09280 Ld Strath pgs Fall02 11/20/2002 08:55 AM Page 1 LORD STRATHCONA’S HORSE (ROYAL CANADIANS) LdSH (RC) Society 4520 Crowchild Trail SW Calgary, AB T2T 5J4 Volume 17, No. 2 Newsletter Editor: ‘Mucker’ Al Langan Fall, 2002 Message from the Colonel of the Regiment Summer 2002 marked a change in the nications among Strathconas everywhere leadership of the Strathconas. LCol Jim by means such as this Newsletter, the Ellis handed over the Commanding Officer Strathcona website, the publication of position to LCol Jamie Cade and LGen the series of histories, by supporting the Jim Fox, the Colonel of the Regiment reunions he has helped to bring us all clos- appointment to me. Jim Ellis has moved not er together. For these and many, many far away to Land Force Western Area HQ in other actions the Strathconas have been Edmonton. Jim Fox, after almost ten years very well served by his stewardship and we of loyal and dedicated service as our are all grateful. Colonel, has returned to retirement in The Change of Command parade was Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia, although I sus- ingeniously arranged by the RSM, (CWO) pect that it will not be a long respite. Dave Biener, to camouflage the thinned I want to thank Jim for the excellence of ranks due to “RECCE” Squadron’s de- his guidance and leadership for the whole ployment in Afghanistan and “B” Squad- of the Regimental family. For those who are ron’s block leave prior to service in not aware of all that he has done, let me Bosnia, with tanks, Coyotes, other Regi- mention a few that seem to me to have real- mental vehicles, the Mounted Troop, the ly strengthened the fabric of the Strathcona Historical Vehicles Troop, the Strathcona family. He set in place the whole approach Pipe and Drum Band, the Artillery Band to the celebrations of our first 100 years of and hundreds of spectators. Her Honour, service and kept the momentum going. the Lt. Governor of Alberta, Lois Hole, Relations with HRH Prince Charles, our MGen Clive Milner, Colonel Commandant Colonel in Chief, are very close and we now of the Armoured Corps and Col. Stuart have mechanisms for his recognition of out- Beare, the Brigade Commander officiated. standing service by individuals and superi- The event was well attended by Strath- or performance by the Squadrons of the conas, in uniform and retired, and their Regiment. By encouraging better commu- Col Mark Egener –continued on page 14 Comments from the Commanding Officers Hatch With my “stuff” stowed neatly in the CO’s as the August temperatures rarely rose office and LCol Jim Ellis’ “junk” on its way above single digits. to Goodwill, it is appropriate I begin by “RECCE” Squadron arrived home on 28 thanking everyone who came to the Change July to a stunning display of patriotism and of Command parade on 18 July and the appreciation from the citizens of Edmon- many others who provided kind words of ton and the Nation as a whole. Padre support. It is comforting to begin the “best Tracey Moore also returned from Camp job in the Army” with such encouragement. Snoopy, Qatar, where he was part of the I also wish to thank, LCol Jim Ellis, a good Combat Service Support Company support- friend who left me a well led, disciplined ing the Battle Group in Afghanistan. It goes and professional Regiment. without saying how proud we are of the As usual, the Regimental pace has not Strathcona involvement in the War slowed. June saw the Regiment deployed in Against Terrorism. Kananaskis Country on Op GRIZZLY Earlier in August, I had the good fortune (support to the G8 Conference for securi- to attend the Armoured Officer Graduation ty). Security was so effective; the troops ceremonies in CFB Gagetown. Assisting me referred to it as the “big camping trip”. “B” with the “badging” of our new officers was Squadron, the Prince of Wales Squadron, John Swanton, a WWII Strathcona. In under the command team of Major Scotty between LCol ‘Spike’ Hazleton’s leg- Long and SSM Joe Ramsay, is no longer endary social events, I was able to speak to, ours as they are now under operational under the watchful eye of CWO Russ Ells, command of 1 PPCLI in preparation for the largest contingent of Strathcona’s out- their deployment to Bosnia in October. side the Regiment. Of note, they also Their war-fighting training in Wainwright proved extremely realistic for a winter tour LCol J. Cade CD –continued on page 14 Strathcona’s Newsletter Page one 09280 Ld Strath pgs Fall02 11/20/2002 08:55 AM Page 2 Letters Letters Letters Letters Letters Howdy Mucker, Old Guard and all Museum, Mounted Troop and the Fami- Armd Regt in Borden. Both units in Borden Strathconas past and present. Having ly Support Group, etc. Keep going became part of a Post War Transition known recently returned from attending the Straths; we are a terrific family. as “Interim Force”. After moving to Cal- Change of Command parade and cere- Perseverance. gary we were back to a single title “LdSH monies in Edmonton I would like to say Vic Binnie (RC) (2nd Armd Regt))” and now a Reg- what an impressive event it was. Thanks to Kelowna, BC ular Force. Kathy Stephen’s (CO’s secretary) ar- (Vic, you amplify the very essence of Only a few of the original war-time rangements on request of both CO’s, past esprit de corps etc. A big thank you for Straths elected to stay in the service and and present. I was given the VIP treatment your generous donation. Ed) were mainly those who had been in the all the way, from the time I was met at the Permanent Force (PF’ers) before the Thank you for sending the Newsletter, airport until I was escorted to Kelowna by war and wanted to carry on with their which was special to me since Jim’s pass- a former Commanding Officer LCol D.N.D. careers in the Regular Force. The nucleus ing in June last year. Also I am delighted Deane-Freeman and his charming wife of the Regt formed in Borden were consist- that you included Jim’s article and group Jeanne. ed mainly of soldiers from different over- picture about the RECCE troop in this edi- My many thanks to (my shadow) Capt seas Armd Regts who had volunteered for tion. I am only sorry that he did not live to Stu MacLean and the staff car driver MCpl the Pacific Theatre. They were in Borden see it in print. Enclosed are the Information Derrick Osmand for ensuring that I was in on VJ Day. Then those who wanted to stay Form filled in as requested and a donation the right place at the right time. To see the in the Army were posted to either of the to help with the Newsletter expenses. new Commanding Officer LCol Jamie two regular forces Armd regiments. Others Thanking you again for your thoughtful- Cade the son and third generation Strath- who would make up these units were Armd ness. cona, of my PF buddy (Colonel (ret’d)) personnel still in training in Borden and a Dorothy Adair Jack Cade, was the highlight and purpose few from other Training Centres. Barrhead, AB of my attendance. A family history that I Well ‘Mucker’ that’s it. Have I got you (Thank you for your kind comments doubt could be repeated. The family event, confused enough? Congratulations on your and donation. Hope you continue to later that evening at the hotel, added to the Commendation for the great job you do. enjoy future editions of the Newsletter. pride of both the Cade families, especially Enclosed a donation to assist with the Ed) when his three younger sisters roasted Newsletter expenses. their brother Jamie. My congratulations to The enclosed picture showing Innis Bob Bartlett Calgary, AB all, it made me extremely proud to be a McKay (with the stripes) and myself on a (Soon got out of the confusion Bob, Strathcona as I’m sure it did to all others 48 hour pass to Toronto, We were both on when I saw your donation. Appreciated. that attended the parades and ceremonies. pass from the 2nd – 2nd Armd Regt sta- Ed) Except for my impaired vision and hear- tioned in Camp Borden. ing I am enjoying good health. I therefore Some readers may not be aware, that at I was only with the Strathconas a short extend a speedy recovery to all that are one time in our history, we had two Regi- while, so I did not get to know many. From not, Hugh Mackie, Ken Burgess, Stan ments. Just after the WW2 the original 2nd September 1943 I was in “B” Squadron Adams, Jack Cade, Gladys MacKay, Armd Regt (LdSH (RC)) had not disbanded Headquarters under Capt Milroy (he Percy Buzza, Ray McMullen, and many and for the most part was still in Europe. showed up on Xmas day with his crown’s), others in the same saddle. Meanwhile, back in Canada, on the cessa- and in January 44 I went to 2nd Troop. Not Mucker, I am extremely pleased with tion of hostilities in late 1945, the Govern- many of them are left, I can only think of your efforts in keeping up the good stan- ment took steps to prepare for peacetime Des Ramsay, Bill England, Jack Hall dard and the noticeable interest and partic- soldiering again. So two Armd Regts, the and of course the L/Cpl (ret’d) Jim ipation from the newer members of the RCD’s for Eastern Canada and the LdSH Spencer.
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