Public Document Pack Regulatory Board Members of the Regulatory Board of Gravesham Borough Council are summoned to attend a meeting to be held at the Civic Centre, Windmill Street, Gravesend, Kent on Wednesday, 5 October 2011 at 7.00 pm when the business specified in the following agenda is proposed to be transacted. S Kilkie Assistant Director (Communities) Agenda Part A Items likely to be considered in Public 1. Apologies for absence 2. To sign the Minutes of the previous meeting (Pages 1 - 4) 3. To declare any interests members may have in the items contained on this agenda. When declaring an interest, members should state what their interest is. 4. To consider whether any items in Part A of the Agenda should be considered in private or the items in Part B (if any) in Public 5. Planning applications for determination by the Board The plans and originals of all representations are available for inspection in during normal office hours and in the committee room for a period of one hour before commencement of the meeting. a) GR/2011/0553 - 1 Downs Road, Istead Rise, Northfleet, Kent - (Pages 5 - 12) report herewith. b) GR/20110320 - Northfleet Embankment East, Northfleet, Kent - (Pages 13 - 56) report herewith. Civic Centre, Windmill Street, Gravesend Kent DA12 1AU 6. Planning applications determined under delegated powers by the Director (Business) A copy of the schedule has been placed in the democracy web library. http://www.gravesham.gov.uk/democracy/ecCatDisplay.aspx?sch=doc&c at=13418&path=480,12911 7. Any other business which by reason of special circumstances the Chair is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency. 8. Exclusion To move, if required, that pursuant to Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 that the public be excluded from any items included in Part B of the agenda because it is likely in view of the nature of business to be transacted that if members of the public are present during those items, there would be disclosure to them of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act. Part B Items likely to be considered in Private None. Members Cllr Jane Cribbon (Chair) Cllr Valerie Ashenden (Vice-Chair) Councillors: Susan Howes Peter Rayner Caroline Shelton Richard Smith Michael Snelling Robin Theobald David Turner Michael Wenban Substitutes: Lesley Boycott John Burden Harold Craske Brian Francis Lyn Milner Alex Moore Page 1 Agenda Item 2 Regulatory Board Tuesday, 6 September 2011 7.00pm Present: Cllr Valerie Ashenden (Vice-Chair in the Chair) Councillors: John Burden Susan Howes Lyn Milner Peter Rayner Richard Smith Michael Snelling Robin Theobald David Turner Michael Wenban Note: Cllr Leslie Pearton was also in attendance Clive Gilbert Service Manager (Development Control) Peter Price Principal Planner Allan Glasson Senior Environmental Health Officer Richard Hart Senior Planning Officer Carlie Plowman Committee & Scrutiny Assistant 33. Apologies Apologies for absence were received from the Chair, Cllr Jane Cribbon and Cllr Caroline Shelton. Cllrs John Burden and Lyn Milner attended as their respective substitutes. 34. Minutes The Minutes of the meeting held on 27 July 2011 were signed by the Chair. 35. Declarations of Interest Cllr John Burden declared a non-prejudicial interest in application GR/2011/0553 - 1 Downs Road, Istead Rise, Northfleet, Kent as he lives near the application site. 36. GR/2011/0263 & GR/2011/0274 - Land at Clijon Farm, Whitehill Road, Meopham, Kent Further to Minute 24 (27.07.2011), the Board considered applications (1) GR/2011/0263 – retention of raised patio area incorporating retaining walls; and (2) GR/2011/0274 – non- material amendment to permission GR/2010/0770 for infill panels and provision of planting area in front of the entrance. 1 Page 2 Regulatory Board 6.09.2011 Resolved that applications:- (1) GR/2011/0263 be DELEGATED to the Service Manager (Development Control) for PERMISSION ; and (2) GR/2011/0274 be APPROVED subject to conditions, reasons and informatives that will be detailed in the decision noticed issued by the Planning Department and available on the following link:- http://plan.gravesham.gov.uk/online-applications/ . Note: (1) Tom Watson, architect for the applicant, addressed the Board. 37. GR/2011/0496 - Riverview Park Garage, Whinfell Way, Gravesend, Kent This application was withdrawn. 38. GR/2011/0553 - 1 Downs Road, Istead Rise, Northfleet, Kent The Board considered application GR/2011/0553 for the erection of a two storey side extension on south elevation and sub-division of resultant building to provide 2 no. four bedroom dwellings including the erection of a front porch and the excavation of part of front garden to form 2 no. car parking spaces. Resolved that application GR/2011/0553 be DEFERRED for a Members' site inspection in order to assess the site and the impact that the proposal would have on the highway. Note: (1) Cllr John Burden left the Chamber and took no part in the determination of this application. (2) Objector Frank Midwinter addressed the Board. 39. GR/2011/0555 & GR/2011/0559 - Sainsbury's Store, Wingfield Bank, Springhead Road, Northfleet, Kent The Board considered applications (1) GR/2011/0555 - variation of conditions 16, 17, 19, 21, 25, 26, 32, 35, 39, 40, 41 and 44 attached to planning permission reference number GR/2010/0898 to vary the wording to allow work on the relocated petrol filling station to begin before the details of other parts of the scheme have been approved and (2) GR/2011/0559 - minor material amendment of planning permission reference number 20100898 (Erection of extension to store to provide additional sales area; customer restaurant, customer toilets and back up storage area; extension within the service yard for 'Sainsbury's-To-You' online grocery service; relocation of petrol filling station; reconfiguration and extension of customer car park; realignment of Wingfield Bank access road and relocation of service yard access on Springhead Road) for - Revised petrol filling station layout and amended elevations to match; - Revised service yard layout with relocated sprinkler tank and new retaining wall; - Customer toilets relocated from front of store to behind customer restaurant; 2 Page 3 Regulatory Board 6.09.2011 - ATM machines and art panel have been moved slightly along front elevation of store; and - Retaining wall and steps introduced for easier pedestrian access to bus stop. Resolved that applications GR/2011/0555 and GR/2011/0559 be PERMITTED subject to receipt of an agreed deed of variation to the unilateral agreement pursuant to section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and conditions, reasons and informatives that will be detailed in the decision noticed issued by the Planning Department and available on the following link:- http://plan.gravesham.gov.uk/online-applications/ . 40. GR/2011/0667 - 11 Hollytree Drive, Higham, Rochester, Kent The Board considered application GR/2011/0667 for the conversion of detached outbuilding into a two bedroom dwelling. Resolved that application GR/2011/0667 be PERMITTED subject to conditions, reasons and informatives that will be detailed in the decision noticed issued by the Planning Department and available on the following link:- http://plan.gravesham.gov.uk/online-applications/ . Note: (1) Peter Cooper, agent for the applicant, addressed the Board. (2) Objector Eileen West addressed the Board. (3) Cllr Leslie Pearton spoke with leave of the Chair on this item. 41. Planning applications determined under delegated powers by the Director (Business) A schedule showing applications determined by the Director (Business) under his delegated powers has been published on the website. Close of meeting The meeting ended at 8.33 pm. 3 Page 4 This page is intentionally left blank Page 5 Agenda Item 5a Expiry Date Application No. Date of meeting Agenda Item 20.09.11 201 10553 05.05.11 1 Downs Road Istead Rise Northfleet Erection of two storey side extension on south elevation and sub-division of resultant building to provide 2 no. four bedroom dwellings including erection of front porch; excavation of part of front garden to form 2 no. car parking spaces. Mr J McCarthy Recommendation: Delegated to the Service Manager for decision, subject to receipt of cross sections and levels, and revised site boundary 1. Introduction This application was originally reported to the meeting of the Regulatory Board on 6 September 2011. The application had been recommended by officers for permission subject to conditions. The Board DEFERRED consideration for a Member site inspection in order to assess the site and the impact the proposal would have on the highway. At the Board meeting objector Mr Midwinter addressed the Board. Members are requested to bring to this meeting a copy of agenda item 5c of the meeting of 6 September 2011. 2. Site Inspection The site inspection took place on Saturday 17 September 2011. Present. Cllr Jane Cribbon (Chair) Cllr Valerie Ashenden (Vice-Chair) Cllr Peter Rayner Cllr Michael Snelling Cllr Robin Theobald Cllr David Turner (also Ward Councillor) Page 6 Apologies: Councillors John Burden, Susan Howes, Caroline Shelton, Richard Smith and Michael Wenban In attendance: Peter Price Principal Planner Rob Bright Senior Development Engineer Mr McCarthy Applicant John Clayton Applicant’s Agent The Chair, Councillor Jane Cribbon, invited introductions and explained the purpose of the site inspection. She asked Mr Price to explain the proposals. Mr Price advised that this is a planning application for a two storey side extension on the south elevation of the existing detached chalet bungalow and for the subdivision of the resultant building to provide 2 x 4 bedroom dwellings including the erection of a front porch and the excavation of part of the front garden to form 2 parking spaces. He advised that the existing building is within the village envelope of Istead Rise and as the Board Members could see it is located on an elevated site.
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