Paris Peace Forum PRESS KIT OCTOBER 2019 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS OUR MISSION • Our observation • Our work A YEARLY FORUM • Key figures • Highlights • The program • The speakers AN IDEA INCUBATOR • Showcased projects • Year-long support for projects A HYBRID ORGANIZATION • The Executive Committee • The Steering Committee • The Circle of Partners 2 OUR MISSION Promoting global governance for sustainable peace Our observation: Our work: Lasting peace will only be achieved through adapted and The Forum bridges this governance gap by advancing effective global governance to address international issues. concrete solutions in areas that need them most. The international system abounds with con- The Forum considers peace as more than the tradictions simple suspension of war States are competing hard for advantage and pop- Peace is made up of all the solutions that help re- ulism is undermining collective action institu- duce international tensions: cooperation to fight tions and mechanisms. Democratic spaces are climate change and mitigate resource scarcity, in- shrinking while inequalities are widening. Mili- stitutions to channel power rivalries and better ad- tary expenditures are growing fast while the minister global public goods, regulation to ad- United Nations budget is cut. International dress abuses of power and globalization-induced norms, in particular, human rights, are disre- inequality, as well as intergenerational bridges and garded. The Internet is becoming a jungle where gender equality to create more peaceful societies. data is hacked and fake news spread. International justice if being questioned. And we are losing the The Forum brings together state and non- race against global warming. state actors for collective action Existing international institutions are not al- International and regional multilateral organiza- tions with universal membership have legitimate ways capable of producing solutions mandates for the creation of rules and mecha- International collaboration is increasingly diffi- nisms to solve transnational problems. The Fo- cult. However, the challenges the world faces – rum supports and complements existing systems, climate change, terrorism, migration, cyber inse- picking up the slack when these institutions can- curity and other transnational issues – require a not act or when the solutions proposed are inade- collective response. quate. Our world is not headed in the right direction This situation is not conducive to peace. It stokes existing conflicts and leads to new ones. 3 A YEARLY FORUM Gathering collective action stakeholders around solutions A global governance Forum A project-oriented Forum Since its inaugural edition in 2018, the Forum has Innovative solutions to current governance issues placed global governance at the top of the inter- are at the heart of Forum. The entire debate pro- national agenda, to breathe new life into collective gram is built around these initiatives. The Forum and multilateral action. showcases and supports concrete projects. They are either normative – instru- An open Forum ments of law, standards and In both form and function, the good practices – or capacity- building – new institutions, Forum is more than a tradi- "The Paris Peace Forum's objec- mechanisms and innova- tional international summit, tive is to gather thought lead- tions. fair, or conference. It strives on ers, think tanks, companies, openness, down to the venue governments from around the An international policy itself, where the various debate world towards a joint agenda." Forum spaces aren’t separated by walls, Emmanuel Macron, Conference States, international and re- and a silent arena system fosters of Ambassadors, 27 August gional organizations are cru- open dialogue between all par- 2019 cial to the solutions the Fo- ticipants. rum aims to promote. Not A multi-stakeholder Forum only is their participation necessary, but it is also a tes- The yearly Forum gathers tament to the Forum role as stakeholders across all categories to facilitate the a complement to existing initiatives and actors. creation of hybrid coalitions by bringing together old and new actors of global governance such as A universal Forum states and multilateral organizations, but also The Forum is free and open to all stakeholders in- NGOs, companies, development agencies, foun- volved in tackling key modern challenges. dations, philanthropies, religious groups, associa- tions, think tanks, universities, and civil society at large. 4 KEY FIGURES THE SECOND EDITION OF THE PARIS PEACE FORUM WILL TAKE PLACE ON 12 AND 13 NOVEMBER 2019 AT LA GRANDE HALLE DE LA VILLETTE, PARIS. 2 days More than 6,000 participants 6 transversal themes More than 30 heads of state and government 115 governance projects More than 60 delegations 6 debate stages 30 international and regional organization representatives 3 PeaceGames Several NGO representatives 1 application Numerous intellectuals and think tankers More than 80 multi-stakeholder de- High-level personalities bates Approx. 200 speakers Several philanthropies and foundations 5 HIGHLIGHTS OPENING CEREMONY IMPLEMENTATION SESSION Tuesday 12 November at 9:30 Wednesday 13 November at 10:15 The Forum’s Opening Ceremony will present the At the heart of the Forum’s activity, this session will scope of the event’s project-oriented program, with present the Scale-up Committee’s work over the past opening speeches by heads of state and government, of year, supporting 10 governance projects and improving which Emmanuel Macron. their impact. PRESS CONFERENCE CLOSING CEREMONY Wednesday 13 November at 14:00 Wednesday 13 November at 16:00 Press-only event to present the 10 new projects – cho- The Forum’s culmination will reveal the new list of sen from a selection of 115 – that will benefit from the Scale-up projects to all participants, and will present the Forum’s support for a year. past two days’ governance achievements -- -- 3 PeaceGames UNPRECEDENTED The Forum will host three PeaceGames organized with Körber-Stiftung and Foreign Policy magazine. INTERACTIVE These PeaceGames will simulate three crises set in 2030 covering challenges such as cli- mate disasters, resource militarization, and environmental migration, which participants will be tasked with resolving. MULTI-STAKEHOLDER This multi-stakeholder simulation will gather experts from foreign ministries, think tanks, international organizations, companies, and civil society to find peaceful outcomes to sce- narios through reflection, creativity and cooperation. PARTICIPATORY More than 300 candidates answered the call for participation sent to all Forum partici- pants. 6 THE PROGRAM Going beyond simple discussions to provide solutions Interactive, multi-stakeholder debates Discussions on governing governance The Forum’s program consists of 80 multi-stake- These discussions will cover topics such as anti- holder contradictory debates on key topics, cover- globalization and the rise of populism, ensuring ing current and concerning issues, and built the social sustainability of environmental efforts, around the 115 showcased projects. The debate the state of multilateralism in 2019, as well as in- formats (pleas, masterclasses, hearings, talks, con- creasing Global South representation in interna- versations, and launches) are designed to bring tional organizations. participants together and foster direct interaction between political actors, citizens, and all stake- Tributes to past initiatives holders involved in finding and implementing so- Building a better future by learning from the past. lutions to these global challenges. Events such as the 30th anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall, the 70th anniversary of the Ge- Specific global governance challenges neva Conventions and the 100th anniversary of These challenges are drawn directly from the is- the International Labour Organization (ILO) will sues raised by the showcased projects, such as the be celebrated and discussed. governance of artificial intelligence, the protec- tion of biodiversity, enabling development Thematic tracks through culture, the war on drugs, cybersecurity, The thematic tracks are designed to guide jour- the private sector and the United Nations Sus- nalists through the Forum, enabling them to ex- tainable Development Goals, as well as humani- perience its highlights (debates, projects, pitches, tarian law enforcement. initiative launches) according to their topics of in- terest (gender equality, citizens and government, etc.). Structuring initiatives presented at the 2018 Forum by coalitions of actors will launch the second phase of their action to further realize their achievements. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PARIS CALL INAUGURATION OF THE FORUM ON PRINCIPLES AND VALUES: INFORMATION AND DEMOCRACY CONCRETE INITIATIVES In 2018, the Forum hosted 12 heads of state Since the launch of the Paris Call for Trust and government to support Reporters and Security in Cyberspace on 12 November Without Borders’ International Initiative on 2018, the community supporting this Information and Democracy. This initiative multi-stakeholder initiative has been work- led to the signing of the International Part- ing towards translating its commitment to a nership on Information and Democracy at the safer cyberspace into concrete action. States, United Nations General Assembly in 2019. companies, and civil society have already The 2019 Forum will echo this milestone by brought about several achievements. The once more bringing all stakeholders to- Forum is an opportunity to highlight
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