© Lonely Planet Publications 556 Index (B-C) 557 bargaining 514 bus travel to/from Egypt 524-5 Cairo International Film Festival 510 INDEX Baring, Sir Evelyn 40 bus travel within Egypt 529, 532 Cairo Tower 142 Baris 336 business hours 503 Cairo Zoo 156-7 INDEX Index Bashendi 342 Cambyses 346 Bastet 52 C camel markets 1973 War 43 attractions 373-85 rock art 298 bathrooms 516 Cairo 107-84, 110-11 Birqash 212-13 beaches 384-5 rock carvings 341 Battle of the Pyramids 38 accommodation 157-62 Daraw 299 A Central Alexandria 378-9, art galleries Bawiti 349-53, 350 activities 153-5 camel rides Abdeen Palace 117 380-1 Cairo 153 beaches Agouza 142, 144-5 Dakhla Oases 341 Abu Ghorab 199 courses 385 Gezira Art Center 141 Alexandria 384-5 ahwas 169-70 Giza Plateau 147 Abu Giffa Pass 493 drinking 389-91 Hanager Arts Centre 141 Hurghada 424 attractions 116-53 Luxor 276 Abu Mina 395 Eastern Suburbs 381-4 Palace of Arts 141 Ismailia 413 bookshops 109-12 Sharm el-Sheikh 466 Abu Qir 394-5 entertainment 391-2 arts 69-76 Mediterranean Coast 403 Central Cairo 116-23, 118-19 camel safaris Abu Simbel 22, 323-6, 12 food 387-9 Aswan 83-4, 299-315, 302, 9 Moon Beach 459 children, travel with 156-7 Nuweiba 481-3 Abu Sir 196-9, 199 history 369-70 accommodation 309-12 Ras Mohammed National Park cinemas 171-3 Sinai 475 Abydos 233-4, 233 internet access 371 activities 308-9 461-2 Coptic Cairo 123-5 camping 500 accommodation 19, 158, 500-2, see itineraries 24, 28, 371 attractions 301-8 Bedouin people 65 cultural centres 112-13 Canyon, the 445, 475 also individual locations medical services 371-2 Central Aswan 301-5, 304 Mediterranean Coast 400, 405 dangers 115-16 car travel 529-32, 531 language 543-4 shopping 392-3 East Bank 301-5 Sinai 455, 467, 480, 495, 498 Doqqi 142, 166-7, 148 Carter, Howard 258, 261, 263 activities 502-3, see also individual tourist information 373 emergency services 300 Western Desert 339, 343, 360-1 Downtown 156, 158-60, 162-4, cartouches 59, 59 activities travel to/from 393-4 entertainment 313 beer 95 168 Catacombs of Kom Ash-Shuqqafa Adawiyya, Ahmed 74 travel within 394 food 312-13 Beit al-Harrawi 133 drinking 168-71 377-8, 378 Ad-Dahar 425-7, 429, 426 Al-Faraun 205 internet access 300-1 Beit al-Wali 322 emergency services 113 cell phones 516 Aghurmi 359 Al-Fayoum Oasis 207-12 itineraries 22 Beit el-Suhaymi 131-2 entertainment 171-4 cemeteries Agiba Beach 403 Al-Kab 292-3 medical services 301 Beit Zeinab al-Khatoun 133 festivals 157, 508-10 Commonwealth War Cemetery. 399 Ahmose 226, 240 Al-Kharga 330-5, 332 Nile River 305-7 Bells, the 446 food 162-8 Fatimid Cemetery 303 ahwas 97, 169-70 Al-Kharga Oasis 330-6, 331 shopping 313-14 belly dancing 74-5, 76 Garden City 121-3, 155-6, 160, Giza Plateau 151 Ain al-Furtega 481 Al-Qasr 342 swimming 309 Cairo 173-4 164-5 Greek Orthodox cemetery 125 Ain Della 346-7 Al-Quseir 432-3, 432 tourist information 301 courses 154, 505 Gezira 141-2, 166, 148 Northern Cemetery 138-40, 139 Ain Musa 458-9 Al-Qusiya 227-8 tours 309 Ben Ezra Synagogue 125 Giza 161-2, 167, 148, 150 Chahine, Yousef 72 Ain Nagila 493 Al-Tor 459 travel to/from 314 Beni Hasan 223-4 Giza Plateau 143-51, 150, 11 children, travel with 503-4 Ain Qurayshat 361 Alternatives, the 447 travel within 314-15 Beni Suef 219 Harraniyya 151-2, 161-2 Cairo 156-7 Ain Safi 361 Amada 323 West Bank 307-9 Benia 269 Heliopolis 152, 167, 153 food 98-9 air pollution 105 Amenemhat 223 Aswan Botanical Gardens 307 Berenice 437 history 108 health 504, 540 air travel Amenhotep I 47, 190 Aswan Dam 315 Bes 52, 52 internet access 113 language 548 to/from Egypt 521-4 Amenhotep II 263-4 al-Aswany, Alaa 71 Bibliotheca Alexandrina 381-2 Islamic Cairo 125-40, 155, 160, Christie, Agatha 71 within Egypt 528 Amenhotep III 47, 240, 250-2 Asyut 228-30, 229 bicycle travel, see cycling 165, 129, 131, 133, 135, churches airline offices 522 Amphoras 446 Asyut barrage 229 Big Brother 449 137, 139 Church of St Barbara 125 Akhenaten 48, 189, 227, 240 Amun 52, 52 Aten 52, 52 Bilad ar-Rum 360 itineraries 22-4, 109 Church of St George (Al-Qusiya) Akhethotep 203-4 Amunherkhepshef 273-4 ATMs 513 birds 103 Kerdassa 152 228 Akhmin 232 animals 103 Atum 52 bird-watching 502 libraries 112-13 Church of St George (Cairo) 124-5 Al-Araba al-Madfuna 232 animal mummies 194 Ay 266-7 Birqash Camel Market 212-13 markets 177 Church of St Sergius 125 Al-Arish 496-9, 497 Ankhmahor 205 Az-Zeitun 361 Black Desert 348 medical services 113-14 Church of St Simeon the Al-Azhar Mosque 127, 10 Anubis 52, 52 Black Saturday 41 metro 182, 184, 182 Tanner 141 Al-Azhar park 140 Apophis 52 B Blue Hole 446, 475 Mohandiseen 142, 166-7, 144-5 Church of the Transfiguration Al-Balyana 232-5 Arabic alphabet 542, see also Bab ad-Dunya 493 Blue Valley 494 Old Cairo 123-5, 124 491-2 Alexander the Great 34, 48, 356 language Bab Zuweila 134 boat travel, see also cruises shopping 174-8 Hanging Church 124 Alexandria 369-94, 372-3 archaeology el-Babli, Soheir 75 to/from Egypt 525-7 swimming 155 cinema 72-3 accommodation 385-7 nautical 376 Bahariya Oasis 348-55, 349 within Egypt 529 tourist information 114 Citadel, the 135-7, 135 activities 385 recent excavations 206, 263 Bakr, Salwa 70 books 19, 20, 70-2 tours 157 Cleopatra 48, 270 Ancient Alexandria 375-8 architecture 76 baksheesh 63 diving 440 travel to/from 178-80, 180 Cleopatra’s Beach 403 area codes 515 Balat 341-2 health 536 travel within 180-4 climate 17-18, 504-5 000 Map pages art ballooning 276, 503 border crossings 524-5 walking tours 155-6 coffee 95 000 Photograph pages Coptic Christian 421 Banana Island 230 Bubastis 215 Zamalek 140-1, 160, 165-8, coffeehouses, see ahwas Pharaonic Egypt 55-8 Baqet 223 building development 105-6 168-9, 144-5 Colossi of Memnon 257 558 Index (C-G) Index (G-K) 559 Coloured Canyon 475 deep vein thrombosis 536 environmental issues 105-6 Gebel Dist 354 horse riding 503 Israel & the Palestinian Territories 42-3 INDEX comedy 63 Deir Abu Makar 214 alternative energy 104 Gebel Katarina 494 Dahab 476 travel to/from 524-5, 525-6 Complex of Sultan Ashraf Barsbey 139 Deir al-Bahri 267-8 Red Sea 425 Gebel Mandisha 354 Giza Plateau 147 itineraries 22-8 INDEX Constantine Cavafy 379-80 Deir al-Haggar 343 Sinai 458 Gebel Serbal 495 Luxor 276 Abu Simbel 22 Constantine, Emperor 34, 36 Deir al-Medina 273 Esna 291-2, 293, 82 Gebel Silsila 296-7 Sharm el-Sheikh 466 Alexandria 24, 28, 371 consulates 507-8 Deir al-Muharraq 227-8, 9 Europe travel to/from 525 geography 102 Horus 52, 53 Ancient Egypt 27, 28 Convent of St George 125 Deir Anba Bishoi 213 events 508-10 al-Ghouri, Sultan 38 Hurghada 422-32, 423 Cairo 109 Convent of the Holy Virgin 230 Deir el-Baramouse 214 exchange rates, see inside front cover Giftun Islands 448 accommodation 424-9 itineraries 28 Coptic Christianity 67 Deir el-Sourian 213-14 Giza Plateau 143-51, 105, 11 activities 424 Aswan 22 art 421 Dendara 235-8, 237 F gods & goddesses 51-3, 52-4 Ad-Dahar 425-7, 429 Hurghada 23 history 34-7 Dhutmosi 271 Farafra Oasis 343-6, 344 golf 155 attractions 424 Luxor 22, 28 Cossery, Albert 71 Diab, Amr 74 Farsh Arnab 493 Gordon Reef 446 beaches 424 Mt Sinai 23, 28 costs 18-19 Diocletian, Emperor 34 Farsh Asara 493 Great Sand Sea 367 diving 424, 447, 452 Nile River 81-5 courses 505 diphtheria 537 Fathy, Hassan 76 emergency services 422 Petra 24 belly dancing 154 diving 439-53, 502, 442-3, 7 feluccas 85-7, 84, 86 H entertainment 429-30 Red Sea Monasteries 28 diving 453 books 440 Aswan 308-9 Habeeb, Ramy 172 food 429 Saqqara 27 credit cards 513 clubs 451 Cairo 154-5 Hakim 74 internet access 422 Sinai 23, 25 cruises 78-92, 81, 77, 79, 80, 84, 86, courses 453, 505 Luxor 276 Hamada 449 itineraries 23 St Katherine’s Monastery 25 87, 88, 89, 91, 92 Dahab 445, 451-2, 474-5 festivals 508-10 Hammam Fara’un 459 medical services 422 Western Desert 28 Crystal Mountain 347 Hurghada 424, 447, 452 Cairo 157 Hapy 52, 52 Resort Strip 427-9 culture 63-76 internet resources 440-1 food 96 Harkhuf 308 shopping 430 J customs regulations 505 itineraries 27 Luxor 25 Harraniyya 151-2 Sigala 427, 429 Jackson Reef 446 cycling 502, 528-9 Marsa Alam 453 Siwa Oasis 361-2 Hathor 52, 52 tourist information 423 jeep safaris 475, 481-3 Cyprus, travel to/from 525 medical services 441 Fiasco Reef 465 Hatshepsut 47, 248, 267-8, 270 tours 424 jet lag 536-7 Na’ama Bay 446, 452, 465 films 19-21 health 535-40 travel to/from 430-1 Jordan, travel to/from 525, D Nuweiba 445, 451, 481 Cairo International Film Festival children’s 504, 540 travel within 431 526 Daedalus 449-50 Ras Mohammed National Park 447 510 internet resources 536 Huya 225-6 Judaism 68-9 Dahab 472-9, 474, 10 safaris 453 Fishawi’s Coffeehouse 129 langugage 545 juices 96 accommodation 476-8 safety 444 fishing 503 vaccinations 535 I Justinian, Emperor 36 activities 474-6 Sharm el-Sheikh 446, 452, 465 Flaubert, Gustave 74 heat exhaustion 539 ibn al-As, Amr 36 dangers 473 sites 445-50 food 93-101, 510 Hekaib 308 Ibrahim, Sonallah 70 K diving 445, 451-2, 474-5 South Coast 448-9 children, eating out with 98-9 Henettawy 191 immigration 521 Kalabsha 322 emergency services 473 Djedptahiufankh 191 customs 99 henna tattoos 306 independence 41-5 Karanis 209-10 entertainment 478-9 donkey rides 276 festivals 96 hepatitis 537 Inherka 273 Karnak 243 food 478 drinks 95-6 glossary 100-1 Hermopolis 224, 226 insect bites 539 Kerdassa 152 internet access 473 water 96, 540 history 49 Hewison, Neil 128 insurance Khaemhet 269-70, 270 medical services 473 driving, see car travel language 99-101 hieroglyphs 59-60, 59 health 535 Khaemwaset 274 snorkelling 474-5 driving licences 531 street food 97-8 High
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