Vol. XXI, No. 4 [PBICE TWELVE CENTS] October 17, 1918. Col. Barton Called to Supervise Eastern S. A. T. C. District College of Agriculture Consulted in Training Convalescent Soldiers Scholarships Provided in Will of the Late E. C. Kenney '82 Nearly all the Campus Restaurants Used as Mess Halls Twelve Military Casualties This Week Including Seven Deaths ITHACA, NEW ΎOEK CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS CASCADILLA The Farmers' Loan Do You Use The Leading Preparatory School for and Trust Company CORNELL 16, 18, 20, 22 William St., New York On the edge of the University Campus Pres's Clippings? Branch 475 Fifth Ave. Good living. Athletics. It will more than pay you to Certificate Privilege. LONDON 16 PaU Mall East, S. W. 1 secure our extensive service cover- 26 Old Broad Street, B.C. 2 Exceptional for College Entrance Work ing all subjects, trade and personal, PARIS...... ...41 Boulevard Haussman and get the benefit of the best and A. M. Drummond, M.A., Principal most systematic reading of all Ithaca, N. Y. LETTERS OF CREDIT papers and periodicals, here and FOREIGN EXCHANGES Trustees CABLE TRANSFERS abroad, at minimum cost. Franklin C. Cornell Ernest Blaker Our service is taken by progres- Charles D. Bostwick sive business men, publishers, au- Herbert G. Ogden thors, collectors, etc., and is the Under same direction card index for securing what you E. E., '97 need, as every article of interest Cascadilla Tutoring School Attorney and Counsellor at Law Succeeding the widely known is at your command. Patents and Patent Causes 120 Broadway New York Write for terms or send your Sturgis School order for 100 clippings at $5, or Special Summer Courses 1,000 clippings at $35. Special Corner Oak and Summit Avenues The Mercersburg Academy rates quoted in large orders. Bell 899 255 Ithaca TUTORING IN ANY SUBJECT Prepares for all colleges The Manhattan and universities: Aims at thorough scholarship, Press Clipping Bureau broad attainments and Christian manliness 320-322 Fifth Avenue ADDRESS New York City WILLIAM MANN IRVINE, Ph.D. Arthur Cassot, Proprietor President Established in 1888 MERCERSBURG, PA. "ITHACA" ENGRAVING Ccx Jίn-Exce/feni- Engravίnj^-Servίce^ A convenient and comfortable Library Building, 123 N.Tio£a Street of WEBSTER'S hotel with excellent ser- NEW INTERNATIONAL vice a la carte. DICTIONARIES are in use by business Headquarters for Alumni men, engineers, bankers, judges, archi- £XPERTS tects, physicians, farmers, teachers, li- Official Automobile DIRECT SELLING brarians, clergymen, by successful Blue Book Hotel men and women the world over. DESIGNING ARE YOU EQUIPPED TO WIN? European Plan $1.50 up ILLUSTRATING The New International is an all-knowing teacher, a universal question answerer. Wire at our expense for BOOK-PLATES &- 400,000 Vocabulary Terms. 2700 Pages. 6000 reservations CHRISTMAS CARDS Illustrations, Colored Plates. 30,000 Geograph- ical Subjects. 12,000 Biographical Entries. Under New Management HJ.VAN \S\LKENBURG Regular and India-Paper Editions. Write for Spec- imen Pages, Il- The Clinton House lustrations, etc. Free, a set of Ithaca Pocket Maps if you name this paper. ITHACA TRUST COMPANY ASSETS OVER THREE MILLION DOLLARS Pres., Mynderse VanCleef Vice-Pres., E. L. Williams Vice-Pres. and Treas., C. E. Treman Sec. and Treas., W. H. Storms CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS Vol. XXI, No. 4 Ithaca, N. Y., October 17, 1918 Price 12 Cents PANISH influenza, the^ popular name garages on the campus. They have had of residence halls. It seems likely, there- of what the local papers continue to steady employment in repairing, inspect- fore—at least it is something to be hoped Scall grippe, has naturally reached ing, and testing automobiles, not only for—that the building may be retained Ithaca and Cornell, often hitherto twin those of Ithaca but those often from after the war, for a time at any rate, sharers in misfortune. The spread of places as distant as Cortland, Auburn, as commons for regular students. Such the disease has not been such as to and Syracuse. The scarcity of work- use would help toward solving the prob- cause any very marked manifestations men in garages has thus been turned to lem of adequate eating places, a matter of alarm. No places of public gather- advantage in the practical technical train- of increasing difficulty, as the University ing have been closed. Some new ones ing of these men. All of this work Is grows. done gratis, a charge being made only have been opened in order to accommo- THE STATUE OF EZRA CORNELL will date the sick. Cascadilla is now in use for materials actually used. probably be unveiled on November 9. as an auxiliary to the' overflowing In- FORMER CORNELLIANS WILL HEAR with It is now completed and ready for the firmary; and Masonic Hall on Tioga unveiling, which is likely to be at the Street is used likewise in connection with varying emotions of the passing of an- time of the meeting of the University the City Hospital. In the University other custom of their good old days. Trustees. community there have been three deaths. Ithaca merchants do not now give credit Most of the cases are among S. A. T. C. to students. If the student wants any- THE VOCATIONAL SECTION of the S. A. men; there being but two in the School thing, he pays for it; if he doesn't pay, T. C. receives this week its third group of Aviation. Officials both of the city he goes without. The uncertainties of of new men since its opening in June. and of the University think that the residence at the University are said to The section comprises three hundred and period of greatest danger has passed. have led to this reform. fifty grammar school graduates from the The situation in Ithaca has been especial- State of New York. NIGHT LIFE on the campus reflects the ly bad because of the lack of doctors and new regime. All the approaches are pa- THE UNIVERSITY CHIMES is one of the nurses, so many of both having gone into trolled until midnight, and passers-by few local institutions not as yet affected Army service. are halted until they explain their er- by the war. It is thought, however, that BEGISTRATION FIGURES, up to last Fri- rands. Some .professors on their way a slight rearrangement of their hours day, show a falling off of 328 compared to their offices or to their homes have will be made to conform with the sched- with the same relative date last year. been thus held up. The challenges of the ule of the S, A. T. C. It is thought that late registrations may sentries, "Halt! who is there?" and ί ί THE LIBERTY BLOCK, the north side of bring the final figures up to those of the cries of the guard, Eleven o 'clock State Street between Tioga and Aurora, last year. There is an increase in new and all is well,'' at first so disturbed some is creating considerable interest this students of 231, and a decrease in old members of the teaching staff at the week. All the shop windows are decor- students of 559. The totals on Friday University Club as to cause a regret that ated and all available posts are wrapped were: new students, 1,338; old students, 3 Central Avenue is near to the Armory. in bunting. The art staff of the Widow 1,689; total 3,027, of whom 1,250 have All this, however, is but another re- and the College of Agriculture are col- been inducted into the S. A. T. C. minder that the fiftieth anniversary of laborating on the work. Professor its opening finds the University a great Mid jo contributed a portrait of Lincoln, AN AUTOMOBILE REPAIR SHED has military institution. It has not yet been and a study representing the lamentation erected east of the Sibley foundry for announced whether armed guards will es- of Belgium. Professor Brauner has a the use of men in the vocational section cort the women students, singly or in picture of Christ turning a barbarian of the S. A. T. C. Although it has been groups, from the Library to the barracks from his course of destruction. Models in Sage and Bisley. the policy of the University, chiefly on of desolated Belgian villages, a gory- artistic grounds, not to put any addi- THE NEW MESS HALL lately authorized handed devil murdering a child, another tional buildings on the bank of Fall Belgian child, bloody and with one hand Creek, present necessities have prevailed by the Trustees is now nearing comple- tion, a substantial one-story frame struc- cut off, and numerous caricatures of the over other considerations : a place is Hun aristocracy, all serve to bring to the needed where work may readily be car- ture, having a capacity of nine hun- dred. It stands southwest of the dormi- passerby reasons for subscribing to the ried on under shelter and near the ma- Fourth Loan. chine shops. The .shed is presumably tories, about midway between West Ave- only temporary. The work of building nue and Stewart, the south end cutting Louis A. FUERTES '97 is the designer was done by the "mechanics" them- one of the timeworn paths across the of a huge Liberty Loan banner which selves. cow lot. This location is such as not is suspended between the Ithaca Hotel only to accommodate occupants of the and the offices of the ALUMNI NEWS. THE TRAINING OF THESE vocational dormitories—at present the vocational An airplane in full flight through the soldiers is not confined to routine work section of the S. A. T.
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