Birlingham Parish Council Minutes of meeting held on Wednesday 18 July 2018 at Birlingham Village Hall Councillors: Councillor Aston, Fitch, Griffin, New and Yates Present: District Councillor Davis and June Hiden (Clerk) Welcome 1. Apologies for absence Apologies were tendered by Councillor Byrne who was on business abroad. Councillor Allen was due to attend but had been called to an emergency meeting at work. Both apologies were accepted. Apologies were given by the Footpath Warden, Tree Warden and Lengthsman. 2. Declaration of Interest a) Register of Interests: Councillors are reminded of the need to update their register of interests. b) To declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in items on the agenda and their nature. c) To declare any Other Disclosable Interests in items on the agenda and their nature. d) Written requests for the Council to grant a dispensation (S33 of the Localism Act 2011) are to be with the Clerk at least four clear days prior to a meeting. e) Dispensation forms have been received from all Councillors for the term of office ended May 2019, Note: Councillors who have declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, or Other Disclosable Interest which falls within the terms of paragraph 12(4) of the code of conduct, must leave the room for the relevant items. Failure to register or declare a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest may be a criminal offence. Councillor Yates declared an interest in Item 5 for Lower Farm. 3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting The Minutes of the meeting held on 16 May 2018, a copy of which has been circulated to all Councillors, was agreed as a true record and duly signed by the Chairman. Democratic Opening The meeting was adjourned for public question time. No matters arising. 4. Progress Reports a) Footpaths. The Footpath Warden has carried out the following actions: i. Footpath 500 (behind Birlingham Nurseries) - strimmed. ii. Footpath 506 (near village green) - fingerpost cleared. iii. Footpath 510 (The Avenue) - fingerpost cleared. iv. Footpath 511 (Withy Walk) - strimmed and cut-back. Birlingham Parish Council July 2018 v. Footpath 517 (Lower End, opposite Grange Rd) - fingerpost cleared. vi. Footpath 518 (Asham Lane) cut by Parish Councillor. Councillor Yates has cut the track and was thanked for his work. The track was overgrown and debris from flooding made it difficult to cut. It was suggested that the track should be part of a litter pick. vii. Footpath 519 (near Almshouses) - fingerpost cleared. viii. Footpath 520 (other side of Nafford Lock) - strimmed. ix. Footpath 522 (between Nafford Weir and Lock) - strimmed. A finger post at Gravelly Hill needs attention. Clerk will contact the Footpath Warden. The Clerk reported that the Environment Agency have carried out strimming at Nafford on the public rights of way, which allows the Agency any necessary access to the sluice gates and measuring instruments. b) Tree Warden. Nothing to report. c) District Councillor: i) Councillor Davis talked about the New Homes Bonus. The parish still have Bonus on the ‘old system’ but need to be aware of the new system now in place and the protocol that this entails. The Bonus in future will remain with the local authority and any town or parishes will have an opportunity twice a year to put in an application. The focus is on a community legacy; one that is substantial and will be retained for ‘ever and a day’. The protocol can be accessed on Wychavon District Council’s website. ii) £48m in reserves. Investment of 0.67%. iii) Councillor Davis wished everyone a happy summer holiday season. d) County Councillor – not present. e) Clerk - See Appendix 1 Notes from Lengthsman included. 5. Planning a) Current planning applications pending – i. 18/01289/HP - Barn at Lower Farm, Defford Road, Pershore WR10 3BX Minor internal alterations, provision of conservation grade roof lights, enlarged gable end window, French windows and external steps b) Current planning applications approved/refused i. 18/00901/HP - Maryworth Barn, Upper End, Birlingham WR10 3AA Single storey extension to front and rear dwelling Approved – 5 July Parish Council comment: Birlingham Parish Council have no objections to the proposal c) Enforcement – nothing officially reported. 6. Financial Matters a) The Accounts for year end 31 March 2019 i) Bank balance is £5.819.34 as at 29 June 2018. ii) Receipts – £204.00 – Worcestershire County Council Birlingham Parish Council July 2018 iii) Payments agreed: – £108.00 - Birlingham Village Hall – room hire 2018/2019 (cheque 392) £257.60 – Zurich insurance (cheque 393) £204.00 – Lengthsman April (cheque 394) £50.00 Internal audit (Item 13g May 2018) (cheque 395) £212.95 - CALC subscription (Item 13m May 2018) (cheque 396) £90.00 – collect and erect 4 signs (cheque 397) £165.00 - Village Design Statement - Printing of hard backed books (12) quotation held. See Item 7. b) Payments for consideration i. £144.00 – Lengthsman May ii. £96.00 – Lengthsman June iii. £10.00 – CALC training GDPR (as discussed in May 2018 invoice dated 9/7/18) iv. Clerks pay – April, May, June v. Clerks PAYE vi. Clerks expenses The ‘Provisions’ were discussed. It was previously agreed to consolidate the historic items of the Tree Warden and Litter Pick remaining balances £106.66 and £176.00 respectively. These, together with the Election, Plane Tree and Community Fund total £3,782.66 and have already been transferred to the savings account. The savings account balance is £3,783.85 as at 29 June 2018. c) 2017/2018 External Audit i. Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) sent to auditor. ii. Notification of Audit on website and noticeboard until close date of 20 July 2018. Councillor Griffin, Financial Support Officer, will review the spreadsheet following discussion. Initial general thoughts are: - i. The forecast column is superfluous and should be removed. ii. The variance column can remain as this will be helpful when preparing the precept in November. iii. The provisions sheet has been simplified. This also shows how the savings account (No2 bank) balance is made up. iv. To monitor additional expenditure, which has not been precepted, a further schedule will be placed on the provisions sheet showing the effect of these payments on the "projects " balance. Any further thoughts to be given to Councillor Griffin. Councillor Griffin and the Clerk will meet to action further. 7. Hard Back Books – Village Design Statement Approval of payment to printers as Item 6 for 12 books. The idea of the hard copy books was the previous chairman’s who wanted the individuals directly involved with the Village Design Statement to be ‘thanked’ for their work. It was agreed that the Chairman will give a copy of the book and distribute to: • Bryan and Christina Horrocks • Steven Byrne • Ian Yates (also retains proof copy) Birlingham Parish Council July 2018 • Steve Morris • Clerk to the Parish Council for reference • The Hive – Councillor Yates to give additional copy to Mr and Mrs Horrocks who have liaised with Maggi Noke personally at the Hive and ask her to deposit a copy in the Archives. Dan Stafford and Maryanne Dyer will also be asked if they would like a copy. Two spare copies will be kept by Councillor Aston for any church activities, for example the Bulb Festival, and the any other spares with Councillor Yates. 8. General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) The GDPR action plan is being progressed by Councillor Allen. Deferred until the September meeting. 9. Policies Complaints The Complaints procedure was adopted in September 2016. Councillor Allen was due to review this in respect of the GDPR. It was agreed that the Clerk will circulate the policy to all Councillors for review and bring to the September meeting to finalise its status. Handling requests made under the Freedom and Information Act 2000 Should this policy be included in Standing Orders or as separate procedure? Councillor Allen was not available to give an update, but this matter may be something to cover under the GDPR. Dealing with the press/media Councillor Fitch and the Clerk have previously worked on this policy, but it was not formally adopted. It was agreed to adopt the policy for dealing with the press and media. Policy to be circulated to all Councillors. Social media policy Councillor Allen was not available to give an update. Clerk to look at the policy and circulate a draft to all Councillors for review. Bring to the September meeting for any further discussion and adoption. 10. Telephone Kiosk The kiosk ‘refurbishment’ idea is still on going and the Clerk is looking into ideas of sponsorship from a local business. Clerk to continue to action. 11. Village Green – Plane Tree and Ground Works There was much discussion and the Chairman suggested going to the Green to look at the issues being talked about. ❖ Ground works – the Green needs levelling. Can the Green be rotavated? Who can carry out this work? Councillor Fitch to investigate further. ❖ Millennium Bench – re-location and its structure. Can it go around the time capsule? Can another section be added to it if it remains in its present position around the plane tree? Can the bench be dissected? Councillor Fitch to look at the different ideas and discuss with a resident carpenter and handyman. The Tree Warden was in the vicinity at the time and joined the discussion. He is not available currently but was open to suggestions and could assist in a few years with any practical work. Ideas and quotations will be needed. Birlingham Parish Council July 2018 ❖ Plane Tree – assistance with monitoring any necessary works. The Plane tree has a Tree Preservation Order on it. There is a ‘provision’ set up for the tree although the Parish Council does not own it.
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