Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-67267-2 - The Resurrection of Ireland: The Sinn Fein Party, 1916-1923 Michael Laffan Index More information Index abstention, from Dáil, 416, 436, 438, 441, 458, arbitration courts, 170, 310–17 464 ard-chomhairle (Sinn Féin governing body), abstention, from Westminster, policy of, 146, 173–4, 231, 343–4, 395 18–19, 74, 87, 416, 438, 458 in 1919: 175–6, 287, 307 discussion of, 205, 207 in party structure, 172 implemented by Parliamentary Party, 1918, question of summoning, 1922, 419, 420 135 and social conflict, 1919, 254, 258 Labour and, 158 and treaty, 363, 365, 367, 371 Plunkett’s adoption of, 85, 88 ard-fheis (Sinn Féin party convention), 172, unease at, 250 175 abstention policy, abandonment of by Sinn 1919: 175, 195–6, 285, 305, 307, 308, 324 Féin, 1998, 460–1 1921: 175, 203, 344–5 abstract images, 215, 217, 252, 455, 463 disappearance of, 1919–21, 287 Adams, Gerry, 457, 458 in party structure, 171–2, 173–4 agrarian unrest, 78, 188, 273, 301, 310, 314–15 ard-fheis, February/May 1922, 175, 239, 370–4, republican courts and, 315–16, 317 378, 418 All-For-Ireland League, 63, 122, 125, 164, adjourned, 373 188 Collins’s speech at, 372 and West Cork by-election, 73–5 de Valera’s speech at, 371–2 Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH), 59, 123, elections for, 365–6, 367, 369 183, 206 opposition to secret ballot at, 370 Andrews, C. S., reconvened, 389 on abstract images, 217 republican majority at, 370–1 IRA dictatorship, acquiescence in, 375 women and, 204, 370 politicians, contempt for, 280 army convention, 1922, 374, 411 on republicans, arrogance of, 1922, 384 army mutiny, 1924, 433 Anglo-Irish War, 1919–21, 266, 271–98, 310, army split, 1922, 364, 374 331, 341, 348–9 Ashe, Thomas, 262, 264 Anglophobia, 35, 75, 137, 214, 351 and Collins, 87 anti-conscription fund, 139–41, 336 death of, 200, 262–3, 269 anti-conscription pledge, 139–40 and East Clare by-election, 108 anti-Semitism, 55, 232–3, 294, 446n and South Longford by-election, 97–8 491 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-67267-2 - The Resurrection of Ireland: The Sinn Fein Party, 1916-1923 Michael Laffan Index More information 492 Index Asquith, H. H., 37, 298 Bonar Law, Andrew, 7, 8, 157, 227 and Easter Rising, aftermath of, 50, 52, 54 on banning Sinn Féin, 1919, 284 and home rule negotiations, 1916, 56–8 and conscription, 142, 145, 150 Aud, the, 38–9 boundary commission, 351, 355, 440–1 Auxiliaries, 292, 332 Brecht, Bertolt, 463 Breen, Dan, 390, 399, 400 Balfour, A. J., 58 chosen by both panels, general election, Barry, Kevin, 221, 278 1922, 389–90 Barry, Tom, 298, 412 defeated, 1922, 406 Barton, Déogréine, 204, 366 on Irish Volunteers and Sinn Féin, 280 Barton, Robert, 163, 220, 349, 363, 405–6 provisional government, trusted by, 392 Bates, Dawson, 339–40 on the republic, 244 Baxter, P. F., 401–3 and Soloheadbeg, 275 Beamish, Richard, 379 Brennan, Patrick, 111, 153 Béaslaí, Piaras, 161, 251, 338 Brennan, Robert, 155, 158 Belfast boycott, 231–2, 288, 318 British policy Birrell, Augustine, 16, 40, 49 conscription, 130, 132–3, 140, 142, 149–50 Black and Tans, 292, 332, 339, 372, 384, 413 counter-attack, 1920, 292 Bloody Sunday, 1920, 289, 294 ‘German plot’ arrests, 142–5 1972: 455 home rule negotiations, 1916, 56–8, 60 Bloom, Leopold, 3, 17 partition, 1921, 333 Blueshirts, 448 repressive measures, 1917–18, 269–70; Blythe, Ernest, 193, 353, 371, 400 1919–20, 271, 284–5, 292 on English language, 235 reprisals, 273–4, 276, 295–6, 297 on Ireland and its people, 218 treaty negotiations, 246–7, 347, 350–1, on moderate nationalists, 243 353 new party, 1922, proposes, 420 Brodrick, Albinia, 192–3 in Reading Jail, 65 Browne, Noel, 451 on self-sacrifice, 216 Brugha, Cathal, 268, 278, 300, 305, 349, 380, Sinn Féin, hostility to, 1922, 421 405 on Sinn Féin and violence, 1913, 33 on army’s independence of government, 369 on social policy, republicans’ need for on army’s right to rule, 382 (1913), 255 and British cabinet, planned assassination on superiority of soldiers, 196 of, 138 Boer War, 12, 35 character of, 138 Boland, Harry, 382, 389, 407 on Collins, 372 and ard-fheis, 1919, 195–6 on consulting the people, 271 death of, 417 death of, 417 and general election, 1918, 154, 155, 158 de Valera on, 348 and ‘German plot’, 144 and fighting men, supremacy of, 1922, 359 honorary secretary, Sinn Féin, 145, 418 forced collections, prohibits, 299 and Labour Party, 1918, 158 and ‘German plot’, 144, 146 and proportional representation, 327 on government authority, 303 vote on treaty, hostility to, 386 and IRB, 282 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-67267-2 - The Resurrection of Ireland: The Sinn Fein Party, 1916-1923 Michael Laffan Index More information Index 493 and Irish Nation League, 86 example of, 8, 13, 139, 454 and Irish Volunteer revival, 267 Casement, Roger, 37, 39, 193 and Mansion House committee, 93 and Howth gun-running, 15 moderates, suspicious of, 86 execution of, 49, 55–6 and oath of allegiance to Dáil and republic, and Ulster Volunteers, 226 245, 282, 356, 411 ‘Castle document’, 38–9 and Parliamentary Party, cooperation with, Catholic Bulletin, 55, 81, 263 1918, 138 Catholic Church and party structure, 173 and conscription crisis, 138–42, 147 and republicanism, 118, 245 hierarchy, and conscription, 139, 141; and and Sinn Féin constitution, 118 general election, 1918, 160–1 and Sinn Féin, unification of, 105 and home rule negotiations, 1916, 59 and treaty negotiations, 348 priests, 91, 149, 198–200, 370 Buckingham Palace conference, 1914, 58 and Sinn Féin, 198–201 Buckley [Ua Buachalla], Donal, 337 Ceannt, Áine, 202, 300 Buckley, Margaret, 449, 452 Ceannt, Eamonn, 33, 43, 235 Burbage, Fr Tom, 55 Censorship, 259–60, 300 Butler, Mary, 21 Chesterton, G. K., 136 Butt, Isaac, 5, 23, 75, 122 Childers, Erskine, 363, 368, 395 by-elections and Collins–de Valera pact, 389 East Cavan (1918), 146–9 defeated, 1922, 405 East Clare (1917), 108–12 on de Valera’s extremism, 1922, 353 East Tyrone (1918), 126–8 execution of, 417 Fermanagh-South Tyrone (1981), 457 and Howth gun-running, 15 Galway (1936), 80, 449 on Ulster, 229–30 Kilkenny city (1917), 112–13 vote on treaty, hostility to, 386 King’s Co. (1918), 146–7 Christian Brothers, 193 North Derry (1919), 309 Churchill, Winston, 271, 388, 398 North Leitrim (1907–8), 25–9, 379 Cinemas, 264 North Roscommon (1917), 77–85 Citizen Army, 44, 157 South Armagh (1918), 122–5 civil war, 1922–3, 218, 434, 435 South Longford (1917), 96–103, 193 cost of, 414–15 South Mayo (1900), 27, 29 course of, 411–17 Waterford city (1918), 125–6 drift towards, 303, 374, 376, 386 West Cork (1916), 73–5 fatalities in, 415–16 in 1917, significance of, 96, 113–16, 187 fears of, 359, 384–5 Byrne, Alfie, 404 Clancy, J. J., 337 Byrne, Joseph, 132 Clancy, Peadar, 108 Clann na Poblachta, 451, 464 Campbell, James, 55, 58 Clarke, Kathleen, 119, 363 Carney, Winifrid, 154 defeated, 1922, 405, 406 Carroll, Lewis, 394 and term ‘Sinn Féin’, 69 Carson, Edward, 7, 9, 32, 51, 62, 133, 145, and Volunteer Dependants’ Fund, 284 67 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-67267-2 - The Resurrection of Ireland: The Sinn Fein Party, 1916-1923 Michael Laffan Index More information 494 Index Clarke, Tom, 9, 268 and North Roscommon by-election, 83, 194 and Easter Rising, 36, 39, 40, 46 and October convention, 1917, 120, 195 execution of, 49 and Paris peace conference, suspicion of, forecast by, 75 251 and IRB, 12–13, 34, 446, 454 and Parliamentary Party, suspicion of class conflict, fear of, 252, 258, 259, 310 cooperation with, 138 Cleary, Thomas Stanislaus, 20 and party structure, 1917, 173 Cohalan, Daniel (bishop of Cork), 139, 141 political skill of, 1922, 373–4 Cole, Walter, 194, 322, 401 president, supreme council, IRB, 282 Collins, Con, 359 and released internees, 66 Collins, Michael, 198, 267, 270, 451, 464–5 and republican police, 317–18 acting president, Dáil, 1920, 290 and republicanism, 98–9, 118, 242, 383 and ard-fheis, 1919, 195–6 on Sinn Féin and Dáil government, 320 and Ashe, Thomas, 87–8, 98 Sinn Féin, 1919, dismissive of, 305 British government’s Northern policy, 1921, and Sinn Féin, distrust of, 86, misjudgement of, 334 and Sinn Féin executive, 106 chairman, provisional government, 360 and South Longford by-election, 96, 98, character of, 98, 417 101 civil war, efforts of to avoid, 411–12 and the squad, 275 on conscription, 133 standing committee, excluded from, 1919, and conscription crisis, 136 174, 280, 283 death of, 417 and treaty, 351, 355 on dogs and poteen, possibility of licensing, Volunteer Dependants’ Fund, secretary of, 330 67, 68 in Frongoch, 65 and Ulster, 228, 334 fundraising by, 319 and Ulster seats, 1918, 161 and general election, 1918, 154, 161, 280, and treaty, 350, 351, 355, 361 383 Collins–de Valera pact, 1922, 387–9, 390, 394, and general election, 1921, 334, 336 407, 420, 426 and general election, 1922, 382–3, 396–8, Collins’s violation of, 398 390, 410 de Valera on, 409 and ‘German plot’, 144, 146 Dillon on, 398 on Griffith, 1917, 87–8 Griffith on, 388 and home rule negotiations, 1916, 61 opposition to, 388 intelligence network of, 37, 144 republicans’ reactions to, 389 on Irish Volunteers and violence, 283–4 result of, 390–1 and jobbery, 321 Sinn Féin, role under, 387, 390 legends concerning, 278 Connolly, James, 157, 214, 252 and local elections, 1920, 325 execution of, 49, 50 Macready, admired by, 278 and Griffith, 17 and Mansion House convention, 91 on Griffith’s Sinn Féin, 254–5 and moderates
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