![Arxiv:1906.07969V2 [Cond-Mat.Str-El] 31 Aug 2019 Tual Statistics Interactions Determining the SIT Phase Coded in the Chern-Simons Term in the Action](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Bosonic topological insulator intermediate state in the superconductor-insulator transition M. C. Diamantini,1 A. Yu. Mironov,2, 3 S. V. Postolova,2, 4 X. Liu,5 Z. Hao,5 D. M. Silevitch,6 Ya. Kopelevich,7 P. Kim,5 C. A. Trugenberger,8 and V. M. Vinokur9, 10 1NiPS Laboratory, INFN and Dipartimento di Fisica e Geologia, University of Perugia, via A. Pascoli, I-06100 Perugia, Italy 2A. V. Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RAS, 13 Lavrentjev Avenue, Novosibirsk, 630090 Russia 3Novosibirsk State University, Pirogova str. 2, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia 4Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, GSP-105, Nizhny Novgorod 603950, Russia 5Department of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA 6Division of Physics, Mathematics, and Astronomy, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA 7Universidade Estadual de Campinas-UNICAMP, Instituto de F¨ı¿œ¨ı¿œsica \Gleb Wataghin"/DFA Rua Sergio Buarque de Holanda, 777, Brasil 8SwissScientific Technologies SA, rue du Rhone 59, CH-1204 Geneva, Switzerland 9Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 S. Cass. Ave, Lemont, IL 60437, USA. 10Consortium for Advanced Science and Engineering (CASE) University of Chicago 5801 S Ellis Ave Chicago, IL 60637 A low-temperature intervening metallic regime arising in the two-dimensional superconductor- insulator transition challenges our understanding of electronic fluids. Here we develop a gauge theory revealing that this emergent anomalous metal is a bosonic topological insulator where bulk transport is suppressed by mutual statistics interactions between out-of-condensate Cooper pairs and vortices and the longitudinal conductivity is mediated by symmetry-protected gapless edge modes. We explore the magnetic-field-driven superconductor-insulator transition in a niobium titanium nitride device and find marked signatures of a bosonic topological insulator behavior of the intervening regime with the saturating resistance. The observed superconductor-anomalous metal and insulator- anomalous metal dual phase transitions exhibit quantum Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless criticality in accord with the gauge theory. An anomalous metallic regime intervening between the superconductor and insulator has been reported in a wide a b c variety of two-dimensional electronic systems experienc- ing the superconductor-to-insulator transition (SIT) 1{15, � � � and is often referred to as \Bose metal" 16. Despite decades of dedicated studies 17,18, its nature remains un- � � � clear and poses a challenge to our understanding of elec- tron fluids. The very existence of a 2D metal is at odds with the 2D orthodoxy, as conventional theories expect a Figure 1. Mutual statistics interactions. a: A charge direct quantum SIT with no intermediate metallic phase. (blue ball) evolves along the Euclidean time axis and is en- circled by a vortex (red). The two trajectories are topo- Yet a gauge theory of Josephson junction arrays (JJA) logically linked since one cannot decouple the charge tra- at T =0 19 predicted a metallic phase intervening between jectory from the circle without breaking it. This linking the superconductor and superinsulator. Below, building encodes the Aharonov-Casher effect. b: A dual situation on our field theory of the SIT 20, we extend the approach in which a vortex (red ball) evolves along the Euclidean of 19 to finite temperatures and construct a gauge theory time direction and is encircled by a charge. This linking of the Bose metal. We unravel the fundamental role of represent the Aharonov-Bohm effect. c The linked charge- infrared-dominant Aharonov-Bohm-Casher (ABC) mu- anticharge and vortex-antivortex fluctuations representing coupled Aharonov-Bohm-Casher interactions which are en- arXiv:1906.07969v2 [cond-mat.str-el] 31 Aug 2019 tual statistics interactions determining the SIT phase coded in the Chern-Simons term in the action. structure. We report transport measurements on nio- bium titanium nitride (NbTiN) and van der Waals het- erostructures of twisted double bilayer graphene (TDBG) films offering strong support to the proposed picture. We show that strong quantum fluctuations prevent Bose condensation of both vortices and Cooper pairs (CP). The mutual statistics interactions, see Fig. 1, between T T them induce a gap in their fluctuation spectrum, quanti- symmetry-protected U(1)oZ2 edge modes, where Z2 de- 21 fied by the Chern-Simons mass, mCS , preventing bulk notes time-reversal symmetry. Hence the Bose metal re- transport. The longitudinal conductance is mediated by alizes the long sought 22 bosonic topological insulator. 2 e g f Dimensionless SIT-driving parameter, g Figure 2. Phase structure of the SIT. a: Superconductor: Strings with electric quantum numbers condense. b: Superinsula- tor: Strings with magnetic quantum numbers condense. c: Coexistence of long electric and magnetic stringsnear the first-order direct transition from a superconductor to a superinsulator. d: Bosonic topological insulator/Bose metal: all strings are sup- pressed by their high self-energy. e: Phase transitions induced by an external magnetic field: Direct, magnetic-field-induced transition from a superconductor to a superinsulator for η < 1. f: Magnetic-field-driven transition from a superconductor to a topological insulator for η > 1. g: Schematic phase diagram for strong quantum fluctuations, η > 1 (not to scale), near the SIT. The Bose metal/topological insulator state (BM) is separated from the superconducting (SC) and superinsulating (SI) states by vortex- and charge-BKT transitions respectively (magenta and blue solid lines respectively). In the vicinity of the TVBKT line, R<RQ and the system exhibits metallic behavior which crosses over smoothly into the thermally activated insulating behavior upon decreasing g. At the dotted orange line, R=RQ and the resistance keeps increasing, R>RQ, towards the TCBKT line. The yellow strip depicts the domain of thermally activated resistance, which crosses over to BKT critical behavior on approach to TCBKT. The SIT-driving values g1 and g2 that mark superinsulator-Bose metal and superinsulator-Bose metal quantum transitions satisfy the duality relation g2 = 1=g1. The parameter g can be either the dimensionless conductance of the film, or magnetic field, or gate voltage in the gate-driven SIT. PHASE STRUCTURE OF THE SIT CP near the SIT is governed by the free energy which we derive from the mixed Chern-Simons action 20, explicitly accounting for the ABC effects 21,23. To that end we inte- We consider a two-dimensional superconducting film grate out the gauge fields and arrive at the free energy of in the vicinity of the SIT at temperatures T 6 Tc0, where a system of strings carrying electric and magnetic quan- Tc0 is the mean-field temperature of formation of Cooper tum numbers Q and M and representing the Euclidean pairs with the infinite lifetime. The film harbors inter- trajectories of charges and vortices on a lattice of spacing acting elementary excitations, Cooper pairs and vortices, 2 2 `, see Appendix: F = Q =g + gM − 1/η µeηN, where with characteristic energies e2 = 4e2=` and e2 = Φ2/λ , q v 0 ? the string length L = N` and g=e =e =(π=e2)p`/λ is where e is the electron charge (we use natural units, v q ? the dimensionless tuning parameter with g=g =1 cor- c = 1, = 1, restoring physical units when necesssary), c ~ responding to the SIT. In experiments on films expe- Φ = π=e is the flux quantum, the ultraviolet (UV) cut- 0 riencing the disorder-driven SIT, the tuning parameter off of the theory is defined as ` ' minfd; ξg, with d and is the dimensionless conductance, g = R =R , where ξ being the thickness of the film and the superconduct- Q 0 R = h=4e2 is the quantum resistance for CP, h is the ing coherence length, respectively, and λ = λ2=d is the Q ? L Planck constant, and R is the sheet resistance of the film Pearl length of the film, with λ being the London pen- 0 L measured at predefined standard conditions. The param- etration depth of the bulk material. Mapping to JJA is eter g describes thus the tuning of the SIT not only by achieved via the e ! 4E , e ! 2π2E replacement, q C v J regulating disorder, but implicitly also by varying dissi- where E and E are the charging and Josephson cou- C J pation 24 (in JJA g = p(π2=2)(E =E )). The dimen- pling energies of the array, respectively. Since E ∼ g∆, J C J sionless parameter η describes the strength of quantum where ∆ is the gap in a superconducting granule in the fluctuations. Near the SIT, where e ≈e , η acquires the JJA and g is the dimensionless tunneling conductance be- q v form (in physical units) tween the adjacent granules, the model implicitly takes into account dissipation effects. 1 π2` π` η = G ; (1) The behavior of an ensemble of interacting vortices and α µeλ? αλ? 3 where α = e2=(~c) ≈ 1=137 is the fine structure constant, the relativistic case µe is the positional entropy (see SI), and G is the diago- 2 g qe¯ 3 2 nal element of the 3D Green function describing electro- Seff (Aµ) = d d x Aµ −δµν r + @µ@ν Aν ; magnetic interactions screened by the CS mass, see SI. 2 2π ˆ Identifying the UV cutoff with the superconducting co- (4) herence length ξ, yields the geometric factor as d=(κλ ) where Aµ is the external electromagnetic potential, the L dimensionless charge unitq ¯ = 2 for CP and the renor- where κ = λL/ξ is the Landau-Ginzburg parameter. p malized effective chargeqe ¯ =qe ¯ g. Accordingly, the Bose condensation of charges and/or vortices means eff charge current j is found as jµ = (δ/δA )S (A ) = proliferation of strings of an arbitrary size and occurs if µ ind µ eff ν 2 µν F is negative, i.e. if g (¯qe=2π) d @ν F , with Fµν = @µAν − @ν Aµ.
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