U niverslty of California SANTA BADBPCA COLL6G6 €L GRUCHO Vol. XXIV SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1944 No. 6 Students Poll Favorites GIFTED PIANIST PERFORMS In Campus Election THURSDAY IN AUDITORIUM Students of Santa Barbara College will be offered the op­ By DORIS HOLT portunity to express their views on current problems and the ''A whirlwind virtuoso and a impending national election through the medium of a campus sensitive poet"—so says Olin poll next Thursday and Friday, sponsored by the International Downes, New Yoyk Times mu­ Relations Club. Polling booths will be located about the campus sic critic, in speaking of Jean­ at strategic points where students ette Sovran, pianist who will may obtain ballots. Members of play in the college auditorium next the club will assist in the voting Thursday evening, October 26. She procedure. All students, regardless Noni Williams is described by the famous Joseph of age, are eligible to cast their Hofmann as a "pianist of distinctly ballot in the poll. superlative qualities." Santa Bar­ Natalie Stewart, chairman of the Takes Honors bara . concert-goers will remember polling committee, stressed the im­ that the gifted musician was pre­ portance of the poll for students. Taking top honors in the annual sented in recital this summer by "This is strictly a non-partisan poll, freshman speech contest, Noni Wil­ Associated Artists, at which time she which, however, must have a suffi­ liams won out over all comers last made a favorable impression with cient number of students participat­ Thursday afternoon with a timely her excellent technique and depth ing to make it representative," she speech on "Delinquency." of interpretation. stated. Other members of the com­ Participants in the final round, Miss Sovran is a brilliant young mittee include Betty Pellet and which took place in the A.W.S. American artist, who, though still Marjorie Anderson. room, were Noni Williams, Pat Ter- in her early twenties, has had much Students will be polled oh the hune, and Dot Simmons. Jim Costy experience. ’ She is a graduate of presidential candidates, President and Sidney Hutchison were the of­ Curtis Institute of Music in Phila­ Franklin D. Roosevelt and Governor ficiating judges. delphia, where she was accepted Thomas E. Dewey of New York; the At the preliminary round, held the as a pupil at the age of nine. previous Tuesday, the three finalists vice presidential candidates, Sena­ She has performed as soloist with were chosen from a group of con­ tor Harry Truman of Missouri and the Philadelphia Orchestra under testants including Armel Kuden, Ray Governor John Bricker of Ohio. Sen­ Leopold Stokowski, in Robin Hood Richart, Gwen Messenger, Harris atorial candidates listed on the bal­ Dell under Alexander Smallens and Seed, and Elsa Aguirre. Judges of lot are Sheridan Downey and Fred­ in the Hollywood Bowl under Rich­ the first round were Marion Ham­ rick Houser; congressional candi­ ard Hageman. She has also to her mond, Dr. A. O. Mitchell, Sidney dates included are.G eorge E. Out- credit three successful appearances Hutchison, and Pat Neeley. land, former faculty member of this last season with the Los Angeles Under the rules of the contest college# and Fred Hart. Philharmonic. each participant drew five speech In addition there will be ques­ topics dealing with current news The Atwater Xent Foundation will tions ' on issues of timely interest events. After a short time allowed present Miss Sovran in her third to all students. They will allow for preparation the contestant then Students Honor Juniors Host Carnegie Hall recital on January the student either two or three spoke for five minutes on the topic 29, after which event she will begin choices in answering. They include of his choice. The subjects were: Halloween Dance a cross-country concert tour. questions such as: Do you think The attractive young artist resides "The Future of China," "Delinquen­ Marines Tuesday Starting their fall activities with we have a better chance to keep in Hollywood, coaching and study­ cy," "Racial Prejudice," "Soldier a flourish, the junior class will hold the peace if we join some kind of ing. with the noted Russian teacher Morale," "Opportunities for Teach­ With Reception a Halloween dance for all student union of nations? Or if we rely on and composer, Michael Kourilsky. ers," 'The United Nations," "Tele­ body members at Montecito Country our own strength? Marines enrolled on campus this Miss Savran's program next Thurs­ vision," "It's a Small World," "Fu­ Club next Friday night from 9 to semester yrill be honored guests at day will include the following The questions, also being used ture of China," "The Golden Rule 12 p.m. an informal faculty-student body "Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue in by the National League of Women Today" and "Clean Up America The dance is a date affair and First." reception to be given next Tuesday D Minor," J. S. Bach; "Songs With­ Voters, deal with the problem of admission will be free to all holders evening in the music hall from 9 out Words, Lost Happiness and postwar trade agreements, employ­ of student body cards. College- International Relations club and to 10:45 p.m . Presto," Mendelssohn; "Sonata in ment, government control of busi­ enrolled Marines and students who published in the November 3 issue Students and faculty will greet B Flat Minor Opus 35," Grave, Dop- ness and prices. bring off-campus guests may obtain of El Gaucho. the servicemen immediately follow­ pio Movimento; Scherzo; Piu Lento; All votes will be tabulated by the guest cards in tHe Dean of Women's ing the Noyes' lecture £n the audi­ March Funebre; and Presto, Chopin. office. Price of the cards is fifty torium. Angie McGarvin, social Miss Savran's second group is chairman, heads a committee mak­ cents. Reno Life Attracts Noted Music for the dance will be pro­ made up of "Elegy in E Flat Minor, ing arrangements for^the affair! Opus 3 No. 1" and "Prelude in G Mrs. McGarvin announced that vided by Doug Hoag's orchestra. The decorations will feature Hal­ Minor, Opus 23 No. 5," Rachmanin­ music for dancing will be provided Santa Barbara Instructor loween, with cornstalks and pump­ off; "Soliloque" and "The Dreadful by the Marine band from the base. kins. Black masks, purchased by Humoresque," Michael Kourilsky; Reno, home of the gay divorcees and slot machines, played Later in the evening refreshments the junior class, will be given all "Nocturne in D Flat Major, Opus 9 will be served. host to Miss Elsie Pond during the summer session while she guests. Punch will be served. No. 2," Scriabin; "Spanish Rhapsody "W e hope to have a large turn­ was busily engaged in teaching, of course. "This dance promises to be one No. 20, Liszt. out at this affair for the Marines. of the biggest events of the year, College students* will be admitted The main object of the excursion was to instruct a psychol­ We want them to feel at home on and we want a big turnout of stu­ free with Associated Student body ogy class and to delve into the wonders of mathematics with campus while they, are taking dents," stated Sam Hixon,' vice-pres­ cards. Reserved seats will be 80 students ranging from IB to 80. The classes here. In order that; they ident of the junior class. "Since cents. General admission is 60 mass of the uneducated in these week-end too," remarked Miss Pond may know us and we may know the dance is a date affair, there cents, and tickets for high school fields was composed of service peo­ with a favorable light in her eyes. them, let's make it a good party," will be no stag-line," he concluded. ?tudents and servicemen are 35 ple and others coming back for re­ Pyramid Lake, Virginia City, and the social chairman concluded. Chaperones for the affair include cents. fresher courses. Topping the group the Nevada Orphans Home also re­ Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Mathews, Dr. in several ways was a student of a quired week-end duty with Miss SENIORS BREAKFAST and Mrs. Harry Glrvetz, and Dr. mere eighty years who was best in Pond approving _ very highly of the AT ABRAHAM HOME William Ellison. the art of poor eyesight but com­ way in which the Nevadans went I. E. Department Seniors tyeld their annual break­ Sam Hixon is in charge, assisted pensated no end for it with the am­ about taking care of their homeless fast at the home of Mrs. Jane Abra­ by Alice Barnes, decorations; Vir­ Holds Meeting bition and enthusiasm to learn. children. "It seemed more like an ham, 1721 Santa Barbara ¡street, ginia London, refreshments; and actual home than an institution," Industrial Education Department Living quarters proved to be at a last Sunday. Betty Osterman, publicity. premium, with Miss Pond finally she said. A big turn-out of class members members met last night in room "aboding” in an apartment in one "I spent a delightful summer with enjoyed good food and a talk by Clarence Phelps, Mr. E. E. Erickson, 216 'em the Mesa campus. of the various fraternity houses. It agreeable weather and snow-capped Mr. Lawrence Chenoweth, class Dr. and Mrs. Charles Jacobs, Mr. President Ray Normandin was in was a fraternity house but occupied mountains making a picturesque sponsor, on "Educational Object­ and Mrs. Lawrence Chenoweth, and charge of the meeting. Members only by women during the summer background of the country, but after ives." Betty Steele, senior social Mrs. Abraham. discussed the page in the annual session. all, there is no place like Santa chairman, was in charge of the Members of the junior class, di­ and plans for coming social events.
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