- .. • Serving the State University of Iowa - Campus and (t~ 612 Iowa City rPhy, Est. 1968 - AP Leoutd Wire. Wirephoto - Five Cents Iowa City. lowo, Wedl'HtSdoy. November 9. 1955 erey --------~--~--------------------------------- e e l . an '1• a es In ·0 ce" * * * * * * * • * * * * , • * * * * • * * * Morg~n, Dvorsky. and Loriq fleeted to City CQune'if P, sfs. Reds4>emand Control All 8L:~d . I· '.Win by ' 2~1 " rgm: Of, nited Germany ~~;::~~~~ In Record (itY·: Vote GENE.A (,4> -Russian Foreign Minister V. M . Molotov slunned All eight annexations propos d II, &I1lI BOYD on the Big Four conference Tuesday night with a thunderous demand Tu 'day's ;lublic measurc:a City manager govern mont lot a solid endorsement from the lJeo­ lor Communist dominance in a United Germany. ballots weNl approved, accordin, pIe of Iowa Cily Tuesday. The Western Allies immediately obtained a recess until today. A to latc retutns Tuesday ni%ht. Even thc propo III to annex a It.came In the form of easy victories for the tbr~ CIty Council French delegation officer said "tomorrow's nueting could be the candldatcs of the pro-mana,er Council-MallllCCl' Association last." strip at land prC\'lously anncxed (CMA) OV[!r those at the Non-Partisan Taxpayer. LealfUc (NPTL). -I "If Molotov maintains hilt po- by CoralviU , wa. ~pJ>rovcd by CMA-men Phj\lp Morgan, Geor,e Dvorsk¥ .nd Louis Loria were silion includln, his statement / Iowa City vuter.:; . The llrl precir.cts reporting, • * * I never behind In' the counllnll- " evcn thoullllh tbll only two pre­ that ~ussia doe~ ... ... , Infend to the 1 t In Ward" and 1st in Wjlrd Chandler Gels submit any othe 1, Indicated fe_qundlng approval cincts the NPTL candidates car­ ried reported early. pro p 0 s a I 50 a or all the nnnf'xotion proposals. CMA, NPTL! C?erman . unltic~ I The clly must prove before II They received 83 per cent of tlon, It IS diffl Johnson COllnty District Court the total vote •. Kentucky Nod cult to see hov judie that It can improve the George Dvorsky Philip Morgan • Louis Loria Men Thank It was I record vote for a city the West coule area's ervlces b!!{ore the Bnnex- CMA Ca.ndidates Elrctcd to City COl/neil election. An unoUiclaJ total of make any agree- I allons will becom!' l~ga1. S,583 · turned out to better the ment or com I A breakdown or the voting in City Voters 19U record of 5.20~. fQr Governor the two wards reporting carly The voters went down the was: CMA NPTL B)' CLAKEN DALE line In approv- LOUISV1LLE, Ky. (JP) - Dern-' On Pl'opo al I. l'CS-402. no-132: Both Council-Manager Asso- Ing the poIiclce ocrat A. B. (Happy) Chandler, Iofficial said.. 2. yes-404, nO-131; 3. yes-383, no- Election Candidates Candidates clatlon (CMA) and the Non- and projecta 01 who served as Kentucky's gover. Bu.t Amerlc~n . 146; 4. yes-107. no-129; 5. yes- Par tis a n Taxpayers LeafUe City M aon a ,e r offiCIals later indicated that de- 38B nO-130 ' 6 yes-401 nO-129' (NPTL) of[(clals exprellied Jrl- Pe\et F. J\oa{l, nor rom 1 0 T ues ay , ' , . , , Retums - · f 935 t 1939 d c titude late Tuesday night for the whose adminis­ I d'! spile the conference's apparenl l 7. ye -397, no-136; 8. y -391,00- , ~ .:.t ' ~ 0'1 OIl ..!2 support thf:Y received In the tratlon was the was e ected to a secon our-year Itallure the Big Four would need 133. by ·c ..0 0 ~ Iowa· City election. central l~\le of term. at least three or rour more meet- About 20 per cent of the n- .9 ~I=Q .t Returns from ! ,486 of Ken- ings to complete the agenda. nexation ballo\$ were rcturncd Precincts ~ ...:l Q U ~ Thomas Farrell Jr., chairman thtl campalcn, tucky's 4,032 preclOcts gave: , . unmarked. or the victorious CMA said' The voters toP-' Chandler 217,63<:; Republican Molotov s sweeping rejection The eight areas voted on Tues- " Probably the ,rea test ' sln'l~ IX!d otf tl)e ,,0Wl­ Edwin R. Den~ey 145,918. at any pla.n to ~nlfy Germany by day were: 1st 'Vard, 1st P" eciuct 15 .7 16 101 114 114 force in this eleetJon has been cl.l ~allotln, by Chandler became a U.S. senator free electlOn~ 10 the foreseeable 1. The platted .re. or tbe u.n- the mass commtlnlcatiQn media. approving el,ht ROAN and then baseball commissioner' future and hIS blunt d mand that nyside addition. Both the radio stations and the land InnexBtlqlll! recommended ht Ward, 2d Precinct 190 llG 112 101 ,. 102 after leaving the governorship. all Germany tallow the Commu- 2. The area whIch Includes ( newspapers have &\ven every by Roln and ' tDe present all- A While only a third of the pre- nlst ~ourse dt the East German Finkblne Park and Stadium 2d Ward, l.st l.'rccinct 245 247 250 143 134 voter a chance to decide ~very Cid !;(>uncll . clncts had reported, Chandler's reg I m e de~ol!shed Western Pork, sur married student hous- issue on its merlts.... GCOl'le Dvorsky, bank teller at margin of 71,714 could not be hopes of concllJatlon. ing units, and the lower nine 2cl \Vard, 2d Precinct 577 567 559 97 100'" 10. Chairman Edward L. O'Connor Uie nut N~t1onlll Ban)c, was the overcome by Denney votes ex- U.S. Sccretary of Stat John holes of the pld Flnkblne golf 01 the NPTL conccdcd the clec- top vote-getter 01 the election. pected from the 8th congressIonal Fosler Dulles lold the conter- course. 3d Ward 201 2.1 217 262 333 274 tlon about 10:80 p.m. He got 2,828, district, a Republican stronghold. ence: 3. The irad between Iowa - Aroused from sleep a short Lee Chopek. tll-eet':metal work- "What Mr. Molotov has said 4th Ward, . 1st PrecirlCt 236 247 260 It. 226 200 time later, O'Connor said that he er, wu tht! NPTL'S: top candl­ seems so serious In terms at the ANNEXATlON- wished to co1\ll'atulate the CMA date. HI! 'i4t 1,818 votes, but * * * dircctive of our heads of govern- (Continued on 1JOgc 6) 41h Ward, 2d Precinct 407 400 413 ,.1 200 119 on its victory and Insure tbat Ilnishell out of the race. Democrat Elected ment and the hopes with which the NPTL would cooperate in The only tJ'i!nd of the election we CaJ'TW here, that J prerer 10 5th Waro. ~st Precinct 402 416 424 24~ 272 251 workln, for better &QVernment seeme<S to be th.t the city man­ In Philadelphia study thc mattcr overnifht be- CIO rOSe. Layoff In Iowa C"y. He said that the Rler pl.n hI!' picked up 8uJ)port tore speaking." 5th Wllrd, 2d Precinct •...•.. 407 400 437 215 310 119 NPTL would remain active. since 1M plln wi. adopted .here PHILADELPHiA (IP) - Demo­ French Foreign Minister An- Pay Vot. In Ohio 1'11 ..... NPTL lIMIlen In a 1950 vote. crat Richardson Di lworth swept "r also wish to thank 1111 of the toine Pinay and British Foreign CLEVELAND (JP) - The C10 T9TALS ........................... .. 2750 2761 2.2. 1522 1111 1561 In 1950, 58 per cent at 5,417 to victory Tuesday night in the Secretary Harold Macmillan shortly after plldnlght conceded 8upporters 9f our orlllnlza1lon," Philadelphia mayoralty race. O'Connor said. voters approved the plan. agreed. it had lost I~ ballot battle In Democrats roUted RepubHcans "The CMA," Farrell .ald, "Is This ~, 63 per cent o[ Western press officers jOintly Ohio over layoff pay. Dere ted 5.568 voters ':pproved ot eandl­ from City Hall In 1951 after 68 announced after the session that was a proposal designed to clear very griteful for the outspoken editorial support which The dales backing th[! system and it,s years of GOP control. the initial allied Impression at the way lor supplemental layoff Anciaux, Citizens' Ross Is Elected Mayor Dilworth, 57, defeated Repub­ Dally Iowan and the Press-Citl­ achievements ot the past four Molotov'S speeCh is that it "tears compensation In the auto indus­ years. licall Thatcher Longstreth, 35, a up" the directive of the summit try and increased state unem- ten have &:Iven our candidates." 1 . Farrell said that althou,h it Is The CMA clUldldates took the political novice. With 1,1 H of the conference last July. ploymeni compelll!ation benellts. Parfy Win Easily ~ ·Of ·t H ht tu·· . lead in the fIr3t returns and were city's 1,512 pollln~ places report­ Imp06slble to exprC6S the CMA's ing, the vote was Dilwo(th Molotov denounced the West's The vote With less than hall In Coralville Vote nIver-51 y elg 5 gratitude to all who bave helped, never in trouple. proposal of last Friday for Ger- the precincts leportlng was 326,177 and Longstreth 228,238. RusselJ M. Ross, SUI political science proteasor, was electcct ma­ two groups can be singled out: The NP'I1.. men carried, as ex­ many's unification by free elec- 565,045 against and 321,188 In yor of University Heights Tuesday, defeaUnl% Kenpeth E. Wessels, pected, the traditionally anll­ \Jons in September, 1956. He Cavor. Ohio's approval would Donald J. Anciawr, Iowa City the CMA candJdates, due. to the head of preventive dentl~lry at SUI. appreciation they have earned. manalet lltst qrerlnct at the first printer, was re-elected mayor of 1 * * -* called it "unreal and dangerous," have completod a requirement Although no major Issuc:a were involved.
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