 F. Study Group (Transport Plan n in g)..............................................25—27 G. Inland Watef Transport C om m ittee..............................................27-28 (i) (ii) Pagik IV. Master Plan for Dbvblopmbnt of Inland Waterways . 29—3^ A. In trodu ct'on ..................................................................................... 29-30 B. Master plan drawn up by the Ministry of Irrigation and Power 30-32 V. River Navigation in North-East india . 33—39 A. In tro d u ctio n ..................................................................................... 33-34 B. Facilities suggested by Joint Steamer Companies .... 34—37 (0 Provision of ‘Aga* automatic flashing beacons .... 34*35 (it) Introduction of radio-telephonic conunimications . 35 («0 Provision of modern equipment of a permanent nature for berth­ ing of vessels and for mechanical handling of cargo 35 (iv) River Surveys ......... 36 (v) Provision of suitable floating or shore outposts with residential and office accommodation together with petrol launches 36-37 (viy Roads to Ghats .................................................................. 37 C. Conservancy Measures . 37-38 D. Reduction in the frequency of steamer services of Joint Steamer Companies 3g E. Amendment of Inland Steam Vessels Act. .... 38-39 VI. Miscellaneous.....................................................................................40—43 A. Development of Inland Navi^tion on the West Coast on rivers such as Narbada and Tapti ....... 40 B. Craft bu ild in g ........................................................ 41 C. Lack of S ta tis tic s ........................................................................... 41 D. Conclusion .......... 41—43 A ppe n d ic e s — I. Statement showing the State-wise break-up of navigable waten^'ays in India as given by Mr. J. J. Surie, an U. N. Inland Water Transport E x p e r t ..............................................................................................44-45 II. Summary of the Second Five Year Plan for development of Inland Water Transport . 46—49 III. Statement showing the account of receipts and expenditure of the Ganga-Brahamputra Water Transport Board for the years from 195 t- 52 to 1 9 5 5 -5 6 .................................................................. 50- IV. Note Indicating the extent to which the Ganga-Brahamputra Water Transport Board has fulfilled the objectives for which it was set up V. A brief history of the Buckingham Canal from 1806 to date 53—60 VI. Map showing the Master Plan for Inland Navigation in India 6r VII. Statement showing the volume of traffic handled by the Joint Steamer Companies both in local and through booking with the Railway 62: VIII. Statement showing the authorised capital, subscribed capital, income, expenditure and dividends declared in each of the years since 1950-51 by foreign as well as Indian companies ...... 63—65 IX. Statement showing the number of steamers etc. owned, volume of cargo moved and the number of passengers carried by Indian and foreign companies in each ofthe years since 1950-51 . • 66—70- X Statement showing the mileage of various forms of transport in some foreign countries as compared with that in India .... yr X I Statement showing the summary of conclusions/recommendations 72—80^ MEMBERS OF THE-ESTIMATES COMMITTEE 19564^7 1. Shri Balvantray Gopaljec Mehta—C/»airm«n. 2. Shri B. S. Murthy 3. Shrimati B. Khongmen 4. Shri Nageshwar Prasad Sinha 5. Shri B. L. Chandak 6. Shri Amarnath Vidyalankar* 7. Shri Vcnkatesii Narayan Tivary B. Shri Satis Chandra Samanta 9. Shri Raghavendrarao Srinivasrao Diwan 10. Shri M. R. Krishna 11. Shri Jethalal Harikrishna Joshi 12. Shri Bhawaiii .Singhf 13. Shri P. Subba Rao 14. Shri P. N. Rajabhoj 15. Shri Vishnu Ghanashyam Deshpande 16. Shri Satyendra Narayan Sintia 17. Pandit Dwarka Nath Tiwary 18. Shri C. R. Narasimhan 19. Shri Raghubir Sahai 20. Pandit AJgu Rai ShastriJ 21. Shri Abdus Sattar 22. Shri Lakshman Singh Charak 23. Shri N. Rachiah 24. Shri Radhesham Ramkumar Morarka 25. Shri Mangalagiri Nanadas 26. Shri T . B. Vittal Rao 27. Shri Y. Gadilingana Gowd 28. Shri Jaswantraj Mehta 29. Shri A. E. T . Barrow 50. Shri Choithram Partabrai Gidwani. Secretariat Shri S. I.. Shakdher— Secretary. Shri H. N. 'TTivedi—Deputy Secretary. Shri R. P. Kaushik—Undffr Secretary. • Resigned with effect from the 20th November, ‘ 56. t 5 *** October, 1956. t" Ceased to ■be a member upon his election‘ection to Raiya Sabha on the I3th Deccmc er: I9«6. (iii; INTRODUCTION 1, the Chairman, Estimates Committee having been authorised by the Committee to submit the Report on their behalf, present this Sixty-first Report on the Ministry of Transport on the subject ‘Inland Water Transport’. 2. The Committee wish to express their thanks to the Secretary and other officers of the Ministry of Transport for placing before them the material and information that they wanted in connection with the examination of the estimates. They also wish to express ‘ their thanks to Sarvashri T . Subramanyam, M. P. and N- C. Ghosh, Director/Manager, Indian River Transport Company Ltd., Calcutta for giving their evidence and making valuable suggestions to the Ck>mmittee. BALVANTRAY G. MEHTA, N e w D e l h i ; Chairman, The nth March, 1957. Estimates Committee. i: INTRODUCTORY A. Introduction The history of the world shows that almost all the empires and dynasties have grown around the great rivers like the Danube, the Rhine, the Nile, the Sindhu, the Cauvery, the Ganga etc. W e find mention in the Ramayana of Rama’s crossing the river Ganga by means
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