September 11, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8025 we’ll have an opening up of the Outer minute and to revise and extend his re- PERMISSION TO CONSIDER AS Continental Shelf, not just in this en- marks.) ADOPTED MOTIONS TO SUSPEND ergy bill that should come to the floor Mr. PENCE. Madam Speaker, almost THE RULES next week, but also in stopping the 6 weeks ago this House adjourned for a Mr. HOYER. Madam Speaker, I ask prohibition on the continuing resolu- 5-week paid vacation. A year and a half unanimous consent that the motions to tion. That will bring the opportunity of had passed, and the Democrat leader- suspend the rules relating to the fol- more supply of oil and gas to our coun- ship remained, up to that moment, lowing measures be considered as try, a much-needed benefit. steadfast on one issue and one issue adopted in the form considered by the I know we all focus on crude oil a lot, only—there would never be a vote on House on Tuesday, September 9, 2008: but an all-of-the-above energy strategy the House floor that gave the American House Resolution 1207, H.R. 6169, and would also address coal. There’s two people more access to American oil H.R. 6513. provisions, Congressmen Boucher/ through domestic drilling. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Shimkus coal-to-liquid bill, which House Republicans refused to go objection to the request from the gen- would help incentivize coal being quietly. We held this floor for 5 weeks, tleman from Maryland? turned into liquid fuel. That would demanding that, in the wake of this There was no objection. help decrease our reliance on imported 21st-century energy crisis, Congress The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without crude oil, make our country safer. come together in a bipartisan way and objection, sundry motions to recon- The Department of Defense wants develop a comprehensive energy bill sider are laid on the table. long-term contracting so that we can that said yes to conservation, yes to al- There was no objection. incentivize coal-to-liquid refineries. ternative sources of energy, and yes to That would also help. An all-of-the- more domestic drilling. And now, al- f above strategy would not forget coal. though we don’t have the language yet, ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER f there is word that there is a Democrat PRO TEMPORE bill coming to the floor that includes OUR NATIONAL SECURITY The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- more domestic drilling. ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair (Ms. FOXX asked and was given per- I rise to commend my Republican will postpone further proceedings mission to address the House for 1 colleagues who fought for the right of today on motions to suspend the rules minute.) the American people to debate, having on which a recorded vote or the yeas Ms. FOXX. Madam Speaker, this is a access to their own resources, and I say and nays are ordered, or on which the day to remember those who died in the to my colleagues, bring your bill to the vote is objected to under clause 6 of attacks on American soil 7 years ago. floor. We’ll bring our bill to the floor. rule XX. Since that day, this Nation’s security Make it an open debate. Let us cast the Record votes on postponed questions has been the highest priority on both votes, and let us lay forward a blue- will be taken later. sides of the aisle. We may not all agree, print for energy independence in the f we may not often agree, but we do love 21st century as the bipartisan accom- this country, and we want to do every- plishment of this Congress. EXPRESSING THE SENSE OF THE thing we can to ensure its security. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I stand today because this occasion is f REGARDING THE TERRORIST AT- a necessary time to think about the RECESS TACKS LAUNCHED AGAINST THE ways we get our energy. Energy is a UNITED STATES ON SEPTEMBER The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- huge part of our national security. 11, 2001 Having domestic energy sources will ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair Mr. HOYER. Madam Speaker, I move help secure this Nation. declares the House in recess subject to to suspend the rules and agree to the It’s safe to say that no one in this the call of the Chair. resolution (H. Res. 1420) expressing the Chamber thinks that relying on foreign Accordingly (at 11 o’clock and 29 sense of the House of Representatives oil is a good long-term strategy for this minutes a.m.), the House stood in re- regarding the terrorist attacks Nation. It’s not good for our economy, cess subject to the call of the Chair. launched against the United States on and it’s not good for our security. f September 11, 2001. I also think both sides generally The Clerk read the title of the resolu- agree that using alternative sources of b 1333 tion. energy are essential to our Nation’s fu- AFTER RECESS The text of the resolution is as fol- ture. What we seem to disagree on is a lows: matter of logistics. How quickly can The recess having expired, the House we develop reliable cars that use other was called to order by the Speaker pro H. RES. 1420 forms of energy besides oil? How can tempore (Mrs. TAUSCHER) at 1 o’clock Whereas on the morning of September 11, we make solar and wind power more and 33 minutes p.m. 2001, terrorists hijacked and destroyed four civilian aircraft, crashing two of them into available to power individual homes? f the towers of the World Trade Center in New The truth of the matter is, such solu- York City and a third into the Pentagon out- tions are not immediately available. ELECTING A MEMBER TO A CER- TAIN STANDING COMMITTEE OF side Washington, DC; In the meantime, Americans still Whereas the passengers and crew aboard need to drive to work. They still need THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTA- United Flight 93 acted heroically to prevent to buy groceries. They still need to TIVES the terrorist hijackers from taking addi- heat their homes. We need to respond Mr. ACKERMAN. Madam Speaker, by tional American lives, by crashing the plane to the reality of our situation. While direction of the Democratic Caucus, I in Shanksville, Pennsylvania and sacrificing we continue to develop alternative en- offer a privileged resolution and ask their own lives instead; Whereas thousands of innocent men, ergies, we need to increase our supply for its immediate consideration. women, and children were brutally murdered of the energy this Nation relies on. We The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- in the attacks of September 11, 2001; have the resources. We have the tech- lows: Whereas 7 years later, the United States nology to get them in an environ- H. RES. 1426 still mourns their loss and honors their mentally friendly way. Let’s help out Resolved, That the following named Mem- memory; the American people who are looking ber be, and is hereby, elected to the fol- Whereas by targeting symbols of American to us for solutions. lowing standing committee of the House of strength and prosperity, the attacks were in- Representatives: tended to assail the principles and values of f the American people, to intimidate the Na- (1) COMMITTEE ON STANDARDS OF OFFICIAL tion and its allies, and to weaken the na- DEVELOPING A COMPREHENSIVE CONDUCT.—Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. ENERGY BILL tional resolve; The resolution was agreed to. Whereas the United States remains stead- (Mr. PENCE asked and was given per- A motion to reconsider was laid on fast in its determination to defeat, disrupt, mission to address the House for 1 the table. and destroy terrorist organizations and VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:08 Sep 12, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11SE7.010 H11SEPT1 rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with HOUSE H8026 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 11, 2008 seeks to harness all elements of national The Chair recognizes the gentleman Inspired by each and every one of power, including its military, economic, and from Maryland. those sacrifices, let us renew our re- diplomatic resources, to do so; Mr. HOYER. Madam Speaker, I ask solve. We commit ourselves to defend- Whereas Congress passed and the President unanimous consent that the 20 minutes ing our people against any and all fu- signed numerous laws to assist victims of terrorism, protect our Nation, combat ter- accorded to me be managed by Mr. ture threats. We remain steadfast in rorism at home and abroad, and support, in ACKERMAN of New York. our commitment to disrupt, dismantle, the field and upon return, the members of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there defeat, and destroy terrorist networks the Armed Forces who courageously defend objection to the request of the gen- that endanger all that we hold dear. We the United States; tleman from Maryland? will devote to that cause all of our Whereas the terrorist attacks that have There was no objection. military might, all of our diplomatic occurred around the world since September GENERAL LEAVE skill, and all our moral force. 11, 2001, remind us all of the hateful inhu- Mr. ACKERMAN. Madam Speaker, I Americans have worked tirelessly to manity of terrorism and the ongoing threat it poses to freedom, justice, and the rule of ask unanimous consent that all Mem- make our Nation safer.
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