THE TRAVEL ISSUE LIVINGCHURCH AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY SUPPORTING CATHOLIC ANGLICANISM • FEBRUARY 24. 2008 • S2.50 Young Pilgrims Spiritual Travel for Teenagers . - -- . - . - - ----- - -- l'il5ritt1a5e ls l'ra11i115 Witl1 Vo~r £11esOpett What better place to pralf tl1att tl1e HOLVlAND? Israel had record-breaking year fc American tourism. Mo1 Americans ventured to lsra1 in 2007 than ever recordE in the pa~ U A TODAY/AP ( 1/23/0 Worldwide Pilgrima~ Ministries has se1 thousands of pilgrims 1 the Holy Lani Allow us to arran~ your spiritually renewi journey in tr footsteps of Jesu Pilgrimages that are open to thi general public in 200J TURKEY: May 1 - J Paul 's Missionary Journ ey The Seven Churches of Revelatic TURKEY: May 3 - I The Roots of Faith, Explorir. Visit our website for Christian, Muslim and Jewish Heritat. familiarization pilgrimages for THE HOLY LAND: Sept. J - I clergy & youth leaders and other Walking in the footsteps of Jesz pilgrimage offers: SICILY: Sept. 17 - 2 www.worldwidepilgrimage.com Exploring the ancient and the ne Call toll free for SPAIN: Nov. 6 - J further information: Madrid and Beyor. 800.260.5104 WORLDWIDEP1LGRJMAGE MINISTRIES We organize group pilgrimages to the following destinations: Oberramergau 2010, The Holy Land, Turkey , Greece, Egypt, Jordan, Spai n, Ital y, Germany, England, Scotland, Wales, Russia, France, Ireland , South Africa, Nile Cruises, Cruises in the Steps of Paul www.worldwidepilgrimage.com • 800.260.5104 • email:wwpil3(ii laol.com TI IE THELI VING CHURCHmagazine is published by the Li ving Church Foundation, LIVING CHURCH Inc. The historic mission of the Living Church Foundation is to promote and An independent weekly serving Episcopalians since 1878 support Catholic Anglicanism within the Episcopal Church . avid A. Kalvelage xecuti1•cEditor etty Glatzel eneraf Manager ohn Schuessler '1ct11agi11gEditor teve Waring 1ews Editor 11y Grau raphir Arris/ om Parker d1•ertisi11gManager hais Jackson u{Jillmenl Manager ~enee Weber farketing!Promotio11Director 1ichael O'Loughlin [ ireclor of AssociatedPubl ications ~OARD OF DIRECTORS he Rev. Thomas A. Fraser Riverside, Ill. (President) ·riam K. Stauff Wauwatosa, Wis. (Vice President) Daniel Muth St. Leonard, Md. (Secreta1y) Howard I. Tischler Albuqu erque, N.M. (Tr asurer) The Rt. Rev. Bertram N. Herlong Franklin , Term. Jh e Rev. Jay . James Raleigh, N.C. The Rt. Rev. D. Bruce MacPherson Alexandri a, La. Adam Fr<"ibPrgphoto Richard Mammana, Jr. The newly consecrated Bisho p of Chicago , the Rt. Rev. Jeffrey D. Lee, is hugged by his daughter , Kather ine, as Stamford, Conn. his w ife Lisa looks on. Behind him is the Most Rev. Kathar ine Jefferis Schori , Presiding Bishop [p. 11]. Thomas Riley Vienna, Va. Miss Augusta D. Roddis Features News Marshfield, Wi . 10 Bishop Elected itorial and B11si71essqff,.ices: 5 Young Pilgrims 6 E. Jun eau Avenu Spi1itual travel offers teens life-changing expe1iences. in Rochester lwaukee, WI 53202 -2793 BY HEATHER NEWTON f ailin g add ress: P.O. Box 514036 tr,,Iilwaukee, WI 53203 -3436 Opinion re lephon e: 414-276-5420 14 Spiritual Journe y fax: 414-276-7483 17 Editor's Colunm E-mail: Llc@livingch ur ch.org Through Indochina v.livin gchurch.org BY STEVE N FORD Being Prepared When Asked ... IAN llSC!l lPTS AND PHOTOGRAPIIS: T11E L11- i,,;c;Cmw·H cannot assume rt•spo11s1bili1yror the 18 Editorials eturn of photos or manuscripts. IIE Ll\'IN{i Cm !WH is published every werk , 15 Faith Foundations: Central Florida Depart ur es ated Sunda~•. by t lw Livmg Churth Founcl:.uion, nc., at 816 I::. Juneau Av<'.. Milw aukee. \\ 'I The Sacraments 3202. 19 Reader's Viewpoint erioclicals post::igP paid .i1 r-.li lwaukee, \\'I, Pa1't 3 in a Le1ite1i ncl al additional mailin~ offices. Confused by Gender Language series on basic UBSCRIPTION RATt::S. -542.!\0for one year; BY JOHN G. HARTNE'IT ·G2.00for 18 months: S80.lHJfor two yC'ars. elements of the faith . anaclian1 >0stagl~an aclcUtional S:29.18 per yrar; lexican rate $;j;}.-J2:all other fort'lgtl, $4-127per year. BY HUGH EDSALL 21 Letters Slll.A51r.R : Sendaddress c·li;uigc-s to THELl\1v1 'Hlllll'H.P.O. Box 5140:36. ~hhmuk,~ •. Ill 53'2lJ;J..:.l+J6. Working Together ubscribers. whPn subn1itt111g add rrss changes. lease allow 3-➔ weeks for thange to take effect. HE LIVING HUR H ( ISS O<r24-.j240)is pub­ Onthe Cover hed by THE LIVING Cl !URCH FOl f DATION, OtherDepartments 1C., a non-pr olit organ ization serving the Chur<:h. Carly Wright of All Saints' Church , gifts to 1hr Foundation ar<'tax-deducllble. Atlanta , Ga., finishes a blog entry 4 Sunday's Readings 2008· 111eLiving Church Foundation. Inc . beneath the Iona Abbey while on rights n:.served. No reproduction in wholf' or 1xu1 pilgrimage in Scotland . · 1 be mnclewithout pcnnis.sionof T 11EL l\'L'-:(iC11111«·11. 25 People & Places Number 8 Roh Burlington photo rrnRLJARY 24. 2008 · r1 IL I IVIN G Cl ILJRCI I 3 DEDICATEDTOSTAINED SUNDAY'S READINGS GLASSEXCELLENCE FORMORE TIIAN A CENTURYROHLFS EvangelismFrom A to Z & TIIEPAYNE STIJDIOHAVE BEENCREATING 'I have sent you to reap' ( John 4:37) & CONSERVING STAINEDGLASS TheThird Sunday in Lent(Year A), Feb,24, 2008 WINDOWS BCP:Exod. 17:1-7; Psalm 95 or 95:6-11; Rom. 5:1-11; John 4:5-26 (27-38) 39-42 RCL:Exod. 17:1-7; Psalm 95; Rom. 5:1-11; John 4:5-42 WORLDWIDE. For stories that carry a person's Human frailty, yes; sin, no. FORMORE INFORMATION & LITERATURE PLEASEWRUE, FAX, PHONE OR E-MAIL TO: encounter with Jesus Christ, the Mistaken preconceptions follow woman at the well gets full billing. All right behind. "You all worship in RohlfsStudio Inc. the necessary details are contained in Jerusalem. That's wrong. This moun­ 783 South.3rd. Ave. this compressed narrative. John pres­ tain - this is the place where you MountVernon, NY 10550 ll'll!il!,..11 ents a true conversion. When we are meet God." FAX-914-699-7091 in a similar conversation with an At least there are areas of overlap, 800-969-4106 inquirer, we know what to expect, ever so small. Prophets and worship , O'S 0~ where to go. were familiar territory, but the under­ /m'."'.. ; BE SURETO First there is the water - just plain lying assumptions! And the directions : . ; VISITOUR WEBSITE water. She was thirsty and weary with these pointed to! We must plow in, ~ ~ ~ www.Rohlfstudio.comlugging the jar daily. He offered her though, and meet whatever is there, .,,:;t~.;.;·:·','.. e-mail: [email protected] water. She understood the offer but stay until clarity, and pray for revela­ Traditional•Contemporary • Restorations misunderstood the promise. That's tion. Love perseveres. OK, though, since he piqued her inter­ The conversation goes right to sin, est, showed concern for her life, and not around it. "Go call your husband." ANGLICAN TOURS seemed to know what she needed. "Not your husband? Not even your Celebrates over 25 Years The conversation had begun. fifth? A current live-in." How embar­ of planning Custom Tours for Church A good first step. How wise, how rassing - unless we can speak of the Leaders and their congregations. loving, for us to begin by relating to love of God that "while we were yet our friend, by introducing a topic that sinners, Christ died for us." In that TOURS 2008 immediately gains interest, which is atmosphere, repentance and confes­ Worship and Travel with Sewanee also a channel that takes us deeper. sion rise to the surface. There, in School of Theology. University of the South Then came the misconceptions. waters calm and benign, forgiveness "Can you really give endless water? and assurance are within reach. May 29 - June 9, 2008 How does water live? Besides, you The final chapter returns to the Cathedrals, abbeys, choral evensongs, ancient churches , spectacular countryside and great don't even have a bucket." beginning. We can hear the joy in her fellowship. 2 nights each in Chester. Grasmere , This stage always takes some teas­ voice, we can see the change in her Durham, York and Ely. Travel by coach to places ing out and patience. Most of our demeanor, because she has told her in between. Join us on this pilgrimage to the land n which our Episcopal religious heritage formed , friends live within a worldview from a family and friends whom she has grew and continues. $2699.00 w/o air. kingdom far, far away. They don't found. There is nothing that draws An Anglican in Ireland comprehend miracles, divine love, a Christ's love and power closer to us holy God, much less human sin. than our telling others. October 8 - 17, 2008 Ancient Christian and pre-Christian monuments, whisky distilleries, castles and other historic sites. LookIt Up Worship with our Anglican cousins in Belfast and in Check out the rich young ruler, the blind man healed, and other stories like Armagh. 2 nights each in Athlone area, Derry, these. Some find faith, others leave. Belfast , Boyne Valley and Dublin. $2499.00 w/o air. Forji1rther infimnation on the above tours or to ThinkAbout It inquire about a custom tour/Or your group, contact: Who is a friend for whom I can prepare for a conversation like this one? The Rev. Anne B. Chisham, Director ANGLICAN TOURS 2635 Second Avenue No. 424 NextSunday San Diego, CA 92103 The FourthSunday in Lent(Year A), March2, 2008 [email protected] BCP:1 Sam. 16:1-13; Psalm 23; Eph. 5: (1-7) 8-14; John 9:1-13 (14-27) 28-38 800 438 2403 RCL:1 Sam. 16:1-13; Psalm 23; Eph. 5: 8-14; John 9:1-41 4 THE LIVING CHURCH· FEBRUARY24 .
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