1921 - 2021 Kelly Promo’s 1921 - 2021 Kelly Promo’s SeptemberSeptember 4th 4th to to October October 1st, 1st, 2021 2021 NEW - HALLOWEEN SEASONAL CANDY NOW ON SALE! Page 23 NEW - FOOD & SNACKS Page 16 Page Page Page Page Page 15 15 33 14 5 NEWWelch’s - FruitBEVERAGES & Yogurt Tubes NEW - CANDY Gondola Topper Rack 3 SKU’s Kit #400904 $15 Semi Annual Rack Payment Total Retail: $94.50 Average Cost: $57.50 Profit Dollars: $37.00 Product Turns: 4 Incremental Dollars: $148.00 Placement Item # Description Pack Size Shelf 1 517020 Welch's Fruit 'n Yogurt-Strawberry 10 1.8 oz Dimensions: 41”W x 8”D x 13”H Shelf 2 517020Page Welch's Fruit 'n Yogurt-Strawberry 10 1.8 oz Page Page Page Page Page Shelf 3 5170037 Welch's Fruit 'n Yogurt-Blueberry 10 1.8 oz 30 31 28 25 24 Shelf 4 517011 Welch's Fruit 'n Yogurt-Mango 10 1.8 oz Shelf 5 517011 Welch's Fruit 'n Yogurt-Mango 10 1.8 oz Rack 414760 Gondola Topper Rack 3 SKU's 1 Empty NEWHalls 9- box CCS Counter RACKS Rack | Kit #516678 NEW - HBA, TOBACCO & AUTO $20 Semi Annual Rack Payment Welch’s Fruit & Yogurt Tubes Gondola Topper Rack 3 SKU’s Total Retail: $311.19 Kit #400904 Average Cost: $192.94 Profit Dollars: $118.25 $15 Semi Annual Rack Payment Product Turns: 3 Incremental Dollars: $354.75 Total Retail: $94.50 Placement Item # Description Pack Size Average Cost: $57.50 1 508586 Halls Mini S/F Menthol-Lyptus 8 24 Profit Dollars: $37.00 Peg 2 508578 Halls Mini S/F Honey Lemon 8 24 Product Turns: 3 508560 Halls Mini S/F Cherry 8 24 4 1 69698 Halls Honey Lemon 20 9 Incremental Dollars: $148.00 1st Shelf 2 81108 Halls Cherry 20 9 Page Page Page Page Page 3 56979 Halls Menthol-Lyptus 20 9 Placement Item # Description Pack Size 3 11 37 34 35 1 69698 Halls Honey Lemon 20 9 Dimensions: Shelf 1 517020 Welch's Fruit 'n Yogurt-Strawberry 10 1.8 oz Dimensions: 41”W x 8”D x 13”H 2nd Shelf 2 81108 Halls Cherry 20 9 12.12” W x 9.37” D x 7.12” H Shelf 2 517020 Welch's Fruit 'n Yogurt-Strawberry 10 1.8 oz 3 56979 Halls Menthol-Lyptus 20 9 Shelf 3 517003 Welch's Fruit 'n Yogurt-Blueberry 10 1.8 oz EDITION 1221 Rack Rack 515353 Halls 9 box Counter Rack 1 Empty Shelf 4 517011 Welch's Fruit 'n Yogurt-Mango 10 1.8 oz Page 14 Displays pictured may differ slightly from the authorized plan-o-gram. Shelf 5 517011 Welch's Fruit 'n Yogurt-Mango 10 1.8 oz Rack 414760 Gondola Topper Rack 3 SKU's 1 Empty Halls 9 box Counter Rack | Kit #516678 $20 Semi Annual Rack Payment Total Retail: $311.19 Average Cost: $192.94 Profit Dollars: $118.25 Product Turns: 3 Incremental Dollars: $354.75 Placement Item # Description Pack Size 1 508586 Halls Mini S/F Menthol-Lyptus 8 24 Peg 2 508578 Halls Mini S/F Honey Lemon 8 24 3 508560 Halls Mini S/F Cherry 8 24 1 69698 Halls Honey Lemon 20 9 1st Shelf 2 81108 Halls Cherry 20 9 3 56979 Halls Menthol-Lyptus 20 9 1 69698 Halls Honey Lemon 20 9 Dimensions: 2nd Shelf 2 81108 Halls Cherry 20 9 12.12” W x 9.37” D x 7.12” H 3 56979 Halls Menthol-Lyptus 20 9 Rack Rack 515353 Halls 9 box Counter Rack 1 Empty Page 14 Displays pictured may differ slightly from the authorized plan-o-gram. MTC CENTENNIAL MOMENT CCS SPONSORED BY THE HERSHEY COMPANY - FOUNDED IN 1894 MTC CENTENNIAL MOMENT SPONSORED BY THE HERSHEY COMPANY - FOUNDED IN 1894 Hershey's Assorted King Size Shipper Pre-Priced Retail Promotion 2 For $3.50 Nestlé Professional is committed to providing the finest ingredients, operational knowledge, and uncompromised support to foodserviceHershey's operations. Assorted For over 150 King years, Size Nestle Shipper has been applying their expertise in Nutrition, Health, and Wellness toPre-Priced help people, families Retail and Promotion pets live happier, 2 For healthier $3.50 lives. Just like Nestlé Professional, MTC has been committed to your growth and wants to provide the best products and service possible. MTC has partnered with Nestlé Professional to offer products to In the year 1900, Milton S.retailers Hershey began for decades. From the early days manufacturing Hershey'spromoting Milk Chocolate Bars.in the Kelly Promotions to today, Twenty-one short years laterNestlé two big Professional milestones will continue to strive occurred. to offer innovative foodservice solutions to The first was the introductionhelp of machineyour business succeed. wrapping that simplified the process while adding the small paper ribbon to the top of the Hershey Kisses to indicate that it was a genuine Hershey product. ITEM DETAIL PK SIZE REESE PEANUT BUTTER CUP 72 2.8 OZ The second milestone was when Herbert Eakin In the year 1900, Milton S. Hershey began REESE BIG CUP 32 3.5 OZ opened his distribution business in Modesto, CA REESE FASTBREAK 18 3.5 OZ manufacturing Hershey's Milk Chocolate Bars. HERSHEY MILK CHOCOLATE 36 2.60 OZ known as MTC. HERSHEY ALMOND 36 2.60 OZ $3.00 HERSHEY KIT KAT 48 3 OZ For over 70 years MTC and The Hershey PACK SIZE PACK SIZE COST EA COST RETAIL GP% Company has built a great partnership. Working Twenty-one short years later two big milestones 242 K/S $316.36 $1.31 2 For $3.50 30% together MTC and Hershey look forward to OFF 6 2 LB occurred. providing you with great products, deals and PRODUCT BARCODE ITEM # DESCRIPTION services for the next 100 years. 474665 HERSH ASST K/S 2/$3.50 SHPR PRODUCT BARCODE The ITEMfirst # wasDESCRIPTION the introduction of machine wrapping that simplified the process while adding PAGE 2 Promotional Dates: February 20th To March 19th, 2021 | Availability & Pricing Is Subject To Change. 271691 ABUELITA HOT CHOCOLATE MIX the small paper ribbon to the top of the Hershey Kisses to indicate that it was a genuine Hershey product. ITEM DETAIL $3.00PK SIZE $2.00 PACK PACK SIZE REESE PEANUT BUTTER CUP 72 2.8 OZ The second milestone was when Herbert Eakin 6 REESE BIG CUP OFF32 3.5 OZ 2 1.5 LTR opened his distribution business inOFF Modesto, CA REESE FASTBREAK 18 3.5 OZ HERSHEY MILK CHOCOLATE 36 2.60 OZ known as MTC. PRODUCT BARCODE ITEMHERSHEY # DESCRIPTION ALMOND 36SIZE 2.60 OZ PRODUCT BARCODE ITEM # DESCRIPTION HERSHEY KIT KAT 48 3 OZ 286150 CHEF-MATE CHILI W/BEANS #10 CN For 414751over 70COFFEE-MATE years MTC PUMP and PUMPKINThe Hershey SPICE PACK SIZE COST EA COST RETAIL GP% Company has built a great partnership. Working 254991 CHEF-MATE COUNTRY GRAVY 105 OZ 242 K/S $316.36 $1.31 2 For $3.50 30% together251941 MTCCOFFEE-MATE and Hershey PUMP FRENCHlook forward VANILLA to providing you with great products, deals and PRODUCT BARCODE ITEM # DESCRIPTION services for the next 100 years. 474665 HERSH ASST K/S 2/$3.50 SHPR PACK SIZE RETAIL $1.50 $1.00 12 8 OZ $3.19 PACK SIZE PAGE 2 PromotionalOFF Dates: February 20th To March 19th, 2021 | Availability & Pricing Is Subject To Change. OFF 180 .375 OZ PRODUCT BARCODE ITEM # DESCRIPTION 284858 HOT POCKET SUPREME HAM/CHZ PRODUCT BARCODE ITEM # DESCRIPTION 284882 HOT POCKET SUPREME PEPPERONI 218707 COFFEE-MATE FRENCH VANILLA PC PAGE 2 Promotional Dates: September 4th to October 1st, 2021 | Availability & Pricing Is Subject To Change. FIRST HALF 2021 Retailer Rebate Program Welch’s Fruit & Yogurt Tubes ì ì Top Brands With Over 75 Manufacturers Participating. Gondola Topper Rack 3 SKU’s More Than A Thousand Products To Generate You Rebate Money. Kit #400904 $15 SemiWelch’s Annual Fruit Rack & Yogurt Payment Tubes Welch’sGondola Fruit Topper & Yogurt Rack 3 Tubes SKU’s Welch’s Fruit & Yogurt Tubes TotalGondolaKit #400904 Retail: Topper$94.50 Rack 3 SKU’s $3.75 GondolaKit #400904 Topper Rack 3 SKU’s Average Cost: $57.50 OFF Welch’sKit #400904$15 Fruit Semi & Yogurt Annual Tubes Rack Payment GondolaProfit Topper Dollars: Rack$37.00 3 SKU’s $15Welch’s Semi Fruit & Yogurt Annual Tubes Rack Payment KitProduct #400904Gondola Turns: TopperTotal Rack4 3Retail: SKU’s $94.50 $15Kit Semi #400904 AnnualTotal Retail: Rack$94.50 Payment Incremental Dollars:Average$148.00 Cost: $57.50 $15 Semi AnnualAverage Rack Cost: Payment $57.50 $15 Semi AnnualTotalProfit Retail: RackDollars: Payment$37.00 TotalProfit Retail: Dollars: $94.50 Placement ItemProduct # Description$94.50 Turns: $37.004 Pack Size TotalAverageAverageProduct Retail: Cost: $57.50Cost: Turns:$94.50 $57.50 Dimensions: 41”W x 8”D x 13”H Shelf 1IncrementalProfit 517020 Dollars: Welch's Dollars:$37.00 Fruit 'n4 $148.00Yogurt-Strawberry 10 1.8 oz Shelf 2AverageIncrementalProductProfit 517020 Turns:Cost: Welch's Dollars:Dollars:4 $57.50 Fruit 'n$37.00$148.00 Yogurt-Strawberry 10 1.8 oz Incremental Dollars: $148.00 Placement Item # Description Pack Size Shelf 3ProfitProduct 517003 Dollars: Welch's Turns:$37.00 Fruit 'n4 Yogurt-Blueberry 10 1.8 oz ShelfPlacementPlacement Item 1 # Description 517020 Item # Description Welch's FruitPack 'n Size Yogurt-StrawberryPack 10 Size 1.8 oz Dimensions: 41”W x 8”D x 13”H ProductWelch’sShelf Fruit 1 Turns: & 517020 Yogurt Welch's Tubes Fruit 'n Yogurt-Strawberry 10 1.8 oz Dimensions: 41”W x 8”D x 13”H ShelfIncremental 4Shelf 517011 1 Dollars: Welch's 5170204 Fruit Welch's'n Yogurt-Mango Fruit 'n Yogurt-Strawberry 10 1.8 10 oz 1.8 oz Dimensions: 41”W x 8”D x 13”H GondolaShelfShelf Topper 2 517020 2 Rack Welch's 3 517020 SKU’s Fruit 'n Yogurt-Strawberry Welch's$148.00 Fruit 10 'n 1.8 Yogurt-Strawberry oz 10 1.8 oz IncrementalKitShelf #400904 3Dollars: 517003 Welch's $148.00Fruit 'n Yogurt-Blueberry 10 1.8 oz Shelf 5ShelfShelf 517011 2 3 Welch's 517020 517003 Fruit Welch's Welch's'n Yogurt-Mango FruitFruit 'n'n Yogurt-StrawberryYogurt-Blueberry 10 1.8 10 10 oz 1.8 1.8 ozoz Shelf 4 517011 Welch's Fruit 'n Yogurt-Mango 10 1.8 oz PlacementShelf 3 Item 517003 # Description Welch's Fruit 'n Yogurt-Blueberry 10Pack 1.8 oz Size $15ShelfShelf Semi 5 Annual
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