CO. HISTORICAL ASS:i,» ?»• J. --*_- This Week COVERING TOYVN3U1P8 OP One Section HOLMDEL. atADIHON MARLBORO. MATAWAN AND , -, 16 PAGES MATAWAN BOtOUO* 92nd YEAR — 3rd WEEK National Editorial Auodittra MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, JULY 21,1960 rnu Ai Single Copy Ten Cento Headed For Boy Scout Jamboree In Colorado Longs For Hit Puppy Five-Man Committee A family, »pn«?ently rerfdinj New Shopping Mart In tba Keyporl-Malawan -area' who adopted t (mail puppy Sat- Eyed In Township urday «t |h« KUdntss Ktanels, Rahway, may b« ablt to help a Scheduled For SWS In a few years, Mafawan Town- ballot. The petition would have to A second largs shopping center eadlly expanded to a 48-lnne ION ship may have a five-member gov- be signed by 25 per cent of the •even-yearoid Fanwood boy who' for the Browntown urea, this one ip. There is double the parklno) . erning body. Mayor 'Peter J. Wa- total number of legal voters In the Is hearlbroken and pining tor Ml In Sayro Woods South, was sub-ipaco to the building area In tha' ters, In answer to questions by Mi- township, as determined by [he pre- "Tippy," - . •..:..•:•::. mitted to, the Madison Township hopping contor.the senator noted.' chael Abba'zia, a spectator, said ceding election. Mr. ind Mti. W. Hatpin, Fan- Planning board last night for con- Tha shopping center Is generally that he was in favor of Increasing wood, parents ot the heartbroken sideration, S*,n. John A, Lynch,-New In shape. A 25-fnot bisf- After Referendum boy, tild the family agrcMl to the membership of the, committee ll the referendum were to be up Brunswick', "acted as attorney for cr ronn la allowed In the back; if the expansion was warranted un- offer this dog for adoption alter tho applicants, tho Altersnlr Realty j showed. for vote arid approved here in.Ho- talking It over with iho children. der the 19G0 census. Co., Perth Amboy, Tho shopping Tho senator pointed out It would veniber, elections for the com- While «t the kenneli, a family center would be on tho northwest According to law, the township mittee posts would not take place who "drove" tip from Matawan" io necessary to cut a revision In may expand the membership Of the corner of Routo 9 and Throckmor- he toning In iho urea In thiit It • until the following November. The talked wllh tho llalplni and ton Lano, • . committee from the present three two whose term; had^net expired •greed to take Tippy. illuwi commercial ust> (inly 30J . , members, to ffve |f population fig- at I hat time would remain on the But, > few day! later, Jimmy,' The new (hopping center would Vet back from Hie highway, Mayor ures rise above 5000. According to governing body. (heir scvcn-yeir-«ld boy, burst In- encompass 22 acres, according to lohu Phillips found tho shopping unofficial tabulations, the town- to tenri, longing for his pet. The the Middlesex state senator, and :cntor an excellenl acqiltitltlori > . ship's population this year is 7345. Numerous complaints were called would have 119,000 to' 120,000 total ruin n inlnhlcs s!nml]mliU ami to (lie attention of the committee Halplns, In a letter to this newa- . In order to expand the member- parxr published on pogo four, Is square feet of floor span) when iarced thn tovvnslilp liommltte* ship of the committee, a petition Tuesday night by spectators. They fully occupied. 5en. - Lynch esti- got a rccorn'mcndatibii ti) . Included complaints of barking dieting to replacu the puppy II would have to be filed 40 days be- Tippy ll returned. " mated' this would bo A $1,000,000 lianite the loulng, Sen, I.yiich lalj . fore a general election in order for dogs, street lights which wen not addition lo township rntables, tit clients WIKINXI to IM iinili'iwa/ the referendum to be placed on the Illuminated, poor road surface con- Tho senator painted out thuro n coimlrucllnn in .'four montlit, ditions and drainage woe's. vinikl bo a 31,000 square-fool supw- .One resident complained that Trenton Hearing mar.kt-Hiii the comix,'Kill ~S half SfVBrli!,',S.a,y.t«_!ryjKB!.iJlstr. theie.are seven or eight dogs howl- doieh smaller stores slretclml onioy, hnil a followup an th« 19-lotsP!at Ing in his neighbor's yard to "all north along the hl|;hwoy, On tho Iroivntown Shopplnn Center pro- for the southwpsi: corner of hours of the morning.." He said, Delays H.S.. Vote Throckinorlun Lnun side I h o r o would bo a (Iran sinro, duvotcd Rouli's 0 niul IB, Mr, Sevurln noieil "I only had four night's,sleep in ho promoters were wllHnu to erect Near Parkway the last week." Mayor Waters said Administrators Got . only to Iho snl.i of druni, lu'cordlw) : 1 six-foot cyclonn fence nlttnit lh» '*•- thai the committee would review Another Pay Hiko o Alexander .Molnai ,. Snyruvlllo, First In Borough thn.realtor in Ihu transaction, This yar of (he shnpiilng civntcr Hue, the dog ordinance to see what I'hoy would plnnt shrtibn on JhD Under. New Zoning Malawan Township llonrdirf Kd. would tie In with tho adjacent cou'id be done to crack down on ols faclnu, on I'li'dninnt l)r, anil cation Moniluy bypassed tlurtnoro location of Ihe smull clinic the. owners of dogs' which are be- to the. nlwnplnn ccnlor. Matawan Borough Planning ong-drawn-out mntter of aettllnu on nt up by four doctors from Siiyro coming a nuisance. It was also iVIIh two shrubs to a lot nil tlvu. Board Monday classified the first n new high school slto and honillns recommended that the dogwarden 'lilts „ loot ccntein, Mr, .SWTlo. Wtlmar: major subdivision presented since for tho proposed school to mret Hw mal;e a thorough investigation of ;wl Hint In flvo yours oil ilnht of the new .ronlng ordinance was more Immediate need to copo with Include! Bowling Alloy the area for stray dogs. the shopping ri'Mier wmilil be tiono adopted. By all comment of board salary discontentment iiiminft Its In the, center, according In Sen, Street Light Complaint am Ilioim lots, On tholr own sldn, members, it will be approved for administrators. .ynch, there, will be n bowllntl recommendation to the borough Another resident reported that Hoy of U liinos which won hi Im Ihe.devolnpoi'B.would tun U|) a Una council. most of the lights along the town- Tho board did tnke counlzanco ol nl fir trm<s that wuuUt.'urlhur (ib* The subdivision is that of Park- ship's portion of Route 34 have ho situation on tho hlRh schooFto iciiru thn vk'W of the runltli'huet . way Knolls, It Is located Just In- been out since July 3. He said that ho extent that It received report side the borough's boundary line the condition was twice reported to 'rom Harold J, Dolan, Its president, Seeking Figures Aha Culls For IieianlnK the police and once to the. light hat arrangements liml been com- with Matawan Township at the area boarded a bus at Oakhut»Oah»tt Tueidauidyy on W e, ar o , . iw«n. Other area boys making the Mr, Sevorln, toil, culloil for action Aberdeen Rd.-Union St. area. The company. Mayor Waters Instructed pleted for a hearing In Trenlon HI rtuonlng, Tlw Imaril voluit ti of a cross country trip to Colorado Springsi , Colo., trip were Waller 'MfCllnlock, Robert Holland, Kcn- ~>pt. 20 on a high school-building On Master Plan subdivision consists of 19 lots bor- the j :lerk to contact the Jersey Cen- to the annual Boy Scout Jamboree. Shown above, ncth Huebsch am Jlmci McCrelghl,, all of Marlboro orono thu wliolu aniu of Honln 9/ dering one street known as Park- tral Power and Light Company boarding the bus on thg first leg of the trip arc, (left and Douglas V«nl)lalcr. West lyiorllKiro. proposal. But No Disavowal Houtu 18 and Throckmni ton l.nno way Terr., a 50-foot wide roadway. abo t the matter, tho fact that Iho nc-eti to loco as fur west un Route 18 o« Uuali- One area on the easterly side of veral in 'the audience com- such a hearing was still two months Of "Pigeonholing" nell Rd. lor commnrclul imo and, Pet Show Winners ahead led Ihe board to grant Its lo forward such > rocommenilnllnn the subdivision 49 reserved as a plained about late.garbage pickups. Action on a Mauler Plan fur thrcemrm special committee an playground.-— -'-.••- ~- or Waters said that there was New Zone Ordinance Marlboro Township did not got very 0 llm townnhlp I'ommltlco. Hun- . D. J. Slanklewlc^ director, an- added tliriio weeks In arriving at ths subdivision originally,was the committee could do about nounced yesterday that Sharon far at thu Marlboro Township meet. ley KordthiRkl, bonrd : chnlrmnn, lituaiion, "As long as they are a recommendation on o site far IhoIng Thursday, Olon W, llucbsch wan n-lonn "mi" on Ibo volu Which drawn for lot sizes under the 100-ty- Vena, who entered a dog, won new high schopl. 150 foot zoning limitation, or on the fulf ling the contract to collect on ; the first prbe in a pet show spon- Goes To Committee chairman of tho planning, board, nrrli'd 0-1, basis of the old zoning ordinance, the days stipulated, we can only sored by the Matawaii Township Report Was Du« T- liud expressed concern at iho plan A tnlnoi' tiib'dlvliliiii was grtnlcj , The Matawan Township Planning .Board lust 8500 square feet But the planning talk to them about completing their Recreation Committee.
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