WELCOME ALUMNI Albright College Gingrich Library^AMfUùhtiOh.Albright College Gingrich Library Albright College Gingrich Library Vol. XLV Albright College, Reading, Pennsylvania, November 5. 1948 No. AlbrightDance College Trio Gingrich Highlights Library GradsAlbright College to GingrichCome Library Back to CampusAlbright College Gingrich Library Tuesday Chapel Program Elena Imaz and her International Dance Trio will be featured in For Homecoming Day Festivities the second cultural program Tuesday, November 9, in Union Hall. Assisting Miss Imaz are Louise Ferrand and Wayne Lamb, with Albright alumni will return to campus tomorrow to participate Oscar Kosches accompanying them at the piano in a program of in the annual Homecoming Day festivities. A full program of activi­ classical Spanish dances, ballet, folk and character dancing. ties, including the Albright-Otterbein football tilt, is included on the Miss Imaz was born in Argentina of Basque parents and at an program, as announced by Mr. Lester L. Stabler, Director of Public early age showed keen interest in the dance. In her childhood her Relations. parents took her on a tour of the Beginning with registration at 10:00 a.m. in Union Hall, the pro­ AlbrightLatin countriesCollege of GingrichEurope where, Library Albright College Gingrichgram willLibrary include a concert by the CollegeAlbright Glee Clubs College at 10:45 a.m.Gingrich Library in Granada, she saw the Moorish- Radio Workshop in the same building. The concert will be under the direction of Dr. inspired dances and in San Sebas­ John H. Duddy, head of the vocal mysic department. All students tian, the Basque dances and cus­ Announces Cast are invited to the concert. toms of her parents’ country. Back At noon a buffet luncheon will be held and at the same time, in Argentina she was graduated The cast for the Radio Work­ members of the Phi Beta Mu and Pi Alpha Tau Sororities will greet from the Teachers’ College in shop production of “Son of a their alumnae members on the balcony of Union Hall. Buenos Aires and the National In­ Sloganeer” was announced last Following the Albright-Otter­ stitute of Music and Drama. She Wednesday by Walter Hayum, Major Parties bein football game at 2:00 p.m. in began her professional career &s student director. Planned for pre­ the College Stadium, President and a ballerina with the Buenos Aires sentation Thursday, November 18 Mrs. Harry V. Masters will be AlbrightOpera CollegeHouse. In 1941, Gingrich the young Library from 2 to 2:15 p.m. over Station Albright College GingrichConclude Library Campus hostsAlbright to all Albrghtians College at 4:30Gingrich Library dancer was selected as an ex­ WEEU, the acting group includes: p.m. in Union Hall. At the same change artist on the Institute of Nan Heckman, Jay Shenk, Harold Political Fracas time, escorted tours of the campus International Education scholar­ Matter, and Allen Peyser. Clyde will leave the building. ship to teach dancing at Mills Col­ Gessner and Joan Laveson will Before a small but enthusiastic The informal dinner for all lege in California. Shortly there­ have charge of sound effects. audience last Monday afternoon in alumni will be held in the College after she was engaged as prima Janet Tonkin is musical director. the College Chapel, Representa­ Dining Hall at 6:00 p.m. A t 6:30 ballerina of the San Francisco For the next radio program, tive Frederick A. Muhlenberg pre­ p.m., the Pi Tau Beta Fraternity Opera Company where she pre­ ‘'Take My Hand, Mary" will be sented an informal talk on the Re­ will hold a smorgasbord in the sented her own version of the bal­ presented. publican Party and its place in Lower Social Room, while the let "Amor Espanol.” today’s world. Proposing that the Kappa Upsilon Phi Fraternity will W ar Star meeting should be principally a dine at the Temple Inn at 6:30 During the war Miss Imaz was question and answer period, the p.m. At 7:00 p.m. members of the Albright College Gingrich Library Albright College GingrichRepresentative Library proceeded to out­ Albright College Gingrich Library acclaimed as one of the outstand­ WSSF Needs Your Help; Alpha Pi Omega Fraternity will ing artists of the Stage Door Can­ line the three cardinal differences greet their alumni at the Thomas teen, in hospitals and various mil­ between the major political par­ Jefferson Tea Room. ties. “The first point of differ­ itary institutions. Since then she Aid Fellow Students Abroad Colored movies of Albright ac­ ence,” he stated,” “is found in tivities will be shown at 7:15 p.m. has definitely established her repu­ If a third world war were’ de­ be few changes made. Most of the their policies dealing with the in the College Chapel and will be tation as one of the foremost pro­ clared tomorrow, every one of us people in the world are living relative merits of a strong cen-1 followed by the Homecoming ponents of the medium of the would be forced to make immed­ NOW and for years have been liv­ tralized government and a less 1 Dance at 8:30 p.m. in Union Hall, dance in this country. iate, radical changes in our lives. The young and accomplished ing the way we shall have to live strong, more decentralized form 1 All studentB are invited to attend Many of up would have to leave when the next war comes. of government.” Secondly, anti the mdvies and the dance; there ballerina, Louise Ferrand, con­ school to return to our war uni­ tributes to the program with her It’s true, there isn’t much that thetical to Republican concepts will be no charge for the dance. forms. All of us would have to the Democratic party has come to Albrightinterpretations College of character Gingrich roles Library weAlbright as individuals College can do. ButGingrich by Library FraternityAlbright headquarters College Gingrich Library prepare for bombings of our treat the people of America ae throughout the day from 12:00 to in the dances on Miss Imaz’ pro­ homes and towns. Food would be­ chipping in a dollar or two to the gram. A native of New Tork World Student Service Fund’ we groups of people, vets, farmers, 6:00 p.m. will be in various rooms come scarce; luxuries would be labor, etc., thus, overlooking a in the Administration Building. state, Miss Ferrand is also a fine out. Many of the things which be able to extend a hand of friend­ (Continued on Page 2) ship to a medical student fundamental principal of Democ­ The Kappas will be in Room 200; we think of as necessities would racy. Thirdly, the foreign policy, the Pi Taus will have Room 201 be sharply cut from us. Because broken China, or to an engineering as advocated by the Republicans, as their headquarters. The Zetas this war would strike home, we student in shambled Europe. A propounds that the answer to the will be stationed in Room 204 and Heller to Speak would have to make terrific psy­ small gift of money would be a problems existing between the the APO ’S will be in Room 205. chological adjustments so that we token of our concern and a symbol east and west is to be found in could still go on in the face of of home to a world-forgotten At College Vespers; their ability to live peacefully side the complete leveling of our cities, student abroad. by side and not in a fusing of Johnstown Alumni the death o f our families and AlbrightSupper College to Follow Gingrich Library AlbrightWe’re all Collegehard-pressed Gingrich for the two Library opposing doctrines. Albright College Gingrich Library friends, and the possibility of utter money. We know that the cost of Reorganize, Elect Sunday, November 7, the Rev. destruction and absolute defeat. If living is high. Yet, in many parts Opening the floor to questions, Mervin A. Heller, executive secre­ we would survive, our bodies of the world, what we pay for a Mr. Muhlenberg was immediately tary of the Greater Reading Coun­ would have to adapt to conditions carton of cigarettes or a half swamped with such a multitude of Livingston Pres. of widespread disease and starva­ dozen milk shakes will provide a questions as to belie the small cil of Churches, will speak at the The Johnstown Area Club, of tion. Greek student with a daily meal audience present; the queries I faculty-student vesper servivee to Albright College Alumni, elected for a whole month. The price of ranged from what his opinion was be held in the College Chapel 5:00 Instant Changes Mrs. Lester Livingston as presi­ two movie admissions will buy a on Federal Aid to equalize Educa­ o’clock. His theme will be “Is If war were declared tomorrow, dent in its post-war recognition Chinese student’s mimeographed tion to his favorability to unions. There Any Word from the Lord?” tremendous changes in our lives meeting at the Capital Hotel, A buffet supper in the College would be demanded immediately. textbooks for a whole semester. Following a lively session in which The two dollars rung on Pete’s he endeavored to answer all ques- Johnstown, October 26. Mrs. Liv­ Dining Hall will follow the service However, for over two-thirds of ingston was secretary of the Albrightat 6 o’clock. College Gingrich Librarythe world’s population there would Albright(Continued College on page 4) Gingrich > (Continued Library on Page 4) alumniAlbright group before College it disbanded Gingrich Library Student Ticket during World War II. The vesper service, second on Dr. George W. Walton in his the 1948-49 calendar, is under the Sadie Hawkins Domino Club Scores Another Hit; speech on “Now and Then" told auspices of the College Y’s.
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