San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1915 Special Libraries, 1910s 2-1-1915 Special Libraries, February 1915 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1915 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, February 1915" (1915). Special Libraries, 1915. Book 2. http://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1915/2 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1910s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1915 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Special Libraries PUBLISHED BY THE EXECUTIVE BOARD SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION Montllls exccpt July al~dAugust President, Vlce-Prcsldcnt, Secretary-Treasurer, Ec11Lorlal nnd 1'11hlIcal1on Omce, Indiana Bureau Cl~iranceB. Lester, Wisconsin Legislative Ref- of Leglslallve Ii~formntion,lndlanapol~s, Ind. elence Library ; hInrlan R. Glenn, Amerlcnn 3uhscrlptlnns, 03 nload alrect, Bouton. Mass Rankers' Associatwn, Ncw Yorlc Clty. Entercd nt the Puatufflce at Ir~dlanapol~s,Ind, hItknamng IEdltor of Spccial L~brar~es.-John A. as second-class mat ler. Ln~p,Bureau of Leglslnt~veInformallon. In- Subscription.. ... .52.00 a year (10 numbers) dlanapolls, Ind. Single copies .....................25 cents- hwstant IEdltor. Rtl~elClclancl, Eureuu of Leg- PresldcnL .................... .ll 1-1. Johr~ston Islat~veInfor~natlon, Indian:ipol~s, Ind. pzau of Rail way Eco~iomics, \Yashlng ton, U. G. Vice-Pl'esldent .......... .E!~znbeth V. Dobbins Arnerican 'hlcpl10tlc nnd lclegrngh Co., New P N. Morton, TJnltcd Cns Improvement Co., Yorlc Clty. Pl~~larlelglila Secrclary-Trensurcr.. ......... Guy E. Mnrlon Library. Arthur D. Llltle, Inc., 93 Bronrl TT. H B. Mcycr, L~brnryof Conqress. slreet. Boston, Mass D. N. I-lancly. Insural~ceL~hrary Assoclatlon. Minimum Train Crews and Maximum Length of Trains Legislation in the United States Conip~ledby the T,lbrary of the Bureau of Railway Economics, Washington, D. C. GENERAL. (St. Louia railway club. Proceedings, v. 17: 119-35; Sept. 13, 1912) Bureau of railway economics. -4lSo in Publlc service regultrlion, v. 1: The arguments for and against train-crew 701-10; NOV. 1912. legislation. Washington, D. C., October, Full crew laws, p. 127. 1913. 1 11. I., 37 p. 8'. (Its Bulletm no. Effects of train crew legislation. 53) (Railway world, v. 67: 924.28; Nov. 1913) Engineering and contracting [Editorial1 Select list of references on train-crew Pernicious "full crew bills." legislation. (Engineering and contracting, v. 39: 637; (Special libraries, v. 4: 121-25; June, 1913) May 14, 1913) List based on an original compilation, The Full crew bill. A symposium. added to by Division of bibliography, (Mediator, v. 6: 35-37; July, 3913) Library of Congress, and then submitted Full crew folly. to state librarics and legislative refer- 3, ence departments. (Wall street journal, Air. 29, 1912, p. Commercial and financial chronicle [Edi- col. 1) torial] Full crew legislation. Labor unions and the extra crew bills. (Railroad hernld, v. 18: 104; June, 1913) (Commercial and financial chronicle, v. ~oi~rass,J. D. 96: 984-85; Apr. 5, 1913) A plain talk on the real causes for full Culbenson, Charlcs A. &ew agitation Laws relating to the number of men re- (Santa Fe magazine, v. 7' 65-69; Nov. quired on railroad trains. 1913) [Washington, Govt. print. off., 19091 7 p Opposition. to full crew bills develops in the 8". (Goth Cong., 2d sew. Senate. Doc. states. 692) (National business, v. 1, no. 17: 4; Apr. A comvilation of state laws. 30, 1913) Dunn, ~amuei0. Public opposition to safety legislation. Government regulation ol railway opera- (Railroad trainmen, v. 30: 536-40; June tions. 1913) SPECIAL LIBRARIES Railroad herald lEditor!all Bulletin no. 97. "Full crews" and freight rates. Review of labor l~glsltltionof 1911, by (Railroad herald, v. 18: 228-29; Nov. 1914) L. D. Clark. Railroad truinman. Laws of various states relating to labor Better pay wages to live men than pen- enacted since January 1, 1911. sions for dead ones. Summary of laws nassed on full trnln (Railroad trainman, v. 31. 546-55 ; June, crews in 1911, p. 592. 1914) See Index for laws of various states. Colnnlent on the full crew laws of the Referred to below as Dureau labor various statcs Bull. 97. [Editorjall Fagan barks at the full crew laws. Bulletin no. 145. Labor laws ol the Unitod (Ra~lroadtrainman, v. 30: 472; May, 1913) States with decisions of courls relating Railway age gazette I Editorial1 thereto. Washington, 1014. 2 v. 8'. A substitut~for the full crew lam. Sec Index for laws of stales In regard (Railway age gazette, v. 57: 1187; Dec. 25, to suficient crews. 1914) Referred to below as Bureau labor Length of train legislation. Ru11. 145. Saunders, William. Full crew leg~slationopposition. Twenty-~econdannual report of tho Corn- (Railroad trainman, v. 30: 640-41; July, nlissioner of labor. Labor laws of the 1913) United Sl atee. WashingLon, 1908. Special committee on relations of railway See Index for laws of the slnles in re- operation to legislation. gard to train crews lhrougl~1907. [Bulletins in regard to "Full crcw" laws] U. S. Congress, House. Committee on in- Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 39, 55, 57, 61. terstate and forcign commerce. Hearings Bulletin 110 3 (Memorandu~nof reasons before lllc Comn~ittee...on bills affecting why a full crcw law is unnecessary) interstate commerce. I January 1&March repl'interl in U. S. Congress. House. 25, 19101 Washington 1910. 3 508, Hi p. 8". Con~mitteeon interstate and foreign Full crew laws: Statcrn,ent of A. H. commerce. Hearings. 1910. p. 203-33. Smith, representing New York cenlrn.1 lines east of Buffalo, p. 185-03; Letter [Legislelion of the states effecting train of J W. Thoinnu, jr, Nashville, Chat- or switching crews and lnws prescribing tanooga and St. Louis railway, p. 193-94; qualificat~ons for certain employees. Veto message of Governor I-Iughea, Chicago, 19131 37 I). 4". (Its Bulletin June 15, 1907, p. 195-96, 212; Stulemcnt no. 55) of F. C. Rice, Chicago, Burlington dt Partially reprinted in Railway age ga- Quincy R. R. co., p. 196-233; Bullelin no. zette, v. 56: 782, Apr. 3, 1914. Referred 3, Jan. 11, 1910, of Special committ.ee on to below as "Bulletin 55." relatione of railway operation to legis- lation, p. 203-33; Statement of R. A. Summary of replies to inquiry as to addi- Campbell of Southern Pacific railway, tional cost entailed by the proposed p. 234-36; Statement of J. M. Davis, or "Full crew" bill. Chicago, Dec. 31, 1909 Oregon short line, p. 236-38; .T. J. Rar- 6 p. 4'. nett, Lake Shore and hliclllgan Southern Train-crew lnws proving costly. Railroads railway, p. 239-44; &I. J. Reynolds, New again facing the rising cost of labor. Yorlc, New Haven and Hartford railrdad, (Journal of commerce, October 27, 1913, p. 245-47; J. T. Johnson, Centrnl aC p. 1, col. 6) Georgia railway, p. 247-50, 259-60; E, E. Hess, Pennsylvania railroad, 11. 250-50 Train-length bill alarms railroads. Propoaed : law would again greatly increase number A. A. Roe, of Brotherhood of flremen of men employed. Long trains now being and enginemen and Brotherhood of rail- run for economy. road trainmen, p. 1488. (Trade and transportation, v. 15: January This testimony is reprinted in Bulletin 1915, p. 13-14) no. 7 of the Sgecinl rommilteo on 'wln- tions of rallway operation to legisla- U. S. Bureau of Labor. tion. Bulletin no. 85. Review of labor legislation of 1908 and Wall street journal [Editorial] 1909, by L D. Clark. Heading off the annual hold-up. Laws of various states relating to labor (\Val1 street journal, Nov. 20, 1913, p. 1, enacted since January 1, 1908. col. 2) Summary of laws passed on full train ~llefull crew legislation of the states. crews in 1909, p. 471. See Index for laws of various states Short train foolishness. Referred to below aa Bureau labor (Wall street journal, Jan. 8, 1915, p. 1, Bull. 86. col. 2) SPECIAL LIBRARIES 27 Watki ns, Edgar. The opinion was reprinted in Rail- Shippers and carriers of interstate freight. road trainman, v. 26: 693-95; ~ug. Chicago, T. H. Flood and co., 1909. 578 P. 1908, under title: Arkansas full Full crew law is valid, p. 346. crew bill is Cohstitutional. Rewewed in Bureau labor Bull. Alabama. 95, P. 317. 1915. Bills. House 202. Requiring railways Comment: to equip passenger trains with Arlcansas full crew law^ full crcws. (Railway and engineering review, House 201. Full crews for switch v. 47: 1023) engines. "Pull crew" cases belore the Su- House 203. Minimum crew for areme court. freight trains. iRnilway and engineering review, Arizona. v. 30: 1061; Nov. 19, 1910) 1903. Law specifying ~iumberof brakemen. Arkansas and New York full crew Approved March 18, 1903. bills. Acts of 1903, no. 34, Sec. 3, p. 53. (Railroad trainmen's journal, V. Bulletin 55, 11. 14. 24: 650-61; June, 1907) Bureau labor Rull. 148, p. 210. Railroad trainman [EditorialJ Culberson (Senate Doc. 692, Goth United States Supreme court de. Cong., 2d sess.), p. 1. cisions favor railroad em- 1912. Law requ~ring sufficient crews for ployees. trains. Approved May 7, 1912. (Railroad trainman, v. 28: 327-31; Acts of 1912, chap. 16. Apr. 1911) Bulletin 56, p. IS. 1909. Law requiring suflcient crews for Bureau labor Rull. 148, p: 214. trains. Approved May 31, 1909. Arizona, Railway commission. An- Bullet~n55, 1). 14. nual report. 1913, p. 92-93. Burem labor 131111.
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